Learn to Paint BUTTERFLY AND FLOWER with Acrylic | Paint and Sip at Home | Step by Step Tutorial

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hi there i'm michelle the painter from berkshire paint and sip and this is paint and sip at home [Music] all right so today we're going to be painting butterfly and flowers and i'm going to be sipping on a little merlot so let's get painting and let's get sipping all right so for the materials today i'm going to be using a stretched and prime 16 by 20 inch canvas if you're painting along with me you can certainly switch up the size but that's what i'm going to be using i'll be using acrylic paint today the colors are titanium white green oxide mars black fire red burnt umber which i'll go brown and deep yellow and of course you could certainly switch up those colors but that's what i'm going to be using today for my tools i'm going to be using a standard number two pencil and i've got three brushes here today i have a half inch wide bristle brush a number 10 round brush and a number three round brush and i'll refer to them as small medium and large as we go through the painting process and of course you can switch those up if you like you're going to need a cup of water for washing your brushes as well as a paper towel for drying your brushes and down below this video i'm going to be providing you with a couple of additional resources for you during the painting process one of them is a link where you could purchase the same exact paint kit that i'm using with the same size canvas the same paints and brushes and all that good stuff even an easel isn't included and then there's also a link where you can download a free image of the final painting so you can print that and use it as a visual reference as you go through the painting process and there's also written step-by-step instructions down there for you as well and that's all we're going to need today all right so for the first step what we're going to do is we're going to outline our butterfly wings we're going to be using our pencil and how i'm going to do this is i'm going to give you a couple of marks to make and then we'll just connect those marks and hopefully by the time we're done we'll have something that resembles a couple of butterfly wings so what i'm going to have you do first is we're just going to be using our pencil you can make a dot in the center of your canvas so what i usually do is kind of eyeball where the center point is from left to right and then eyeball where the center point is from top to bottom and then just make myself a mark and then the next mark that i'm going to make is about halfway if i was to make a diagonal line from the center to this corner right here with you know an imaginary line i'm going to make a dot about halfway between those two markers and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come up diagonal maybe about an inch or two up and through here make myself a third mark and then i'm going to go over to the right over here and make myself another mark maybe about two and a half inches i don't want to go past here this is going to be kind of my guide to make this main butterfly wing so how i'm going to connect these dots is i'm going to be going up a little bit then i'm going to come sloping down i want to keep this almost in a curve kind of manner the whole time i don't want any sharp lines but if when you get down in through here if you start to wiggle it a little bit that's totally fine if your line becomes wobbly that's totally fine um so i'm going to come up a little bit i'll connect it to here and then i'll keep it in kind of a curvature around here hitting these points and then i'm going to come back up to here and still a little bit of a curve so here we go i'm going to start here i'm going to go up a little bit in through here and then i'm going to start to curve it and come down and meet this one in through here and this is where i'm going to make a sharp kind of curve this way and then i'm going to continue on in through here and then up in through here and you can see i'm using like a light sketching kind of um movement with my pencil it doesn't have to be a firm line you can certainly tweak it as you go along and then what i'm going to do is from this marker right in through here we'll consider this to be the corner of the wing i'm going to come just below it make myself another marker and then i'm going to come down maybe about an inch and a half make myself another marker and then i'm going to come over to the right from here just travel travel travel until you're maybe about an inch and a half away from the edge of the can canvas make yourself a mark and then you're going to connect these with a little bit of a curved line in through there curve your corner in through here and then make it hit this one up here this one is almost a straight line you can curve it a little bit but almost a straight line then i'm going to make another mark about a half of an inch away from here so maybe somewhere about here and then i'm going to make myself another mark probably i would say come down about maybe an inch and a half you definitely want it farther than here and in a little bit something like this and this is going to be a big swooping um outer it's the other it's the wing that mimics this one but on the other side of the um of the butterfly and i'm going to connect it right about here but i don't want it to be a jutting out piece i want it to look really natural so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start right about here and i'm going to come down in a similar angle to the first wing and i'm going to come over here like this i'm going to kind of shoot past here a little bit and then i'm going to get it to connect with here with a curved curved line so i shot past those two just so i knew how far down to go and where to stop in through here and you want it you know kind of a similar curve as this but it doesn't have to be exact because it can be at a a different angle and then what i'm going to do is i'm it looks kind of funny right now it doesn't look like a butterfly at all right now so then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come up about a third of the way up this whole area so if i take this and say maybe this is a third and this is a third that's about where i'm gonna come up to here and make myself a mark and then i'm coming way up towards this upper left hand corner of my canvas i'm going to come in about maybe the same distance i came in for this one so maybe about an inch and a half and i'm down maybe let's come down about four inches and make yourself a mark so this is going to be kind of the equivalent of this corner on this big on the wings on this side i'm going to connect this to here and this to here and for the top one i'm going to curve it a little bit and then it comes pretty sw sloping pre not necessarily straight there's a little bit of a curve but you don't want to bring it way out over here so here i go i'm going to take it from here i'm going to go up a little bit and then i'm just going to kind of curve i want it to continue to have a curve the whole time but it can be a slight curve and then i kind of meet it right in through there so now that i've got that now i'm going to make sure i have a little bit of a curve on this corner and then i'm going to bring this down in a kind of a diagonal mark and then i do want a little curve coming out here so you can kind of pull this out and something like that and again yours might end up a little bit different shape than mine obviously because we're just reforming this but and you can bend it twist it and we'll do some you know maybe some adjustments later but that's going to be the outline for our wings we're going to use our big brush for the next step so you can get that out and ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting our background so everything except for your butterfly all black so i'm using my big brush and i'm just going to be using black paint don't worry if it doesn't come out perfect because we're going to be doing a whole nother layer on top of the um the black background this