Learn to Play: Star Wars Rebellion

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[Music] hey guys thanks for driving for the episode to learn to play games my name is Lance and today we're gonna take a look at Star Wars rebellion this is a newer game by Fantasy Flight Games it is a 1 to 2 player game that could be also played as a team of two to four players it takes roughly two to four hours to play and it is a competitive game so the players are all working against each other to meet their objectives first and be the overall winners unless you're playing a team game which obviously then one team is competing against the other team so in the game itself this is the galactic scale game where you're going you have all these different planets on the board and the imperial player is going through and playing all their big units like their Death Star and star destroyers and super star destroyers trying to take these planets over and figure out where the rebel base is hidden now on the rebel side they have a lot of their iconic units as well as such as the Mon Calamari cruiser in the Corvettes and the air Spears for the ground units and all these different things really really cool and so basically the rebel player is basically trying to keep the role base hidden as well as he's basically trying to buy time he the each round the time marker is going to move up on the track and if he is able to meet certain things for his objective cards and he's going to move the rebel marker down as well and if those markers ever meets then the role player has won the game and so it's a race against time for the imperial player to find their own base in to destroy it so that being said my opinions this game so far are really good I've had a lot of fun with this one Fantasy Flight has done an amazing job with this license every single Star Wars game so far that I've had a chance to play from Fantasy Flight has been really well done the rule sets are very very good and they just really bring out the flavor of Star Wars and you really feel like you're part of the action you jump in and you're doing these different things depending upon the game that you've chosen to play so I definitely recommend pretty much any fantasy flight game for starwars but this is a really good one if you like those big galactic scale games and like I said you're gonna have a lot of Thema in this one the players are going to be going on missions to sabotage one another or gain control over different planets by a diplomatic means combat missions and all kinds of different things in grand combat between space units and ground units and all these different things and they've done a really good job of mixing that together in making a quality game so other than that's the other big thing that I really like about this is the way that the rules are set up obviously the first thing I'm not a big fan of the the - rules - rule books which is something the Fantasy Flight has done for a while they like splitting the rule books into a basic playbook where it it teaches you how to play with without all the heavy rules which could be helpful and then they have a rules reference book that basically goes into everything and really gives you all the different things obviously I would love to just see a complete rule book with all the stuff included they could do a separate rule book with with the learn to play stuff but I would really like a fully comprehensive rule book where the rules reference does that but it doesn't give you all the examples and stuff like that there's not as many pictures and things to guide you just my own personal preference but like I said other than that the rule set itself is is very good it's it has a lot of tactical capabilities and gives you a lot of options but it doesn't make it too complex the game itself is fairly easy to teach and as you guys will see after you've played a couple rounds you'll probably get a good idea of how the game plays now it's gonna take a game or two for you to figure out all the little intimacy's and and different things that you guys are capable of doing and then you're really gonna start seeing the tactical aspects of the game come out as both players at that point are pretty familiar with the game they pretty much have a good idea of what they need to do and how to achieve it so then it's really getting into your your opponent's head and trying to figure out all the different things that they can they're trying to do to get so that's what I really like there's a lot of depth to this game without a lotta complexity which is a great game so let's go ahead and head to the table and I'll teach you guys how to play there are two different sets of dice included in Star Wars rebellion and both of these sets have exactly the same icons on them the only difference is their color which is only going to matter during combat which we're going to cover a little bit later when we cover combat so each dice will have one side that will have the dual lightsabers will have two hits one direct hit and there'll be two blank sides on each dice and the dice that are included in the game are the maximum number of dice that you can have so during a mission the maximum number dice you can enroll is 10 dice and during combat you can have a maximum of 5 red and 5 black as we'll we'll cover this more later here we have the action decks there will be one for the rebels and one for the Imperials at the beginning of the game you're going to separate the action decks into the cards that'll have the recruitment icon in the bottom corner and so those that do not which are the starting action cards if you're playing a basic game then you can go ahead and return the starting action cards to the box both for the rebels and the Imperials if you're playing an advanced game then go ahead and shuffle both of these decks up separately and deal to rebel cards to the rebel player into car imperial cards the imperial player other than that then each of the action decks is going to be placed on the side of the player board and during the recruitment step which we're gonna cover a little bit later each player is going to draw two of these cards and select one to keep each of these cards is going to have the cards name at the top and then what phase they can use that card the