Learn to read & count | 140 mins of Alphablocks & Numberblocks Level 1 | @LearningBlocks

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[Music] sis ah ah [Music] uh ah so now that we've all sat down what shall we do t cup of tea ah typical so [Music] sorry sagging again hi s hi a hi t hi p just thought i'd pop by and say hi sorry not really in a silly mood today pals we must do something for us terrific top tip be happy not sad ah amazing [Music] super let's play let's party tip top ah apples [Music] popping party streamers [Music] uh [Music] taps [Music] hmm [Music] not me [Music] [Music] oh no no not nice notes i i beg your pardon n no more singing how insulting don't you know who i am i am the most important letter no you're not i am i'm the most intelligent the most interesting no way the most incredible never and you're impossible i shall prove it not likely incredible not really [Music] it's important anne uh um [Music] fun incredible i like being in not bad but what are we in it's a it's a what is it [Music] terrific we're trapped need any help nod i don't think sophie i got us in i can get us out a tin of peas my favorite perfect [Music] [Music] nice a pin perfect for popping impressed i told you i'd get us out no more nasty noises not nice i'm so incredible i'm so important i'm the most intelligent and interesting [Music] a truly terrific tune powerful popping i nice note i'm impressed nearly eh [Music] [Music] mine [Music] no way em me n to me [Music] [Music] your turn in the middle a hmm [Music] yummy run run as fast as you can you can't catch me i'm the gingerbread man come on [Music] did you see the gingerbread man the gingerbread man ah time for you-know-what [Music] magic mat marvelous catch the gingerbread man [Music] i just popped in hold hands [Music] what use is a map terrific ah the gingerbread man stop eating everything i couldn't munch another thing run [Music] except maybe oh [Music] [Music] no not playing [Music] yes i can run run as fast as you can [Music] oh i can't eat any more [Music] perfect time to pop off run run as fast as you can you can't catch us [Music] i'm doing a difficult drum solo not disturbing you am i dude if you hit something it would be louder definitely duck for cover d's on drums disappointing don't despair d will delight you with a dazzling display of daring drumming doobly disappointing what's the trouble don't have any drums deflated we'll soon sort that out [Music] i've sat down now i just need some drums let's do it let's do it yes i want to i want to pee first please [Music] a pad of paper perfect what have i done i can't play a drawing i need a real drum no problem ah does this look like a drum no definitely not i'll sort this out um [Music] i'm defeated this is a disaster my dreams my destiny turn to dust [Music] [Music] nice noise i like it tip top tapping ten out of ten definitely but let's make it one louder let's take it to eleven d on drums [Music] oh oh [Music] great green grass what have we got here terrific hello g hello oh hello tea oh oh hello pretty oh [Music] good grief oh great guess what's going to grow oh oh [Music] one grew two grew and so did all the rest they grew and they grew and they did not stop until one day the pod went the pod went [Music] oh oh [Music] goodness gracious [Music] goodness where have you been please tell us oh go on terrific tale greetings can you guess what's going to grow next in my garden i want to see i want to see oh i helped i saved your garden dog doggy top disaster oh gee such a pity [Music] gosh great ground for growing pretty plants it's it's incredible my gorgeous green garden isn't it [Music] [Music] and i can crack and i'm k and i'm the king of p kicking anyone can do that [Music] can i kick it yes you can cool crumbs sorry let's have a competition you mean a football match okay come on man good day i'm going to grow some grass [Music] okay [Music] you need a football kit cool [Music] kid [Music] all right kid you keep score kick off [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah cat [Music] game you're cool as a cucumber and you're okay can we play again okay can i be on your side okay we rock who wants to play c k uh ck versus the sock you kick off [Music] we need a trick to block the socks [Music] [Music] can i kick it [Music] yes you can [Music] [Music] [Music] adorable so uh affectionate uh [Music] [Music] total tomfoolery the cat is making me sneeze oh i'm allergic to cats [Music] i have to get away from the cat [Music] uh oh help me get away no way problem i've popped in to help alpha blocks help keep the cat away ah hmm [Music] again [Music] [Music] away i've got to get away tap [Music] ah cream [Music] up ah a disguise cool calling all cats calling for cats [Music] [Music] a bit of peace [Music] time for my tea the cat's asleep oh good day here doggy doggy gorgeous oh [Applause] oh [Music] pop off [Music] my dad's gone i can't sing i'm not i without my dot whatever will i do oh i'm staying here i can't be seen without my dot oh uh help oh find your dot i'll be okay all by myself and don't come back until you find my dart oh [Music] disaster terrible [Music] [Applause] we'll help you find dry stocks [Music] a fish tank no i'm not i want my dot oh oh oh oh [Music] [Applause] i don't belong in a cot i want my dot oh [Music] o oh [Music] i arrest you for popping my dot no i don't i want my dirt stop that don't oh [Music] uh [Music] hmm excellent ever so sorry p i didn't see you there perfectly okay no problem everyone ready [Music] [Music] naughty pen every time come back here stop escaping any one foot oh stop it's getting away no where's it gone not in there [Music] there it's escaped tricky little pen we need a trap everyone join me [Music] good dog get the pen go on go for the pen [Music] [Music] no need to try something else great the peg is going to get it pesky pen try again [Music] [Music] leave this to be you never escape go get it [Music] horrific too bad leave this to eat [Music] this could be trouble [Music] [Laughter] nice great thanks pen you're not so bad after all what's so funny [Music] [Music] oh are you okay you perhaps we should hold hands oh oh please oh oh pretty please oh is that it oh [Music] pretty unbelievable peaceful unfair perfect unhappy cool crumbs can i help oh [Music] oh you perhaps if i pop over here as well oh [Music] i just want to get back down oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we'll save you you [Music] seven plus one equals eight you ate it i didn't eat it m ate it silly m now we'll never know the answer eight i know you ate it no i didn't it was m eight no hmm [Music] try not to look down where's the mark oh that was the best where's pee problem ah let's do it again oh [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] what are you doing oh being a pirate me hearties ready to play great definitely oh i am excellent alpha blocks all aboard all aboard the ship where is the ship we're going to make one [Music] there's our ship [Music] and there's our mast now all we need is a sail [Music] right then who's ready for some pirate fun ropes away this is the life rough season rain ready about it's going to be a rough ride great exciting incredible don't despair roll with the waves me hearties roll with the waves treasure island i reckon right then you you and you [Music] [Music] ready for treasure mateys riches rubies jewels the size of rocks great [Music] island real treasure incredible is it it's treasure than treasure it's a picnic delicious oh yes this has been the best day ever great sunset delightful that's not a sunset red [Music] that's a sunset red sky at night pirates delights hello h exercising excellent exercise everyone come on and um [Music] hello [Music] hello n egg only an egg hey hen you forgot your egg hey egg come back here hurry hurry oh i just popped in pretty [Music] hooray i'm just like ken hey what's happening [Music] [Music] oh oh oh [Music] [Music] humpty dumpty sat on a wall humpty dumpty had a great hmm don't eat the wool [Music] back in a moment hurry em [Music] all the king's men and all the king's horses wait goodness me oh hug [Music] hug [Laughter] huh oh buh [Music] welcome the dramatic the daring d on drums [Music] we're the best brother dynamite sister oh one two three [Music] like this think it should be dramatic like this don't think i can play like that [Music] drum and bass [Music] that is so bad dreadful brother i could bash out a better beat behind my back [Music] and now blocks let's boogie who wants to play [Music] disappointing swoopsies [Music] [Music] disaster i'll oh this [Music] [Applause] brother sister sorry i broke you drumstick don't worry i've got dozens i like playing with you you're brilliant and i like playing with you you're dazzling [Music] did [Music] the dramatic the dazzling [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i was hoping to find a place for a nice cup of tea or somewhere with a view oh perhaps i can help oh now we're stuck i'm not i'm [Music] what's going on i know i know i what is it then don't know oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh two stuck on top of a mountain oh i know i know tea is stuck on top of a mountain tea needs help vowels to the rescue we need to help but how i know i know you don't though do you i do i do you do don't you you oh me oh brilliant a bug go on save tea little bug i know i know is it my turn great maybe there's something useful inside i said i know what to do go on then show us i will go big brilliant go get on top a terrific view a truly terrific view [Music] foreign [Music] what fun that was fabulous funny are you two okay [Music] fantastic an alien [Music] i'm f what's your name red this is fred he's my new friend yeah cup of tea mr freddy where are you from fred er what [Music] think he wants to go home but he's trapped [Music] i could fly fred home it'll be fun forward to the farthest frontiers of space they're too heavy [Music] oh gosh i failed but i'm not finished fear not fred we'll find a way to get you home oh [Music] you're not fred no but you could do a favor for me [Music] fantastic fred there you two are we saw you were having trouble so we brought the troops fellow alpha blocks we must find a way to help our friend fred fly home now follow me oh [Music] i can help finn [Music] oh fish finn can't help us fly ah fun [Music] fantastic five four three two one [Music] mummy [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like someone's