is just in essence kind of giving us a um like a nice base for our i don't know jungley kind of foliage area that we're going to be putting in later and you don't have to worry about going you know having it perfectly up to the edge of your butterfly but definitely get it nice and close and try and get some good coverage around the edges bring it all the way up to your pencil mark and you're going to notice your butterfly will get reshaping a little bit in this step but when we go to paint the actual butterfly itself you can certainly make any kind of little modifications that you want and i use this big brush through this um kind of block in type stage but if you wanted to use a smaller brush around the edges of the butterfly feel free to do so but i know we're going to be doing so many more details that even if i bump into my my butterfly a little bit it's totally okay so again i'm just using my big brush i'm using black paint only i just kind of got some little eraser shavings on my brush but that's okay adds texture to my painting um and you don't have to use any particular brush stroke because again we're going to be going over this entire you know the whole thing again so this is just meant to give you some kind of stable dark um background so everything else that we put on top of it is gonna is gonna pop and and really look super cool so you can use a lot of paint or a little bit of paint whatever works for you is totally fine by me and i'm just going to kind of keep plugging away while i do this i'm really excited to do this butterfly too they're so pretty and they so these we're doing what's called a treat or yeah a tree them right yeah not not there's a couple different kinds of nymphs and this one's the tree nymph um and it's just it's it's they've got like these paper wings to them and they're they're huge they live like in the jungle type area um but i guess they can get to be like nine inches or something they can really become these are really large butterflies and they i guess they're not scared of people either so i've never seen one in person but i i've seen many pictures of them and i think that they're very beautiful butterflies so i'm just kind of finishing this up here and again i'm just using black i do like to paint the edges of my canvas as well so if you want to as you go along you can just paint those edges you can paint it with any color but since we're using black as the background that would be a great like border color to use if you wanted to and once we get done doing this step we are going to switch brushes to our medium brush so once you've got this background on which i almost do um you can put this a large brush away in your water cup and you can get ready for the next step here we go just couple more brush strokes in through here and i like my paint to be kind of um even so when i do get done painting a big area like this i tend to just kind of go back and forth make sure i've painted out any really thick spots and then i'm gonna get ready for the next step all right so what we're doing for the next step is we're going to be painting the base coat for our butterfly wings so i'm going to be using my medium brush and the colors i'm using are brown yellow and white and how i'm going to do this is now so i you probably have guessed that this these two wings are on the outside they're the closest to us and these two wings are on the other side so the butterfly's kind of like tilted as it's going in towards this flower so i'm going to have these two a little bit darker than these two and how i'm going to do this is i'm going to on each wing i'm going to start with a little bit of brown and then i'm not going to wash my brush then i'm going to pick up a little bit of yellow and then i'm going to go to white and i'm going to do like a gradient where it's a little bit darker at the inside or in this area and works its way to being lighter towards the edges of the wings so by doing these two i'm going to do these two first and they're going to just naturally be a little bit darker because we're starting the gradient so much further closer to the edge than we are here so just so you understand how why i'm doing it in this fashion and can understand why these two are going to end up darker and it's okay so i'm going to start with just a teeny tiny bit of brown paint on my brush and i'm going to do this one first and i'm just going to put a little bit of brown paint right up to the edge of that wing oh i wanted to tell you before i start even though i already started um let me just wash my brush hold on i wanted to tell you something make sure your canvas is dry before you do this step because if you bump into some wet black paint around the edges you might pull it into the butterfly it might make a little bit of a mess so just dry it you could take a sip and relax for a minute or take a blow dryer and just blow dry all right so now i'm going to paint again so i'm going to take just a little bit of brown paint i'm going to put it right on the edge right next to that wing i'm going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel but not wash it pick up a tiny bit of yellow paint and get these two to blend in with each other a little bit and then i'm going to work this yellow out further into the butterfly wing i'm going to wipe my brush off of my paper towel and pick up a little bit of white and so what's going to happen now is the white is going to help to get these three colors to kind of blend at this spot and you can go back and just kind of rework it a little bit it's easier to blend it when it's still wet so you can just kind of keep working at it until you get it blended as much as you want and if you put too much paint what you can do is just kind of wait for it to dry and do another coat on it and now i'm just picking up white paint and it's going to get lighter and lighter as i go towards the edges and if you need to back yourself into the previous section feel free to do so and i'm going right up to the edges of the i keep wiping my brush off on my paper towel because i want to make sure it gets lighter and lighter as it comes towards this little tip here and i'm gonna go right around the edge and if you don't have perfect edges um yet don't worry about it we still have lots of design to go on these wings take your time go slow the less paint you use the easier it's going to be to control this this little gradient that you're creating and if you have to you can do a couple of different layers on it whatever you need to do to get it to look um as pretty as you want it to look and now i'm gonna just wipe my brush up on my paper towel because i know i don't have a lot of paint on there repeat this step on the next one so i've got a little bit of brown on my brush and i'm just getting it nice and close and i know that my pencil is is working its way into my paint which i'm okay with that provides me with a nice almost shadowy kind of area i want to make sure i get this little bit of darkness up and through here so you'll be able to see the difference between the two wings and get it nice and down in through here and now i've got i picked up that little bit of yellow and now i'm going to start picking up white without washing my brush and this is going to fade itself into a nice lighter color at the edge of that wing and you could have it a little bit darker if you wanted to if you wanted this to really read as maybe almost a shadowed um like this particular wing is being shadowed by the other one you could certainly go a little bit darker with your brown and your yellow you could at any time just add both of those colors back to your brush and add just a tiny bit more if you don't feel that it's dark enough or you can add it later or leave it as is whatever works for you visually but again i keep wiping my brush off on my paper towel so i can control that gradient and once i you can see it takes me a minute just to get it the way that i want it to once i've got it as blended as i want i'm just going to move right on to the next wing so i like to work my way from things that are further away from me to things that are closer to me so