effects of the card and which leader or leaders can use the Carter must be present in order for that card to be used and we're going to go into that a little bit more later as well the probe deck will have one card for every system in the game except for chorus ons from here then each card is going to have the name of the planet on the top the image of the planet and then this icon over here is only going to be used in the advanced game during setup which there will be a number of cards that will have the Imperial symbol and rebel symbol and those will help determine where the players are going to deploy during that time and then we have a map that shows where this planet is located on the where the highlighted section is for quick and easy reference both the ruble in imperial players have mission decks so let's go ahead and look at how these are set up at the beginning of the game so the rebel player will grab their mission deck and separate the for starting mission cards that'll have the little looped arrow at the bottom these are sabotage rapid mobilization infiltration and build alliance these cards will be added to the players hands the rest of the cards will be shuffled up and placed on the players dashboard in the message section as you guys will see later then we'll look at a breakdown of these cards so at the top of the card is the name of the card as well as the minimum number of skill icons of that skill which there are four different skills you have spec ops logistics Intel and diplomacy then you at the bottom of the card is the different effects of that card and whether it is an attempt or a resolve effect which we're gonna cover a little bit more later on during resolving missions and then like I said each of these cards is gonna have a minimum requirement on it so let's look at the leaders real quick and outline how that works so Princess Leia here has a number of skill icons on her token here for Intel diplomacy and spec ops so those are the only missions she can go on she cannot go on logistical missions and again you must have the number of icons that are shown on the mission from there then each leaders also some of the leaders are going to have icons at the bottom here for tactics cards so if they're in a combat they can draw a number of space tactic cards and ground tactic cards it's for the imperial player you'll separate their starting cards which are gather Intel capture rebel operative research and development and rule by fear these will be their starting cards in their hands from there the rest of the mission cards can be separated into two decks the project's deck which will have the little star icon at the bottom of each card that is for the project's deck that deck will be shuffled up and placed on the game board in the project section then the rest of the mission cards again will be shuffled up and placed on the imperial players dashboard as you guys will see later the rebel player will be using an objective deck the objective cards will have a listing of when they can be used so this one can only be used at the start of the refresh phase and then there is going to be a certain set of conditions that the rebel player must meet in order to play the card if he's met those conditions then he will gain a number of mutation points equal to the number in the corner here in the news card we'll have a name at the beginning of the game that you're going to break this into three different decks stages 1 2 & 3 you'll shuffle each of those stages separately and then stack the stages stages 2 will go on 3 and stage 1 will go on top of 2 so let's go ahead and take a look at that we'll have separate these there's stage 1 stage 2 and stage 3 so shuffling up stage 3 stage 2 and stage 1 and then once this deck is shuffled completely it'll go in the top corner on the objective spots 4 on the game board moving over to the players dash boards now we have the imperial player in the rebel players dash boards and they basically work the same way each dashboard is going to give a breakdown of the units that the player has access to when they're going to be built as you guys will see on the game board and their attack stats so we have the number of attack dice they throw when they attack so these tie fighter will throw one black dice and no red dice and they're their number of hit points that they have as well as the color of the hits their acquired to hit them so the Thai fighter will go down with black hits where such as the Star Destroyer will take red hits from red dice to bring them down but we're going to cover this more in combat as there's other circumstances there as well and then each unit if it can transport other units will have a number in its space such as the assault cruiser or Star Destroyer where the TIE fighter it has a chain which means that another unit must transport it for it to move as the as the ground units have that as well then you'll notice for the Imperial player that you have these card pictures which means that in order to build these units you'll have to have project cards that it will allow you to do so and you'll see that a little bit more later as well moving over to the rebel player the only difference that they have with theirs is that they have a couple of ground structures as opposed to ground units and these will be built the same way and they will have special abilities that are going to be active on those planets but now with the ground structures they cannot be moved once they are built that is where they will stay they can't be transported with transport units and then let's cover setup real quick so basic setup is going to be that each player is going to receive their four leaders so the rebel player has their four and the imperial player will have their four then each player is going to receive their action deck as described already how you can set those up they will receive their mission decks and then each player will get their starting hands of mission cards as we already outlined from here ready to move over to the board and see how that set up before moving into setup I just want to cover the features of the game board real quick so first off the game board itself has broken into eight different sectors and each sector is going to be separated by these orange lines that go around it