Learn the Trick this Survivalist uses to stay warm! Winter Survival, Survival Hacks, Survival Tips

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current temperature outside is about 24 degrees fahrenheit not a super super cold day out here but if you're out here long enough and you start to get maybe a little bit damp or you're just you got that that cold chill to you how do you warm up you know other than getting a big campfire going and in these conditions honestly um a campfire is going to be a little bit of a struggle for almost everybody to collect wood dig down get underneath the snow all that stuff so there's something you can do yeah if you have your wool blanket and you have one of these a little candle you can warm up this is a trick the old timers used all the time step number one find yourself a tree um i think it's way more comfortable if you can lean up against a tree and do this but i mean i guess you could do it in the open air also you're going to take something it can be your gum blank it could be your slip pad it can just be the tarp you have along with you and get that down on the ground what you don't want to do is find yourself sitting on this the cold snow i mean we're cold to begin with right so now we're going to take our blanket and we're going to just drape it across ourselves okay so i'm all bundled up inside here right now i have a blanket that if i pull it over it totally covers me up okay um and that is important because now what we're going to do is we're going to light that candle we're going to place that candle in between our legs here we're gonna pull that blanket over and allow that heat from the candle to warm the inside of the blanket up now i know what you're thinking you're gonna be breathing fumes you're gonna be breathing smoke it's not that bad this is one of those techniques that if you know it okay breathing in that little bit of smoke or a little bit of fume from the candle is gonna be well worth it so you don't freeze to death so just keep that in mind okay again an old timer trick they weren't too worried about all this stuff i think they died when they were like 40 some anyway okay now before i flip this over what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna light this so you can see what my setup here looks like all right so we got this thing lit right now at this point i'm just going to set it down here the snow is actually going to help hold that up and now i would flip this over now you could have done this with the blanket already flipped over you there's a no problem to do that okay but um in our case for the video we wanted to do that all right all right so you're stuck in here with me and a uh a candle okay so now what we can do is we can sit in here and allow this time to uh close up a dan start to warm this up inside here okay so uh now we're just gonna sit we're gonna relax for a little bit and see if it warms up at all now no joke after a short time okay we're almost at 40 degrees so um it's going up real quick real steadily all right so i'm just gonna let this sit here for a little bit i can already feel the warmth building up inside here now what you need to realize through this is i have the camera the tripod the microphone all in here so this is all air space that's sort of wasted okay um you can see it's almost at 40. so if the camera wasn't in here and i can get this area a little bit tighter i'd even be generating more heat so let's let this go a little bit and then you can see we're already fogging up from the warmth in here okay so let's let this go a little bit and then see what happens so in a short time look at how much that temperature has went up i mean it is really warming up in here i have a lot of steam coming off of my gloves off of damp parts of my body the the camera has a lot of moisture now on it because the snow's melting off it but wow definitely a viable thing and just like that with a candle you can warm yourself up super easy out here in the woods um huge difference when i actually open this thing up so this is something that um horace kephart wrote about nesmic wrote about so i thought well dan woak should also video about it too because it's definitely a cool thing that you can do it's quick it's easy it's effective there's not any skill level to it and you'll be good to go you just need a candle something to light it with and your trusty old blanket and you'll be good to go so uh give this one a shot tool for the toolbox a lot of questions too with the blankets they are gonna be in stock in the next week and a half so if you want one uh hit us up we'll be having them on the website so that's it all right until next video stay in the woods visit us at coldcrackerbushcraft.com stainless wood stained wood stay in the woods you
Channel: Coalcracker Bushcraft
Views: 666,398
Rating: 4.948216 out of 5
Keywords: Coalcracker Bushcraft, Dan Wowak, Appalachian Bushman School, Camping, Hiking, Survival, Bushcraft, Survival Skills, Bushcraft Skills, outdoorlifestyle, survivalinstructor
Id: ysw6CEbSiak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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