ready for bed [Music] time to go to [Music] where are all the other vowels please a is nearly asleep ah no i'm not listen now time for bed oh so unfair who wants to go to sleep not me i do i do no i don't lovely letters let's settle down brush your teeth pajamas ah you can't catch me i can i can good grief what's going on [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't go to sleep without my teddy d held hands and said [Music] one little alpha block went off to bed [Music] one fell off and bumped her head actually i just can't get to sleep and ap held hands and said nap one more alpha block went off to bed two little alpha blocks jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head [Music] oh [Music] one more alpha block went off to bed [Music] one little alpha block jumping on the bed that's me [Music] i fell off and bumped my head i i need a kiss good night l-i-p-s held hands and said uh oops lips [Music] night night alpha blocks [Music] look a bathtub lovely lovely [Music] lonely lovely [Music] well well what a thrill [Music] i want to come in can i can i go i feel ill look do we have spots i do i do a bath just what i need after a run [Music] don't want dolly to get wet [Music] [Music] splish splash it would be super to have someone to splash with yes excuse me everyone i'd better tidy that up [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] funny there is no tap [Music] what happened well we could heal made a hill told fell found a dog hit a bell made a mess give it a miss had a kiss saw that stuff turned it off but well that oh [Music] wow this is new where am i who am i [Music] one one bird hello bird [Music] one one tree hello tree one wonderful world and one moon one aunt hello aunt one bee [Music] when you count to one you can't go wrong counting up to one never takes that long there's no need to linger when you're counting on one finger as soon as you've begun you're done [Music] one one bird one one [Music] one sun in the [Music] chimpanzee [Music] [Music] you can count on me i'm one in a million i'm one of a kind oh one one blanket one one basket [Music] one [Music] me did you see that hello oh it could be lonely if i'm the only one it might not be much fun being a single figure but i'm number one and i'm winning i'm only at the beginning i could be the start of something maybe i could be part of something bigger one mountain to climb one step at a time one horse in this race one smile on my face one that's one ball one box one boat one gate one gold one goose one goat one cat one cow one cake one cat one whole one hop one and one cat one wonderful beautiful view as far as the eye can see one wonderful world one wonderful world one wonderful world and one me i am one that was fun [Music] one sun hello sun oh today is going to be one wonderful day what shall i do oh one one tennis racket one one ball one one net oh anyone for tennis [Music] anyone someone no one oh there's not much fun with one one one me [Music] one one whatever this is oh a friend hello friend i am so happy to meet you it's fun here but i've been all on my own and now here you are [Music] oh [Music] oh you're real i won so am i i'm another one hey i've got one amazing idea tennis is more fun with one and another one this is fun how do i hit the ball back we've only got one racket we need to run really really quickly watch [Music] oh it's working one plus one equals two i am too how do you do ah where did they go oh one and another one turned into me they didn't go anywhere one two two blocks i'd like to meet one it would be nice to be her friend two equals one plus one wow did you see that let's do it again one plus one equals two i am two how do you do oh oh equals one plus one pleased to meet you too too oh [Music] already tried that we need another idea god one [Music] let's do it one plus one equals two [Music] i and two how do you do oh i see i'm one and you're too i'm me and you're you together at last there's so much the pair of us can do like what like play tennis together come on one two one two one two one two one two one one tennis racket one two two tennis racquets oh and one one ball i'll go first one two one two see it's twice as much fun with two one one one oh [Music] what's missing this time two will know two one two one two look what i found watch one two one two one two try ozon no two these are for you they belong together like friends like friends [Music] one two two socks and one two two shoes my very own pair of shoes one two one two hey these are dancing shoes one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two everything is better with two the two of us together just me and you imagine all the crazy things we can do with two [Music] one you can do the hot one with two you can learn a new step and be spun right round like a spinning top with two you can ride a tandem but you haven't seen [Music] is with two the two of us together just me and you imagine all the crazy things we can do with two with two one two one [Music] it's more fun to kick a football when there's someone there to kick it back to you with one the swings are boring cause you need a friend to give you a push [Music] [Music] two shoes you can use to dance like i did one wing tied with string