each sector is also going to comprise four different planets so our middle one here has Dan smear Mandalore Kashyyyk and Malastare and that is one sector now there's other features as well you'll notice these big orange blotches on the board now these spaces cannot be passed through by units so units on Yavin cannot pass through this zone to make it to Dantooine and same for dan tween it cannot pass through to go to Yavin and there's going to be a number of those on the board there are two different types of planets on the game board the first the majority of the planets is going to be a populous planet which is going to have a space for a loyalty marker to be placed and is also going to have production icons for the different types of units that planet can produce when a unit does produce units those units are going to go into product and they build Q based on the number that is on the side here then we also have remote planets which do not have any of those things listed they can still be landed on and players can still fight over them and the rebel base could still be on there so the imperial player is going to want to check those as well but they don't grant any bonuses to any players with board setup you have two options there is the basic or version and then there's the advanced version I'm gonna go ahead and take you guys through the base version but basically the only difference with the advanced version is instead of doing the basic setup you would go ahead and grab the probe deck and reveal planets on the probe deck until you come up with five Imperial planets and three rebel planets once you have done that those will be the planets the players will deploy on for the imperial player the first two are going to be the subjugated planets where you'll place a subjugation token on them and the last three planets will be Imperial loyal planets from there then the players will receive the amount of units that are listed in the rulebook and they will be able to deploy them on the planets of their that they've gotten this game so well do the Nats with the basic setup you're gonna come over here and place the time token on the number one space and the reputation token or the rebellion symbol on the number fourteen space then you're gonna go ahead and place out the objectives deck as we already outlined how to set that up for the rebel player and the project's deck down here for the imperial player then the players can go ahead and deploy their units so with us being playing the basic game all the units are outlines on the back of the rulebook from here ready to have the rebel player choose his location for his secret base so head and grow go ahead and grab the probe deck remove all of the cards for the planets that the imperial player is on from there then the rebel player can go through the deck and choose one of the planets that he wants to have his secret role base on so let's go ahead and say we have a row base on Endor so that card is going to be flipped over and placed in the location spots over here underneath the board the rest of the probe deck can be shuffled back up so that there's no particular order in it and the players don't know how it looks and then it'll kill Oh in the probe location so the last thing we need to do before starting the game for the rebel player he's going to draw the top card of the objective deck and he's going to keep all these cards hidden from the imperial player and then each player is going to draw the top two cards of their mission deck so each player will start the game with six mission cards the first phase in round is the assignment phase during this phase the rebel player will start by assigning any of his leaders to missions when he is finished then the imperial player will do the same to do this a player places a mission card from his hands face down and then chooses one or two of his leaders from the pool and places them on top of it so let's go and take a look at example of this we have the rebel player here he's gonna go ahead and go through his mission cards and see if there's any he wants to play so let's go ahead and start with sabotage this requires a leader they have at least one SpecOps skill icon on their board so we have Leia the general between those two so let's go ahead and have the general go on it and then let's go ahead and do build Alliance this is a diplomacy one and again so we could have all three of our characters go on this one so let's go ahead and do mine we'll go with Princess Leia we'll send her on it and I think that'll do it for that from there then we'll head over to the imperial player to select his and let's see we'll have the imperial player do rule by fear and he's gonna have the emperor palpatine go on that one and i think that'll be it the second phase in round is the command phase starting with the role player the players are going to alternate going back and forth taking turns during the players turn they can perform one of two actions which is to activate a system or to reveal a mission they can also choose to pass but once a player passes they're not allowed to activate any other systems or reveal any mission cards that they still might have hidden but they can still react to other players by opposing their missions if they have any leaders left in their pool so let's go and take a look at these each of these actions in more depth the first next you want to look at is to activate a system to do this you're going to use one of the leaders from your pool and you're going to place it into any system making it the active system when a system is activated he's going to move any of his ships from adjacent systems to the activated one now a player cannot move units out of a system that already contains one of his faction leaders and if a faction leader does not have tactics value then it cannot activate a system each ship can bring a number of ground units equal to its transport value and for the imperial player if he wishes to move ties they are also going to need to be transported after moving unit into a system that contains opposing units the player must resolve a combat which we're going to cover a little bit later and then for the imperial player if after the imperial player moves ground units to a system the role player must declare whether or not