these two were the furthest now i'm going to work on this one and i'll work on the top one last so i'm going to work on this one next just wiping my brush off on my paper towel picking up a little bit of brown so i've got a little bit of brown going in this closest area to um where the body is going to be now i'm going to pick up a tiny bit of yellow get this to blend in with that brown and from what i've seen on these um butterflies this color can kind of travel up this top wing a little bit so i've got a little bit more yellow on my brush just to kind of get that yellow to be represented now i'm picking up white paint and i'm going to get this wing to be nice and light as it's moving towards this edge here i know i still want to have some difference between these two so i don't want it too too white in through here so i just add a little bit more yellow and white to my brush just to make sure i still have a tinge of something in through here and now i'm going to really start to use a lot of white as i go towards the end of that o-wing and then we just have a one more wing left after we get this edge going i slow down around the edges so i can make sure i have a nice clean edge over here but again if i don't get it perfect i'm okay with that because i know we've got a whole bunch of other details that we're going to be doing on it and then i'm just going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel to go and start that last wing and you can see i can go right back into a previous section if i need to or want to now i'm picking up a tiny bit of my brown i'm going to start this little area in through here a teeny bit of brown and then once i've got that area started i'm gonna wipe my brush off on my paper towel pick up a teeny bit of yellow get these two to blend in together and then i'll start picking up that white and you can see i'm going all the way to my pencil marks making sure i've got this nice and kind of blended in and it might take you a little while just to get the the motion going where you can get them to blend as they're drying but once you've got it it's it's it's a pretty fun process and again if you don't get it right off the bat don't worry about it you can keep kind of practicing with it you can keep doing layer upon layer until you get this gradient the way that you want it is the easiest though if if you do something that you don't that you're not totally you know it's not as appealing as you thought it would be just let it dry for a minute that's the easiest way to make corrections if if you have a lot of paint on your brush and you just try and muscle through it and keep painting and painting and painting what's going to happen is you're just going to blend it all in together and it'll be one solid color so the easiest way to go about it is just kind of you know take a breather maybe work on one of the other wings and just wait for that particular wing to dry and then you can come back into it and work on it as much as you want i think i want this to just travel a little bit further in through here and if you want your butterfly to be a different kind of butterfly just have fun doing this it doesn't have to be this specific type of butterfly and then we are going to switch brushes to our big brush for the next step so once you've got this base coat on your butterfly wings you can put your medium brush away take out your large brush and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we are doing our second layer of the background so i'm going to be using my big brush and when we're painting this i want you to just think of out of focus this is like if you were to take a photograph of the butterfly the butterfly is going to be the only thing in focus except for maybe a little batch of flowers right next to it everything else is going to be out of focus so the things that are in the background are more red flowers there's leaves in the background there might be trees in the background so i'm going to be using this black base and i might use more black on my brush but the other colors i'm going to be using are red green brown yellow and black so i'm using all my colors except for white on this stay on this step and how i'm going to start it is i'm going to put a first layer of where i feel that i want these little bunches of flowers to be the in focus and the out of focus so i put red paint on my brush now i know that when this red paint dries or when all of this paint dries because it's got black as a background it's going to get darker and darker as it dries so i'm not going to be too alarmed when i first put it on there if it's really bright because it's going to get darker when it dries and i can also always dull it down later too so i know that i want a big bunch right here where my um where my butterfly's going to be landing so i'm going to put some red paint in through here and i want soft edges to it so as i'm putting this on here i'm going to almost fade it out into the background and you can dot it you can swirl it you can kind of have fun with how how you want it but i'm not doing too large of an area because i'm going to have another bunch of these down here this type of flower grows in these little clusters but there can be small clusters and big clusters so if you have little areas and big areas that works too i might put a couple of lit oops need more paint on my brush a couple of little areas down in through here maybe uh maybe a little bigger area there i'm gonna have a big area over here so again i'm not really concerned about the quantity of paint on my brush but if you feel like you've got a ton or too much paint you just wipe it off on your on your paper towel and again i'm just kind of getting my red areas in to start i think i'm gonna have maybe a little spot up in through here maybe i'll use less paint on my brush or rub it out more so it almost fades into that background a little bit more and again i know it's gonna get darker as it dries so i'm not terribly concerned if it's a little bit bright right now maybe i've got a couple little spots here maybe i've got a little spot over here right alongside my my beautiful butterfly and then once i've got enough of these red spots maybe i like i know what's going to happen with this red when it dries so i'm i get excited when i get first get it on there um so i think maybe i'll have a little spot back here so now that i've got the red area on there i'm not going to wash my brush i'm just going to wipe it on my paper towel when i'm doing these kind of like subtle out of focus things i know that nature's colors kind of overlap each other and work together so i didn't wash my brush i'm just going to pick up green and i know that green and red makes brown so that's a pretty safe color to start with and i'm just going to kind of wipe my brush off on my paper towel just so i don't have too too much and i'm going to do the same thing with some green areas so i can have more of them i can have less of them whatever visually works for you is totally fine you'll work that red off of the brush i feel like i'm going to sneeze so if i do i'm so sorry if you see my nose twitching that's what's happening right now i'm adding a little bit more green in through here maybe i'll have a little bit lighter of an area over here maybe i'm going to have some of the leaves popping out over here and again if you just have too much red on your brush still you might want to wash it and dry it but i don't have too much on my brush so i'm just kind of adding some really neat green spots in here and again you can rub it or you can flick it this is really as it dries gonna translate as just out of focus maybe i'll put a little bit over in through here whenever you feel like you've got too much paint just wipe it off on your paper towel maybe i've got a little bit in through here so my goal on this step is to do a second coat on the entire background so even where you have black areas and you even if you still want them to be black that's totally fine add more black to your brush so i just picked up a little bit of brown maybe i'm going to do some browner areas in a minute i think i'm going to pick up