no point even trying one two two wings [Music] [Music] you'll never be fed [Music] [Music] the two of us together just me and you imagine all [Music] me and me and you and all the things we can do with two best friend best friend one two what shall we do one two what shall we do one ooh want to see a trick yes tap me two are you okay [Music] [Laughter] your turn i can hope [Music] look at me [Music] juggling balls one two three thank you thank you thank you where did they go where's my audience one two [Music] three i like what i see take it away three three minus one equals two my audience that's better ready one two three [Music] one two three everybody look at me i'm here to entertain you with this funky melody i'll juggle three balls in the air and everyone will cheer everything's gonna be all right now number three is here i'm in tic-tac-toe i'm in ready steady go you're gonna have to count to three to get three in a row you'll find me hiding everywhere you look in a fairy tale or a picture book one two three can't you see i'm in three blind mice three wishes would be nice you should try and try and try again that's my advice goldilocks came across three bears one two three three balls three chairs three beds upstairs i'm here i'm there i'm everywhere one two three everybody look at me i'm here to entertain you with this funky melody i'll pull three rabbits from a hat and made them disappear everything's gonna be all right now number three is here three meals a day three sections in a place beginning middle and an end that's the only way everybody better give three cheers three little pigs three musketeers one two three can you see i can keep three balls up in the air one two three sometimes they get stuck up there one two three the juggling ball can be your guides one two three to make a shape that's got three sides one two three do you know what it is bingo it's a triangle one two three everybody look at me i'm here to entertain you with this punky melody with jokes and jigs are throwing shapes i take it off again oh no i've broken three everything's gonna be all right i'm three and i'm still here and if you want to dance with me you'll have to learn to count two three one two three one two three one two three one two three can't [Music] everybody look at me i'm here to entertain you with this funky melody gonna be all right now number three one one apple yum [Music] wow one two one two one two one two oh one two two apples [Music] we're both too small but three look at me i'm big enough to reach you see one two three three apples three you see come with me the show is just beginning let me show you a trick or two or three [Music] let's play find the apple round round so which cup is the apple under one you're the first number so you can have first guess this one the first cup [Music] oh bad luck one two you're the second number so you get second go this know that oh my turn three is the third number and one two three third time looking yay well done one apple gone two apples left let's play again let's play apple [Music] now try and swap [Music] hey i can't reach i'm smaller than you i'm the smallest number then i'm bound to win i'm bigger than you oops silly me i'm bigger than one but smaller than three [Music] i'm bigger than both of you i'm the biggest i guess i win again one two three two apples gone one apple left surprise is the final game the biggest surprise wins [Music] one plus two equals three one two three three equals two plus one wow but how oh very good you win best surprise three one two three oh for me oh that was the last one oh [Music] don't be sad don't be mad be glad one two three three trees with one two three three apples one for me and two for me [Music] i've already eaten three i don't mind sharing thank you too now for my final trick let's make these apples vanish one two three [Laughter] look at the clouds they look close enough to touch one two three three square [Music] we clouds to get rid of that one one two three no one's bigger than me three plus one equals four i am four i'm one more one two three four four clowns hello friend follow me one two one two one two one two look another four hello four let's make some friends four minus one equals three this won't do i'm three i want to be the biggest hmm i can be shorter that's much better [Music] oh yeah i am square what's so special about being square i'm so glad you asked i'm four have you met me before i'm one more than three that's plain to see three plus one equals me i'm four [Music] one two three four four legs on a table one two three four four legs make the table more stable oh one two three four four wheels and a go-cart without four wheels you know go go cart we'll be stuck right back at the start i'm four have you met me before [Music] i'm one more [Music] i can be low and long i can be shaped like the letter l but the shape of all is stout and strong what shape a business can you tell i like to be square i like to see square things everywhere anywhere there's a square you'll find me right there square one two three four four sides one two three four four corners square is the shape for me it has four corners and four sides to see when four blocks make one big block i'm solid as a