the rebel bases in that system if it is then he's going to flip over his probe card face up and place all the units from the rebel base space onto that system from there then they're going to go ahead and resolve a combat let's go and take a look at example of this now so we have a rebel player here and we want to move on to now Hutta so we're gonna go ahead and grab one of our rebel leaders that has a tactics value which are the little numbers in the bottom corners and we'll move him there and this will activate this system which means we can move any rebel units from any of the adjacent systems onto that system well our first two don't have any rebel units but our third one does so we're going to move the rebel transport which will let us move up to four ground units if we want to we're just going to move to those guys and we'll move the white wing now since we have a rebel leader there if we deserves to put another rebel leader here we could not move any of these units from this system as it already has a rebel leader in it the other option players have is an action performed during the command phase is to reveal a mission to reveal a mission the player chooses a facedown mission card that one of his leaders is assigned to in flips it face-up if the card instructs an attempt to resolve the player must declare the system in which he is attempting the mission then he's going to place his leader in the cleared system if this mission is attempted or resolved in the role based space then the leader is placed in the rebel base space and nots the system where the role base is if the card is listed as a resolve then the card's ability is automatic and cannot be opposed if the card lists and attempts only performed if the mission succeeds which automatically happens unless it is opposed so let's go ahead and take a look at example this we're going to go ahead and say that we're going to move over to the imperial player now since we've already seen the robear players do their turn the road the imperial player only has one card that is hidden so we're going to go ahead and reveal that card which is rule by fear and this card says an attempt in any populist system that contains imperial units if successful gain one loyalty in this system so we're going to go ahead and place our leader in a system that the the imperial player has troops in so we're gonna go ahead and go into Mandalore as he has troops in that system and if he gains loyalty then that system will be loyal to him at this point since the imperial player has chosen a mission with the temps in its his opponents has a chance to send one leader from his leader pool to oppose that mission so a role player can choose to sends a leader from the earlier pool so they're gonna send Mon Mothma to Mandalore to try to oppose this mission at this point then both players are gonna count up all the symbols that match the symbol that is needed for the mission which fear by 8-hour rule by fear is a diplomatic mission so we're going to count up the number of diplomatic symbols on all of our leaders combines from each faction so the rebel player could potentially have morally in here if other missions have been attempted in this system prior and the same for the imperial player so both of our players have three so we're gonna go ahead and roll three dice for each player it doesn't matter the color of the dice for this one so we're gonna go ahead and say that the imperial players roll in black and our rebel players rolling red at this point that we're gonna count up all the symbols so hits and direct hits are gonna count as one and light sabers are gonna count as two so our imperial player had rolled three two our rebel Blair only rolling one so with that if the player attempting a mission rolls more successes he proceeds and to carry out to these successful results of the mission if he rolls equal to or fewer than the mission fails and he cannot perform the cards ability so since our imperial player succeeded he gets to gain one loyalty in this system which will add a Imperial marker to that system since it's a neutral system and it's no longer subjugated regardless of success or fail if the player is resolving a starting mission card it's going to be returned to his hands so we have the half circle the bottom for starting mission cards and any other card is simply going to be discarded after use the one other thing I want to go over real quick are some of the mission cards are going to have a picture of a certain character in the left corner as shown here so with retrieved the plans it shows a picture of Darth Vader so if he is in is the leader that is going on this mission when rolling dice you're going to add two successes to dice rolls for Vader otherwise any other imperial player can go on this mission it just won't add those extra bonuses and this applies to both the imperial players and the role players for their missions and then it'll kick back over to the rebel player to again choose to either activate a system or reveal one of his cards this will continue going back and forth between players until one or both players have either completed all of these things they want to do and they're out of leaders or one or both players have pasts when a player passes they cannot activate or reveal any more missions or activate any systems but if they still have leaders in their pool they can still oppose missions of the other player but each player must choose in action each turn so if a player doesn't want to choose an action they have to pass during setup you're going to detective cards into their respective Zechs which is the ground tactics cards and the space tactic cards each of these decks is going to be comprised of a number of different cards that will benefit the players certain certain ways during combat at the beginning of the combat as you guys will see later you're going to draw a number of these tactic cards based on the leader you're using and each one of these cards is going to give you different effects such as rerolls you can spend your special dice to activate different abilities use them to block damage and one other thing I want to cover is two particular cards you have dig in and outmaneuver these cards say you're going to discard one ground tactics card from your hands to block up to 