Beginner's Guide: How To Swing Dance (No Experience Needed)

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they would like to teach you how to dance the most simple dances so you can use this for weddings dance parties social dancing so this is our social section where you learn how to dance socially so we're not gonna give you technique just simply how to dance everybody can do it is super super simple it's going to be a great way to start your dancing journey ok so welcome to our social dance section how to dance when you don't know anything so imagine yourself in social situation where everybody dancing on the floor and maybe you're the person who is standing in the corner looking at the people dancing and having fun and wishing to do the same so here we we are here to help you to do that so it's very very simple let's start with the most simple dance in our opinion is the best way to start with a swing because like if you hear the band plays Frank Sinatra songs those live orchestras it everything all of that can be swing and you can dance with the partner actually invite some lady hold her hand dance it's gonna be a great great great experience but how to get started so basically let's close your legs and now the most simple what you can do is to start moving your body and taking steps from side to side so basically we step side with the left leg we step side with the right leg step side with the left right left right and for now just for now we get a lift our leg so we can see more clearly that we're having those steps now remember this is what we're teaching is not a technique it's just social dancing it's how to start how to dance in the most simple way how to get started very easy so you're going left leg right so basically what we're doing is a side steps side step side step side step and as you notice we add just very little body sway just very little so it's much easier for us to change weight side side side side side side side side and you can play music and see that when any music play and if you basically just can your body from side to side that's already look like some sort of form of dance okay now we're going to do exactly the same but we're going to count it in the other bit so we're gonna have counts one two three four and again one two three four one two three four side side side side let's do exactly the same from reverse angle let's do it and so starting with the left leg so basically we're just moving side inside what else are we doing is removing we're changing our body weight so we step into the site and we change our body weight we're not just tapping there we step and changing body weight side side and have a little bit by this way as much as you want just have fun with that let's put a little bit timing to it one two three four one two have fun one two three four one two three four so you guys doing great if you can do this trust me you can dance it's very very easy let's go to next level so as you know just we're just stepping side to side and we may call it a rocking action so basically like we are rocking from side to side and for exaggeration to make it more obvious we were lifting our leg and kind of stepping you can do the same just basically rocking from side to side but for today we want to ask you to actually lift your leg and feel that step happening so guess what that's already 50% of your basic walk so what are the next 50 we're gonna do a rock step backward rock step backwards so here we may call it rock step side because we're rocking side to side now we're gonna take our left leg for the guys and right leg for the ladies and we're gonna just go back we're gonna go rock step we're gonna just rocking back Rock step so we're going back from rocking our body and don't worry you can put your heel back or no heel back it just doesn't matter just basically the fact that you are rocking that's all what we need Rock and step back and forth there's do exactly the same for reverse angles and what we recommend for the guys is actually rock from the left like back for the ladies rock from the right leg back so ladies from the right because ladies are always right and men from the left because man is always left well has this all the first and go and rock step Rock step Rock and we try not to do too much actions because it's today less and it's not about technique it's just about social social wails just make you moving in the social parties very good so now let's come back let's combine rock into the side with the rocking back and forth let's see what we're gonna get so we start from rocking to the sides we're going right into the side rock into the side and after we did two rocks from side to side we're gonna do rock step back Rock step back and front and I go side side back front side side back front side side back for and now for the guys or leaders you follow my version for the followers or ladies follow Cristina version and guess what let's do River single okay let's do it so we're going from the side we're going right in side side and Rock step back Rock step Rock step side side rock step side side rock step side side rock step side side have fun very good that's all ready that's all we need to know but now we're gonna take it to next level let's put some counts to it so let's count as we go inside we're going to count one as we go into either side we're gonna say two as we step back with our rocks that we're gonna say thirty as we're going forward returning from our rock step we're going to say four so total how many four counts so we're gonna count one to 3401 2:34 side side rock step side side rock step very very simple let's do it in reverse angle and here we go we always start to the side so we're rocking 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 you want