rock i like to be square i like to see square things everywhere anywhere there's a square you'll find me right there square window square door square tiles on a square floor square sun square clouds square flowers and square cows the square holes for square feet square chickens and square eggs square is where it's at of that you can be sure anywhere there's a square you'll find four i'm four have you met me before on one more than three [Music] [Music] that was one awful sound we need someone to sort us out a shooting star make a wish [Music] it's star-shaped who's it for me well i'm the biggest [Music] five [Music] i am five i feel so alive one two three four five five points oh a star is born i don't know about that check look high five high five [Music] minus one equals four [Music] members in my band one two three four five five fingers on one hand one two three four five five points [Music] a shooting star [Music] [Music] to the side [Music] fish fingers on a plate [Music] you know that you've [Music] i'm number arrived and i hope you understand whenever you need help together [Music] one two three four five five [Music] to the [Music] five trees five flowers five bees one two three four five everybody do the big hand drive one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five five strings and five rockets going up to space one two three four five [Music] [Music] you know that you've arrived let me tell you a story once upon a time there were three little pigs the first little pig had a house with one room look it has one one window and one one tree in the garden and there's a number one on the door [Music] but then came ha ha [Music] little pig little pig let me in let me in not by the hair on my chin then i'll hook and i'll puff and i'll blow your house in shame it's so square luckily the second little pig had a house with two rooms room for two me and you it has one two two windows and one two two trees in the garden and there's a number two on the door t for two and two for tea little peg little peg let me in let me in not by the two hairs on my chinny chin then i'll hook and i'll puff and i'll blow your house in [Music] oops sorry two one plus one equals two no worries it's only pretend but where will we live now luckily the third little pig oh that's me busy busy busy had a house with three rooms and one two three three windows and one two three three turrets and one two three three flags and yes yes thank you three [Music] room for a couple more sure two's company and three's a party keeping that big bad square out is as easy as one two three little pig little pig let me in let me in not by the three hairs on my chinny chin chin then i'll hoof and i'll puff and i'll blow your house in what but how just a little huff hey one plus one plus one equals three see how you like it stop this isn't how the story goes the third heist doesn't get blown down oh one plus one plus one plus one equals four where will the three little pigs live now there's always my house it's got four rooms with one two three four four windows and one two three four four trees and a number four on the door one two three four that deserves a big hand once upon a time there were three little pigs and a big bad square and they all lived happily ever after [Applause] hi team high five so are we all here um well how can we tell i know just the thing ready steady sing one two three four five that sounds right what should we do today walk in the sunshine run through the forest climb to the top of a tree pretend to be pirates discover a whole new world let's have an adventure [Music] everybody ready off we go off we go on a big adventure we don't know what the day will bring off [Music] [Music] that doesn't sound right we're in the wrong order i know what to do diddly diddly do smallest that way biggest this way go i'm bigger than you i'm smaller than [Music] i'm bigger than you i'm smaller than you diddly do are we all in order did we all do the right thing ready daddy sing one two three four five that sounds right and off we go again off we go on a big adventure [Music] someone's missing who can it be let's see i'm one start with me i'm two i come after one i'm four come after three three three missing where is three [Music] [Applause] i know what to do [Music] i'm bigger than you i'm smaller than you diddly diddly doo i'm [Music] [Laughter] did we all do the right thing ready set [Music] look one two two sailing boats we can be pirates [Music] [Applause] one two three [Music] i'm better than you i'm smaller than you [Music] [Music] are we all in order did we all do the right thing ready steady one two three four five that sounds right and only go again [Music] [Music] one two three [Music] look what i've got oh one two three four four flat jacks perfect for our picnic oh better let them cool now one two three four four plates just enough for one two three three flat jacks what's gone missing but how this might just be the work of the flop jack snuckler [Music] what's a flapjack snaffler it's a strange creature made of three blocks with three eyes to spy out flapjacks three arms to grab flat jacks and three mouths to eat flapjacks and there must be one hiding nearby because there are only one two three four