Learn to build PowerApps with Copilot | Microsoft Power Apps Tutorial

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hello everyone Raza here in this video I will show you how to create a power app by leveraging the AI copilot feature set the copilot will walk us through the process of creating our table to store our data and then it will create a responsive power app connected to that table we will then expand that power app by creating related tables and build an end-to-end solution in canvas powerapps so let's go ahead and check this out in action [Music] to begin creating an application in powerapps we now have a copilot experience that will walk us through the process of creating our table and our app I can describe what my new app should do in natural language I have mentioned I need an app to track projects I'll submit and the co-pilot experience lights up into action AI will generate a table based upon the description that I provided for my app this table will be stored in Microsoft dataverse once I go ahead and click create app we can see the name of the table The Columns that it would be generating for the table it also provides sample data on the right hand side is where we have the chat experience where we can chat with the co-pilot and make modifications to the table I will ask it to give me suggestions for more columns that I could potentially add to my projects table and it lists out a set of options for me to select from I'll pick one of the suggestions add a budget column and it goes ahead and updates the table schema here I have a new column created for Budget which is of type currency and I can also see some sample data that it has populated you can keep interacting with the co-pilot you and the bot working together to finalize the schema for your table and once I have my table definition completed I can go ahead and click create app now at this point powerapps will go ahead and create that table in dataverse and it will create a responsive power app experience that is connected to that specific table and here is the app that it has created if I click on preview on the left hand side we have a gallery that is showcasing the data from the table that just got created and on the right hand side we have the form associated with the selected item of the gallery I can edit the item and make changes let's change the budget on this one and submit and the update has been made in the table I can select and delete specific projects I can go ahead and create a new project and submit and the new record has been created in my table I also have the ability to search for projects and all of this is fully responsive if I head over to data here is the connection to that specific table that got created in dataverse we can go ahead and click edit I can click more and select the different columns that I would like to add to the view I'll click save I'll click on new column give a display name and I have a wide variety of data types to choose from now for project managers I want to be able to pick users from active directory so I'll go to lookup select lookup and from related table in dataverse we have a table called aad user so I will select this and click save here I can start searching for users I would like to give the total duration of the project which calculates the difference between these two dates so I'll add a new column I'll call it duration data type I'll pick formula and here I can write simple Excel like formulas the formula is date diff intellisense will guide us the first parameter I will search for the column start date second parameter is end date and the third parameter is the unit in which I would like to express the difference I would like that in days formula columns are smart it can understand the data type that this formula outputs the output is going to be a decimal number of decimal places is 2 I will set it to 0 and click save we have a formula column that is calculating the difference between the start date and the end date I've made the modifications to the table I'll close and in the form experience if you go to edit fields you have the option to remove fields and you can go ahead and add fields here I would like to show the project manager and I would like to show the duration so now if I preview the app I can see all these details and if I click edit I have the option of making modifications to columns let's say the project end date I change it project manager I change it to James I submit so for project a the updates have been reflected we are in a canvas PowerApp so as a maker I have complete control of the user experience this label here says new record let's change this to new project the project manager data card I will head over to Advanced unlock the card and insert an image this specific control has a name associated with it I will copy it and to get the user's image I'll go to data add data search for The Office 365 users connector and add a connection to it I already have one so I'll select it and for the image controls image property I will leverage Office 365 users dot user photo V2 and in the ID property I will point to the specific control name dot selected Dot aad user ID so this will go ahead and plug in the user's profile image to highlight the status of the project I'll add it to the gallery the first label has the project name the second label has the project ID I will copy and paste this label and I will position it right below the second label this labels text property I will represent the status of the project so I'll pick the status column and to add some conditional formatting I will insert a rectangle shape minimize its width place it on the left fill property I will use the function switch this item dot status it's a choice column in dataverse so if I search for status I have the status column for my projects table so I'll select this enum Dot it will list out all the statuses so if the status is completed I would like to put the color dark green comma second option is in progress I will pick dark orange and I'll put the color dark blue so we can see the conditional formatting in action based upon the status of that specific project we also have a co-pilot control in powerapps wherein the user will get an option to interact with a chat bot to ask questions against the table so for that I will first go and insert a new screen header main section photo this screen I will call it my co-pilot screen the screen has the response of containers I only need the header and the main section so the footer I will select and delete in my header container I will insert a label I will give this a text for the properties of this label I will set flexible width to on and alignment and container stretch I will Center align this and in the main section container I will go ahead and insert a control called Copilot this control properties alignment and container stretch flexible height on the data source property for this control will be my project stable if I head over to fields and go to edit here I can select which Fields will this bot understand I can remove fields or I can go ahead and add fields to this copilot control if I click preview the copilot control makes