some yellow as well and then i'll probably finish it off with um maybe a little bit of black just to fill in the gaps but i'm just kind of going with it making sure it looks out of focus to me which it definitely does um but and as this red is drying i don't know if you can see it in the video or not but it's definitely getting darker and darker as it dries i know there's going to be some cool leaves in between these flowers this is going to be more my in focus area i'm going to add a tiny bit of yellow to my brush right now just because i know that again this is going to be kind of my focal area so maybe i add the illusion of some leaf petals right now these type of flowers they have they have big leaves which is pretty cool so if you want to add just those little lighter spots in through here with a tiny bit of yellow that's great again we'll be doing another step which is going to enhance all of this later um but now that i've got pretty much everything i've got some light spots and some dark spots i've got my red where i wanted to go i'm just going to touch my brush in black make sure i've covered like i don't have any um areas that have not been hit a second time with paint i've got a little bit of a glare on my canvas right now that's why i'm kind of putting my head in an awkward position but i want to just make sure that i've got all of these areas covered and then once you've got the entire background hit with a second coat of paint what we're going to be doing after i get my head fully in the canvas or in the video what we're going to be doing is we're going to be switching brushes to our small brush so you've got the second coat done you can put your large brush away in your water cup take out your small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are making the black markings on the butterfly wings so i'm going to be using my small brush and i'm going to be using just black paint and a couple of tips for you because we're going to want to make small skinny long lines is you can take your brush and add a tiny bit of water into your paint into the black paint so you make it almost like an ink consistency and then once you have it the consistency you want you don't want it too runny just like ink um once you've got it to that consistency you can take your brush and spin it on the side of your palette and that makes it nice and pointy every time and then my third tip for you is don't push hard when you're painting and if you do and if you make your lines too wide don't worry about it you can always correct it later so what i'm going to do is i am going to work on this big one first because that kind of gives you the construction of the wing um there is kind of like a center area that these veiny things come out of so i'm gonna this is where our body is gonna go later and if you can keep it in your head that all the main veiny parts kind of start here that will help you to kind of build it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go from here and then i'm going to make myself kind of one it doesn't even have to be super straight i don't like to do straight lines on these because when i look at every butterfly they're not perfectly straight lines they're just kind of veiny and chaotic so but they do have some semblance of order to it then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come down just a little bit more and you can almost make like um sketchy lines as opposed to a really firm line so once i've made this one i'm going to come about to the same distance and then i'm going to almost make myself like these little um curvy kind of lines to connect these two something like that now what i'm going to do is i'm going to connect these little points to the edges of my wing with like a curved line so i'm going to come in from here and again just sketchy kind of lines so i've got this and then i'm going to kind of come it with a curve like this i'm going to come with a curve and i'm just kind of giving myself like a road map for the rest of the lines so i've got this it's going to come down to the edge then i'm going to come to this one and then i do the same for these two and you can see i'm just kind of whisping this uh wisping my lines i don't necessarily need a firm line and now that i've kind of got that roadmap now um i've gotta kind of fill in these gaps so they're still kind of coming off of the center so but they don't have to start right here so maybe you've got this one starting in through here maybe there's kind of a broken one in through there maybe this one kind of shoots off of that one maybe there's one that shoots off in through here and that's my starting point now what i've got is i want to give a couple of veins in the center area here so i can kind of think of it like almost like a tree something like that with a couple of branches coming off of it now i've got that now around the edge of the exterior of the wing not in through here but around this area there's almost on this type of butterfly there's almost like these bumps that have white they're black and then they have white dots in them so i'm not going to do it consistently every one to one i'm almost going to do it in a messy chaotic fashion i'm going to start right about here and i'm just going to kind of make myself some bumps that are again they don't have to line up with those veins maybe some are taller than others maybe some come way far into that particular marking and i'm going to stop a little bit past this area where the it intersects with the other wing and then once i've got that i'm going to color it and color them in black but i want to leave um a little bit of an edge of white in this area here so i can see the difference between the black versus the background so just in this one little area and we're going to do it on the other wings as well but this is the only area you really need to do it on this one and maybe this little area here too um so i'm kind of just outlining the edge leaving a little bit of a white area there and then once i've got this in and you again you could wiggle the edges if you wanted to if you wanted like a little bumpy edge to your um wing you could do that too and then i'm just going to color this in with black so i did the the top bumps i outlined the bottom edge of the wing and now i'm just coloring in these black sections we're going to put white dots in these later so know that there's another step coming to that little area and then once i have this little section of this wing done i have a couple more little marks i want to make on this wing and then the other wings are easier because they're only partial wings this is the whole shebang on this one so i'm going to make some more black marks and these are going to be somewhere in through here and they're going to be really messy marks so i'm going to take my brush and i'm going to kind of just wiggle it they don't have to mimic one another they are i don't i don't know the exact reason for this but i know that every um butterfly has its own style of markings and this particular one this is how their markings go so i'm just following the photographs that i saw and i'm just going to make them going down here i'm not going to do this little section in through here but what i do want to do is make a an outline i want to outline this wing here with black just so we have a good separation so i've taken a little bit more black on my brush and i'm going to give this a nice little outline in through here and then we might make a couple more little veins before we move on to the next one i do want an outline over here and again you can leave a little bit of an edge if you think that you're not going to be able to see the edge of that wing on that background to leave a little bit of an edge there and then do i want any more veins in through here oh maybe i want a little little spot in through here and then maybe a couple of little veins into here just fill it in whatever way you feel looks natural if you feel like it needs another vein feel free to do so and then i'm going to work my way i'll do these two because they're nice and close to me so these again were we need this