four flapjacks oh oh phew no flapjack snafflers here that's what it wants you to think it's trying to trick us i think we're safe really let's see one two four three three flapjacks and struck again [Music] something's coming how many eyes has it got one two three how many arms one two three are how many blocks one two three four five three blocks [Applause] no it's five what are you all doing fine you haven't got three eyes or three arms whoever told you i did i counted them three do you know how to count yes of course look at a bunch of things say some numbers and then say three because three's the best number there's a little more to it than that three there are some rules you have to follow rule one kind everything once try coining those flapjacks that can help to put them in a line and to point at them one at a time to make sure you don't miss any or count the same one twice one two three four very good four three two one wait one that's not right rule two say the numbers in the right order if you don't say them in the right order one two three four you won't know how many there are oh one two three four three pop jacks oh we've been here before rule three the last number is how many when you reach the last thing to count the last number you say tells you how many there are try you can do one one two three four that's the last flapjack so four flapjacks that's right i did it i know how to count one count everything once two say the numbers in the right order three the last number is how many three rules of counting let's celebrate with flapjacks i've packed an extra one for you five hang on it's gone [Music] one two [Music] and again one two [Music] your turn i can't do it what was that that way come on [Music] looks familiar [Music] are we playing musical statues a painting a painting before i knew that but what's that [Music] welcome welcome welcome to my new stumpline park don't you mean trampoline no no no look [Music] oh that was fun oh is that you of course it is one two three four four blocks see [Music] whatever way round i go i'm still four [Music] not bad you think that's amazing you should see fine five did you make all these shapes i did so the more blocks you have the more shapes you can make [Music] oh my turn [Music] of course they're not really different shapes are they it's the same shape one going up and one going across oh that's still better than me look that's all one shape not very exciting compared to all of you now now now you're forgetting something one two three hey one plus one plus one plus one equals four every big shape is made up of lots of little ones so lots of little ones can make every big shape look what i can do [Music] and just in time for the grand finale what better way to celebrate opening my new park than with fireworks may i present the sky at night [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] you see one when we all work together the sky's the limit [Applause] [Music] i'm number one and this is fun i've got one block to play with and the whole of me is one one one two one two i'm number two how do you do i've got two blocks to play with and the whole of me is two one two one is a part of me and one is a part of me and the whole of me is two watch i'm one and i'm a part i'm one and i'm a and the part of me is two one two three one two three one two three i'm number three now look at me i'm the best of all the number blocks as you can plainly see the whole of me is amazing the hold of me so great the whole amazing sorry three try again okay [Music] i'm number three yes look at me [Music] [Music] and number three now look at me i've got three blocks to play with and the whole of me is three one two three one is a part of me and two is a part of me and the whole of me is three i'm two and i'm a pot i'm one and i'm a part [Music] [Applause] a number four and i am sure that i've got four blocks to play with and the whole of me is four one two three four one is a part of me and three is a part of me and the whole of me is for [Music] now here is something more that's different from before two is a part of me and two is a part of me and the whole of me is for what i'm two and i'm a pot i'm two and i'm a pot and a whole of me is four i'm a square look four sides four corners i'm number five i am alive i've got five blocks to play with and the whole of me is five one two three four five one as a part of me and four is a part of me and the whole of me is five watch i'm four and i'm a part [Music] is a part of me and three is a part of [Music] is [Music] is one is a part of me and one is a part of me one is a part of me and two is a part of me one is a part of me and three it's a part of me two is a part of me and two is a part of me one is a part of me and four is a part of me two is a part of me and three is a part of me [Music] night [Music] tired tired tired it's time for bad for but i'm not tired stay up go to bed make up your own mind stay up or sleep stay up or sleep we can't do both he can no no no no not you two for equals two plus two you look like me i look like you we're two of a kind where the terrible twos yeah two lots of two feathers it's tickling time [Music] one two one two tickle tickle [Music] [Laughter] and we're both