Learn to dance in 10 minutes - easy partner dance basics

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[Music] hello everyone my name is Brian I'll be your instructor for today how is everyone how is everyone a little bit better how many of you have never danced waltz before okay you need to go home no in all seriousness I'm gonna show you that in one class you can go from being complete novices and waltz to being able to waltz all the way around the floor and feel comfortable with it all right and to help me with that today I have the wonderful and beautiful Michelle please give a round of applause all right are we ready to get started let's rock and roll so everyone can line up across the floor please face the front Thanks all right just to get us into the groove of dance to get the bones loosened up all right everybody go like this just trim to see how much I could get ladies can I have you um remain facing the front general if you could just step off to the side for a second right now that we've gotten rid of the guys let's go okay cool so ladies the first thing that we're gonna learn is called the Box step okay just step away from the wall a little bit come on come on come on down all right very good spread yourselves not just a bit please all right cool so ladies the first step that we're gonna be learning is called the Box step okay it's very simple we're gonna start with the weight on the left foot and we're gonna dance the right foot back and we're gonna dance back side close and at the end of that back side close you want to have transferred weight to your right foot so that the left foot is free now let's do that again I have a right foot back ready and a one two three excellent which foot is free very good you sure okay now from here you're gonna dance left foot forward to complete the box and we have left right left where's your weight over the left or the right foot is free okay so if you can see we're actually making the shape of a box on the floor with our feet hence the term box step and here we go again we have right foot back and a 1 2 3 left foot forward 1 2 3 again 1 2 3 1 2 say that with me ladies 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 now when you're moving forward moves straight forward don't move on the diagonal all right you're doing the catwalk and once again we have ready right foot back Oh 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 excellent questions from the ladies ok ladies step off to the side for just a second practice if you can gentlemen come on down Thank You Michelle ok so gentlemen if the ladies are traditionally starting with the right foot we are traditionally starting with our excellent alright and if the ladies are going backward with the right we're going see you know a lot more than you thought all right thank you so guys we're gonna be doing the natural opposite we're making a box step with our feet as well alright so this is the Box step general we start with the weight on the right foot so the left foot is free shake it around we dance left foot forward so we have forward side and close okay so that's three complete weight transfers there forward side and close left right left three steps let's do that once again we have ready and go left right left okay what's foot is free excellent the right foot is free so now we're going to complete the box and we're gonna step backward with the right foot when we dance back side close of course switching weight so now the left foot is free to dance the Box again we have left foot forward and one two three right foot back one two three and again one two three one two three good now gentlemen if your side step is too large you're gonna have trouble closing the physics make sure that you keep that step small enough that you can get the weight from foot to foot now as you're verbalizing these counts guys you want to make sure that as whatever your it is that you're saying you're stepping on that same bit I was one two three as opposed to one two three you see the difference right so when you hear the word come out of your mouth you want to feel the weight going on to that foot right at that moment well done guys [Applause] alright guys take a couple steps away from the wall come step onto the floor excellent ladies come on down all the ladies over here with me so I try this when I go out it doesn't work very well excellent and ladies turn around and face the gentleman please excellent and just spread back just a little bit for me please excellent okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna try both the gentlemen and the ladies at the same time but separately okay so we're not worrying about dance position we're not worrying about our partner yet we're just gonna worry about our feet still ladies you can follow Michelle and gentlemen you can follow myself all right ladies back up just a little bit for me please perfect ready and go Oh one two three one two three one two three one two and again one two three one two three one two three and freeze right there excellent let's talk a bit about how we're going to put this together with a partner okay because it's one thing to be able to dance it on your own it's another thing to dance it with a partner mm-hmm the dance hold is gonna look something like this the gentleman's left hand will join with the lady's right the man's hand will wrap around the lady's back and she'll comfortably rest her left arm on the gentleman you're right okay now again you're not training to become a world champion you're not training to go on a Broadway stage you're learning how to social dance a lot of people see ballroom and dancing on television and they see we're all Stacey's beautiful wonderful frame everything stretched out and you know in a real-life scenario you're not going to use that so I don't want you to worry too much about the frame I want you to do what's comfortable for you okay if it's comfortable for you and you can get through the steps then it's working all right so we take our hold and the Box step is gonna look something like this we dance one two three one two three one two three two three and turn lose weight that's not the loss is it then my loss okay common mistake is the gentleman see that the lady is in front of them they go to step forward with their left foot and they get nervous about stepping on her foot so they go like this like this and before you know you're doing the Charleston right so not the right idea guys the steps are did are designed so that as you're moving forward the lady is moving back okay so don't think about trying not to step on her I want you to think about stepping on her all right step on her foot easy not not not literally but if you'll notice as Michelle is moving backwards I'm moving straight forward right at her now she's gonna move right at me I'm not gonna try to go around come straight at each other and a one two three we have our box step all right I'm gonna go over here and say a prayer just season ladies down please me over crush take a partner we're gonna try this nice and slow please we have make sure the feet are closed good gentle and weight on the right foot left foot is ready to move forward ladies weight on the left foot the right foot is ready to move back we have ready and go oh one two three one two three one two three one two three keep going one two three one two three one two three one two three excellent how we feel so far so look at that and the short amount of time that we've spent already you're already dancing the wall just give yourselves a round of applause now when you're taking a forward step be you the man or the woman all right you want to take that step with a heel just like you would when you're walking down the street all right when you walk down the street you don't go like this do you now you step with the here you walk walk naturally the foot rolls from heel to ball it's the same thing when you're stepping forward for the Box heel to ball 2 3 1 2 so don't try to do anything special or stranger all right let's do that again please we have ready and go a 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 excellent are we ready for music and we go Oh 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 excellent
Channel: DanceClassVideo
Views: 3,974,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn to dance in 10 minutes, learn waltz, dancing for beginners, brain fortuna, waltz for beginners, partner dancing, valentine dancing, dance with valentine, Partner Dance
Id: fJSb2fhUtMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2014
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