formation at the bottom and there's not much room to go so really i'm just going to kind of make myself some bumps at the edge of here i'm going to go maybe halfway from here to here start about here and then i'll leave a little bit of a space over here and then just make myself some you know chaotic little bumps going along here and they can be any size you want i'm going to outline the edge but keep a tiny sliver so you can see the edge of that wing next to that really black background and it doesn't have to be a huge sliver and it doesn't even have to be a consistent sliver just something that will tell the viewer that this in fact is the edge of the of the wing and then i'm just going to color these in with black and then my veins don't need to be as fancy as they were on that one because you're only seeing little hints of them because we're just having a little portion of the of the wing but i do know that they're coming from here so if i imagine what it would look like coming from there i can do something like this like this like that and then maybe i've got some of these messier dots in through here and then i'll move on to my next one which is this one and this is going to be just this little bottom edge is going to have the bumps so i'm going to start over here and i don't want them to overtake it so i don't want them to be too too tall but i definitely want them to have representation here so i've got like that i'm going to oh i want to out sorry i'm i'm moving i'm moving on to this one by accident i forgot to do my little black outline sometimes i just notice things on the fly and it's like oh i got to go do that right now so i'm just putting that little outline there all right back to this one i want to put my little outline all along the wing and where i need to if that background is really black just make sure you leave that little sliver of the wing showing of the light part of the wing i'm going to do it over here so i don't forget like i did on the last one and again i'm just using these little wispy sketch kind of lines i'm not pushing hard just so i can get this going and again my veins are coming from here so this is kind of a tricky one because they got to come over from here and come out from from that spot so i'm going to just reload my brush here and i'm going to come from here and then nat the natural progression leads me to these dots or to these markings at the bottom of the wings so that's where i want those veins to travel to so i've got them traveling to those dots and then maybe i've got a couple of little rogue ones over on the side and then maybe i've got those little the essence of those messy ones in that second tier all right and now i've got my last one to do so i'm gonna sorry i'm just inking putting a little bit of water in my black paint i seem to have run out of my thinner black paint making sure i got some nice clean lines here so again i wanna give it some sort of center point because you can see a lot of this one so i'm going to just kind of do and i know they want to come from here so i'm going to kind of do a line maybe about a half of an inch to an inch away from the edge that's going to represent this center part over here because we're seeing it at a different angle so maybe something like this and then i've got these weird little um breaking points so maybe i've got something like that you can see how i'm just kind of sketching this out here and maybe something like that so that kind of represents that there and that's going to give me great direction as to where to put those veins from coming out so i've got this and once i once i reach this one then the rest of them are going to kind of come out in you don't want them to all come down this direction they're still got to come out naturally from that center so maybe i've got one coming like that maybe like this something like that and then i've got this one coming from here from here maybe i've got another couple coming off of there then i'm going to do my um my messy bumps around the sides i'm going to start them here and i'm going to travel all the way down to here so again these can be as messy as tall as you want them they don't have to line up with those veins oh i might want to do one or two more in the center there maybe we'll see we'll see where my brush takes me something like that then i'm going to do my exterior outline so again i don't want to forget to do this one like i did that one so i'm going to go really close to the edge trying to not get my hand in the way and i have a shaky hand so when i do these skinny lines sometimes you might see i rest my pinky or my palm on the side of my canvas so that helps me to kind of stabilize my hand and you again you don't have to leave the whole exterior showing just little hints of it here and there are gonna tell the viewer that you know definitely give them the information that this is the edge of the wing but maybe that little edge is being highlighted by the sun somewhere else so you know just go with whatever works and if you if you paint over the edges and you want to add like a little highlighted edge to it later you can certainly do that and again i'm just kind of painting in these messy dots are the decorations around the edge the markings and then i've gotta get these interior ones represented so these ones can travel you know maybe halfway down this uh this wing so again i'm just going to kind of make myself some messy dots within here and you can really have fun with these they almost re to me kind of resemble like feathers i don't know why maybe because they're just just kind of soft around the edges and then you can just you know just try and make them different sizes i think i definitely want something in through here it looks too bare to me and then let's see what are we going to do for the next step we're going to use the same brush for the next step so once you've got your butterfly wings all nice and beautiful you can wash and dry that small brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do for the next step is we're using our small brush and we are painting the base coat for the body of our butterfly you try saying that three times fast base coat for the butter base coat for the butterfly body base coat for the butterfly nope i'm not going to get this base coat for the butterfly body base coat for the base coat for the butterfly body base coat for the butterfly body base coat for the butterfly body so i'm going to be using a gray paint which i'm going to pre-mix and i'm going to use black and white and i just i'm gonna go for kind of like a medium to light gray i don't know if you can if it translates that well into the camera but that's about the color i'm going for and this body of this butterfly it's got a really cute head a really poofy body and they have arms and legs like people kind of to me anyways um so how i'm going to do this is i'm going to kind of make an oval first coming out of this section i only want my oval to be it's going to start right at the top part of here so i'm just going to make myself a little curve so you can see where i'm going to start it's only going to be about a half of an inch wide and it's going to come down maybe about an inch and a half it's not super big so don't make yourself like a i don't know a big huge beetle for a body so i'm going to come down maybe about an inch and a half and i'm just going to make myself like an oval and paint it in with gray paint this is going to just give us a nice base coat we'll add details to it later um so there's my my body part i'm gonna make a little head so this head kind of is gonna go a little bit taller than here but you're gonna start a little bit below the the height and you're gonna go a little bit taller and then it has like a longer face so it's going to come down a little bit and then back up so it kind of has this like cute little bump down here on the face and then i'm just going to color it in gray now i'm going to do its arms or it's the arm that we're going to see so i'm going to do that about mid body and again i'm just going to kind of pull out like a little nub we'll put the the the longer antennae not