2 damage and this one works the same way for space battles now I was able to ask the developer on this one because this one threw me a little bit when you use these cards you must discard a separate card as well as this card to be able to use it so you have it off to use two cards in order to activate its ability when a player moves units to a system that contains his opponent's units a combat is going to be resolved in a combat will only be resolved if both players have units in the same theater which there are two theaters space and ground so let's go and look an example of this we're going to go ahead and say the role players term and he's gonna place one of his leaders in this system here from there then he can move any units from any adjacent systems to that system so let's go ahead and start a battle he's gonna know how to move all of his spaceships over and then he's going to move his ground units and again we need enough transportation to move all of our ground units so we have a transport that'll give us for a Corvette will give us two and the cruiser give us four so we have plenty of room for all of our guys from here then the if a player does not have a leader with tactics values in the system he may take one the air from his pool and add it to the system you're gonna start with the current player first and he must decide if he is adding a leader before his opponent does as our Robo player already has a leader it'll go over to the imperial player who's gonna throw Darth Vader in there to help out and then after adding leaders starting with the current player each player may use a start of combat action card if they choose which our players don't have any right now then we're gonna move on to drawing tactic cards so each player is going to draw space and ground tactic cards according to the leaders value if a player has multiple leaders in a system only use the highest value from each bar for each of the values and then the players only draw tactic cards in space or ground or both if players have units in these areas the current player draws first and then the other player so our own player will be the first one to draw and his leader is to ground in one space tactic card so we've got these two four grounds and concentrate fire for space and then Darth Vader will get two for space so he's got critical hits and outmaneuver and then we he also has three for grounds so concentrate fire unstoppable assault and escape plan and normally our players are going to keep these hidden but I'm showing these face up so you guys can see what we have but like I said normally these are kept hidden the next combat step is the combat round itself players are going to resolve a combat round in which each unit performs one attack we're going to start with a space battle so the current player is going to tack with all of his ships followed by the other player doing the same this is only done if both players have ships in the system so let's go ahead and do that so we're gonna go ahead and start with the rebel player so we're gonna gather up his dice so he has 2x wings which the X wings are gonna give him one black dice apiece and he has two Y wings which are going to give him two red dice the transport does not provide any any dice for attacking then we have the Corvette which is going to give us one black and one red and finally the cruiser is going to give us one black and two red we're gonna go ahead and give these a roll alright so not too bad we got a couple lightsabers couple of direct hits this is a cracked one so we roll that a couple more hits and then we're going to resolve so during this phase then we can play any of our tactic cards that match the theater that we're in so we we use space tactic cards for this and then we can also spends our lightsaber icons to either draw additional tactic cards or activate tactic cards that require you to spend a set of lightsabers so first off let's go ahead and do some concentrate fire this will allow us to reroll up to two of our dice so let's go and reroll these two alright we got a couple more hits and then we're gonna go ahead and let's go ahead and spend one of our lightsaber dice to draw another tactic card in in this theater so this says take it down deal two damage to one ship and this one requires us to spend a lightsaber dice so let's go ahead and do that we'll spend the lightsaber dice to do that we're gonna spend it to do it on to the Star Destroyer then we have a couple of direct hits so these can be played on any ship as direct hits will bypass what a shipper is required so for example with the transport here it can only be hit with red dice same with the Corvette and the cruiser so in our situation here the carrier and the Star Destroyer must have red dice except for direct hits which will allow that a player to assign them to any ship so we're going to go ahead and assign these to the Star Destroyer as well and then we're gonna go ahead and assign two hits to the cruiser and let's go ahead and switch up one of these four we'll put one on each of the two TIE fighters then our Imperial player can play any of his cards that he has if he has any blocking cards so it says discard one space tactic card from your hands to block up to two damage so with this card he has to discard one other card and that card to block up to two damage so he's gonna go ahead and do that and that will block two damage so he's gonna take these two away from his Star Destroyer then we're gonna go ahead and remove units so these will be added to his area he gets to attack with these units but after that then they'll be destroyed and his Star Destroyer took two damage so then he's gonna go ahead and roll all his dice so with his guys he's gonna he has three tie fighters so he gets three black dice then he has the carrier which is gonna give him one black in one red and finally he has a Star Destroyer which also will give him one black and two red so you got a bunch of lightsabers and one direct hits so let's go ahead and spend some of these to see if we can get some better cards so we have defensive maneuver block one damage that's not going to help us we'll spend another one we have draw two tactic cards from either deck and so let's go ahead and do that we'll spend that to activate that and we'll take one for