certain suggestions based upon the data that it has learned from what is the total budget for all the projects and the co-pilot will go ahead and perform that calculation and give us the response how many projects is Reza the project manager for and it says only one project I'll ask you to give me the name of the project and that project name is Project f I can restart the conversation and ask other questions to the co-pilot and now to connect my main screen with my co-pilot screen in my main screen in the screen container I will insert a horizontal container this container I will place right at the top I will turn off flexible height and give it a height of 70. the label for the screen which is projects right click cut pick this new container right click paste and this control I will set it's flexible width to on in this container I will add a button Center align it in the container the text for this button chat with bot and on select of this button all I have to do is navigate the user to my copilot screen so I click on chat with what and it takes me to the copilot screen experience and in this screen when my header container I will insert the back arrow icon Center align this and reduce the Titan width I'll position this at the start on select I will use the function back here the user can ask questions about the projects in the copilot control or I can simply go back to my previous screen we can connect to multiple table experiences and in dataverse we can create relationships between tables I have projects I would like to also track Milestones associated with my project so I need another table so I can go to add data and create another table I'll call this my Milestone table and click create the edit table experience lights up I can go ahead and start creating columns I'll add one for due date and I will add another column called Milestone status this I will make it a choice column and my choices I'll click new choice I will give it the name Milestone status choices and here I can start defining my choice values I'll click save that creates my choice set and for my Milestone status Choice column I will sync it with the Milestone status Choice set I'll click save now each of these Milestones will be related to a project so to create that relationship I'll simply go ahead and create a column I'll give it the name project lookup it will be a lookup column that will look up to the projects table and associated with one of my projects so in this case I've created a couple of milestones for Project D I'll close the new table is connected in my power app the main screen I'll take advantage of this existing screen I'll select the screen right click and go ahead and duplicate the screen this new screen I will rename it to my Milestones screen in here I have this gallery that is getting data from the projects table I will change this and point to the Milestones table I would like the search function to work on the name of the Milestone column so I'll just do that in the gallery it shows the name it shows the due date and my third label here I would like to showcase the Milestone status the form experience I will change it to point to the Milestones table and replace all the data cards I can go to edit fields and select the columns that I would like to show from the Milestones table the label here will show the selected value from the gallery and I would like it to show the name of the Milestone that I have selected in the gallery there are formulas that still relate to the projects table so I'll just simply change them and point them to the Milestones table I click on new milestone pick Project D and submit and I have that new Milestone created now from my main screen in this specific container I will insert a button I'll call it milestones and when the user selects this I will navigate the user to my Milestone screen the gallery that displays the projects I'll copy its name in data I will refresh the projects table for the gallery the items property I will change to the gallery of projects dot selected Dot milestones now if I preview observe there are no Milestones to display if I go back I had project a selected and there is no Milestone related to project a if I go to Project D and go to Milestones I will see all the Milestones because they are related to Project D project a and go to Milestones and click on new milestone sure as a user I can create a new Milestone but which project is this Milestone related to so in the title label the text property I will use the projects Gallery dot selected dot project name so I know that the Milestones that I'm adding are related to this project the project lookup data card I'll go to Advanced unlock it and its default property I will set it to my projects gallery dot selected so it knows which project is this Milestone being associated with and this is something that I do not need to display to the user so the visible property of this data card I will set it false so if I preview and if I create a new milestone say not started and Save this will go ahead and add that new Milestone and also create the association and of course I can edit make changes and the updates will be reflected immediately and that completes my application if fully responsive power app that displays projects milestones full crowd operations are supported I can even chat with a bot to ask questions about my data and you can observe the power of full responsiveness in action and once my app is built all I have to do is go and publish my app it's going ahead and initiating a save since it's the first time I'm saving or publishing the app I'll click publish and publish this version of the PowerApp this app is now available to run on mobile devices tablet devices or on the browser experience and to share this app with my users I simply Click Share Define who the users are who I would like to share with you can give them a message about the app upload an image to Showcase what the app looks like by default they will be a user so they can run the app if you would like to make them a co-owner where they can edit and share the app with others you can make them a co-owner as well and finally you need to Define what permissions those users have to your database tables that you've associated in the PowerApp simply pick the security rule that you would like to give them Click Share and that user will receive an email notification and they can start leveraging the power app if you enjoyed this video then do like comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Reza Dorrani
Views: 26,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powerapps, power platform, power apps, dataverse, gpt, natural language, open ai, copilot, learn powerapps, powerapps tutorial, microsoft powerapps, canvas app, intro to powerapps, microsoft 365, microsoft power platform, microsoft powerapps tutorial, power app, power apps demo, power apps ideas, power apps low code, power apps tutorial, powerapps demo, powerapps for beginners, learn power apps microsoft, learn power apps, what is power apps, power apps 2023, reza dorrani, ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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