antenna the longer leg part on later so i'm going to do that and then i'm going to do the same thing for its leg i'm telling you they really look like arms and legs if you look at it really close so this one is going to have like its leg coming out here it actually has like a knee and stuff but we'll get that translated when we do the um the little skinnier parts and that's all i'm going to do for this step i am going to be let's see what are we going to do for our next step we're going to use this same brush for the next step so once you've got your body started you can wash and dry that small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're making the white polka dotty spots in these black markings i'm going to use my small brush and i'm going to use white paint and i am making messy polka dots like these are so i'm just going to sit here and i'm going to make myself a messy white polka dotty type marking throughout each one of these black humps that i made earlier so might take you a minute but you can have fun while doing it and you can imagine yourself just taking beautiful photographs of these cool butterflies been to a couple of butterfly oh what are they called farms i don't know if they're called farms the place that they're in a building and there's lots of butterflies i wish somebody could just magically whisper that into my ear right now conservatory ah butterfly places conservatory emporiums no butterfly farms conservatory anyways it's really cool i've never seen this kind of butterfly but um when you're sitting there and all of these butterflies just kind of float around you they're just so delicate and dainty and beautiful because they come in so many different colors i really would like to see this kind of butterfly because it is huge and i've only seen small butterflies or normal size like like the size of my hand but you know maybe someday i will be blessed enough to see one of these beautiful creatures all right sorry so we're going to be using our medium brush for the next step so you can put your small brush away take out your medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are using our medium brush and we are doing the first step to the detailed flowers so the colors that i'm going to use are red white and brown and i'm going to kind of pre-mix myself a color so a little red a little white and a little brown it's almost going to be like a dull pinky color and what i'm going to use this for is the stems of these flowers because they they almost like if you look at them upside down they look like little trumpets they've got like a little tiny um stem to them so i want to give the impression or the illusion that there are these little stems shooting out so this is going to be my one that's the most in focus this one and this one and i'll have a little out of focus area over here so i've got my pre-mixed color and i'm just really going to do these pieces kind of shooting up from within my main flower part and i'm going to go almost down to the bottom think of these like little pieces of grass or something coming out of here and i'm going to do it on this one more towards the top um and again we're just going for an illusion kind of effect an impressionistic kind of effect i'll do some over here as well and then what i'm going to do for um then the next thing on this first step is i'm going to still use this same brush and i'm going to be picking up red paint and i'm going to do the first layer of the little petals so these from what i could tell they're they're well i know that they're called red pentas but from what i could tell by looking at them they have five petals um i'm not sure if all of the varieties of pentas have five petals but the ones that i was looking at do but you don't always have to be looking at them straight on you can look at them from the side which maybe you would only see like three petals from the side so because i'm just going to use red paint it's going to be kind of probably a little dull on this step but we're going to do another step to brighten it up so this is just kind of getting them in place so i have red paint and i'm just going to kind of make myself a couple that are going to be you know a little bit more prominent maybe this one i see from the side i am using quite a bit of paint on my brush so you'll so it almost appears thicker than um the rest but you can see it it is kind of becoming visible and it'll be more visible later when we do another step to it but maybe some of them you look at you're looking at them from the side you can see that i'm leaving the bottom area darker because there there's gonna be some greenery that we put down at the bottom in a little bit um so i'm gonna do some on here and then i'm gonna do a couple over here and if you put some past your base red area that um first out of focus area that we did if you put them more towards the top or in that black they're going to pop out more you'll be able to see them a little bit more so i'm going to do a couple along the edges that i really want you to be able to see them popping out and then maybe some i'll put in that center some maybe that you can see all five petals on and again you don't have to make them all five petals maybe some of them are only two because we're just seeing a little piece of it from the side and then i'm going to do just a couple over here i this one's i almost want a little bit more out of focus i really want my focus over there but i do want something to be represented over here so i might just do a couple of little dashes and then we're going to use the same brush for the next step so you can wash and dry and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are going to be creating our in focus leaves um so or close to in focus so i'm going to be using my medium brush and the colors that i'm going to be using are green yellow brown if i need to i'll use some black and if i want to i'll use some white so it depends on how bright you want to make them so again this is i want this to be my focal point so i'm gonna just focus on using whatever light spots that i've already naturally created i'm just gonna accentuate those and make them have more detail and definition on them so i'm going to start with a little bit of green and yellow on my brush just so i can almost plan out what i want to do with them so i see this mark right in through here so i think i'm going to use that and make myself maybe a nice kind of leaf that is just emerging from the darkness and it can be wider or thinner um these you know these don't all have to be the the correct leaf that belongs to this flower these flowers can be wild they can have other types of leaves around them so if you if you're feeling i want to do something different go for it but the leaves that are for this particular type of flower i kind of like long and pointy esque they're like a little round with a with a point on the end so and of course they can roll over and be floppy and stuff like that so just go with whatever you're seeing so i am kind of seeing one right here so i'm gonna again i'm just using yellow and white right excuse me yellow and green right now just to kind of get my my brain straight as to where i want each one of these to go so i'm kind of seeing one in through here so i think i'm gonna let that one happen i'm gonna have a nice point in through there and then maybe it just kind of disappears maybe i've got one there maybe i've got one coming out over here so again i'm just kind of watching what i've already started and letting kind of form whatever is going to form um this one's going to be a big one i guess uh let's see and i don't really want to go too far outside of my focal area so maybe i've got a little one that's just poking its head here and here maybe that gets darker and through there i like this in through here but i'm not sure what i want to do with it maybe maybe we'll go with it like that and then i want it to be kind of shadowed or darker inside and brighter on the edges of the leaves so i'm going to use i still have green and yellow on my brush i'm going to pick up a little bit of brown just to make sure that it almost