space which splits us black another damage and one from grounds which lets us do a bombardment so the imperial player did not do very well he's only got one direct hit so he's gonna go ahead and put it on the cruiser which our other player doesn't have any tactic cards left for space so he's gonna take one damage on our Cruiser then let's we'll move into the next step which is a ground battle the current player resolves one attack with all of his ground units followed by the other player again this is only done if both players have ground units which we do so we'll start with our rebel player he has five troopers which are gonna give him five black dice and he has two air speeders which are gonna give him one black and one red dice apiece now we can only roll a maximum of five dice of each color so we're already at our five dice so we can't roll any additional ones they're going to give these a roll all right so we did fairly decent and we've got a couple of symbols so this one will let us deal one damage to two ground units so we're gonna have to save that one spend one to draw another card so this gives us concentrate fire let's is reroll up to two dice we're going to undo that all right so not too bad at all so let's go ahead and spend this one first to activate this card here this lets us do one damage it's up to two ground units so let's go ahead and put one damage on both the 8080 and the a TST then we're gonna go ahead and spend critical hits to do another damage to the atest that'll be its to damage and let's go ahead and spend our two direct hits onto the 8080 and we'll do another one with that and one onto a stormtrooper so then our player can play cards if he has any blocking all right and he does not have any cards that can block so we're just gonna do straight damage so he's gonna lose his a TST he'll lose one trooper and the 88 he also took for damage so that's gonna go down and then our rebel player at that point is going to play one of his objective cards which this one says that you play it during combat play after at least three health worth of imperial units have been destroyed in a combat you're you've instigated so at this point then we're going to move the rebel symbol down one point on the track and then we ready to move into the imperial players ground battle so he has three troopers which you're gonna get him three black dice his a TST gives him one black and one red dat eights he gives him one black and two red and then he'll go ahead and give those a roll not too bad he got one light saber couple direct hits and let's see if he's got any cards it'll help him he does have concentrated fire so he'll do that two reroll two dice no luck and he's gonna spend one universe but one light saber to activate bombardment which deals damage equal to the red attack value of one of your ships which obviously he's going to use the Star Destroyer so it's going to do two damage and he'll go on one of the air speeders for that he's gonna send these two on to the other air speeder and let's go ahead and do one on the troopers and he has one red dice left so he's just gonna place it on another air speeder you can assign more damage than a unit can take and our rebel player doesn't have any cards left so he can't block anything so he's gonna lose both of his airspeed errs and one trooper from that combats alright so at this points then we'll move into the next step which is retreat start with the current player each player can choose to retreat from there then the last step is the next round so if both players still have units in the same theater space or grounds they're going to resolve another round of combat now there's a couple important notes with this if the only remaining rebel ground units are structures and there are still Imperial ground units then the structures are going to be destroyed and if the imperial player only is remaining ship is the Death Star under construction and the rebels still have ships the deaths are under construction will be destroyed the last step in a combat round is the retreat option starting with the current player each player can choose to treat if they want to so I'm going to go through the steps of treating now I've set up a different board with a different example for you guys so this will show the different options so first off with retreating to retreat from combat a player must take one of his leaders from the system and place in an adjacent system that has his units or his loyalty marker if able he cannot retreat to a system that contains his opponent's units or a system that his opponent moved from if he initiated the combat if there is no adjacent systems containing his units or loyalty marker he can retreat through any adjacent system that does not contain units an imperial player cannot retreat if he has a death star or a death star under construction and a player cannot retreat if his opponent does not have any units in the system when retreating mu you must move all ships out of the system the player can choose to leave ground units or ties if it's the imperial player a leader can retreat only if the player is also retrieving units and each player can only retreat once from a combat even if they have multiple leaders so let's go ahead and take a look at example this now like I said we've already initiated a combat in this sector here and we've resolved both a space battle and a ground battle so at this point our leaders can choose whether or not to retreats and our rebel player is getting pounded pretty good in space he's taken some damage already so he is going to choose to retreat so at this point he's gonna move his leader to an adjacent system that either contains his loyalty marker or friendly units so he has a couple choices he'd go to Alderaan with Princess Leia or he can come up here as he has some units up there and regroup with a bunch more of his units so we're gonna go ahead and do that and we're gonna go ahead and move all of the space units because we're required to and he's gonna go ahead and leave his ground units as they're doing fairly decent in the ground battle now that we've resolved the retreat action with our roll player then the imperial player has an option whether or not he wants to retreat if he chooses not to and there are still units within one of the