here to say [Music] that was fun let's do it again [Music] he reminds me of someone amigo god think who [Music] oh another me doubler another another me him me and you are too many twos so it's time for the both of us to say [Music] two twos two ones it's time to be gone [Music] [Music] looks like fun let's try it too just as soon as we both say [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we've only one thing to say [Music] everyone pull yourselves together one one block one plus one equals two two is two ones one plus one plus one equals three three is three ones one plus one plus one plus one equals four four is four ones where are they where did those terrible twos go don't look at me what all of the noise the terrible twos are playing tricks on us and where are they now i have to be square with you they made me what did they make you you can tell us for no they made me well i made them then they made me ah i'm the terrible twos on four lots of one but i'm also two lots of two [Laughter] [Music] [Music] one two three four five here i am [Music] my little birds have just arrived one two three four five what a wonderful day to be alive a giant rock in front of me hi can i get where i need to be what is that silly sucking sign oh look a hole so big and ruined why is it there i do not know i wonder what is down below five minus one equals four oh no no no no no my head fell off where did it go i am one that was fun [Music] now i am foreign here i am i have one here i am what a wonderful day to be alive five is gone where did she go is she alright i do not know is she here is she there i must keep looking everywhere what is that silly sucking sound a giant hole so big and round why is it there i do not know i wonder what is down below four minus one equals three oh no oh no oh no oh no my head fell off where did it go i am one that was fun one plus one equals two [Music] what is happening to me i just got bigger did you see now i am three and here i am now i am two and here i am it's a wonderful day to be alive but where are we i was five then four then three someone has played a trick on me i do not mind at all you see three is who i want to be what is that silly sound a giant oh so big around why is it there i do not know i wonder what is down below three minus one equals two oh no i know i know i know my head fell off where did it go that was fun two plus one equals three [Music] what is happening to me i just got bigger did you see [Music] now i am two and here i am i wonder where the ones will go i think i got it now i know every time we get one smaller someone else is getting taller what is that silly sucking sound a giant holster vegan round why is it there i do not know i wonder what is down below two minus one equals one oh no [Music] what is happening to me [Music] having lots of fun now i know where five will be four is waiting there for me what is that silly sucking sound that giant hole in the room why is it there i think i know i think i'll know what's down below what is happening to me i just got bigger did you see [Applause] [Music] what a wonderful [Music] here i am and i am five what a wonderful way to arrive one two three four five what a brilliant amazing fantastic terrific and wonderful day to be alive one two three four five [Music] [Laughter] hey found you there she is hello we're playing hide and seek want to join in i would absolutely love to you hide and i seek you won't find us sat there oh will i no no i'm good at this game i'll find you and point you out one two three four five ready or not here i get on with my book [Music] hey right behind me where can i hide i know behind you four oops four plus one equals five ready or not here i come thank you for coming to one five minus one equals four [Music] look five said she'd point us out five was right here wow [Music] master of disguise [Music] two plus three equals five [Music] ready or not here i be find you to find you three five minus three equals two [Music] ah a pair of pointing prince five found us but [Music] how did you told you i was good no my turn to hide [Music] one two three four ready here we go [Music] [Music] found you amazing can you find me again [Music] five minus four equals one [Music] come [Music] on plus two equals five found you fantastic can you find me again [Music] minus two equals three [Music] thank you you stars you all find me [Applause] [Music] can you teach us to be as good at hide and seek as you sure i can try this [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Learning Blocks
Views: 5,010,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alphablocks, number blocks, alpha blocks, numberblocks, phonics, phonics for kids, learn to read, learn to count, learn to read for kids, numberblocks full episodes, alphablocks full episodes, numberblocks castle, numberblocks episodes, alphablocks episodes, cbeebies, phonics song, alphablocks for kids, reading for kids, counting for kids, jolly phonics, numbers for kids, Math for Kindergarten, Math for Preschool, Reading for Kindergarten
Id: 8kyagqXnJFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 1sec (8521 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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