to remind you that we have our first step is we're going side on count 1 ladies follow Kristina gentleman or followers follow Orlick now 2 we write them to either side now for the guy so follower or leaders you take your left leg back in going 30 and return for so you're going 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 very very good now let's take it to next level now we're going to count exactly the same count 1 2 3 4 but this time you're gonna count 3 4 a little bit faster so we change a little bit speed so basically we're gonna go one two and now girl I will count a little bit faster 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so on 1 2 we have a side action step on two we have a side step on 3 4 we have a rock step just be counted faster therefore we will do it a little bit faster as well 3 4 1 2 past 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so what's the difference between the before version this that before we were counting all the same 1 2 3 4 here we do exactly the same just one small difference we count a little bit one two here count the same but here we count a little bit faster on Rock step 3 4 therefore we may call it slow all slow and I would say quick quick and if we say quick we try to dance a little bit quicker slow slow quick quick slow slow quick quick have fun slow slow quick quick slow slow quick quick and if guys this is too simple for you you want to learn more technique and more in depth all our dancing programs check my link here then Sposato com become a member and you learn a lot of amazing stuff let's keep going a reverse angle so you go without a new timing so we're gonna side one two now account a little bit faster 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 all we count slow slow quick quick slow slow quick quick slow slow quick quick slow slow quick quick very very good let's take it to next level now we're gonna try to dance it together so just basically hold arms together there is a many different hand hold close hand position to hand hold one hand oh it just can be in front of each other in this case I want to have maybe two hand hold like this two hands we're just gonna have two hands just to feel it easy and fun and now as remember guys or leaders we're gonna go from the left leg to the side and then Rock step left like okay let's do it and remember our count one two thousand thirty four one two three four one two three four one two three four and now guess what we already dancing swing let's do it this way so you can see a little bit more clear so we go side side rock step side side rock step one two three four one two three four and there will be no difference if I want to get to know lady more I have a little bit more closer proximity so we can stay in this position and our steps do not change three four one two three four one two three or four slow slow quick quick slow and for this step trust me guys you don't need any technique the step itself it's already a very very good way to dance almost to any kind of music is it Frank Sinatra or any other orchestra play everything will fit in in this this is a swing and it's very very easy to do okay so let's take it to the next level what is the next line once we already did this this we call single timing so single time we would go side side back front now if you add another level to it we're going to add a little bit tap we call it double timing so you're going side tap side tap rock step side tap side tap rock step side step side rock step side to side to rock slap sorry tap side tap rock step so it's exactly the same if you feel this is a little bit difficult for you keep dancing your rock steps rocking actions and just get familiar with it but if you want to get a little bit better more have a little bit more fun you can add a little bit second second bit to it so you're going if you put counts to it we're gonna have one and two and three four one and two and 34 one tap two tap three four slow and slow and quick quick slow and slow and quick quick and guess what let's say you are dancing a single rhythm just side to side rock step and your partner doing double rhythm it still will match music perfectly let's see how we can do it together and going one two three tap three four one and two and three four one and two and three four one and two and three four very very good okay knowing this you can dance to any song but how I can make it more fun we can dance exactly the same but slightly to change a direction so instead of facing the same way all the time we can every step slightly if you dance the single rhythm slightly to take it around 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 over the top one and two and three four one and two and three four one and two and three four one and two and three or four so this is the first lesson from our super super basic super super beginner how to dance at the social events social parties weddings whatever you want just follow this and later on we're going to bring you more information more fun steps more very very easy dances thank you for watching remember subscribe to YouTube and also check our programs dance pizzoli calm right here for more information and if you'd like to exercise make six-pack and strong body like Christina Czech dance feat method calm hair program is really amazing and see you next time
Channel: Oleg Astakhov
Views: 796,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dance lessons, dance instructor, oleg, oleg Astakhov, Ballroom, Dancing, Latin, Rumba, Cha Cha, learn, online, how to, ballroom dance instructor, ballroom dance lessons, dance lessons los angeles, wellness, luxury, workout, exercise, dancesport, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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