theaters whether it's space or grounds you would move into another round of combats and resolve it so we do still have units in the ground battle so they would resolve another combat and again keep in mind that you would not draw additional tactics cards as that takes place before the combat rounds and then you would continue resolving combat rounds until the combat in the ground has been resolved or that there's no units from both factions in either the space or the grounds so we could resolve another round of combat and then the imperial player could choose okay now it's time to leave if you wanted to in retreat the next round of combat either way you must resolve all of the combat before moving on to the next turn and once the combat has been resolved any remaining units that are still in that sector or whatever that have not been destroyed can remove all of their damage counters and will return back to their full health the funnel phase and around is the Refresh phase so at the start the Refresh phase if the Roma player has an objective card that he would like to play to complete he can do that at this point he can only ever complete one objective card during the combat phase and the Refresh phase each turn from there then each player takes all of his leaders from the game board and returns them to their pool if a leader is still on a mission card returned leader to the pool and the cards to the players hands the one exceptions of this is if the imperial player was able to capture a rebel leader at that points then the role player will not regain that rebel leader so we'll move all of our leaders back to their pools including the leader on the mission card here I'll be returned to the player's hands from there then the each player is going to draw two new mission cards and if he has more than ten mission cards in hands he's gonna discard down to ten cards so then each player will draw two new cards the imperial player will draw two cards from the probe deck he's going to keep these cards secret from the role player so we've drawn Malastare and gavin so at this point we know that the role base is not neither one of these systems so we'll keep these hidden from the Roman player and we'll just put those off to the side the rebel player draws one objective card and adds it to his hands and there's no limits to the number of objective cards that a role player can have and they do not count against his mission hand size limits next we're going to advance the time marker one space and if that space has a recruit or build icon then we're gonna also resolve those now which this base has both so first we're gonna look at the recruit icon and with the recruit icon each player is going to draw two cards from their action deck and then choose one of those to keep and recruit the leader from that card so let's go ahead look at this we had their own player and he's gonna flip over to so he has a choice between wedge Luke or lando calrissian so we're gonna go ahead and take Luke so he's going to be added to our leader pool and then this card will be stored secretly which it has a special ability that can be act debated when listed one time so we're going to keep this and then the other card that we did not select will be placed face down at the very bottom of our action deck and then the imperial player will go ahead and do that same then let's go ahead and handle the build icon so players simultaneously building units each player builds one unit matching each resource icon on his loyal and subjugated systems for subjugated systems only the leftmost resource icon will be built and each player takes these units from the supply and places them on his build queue in the space matching the number to the left of the resource icon so let's go ahead and take a look an example of this I'm going to go ahead and do the imperial player for this one so we're gonna start up here and Kessel and he's going to build one unit according to his sheet which is a stormtrooper and it'll be placed in his queue and the number one slot then moving down we were going to go and do this one which is a a TST and that will also be in the one space and then we have a stormtrooper and a TIE fighter for that one and those will both go into number one going down here to course since we have another stormtrooper in the number one space moving over to our next one we have a TIE fighter and a Star Destroyer that will go into the number three space then for this one this is a subjugated system so we're only going to build a leftmost icon which is a stormtrooper and he'll be placed in two two and finally over here we will get a TIE fighter and an assault carrier and those will be placed in two as well the final step in the Refresh phase is to deploy units starting with the role player each player is going to slide all of their units one space down there built queue any units that slide from the one space onto the board are ready to be deployed so with our Robo player we'll start with him all of his units are going to be moved off and so all of those units will be ready to be deployed then the imperial player will do the same so those units will be deployed and the knees will move down one space each then the players are going to deploy these units into systems that have their loyalty or subject Merkers each player can deploy a maximum of two units in each system the Roma player may build units from and deploy units in the rebel base space and systems that contain an opponent's units or a sabotage marker cannot build units nor can they be have units deployed in them and then after deploying players can begin a new round so let's go and look at an example this will start with the role player who's got a whole bunch of Units so he's gonna go ahead and put two ground units and cuz she's then he has let's go ahead and put a x-wing and a y-wing in the role base space and let's go ahead and throw a couple more ground units back up in nell Hutta where we had our big battle and we'll have to put a couple units in path wanna and finally he'll throw his last unit in the boom then we have the Imperial players gonna go ahead and refortified some his stuff so let's go ahead and throw one there and we'll throw a TIE fighter up here with another ground units and he'll go ahead and put his last couple