like fades into the darkness so there's like a shadow on the underside of that particular leaf that i see or on the inside of it if i want it to be darker on the inside and then i can take a little bit of yellow and white and green on my brush at the same time and add like little highlights to the edges of the leaves if i want to or on an area that i want to look like it's bending i can add a little bit but the trick to this in this particular painting for me is less is more i don't want to overdo the details on these leaves because i don't want them to be the star of the show i want my butterfly to be the star and the second star of the show is the little um flowers so i'm really not going to do much i just want to give the hint that these in fact are you know the the leaves of the flowers um but i'm really not gonna do a whole heck of a lot more maybe i've got you know a subtle one over here i mean if you see little edges that are telling you yes i'm a i'm a leaf over here then sure add a little accentuated mark to it um i'm going to add a little bit of black onto my brush because i want to this almost looks too muddled in through here so i'm adding black just to separate these leaves a little bit that'll help to bring them in focus too i'm not really digging this right now because it looks a little bit too much and too muddled for me so i'm just kind of adding another little layer on top of it just so it's a little bit softer before i know it i might actually i'm i'm not sure what i'm going to do with this area but we'll figure it out maybe i'll put oh there we go we'll just put a couple more leafs in there just have fun with it and whatever happens happens we'll make this one a little bit bigger there we go and then let's see i'm digging that i'm seeing some some leaves popping out and again i don't want it to go overboard so i think i might i might call it oh maybe this one goes like this see they just kind of they just kind of build themselves and then once i've got this step done let's see what am i going to do for the next step i am going to be using i think i'm going to use this let's use the small brush for the next step so once you've got your leaves all nice and realized here you can put this medium brush away in your water cup and take out your small brush and get ready after i finish this petal or the leaf and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are finishing our in focus flowers so how i'm going to do this i'm using my small brush i am using red yellow white and green and how i'm going to do this is i'm going to do a second layer on my petals to make sure that they pop and are nice and bright and then i'm going to be doing centers for my flowers and then i'm also going to be doing these little greenery clusters that are down below because at the bottom of these flowers they have these tiny little leaves um where they grow out of so we're going to put those at the bottom so i'm going to start with red yellow and white on my brush and the reason why i'm going to use yellow in my red and white combination is because i don't want it to go too pink on me so the yellow will counteract that when you have red and white on your brush and i'm really just doing another layer to my petals so if you want a little bit of a highlight use a little bit more white i might do even more white in a second here because i know that the red really is translucent and see-through so i want it to pop and i want you to be able to see some highlights in here so that's why i'm doing a second coat on them i want you to be able to see them in front of that background so i am definitely making sure that they have enough paint on them so you can see them and then once i've got them fully bright enough and i've got these little tiny highlights what i can do is i'm going to put yellow and white on my brush and just do a little tiny dot in the ones that look like they should have centers some of them you might not even see the centers like if they're off to the side you may not even see the centers i'm going to go ahead and do my other ones that i want to have in focus so i'm again i'm doing a second layer of red yellow and white and if again if you want it to pop even more add a little bit more white to it and that's going to give you like these little beautiful highlights on those on those petals so depending on how in focus or subtle you want them to be you can certainly elevate that look by adding a touch more of the white to your brush and then of course you can add that whatever ones you feel have the scent you can see the center you can add that little bit of yellow and white in there i might say this is a little bit too bright compared to the rest so maybe i either add a little bit more white on some of the other ones maybe a couple of little highlights over here and this is one of those kind of building processes you just kind of take a look at it put your head back and see if it's exactly as you want it i don't want this one to be too in focus so i'm not going to use a lot of white on this one and just maybe give the you know subtle details on that one and then maybe i'm going to have a little one here all right so uh let's see i am going to be using a small brush for the neck oh wait we've missed the green stuff hold on a second washing and drying my brush green yellow and white and these are these little tiny almost like pieces of grass down at the bottom so yellow green and white and i have all three brush all three colors on my brush at the same time but i'm just kind of flicking it up and every time i go to pick up some paint maybe i pick up a different combination like that time i picked up a little bit more yellow and this is just this weird little cluster of short greenery that is at the bottom of these flowers where they grow out of so that's why i want to make sure that i represent it so it adds some authenticity to these particular flowers and again um we'll use this brush for the next step if i don't forget to do something before that and then um so just wash it and dry it and get ready for the next step all right so what we're doing for the next step is we are doing the second we're finishing the body really not the legs the full legs are the antennas not the skinny parts but we're finishing it looks like to me armor on the butterfly's body so it's we're going to be using black and white um if and the small brush and if you want to or need to you can use a little bit of the gray as well i'm using the gray as the base color and i'll use um the white as like little highlights so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do my black first so i'm putting a little bit of black on my brush and so think of this as there's a like a little black armor down the center of the arm and the center of the leg and then there's little marks along the back of it and then there's marks on the head so i'm just going to make little marks and you can just follow along so i'm going to do a little mark on the head it's going to take up about half the head it's going to be a curve like this and then i'm going to just paint it in i am like i did for the wings leaving a little bit of an edge of the light color so it doesn't get lost with my black background if you have a lighter background you're cool with that i am going to put a highlight on the top of the head too as well so if i lose part of the edge i can redo it there's a little bit of a black part on what i'm assuming is the nose which i do not know if butterflies have noses or not but i'm going to call this the nose so there's a little black area in through here there's maybe a little black stripe up here i don't know if this is where the eye sits i couldn't tell from the photos that i was looking at if they're i'm sure it's got eyes but you know you can only see so much detail on the butterfly and then there's little black markings on the back there's when i make these markings down the legs they're not firm lines because there's almost like these little armor pieces such a silly word i'm sure that's not what it is but um so i'm gonna almost like just kind of make like uneven marks that kind of connect to each