ground units in those spaces from here ready to start a brand new round the Imperial player will build a play mission cards that will allow them to attempt to capture rebel leaders when captured a leader cannot oppose missions be moved by the rebel player or returns to the rebel leader pool capture leaders do not prevent rebel units from moving out of their system and the imperial player can move a captured leader like any other ground unit and it does not count towards their transport capacity when a mission is attempted against the captured leader that leader will oppose the mission even though it is captured and the imperial player can only have one captured leader so if he captures captures a second one the first one is rescued and when a captured leader is rescued remove its ring and place it in the rebel base so the imperial player say for example he plays a mission to capture rebel operative and Darth Vader is gonna move into Alderaan where he has imperial troops and we have a rebel leader and they go ahead and ends attempts the mission ends the imperial player is successful so he is going to place the captured token on this rebel leader so that'll just go right on to her movement tray and now all of a sudden our Lee our rebel leader is captured to take a closer look at how markers work now so the first one we have is a sabotage marker which the rebel player can place on a system when he completes a certain mission when a sabotage markers on a system neither player can use that system's resource icons to build new units and units cannot be deployed on that system then we're gonna go into loyalty markers so players are gonna mainly gain loyalty in a system by resolving diplomacy missions having loyalty in a system allows the player to use the system's resources to build new units when a player gains one loyalty in a neutral system he is gain he's going to gain control of it and when a player gains loyalty in an enemy system it will become neutral again so if the imperial player game loyalty in this system now then it would revert back to being neutral the one exception to this is Khorasan which is always going to be loyal to the imperial player and cannot gain or lose oil t the final token we have is the subjugation token when there is at least one Imperial ground unit in a system it and it does not have an imperial loyalty marker on its the Emperor or the Empire is going to subjugate that system if at any time there is not Imperial ground troops in a subjugated system move its subjugated marker and it reverts back to either its rebel loyalty or neutral so in this situation if the role player was able to kill that trooper then this would revert back to its neutral standing but if the Robo player had control over it again and it was subjugated and he'd killed that trooper than it would revert back to his standing now the other important thing is that imperial players can use subjugated systems leftmost resource icon to build new units so in situations where a system has multiple icons on here the imperial player can only build the leftmost icon the final thing I want to look at is the Death Star which follows all ship rules plus the Death Star does not have a health value and cannot be assigned or dealt damage the imperial player cannot retreat any of his units if he has a death star or death star under construction in combats and they are space stations not capital ships or structures it's a bill that that star the imperial player is going to need the construct Death Star card which is going to allow them to build a second Death Star when the card is resolved the player places a deaths are under construction in the mission space and places a complete death star on space 3 so it has to be resolved in a remote system so let's go ahead and say that general Tarkin here is going to try to construct the Death Star so he's gonna place a Death Star under construction in indoor space and a completed Death Star in the space in the in the third space the Death Star under construction is a mobile so you cannot move it an infinity allows the player to deploy a Death Star in a system it can only be placed in the Death Star under construction system so if this will somehow a player imperial player is able to move this up and it moves off where he's gonna deploy it he has to place it in that if you can't choose it - place it somewhere else and if the death start under construction is destroyed the Death Star in the queue is also going to be destroyed so the road player is able to destroy our deaths aren't just construction you will also remove the Death Star in the build queue we'll help you guys found that video helpful as always if you guys have any questions or comments leave those in the comment section below and I'll do my best to answer them and if you guys enjoy these videos if you like what I do please considering that like button and subscribing to my channel as it will help me to continue to grow and bring new and exciting games to you guys as always thank you guys so much for taking the time to watch my videos and leave me feedback on them I do really appreciate it and I do take into account everything you guys say to continue to move forward and make the best possible videos for you guys also if you guys are interested swing by my Facebook and Twitter account let me know what you guys are playing what you guys are interested in or if there's games that I should be looking at or games that you guys think that I would like or that I should be covering as I'm only one person I would love to hear from you guys let me know what is on the horizon or anything you guys are playing or things that you guys are interested me covered as always thank you guys so much and I will see you guys later you
Channel: Learn to Play Games
Views: 17,197
Rating: 4.9316239 out of 5
Keywords: board, game, tutorial, boardgame, Star wars, Rebellion, Fantasy flight Games, FFG, dice, cards, rebels, empire, heroes, han solo, war, space, Science fiction, strategy, Star Wars Rebellion, Learn to Play, Learn to Play Games, Corey Konieczka, Area Control, hand management, Miniatures, Luke
Id: KD7fnP2UKbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 50sec (3050 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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