other i'm gonna do pretty solid here and then as i go down maybe he's got some on the belly and then maybe some on this leg something like that and then let's see what else white so now that i've got the black aries on there i'm going to add oh you know what maybe i want a little bit more black in front of the front maybe on that elbowy part so now i'm going to put some white on my brush i washed and dried it and i'm going to put like a little highlight on the top of the head so i have white on my brush like this and then i'm going to add like a little highlight onto this and then i'm just adding little white highlights everywhere so i've got a little white highlight on the back then maybe i've got some little pops of white going down in through here i'm not covering up all of my black because i want this to look like um these little pieces of whatever it is i don't know it's i don't know if it's armor it's just it's body i don't you know we can call it whatever we want to we just have fun while painting i think i want a little bit more black in through there a little bit more black and again i'm kind of doing extra detail on the body you don't have to you do keep just have fun if yours ends up looking like a cool little beetle great if it ends up looking like a little alien great just this is all about just having fun and enjoying the process um but now that i do have maybe we'll put a little bit of white on this little collar kind of area on his little neck and i missed his i lost his little front there all right so he looks cute um so now i'm gonna use this same brush for the next step so once you've got some black and white all nice and dispersed throughout the body you can wash and dry that small brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting the antennas and really skinny legs so i'm going to be using black and white on my brush at the same time so i can have some dark spots and some light spots i'm gonna be using my small brush and i'm gonna i turn twisted my brush in my paint before i'm doing it so it's not too wide of a line so these antennas they're gonna come back a little bit from the head and then they jut out at an angle and they curve a little bit at the edge of it and they should be about a third of the length of this big wing here so if you can take this wing and say maybe a third a third a third that's about how long it should be so you can kind of measure yourself if you want to you could even put a little dot to tell you that's where you're headed um so that way you don't overshoot your yourself and then what i'm going to do is i'm again i'm putting black and white on my brush and you can always make it lighter or darker um once you got it on here but just getting it on there is kind of the the you know the main goal initially so i'm going to come back just a little bit i need a little more white so you can see it so back a little bit in through here my dot is here that i'm going for and i'm just going to kind of go like this and before i hit that dot i will just kind of curve it just a little bit it doesn't have to be much just a teeny tiny bit and i'm reloading my brush with black and white because i want two antennas they're both going to come out pretty similar in spot i guess they would be one on either side of the head but i don't think the head's very wide so they're going to come out pretty similar in a spot maybe like this and then i'm going to give it a little bit different of an angle so maybe something like that and then just curve it a little bit at the end i'm going to put a teeny bit of white paint on my brush because i really want you to be able to see it so i'm just going to put a little tiny twinkle of a highlight on that antenna to make sure you guys can see it well not just you but who's ever looking at it so i can see that that's great now i'm going to do my legs so these are extensions of here so this is in essence i'm going to call this the knee and i'm going to call this the elbow so what i'm going to do you can use again a combination of the black and the white i think they are really just black but you can certainly since we have such a dark background you can certainly use white as the as a accent kind of color and so if this is my elbow they it it like kind of shoots out and then if this is my wrist the next part is super long so it's like elbow to wrist is normal and then there's a really long um almost like extra long leg on the end of it so here we go i've got elbow to a wrist and then really really long and it can come out at a little angle really really long and then you know it just i don't know what it does at the end maybe it has a little tiny foot or something at the end and then you can have the other one come out at a slightly different angle if you want to have two if not just to know that you can see that you couldn't see the other one or you could see the other one so i'm just going to make it pretty close to this one so if you know if it doesn't go right that's okay and maybe this one comes out a little bit that way and you can do it if you if it if you want it lighter or darker you can certainly add a little bit of black to it or a little bit of white to it to disguise it or enhance it so that's all i'm going to do for the arms now i'm going to put legs so if this is the knee it's kind of the same thing so from knee to ankle is kind of normal length but then ankle to the foot is super super long so if this is my knee maybe i can't let me put a little bit more white on here so you can see it so if this is the knee maybe i come out like up you still can't see it so add a little bit more white here knee come out like that to my what would be the ankle and now i can have a really long i don't even know where this is going to go we're just going to go past the flower really long and then they have this like like hooky thing where the where the end of it goes i don't know my butterfly anatomy very well so that's one and then i'm gonna do my second one kind of behind it maybe like that and maybe this one comes you know on the other side of it i'm going to use a little bit more black and i want it to look kind of similar to that one so maybe this one comes like this and then just kind of hooks around like that that's all i'm going to do i don't go too in detail with them because i don't want to screw it up too much so once you've got them in an acceptable position you're all set and then we have one tiny little step left to do for the next step and it's going to be with the small brush so once you've got your legs and antennas on you can wash and dry that small brush and get ready for the next step alright so we are on to our final step this is the final step of any painting which is to sign it so i'm going to be using my small brush i'm usually sign mine in the bottom left or the bottom right i think i'm going to sign this one in the bottom left i kind of want my signature to be kind of subtle on this one to not take away from my beautiful butterfly i'm going to be using black paint i'm going to sign mine with my initials but you could sign yours with your first name or the date or a symbol or whatever you'd like and that is going to conclude this painting i hope you enjoyed the process i hope you painted yourself a beautiful butterfly and i look forward to painting and sipping with you again sometime [Music] you
Channel: Michelle the Painter
Views: 42,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint, paint and sip, painting instructions, acrylic, painting, tutorial, lesson, beginner, simple, easy, Michelle Iglesias, painter, Michelle the Painter, michellethepainter, sip and paint, class, wine, step by step, tips, painting steps, learn to, how to, paint, landscape, realistic, day, tranquil, peaceful, beautiful, best, colorful, nature, red, butterfly, resting, flying, eating, praying, angle, sideways, side, tree, nymph, black and white, pentas, flowers, little, pink, green, focus, antennas, legs, face, body, on
Id: 0oCkzDtEdBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 40sec (4420 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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