Learn the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet (Azbuka) using Mnemonics

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Hi guys! (Ćao svima!) Today I'm going to be talking in English just because this particular video is for English Speakers learning Serbian For those of you who are new to my channel my name is Liz. I'm an Australian learning Serbian I make a lot of fun videos about my language learning journey If you're new to this channel consider subscribing So if you're learning Serbian you should already know that Serbian has two... I guess... maybe even three different ways to write their language There's the Latin alphabet and then the Cyrillic script I would also say that cursive is like a language of its own Let's take the word šišmiš in English it means bat This is how it looks in the Latin script and then in the Cyrillic script And then in cursive... *crickets chirping* So without further ado let me show you how I memorised the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet It's not that hard at all! In Serbian there are 30 letters 7 of them are just like how you would write them in the latin script A E J O K M T The only difference is K M and T have different "little letters" I'm sure there's a better way to say "little letters" lower case letters! So the lower case letters just look like the capital letters but... ... smaller For us English speakers two letters that we get confused quite often B and V They both look very similar and B the one that looks more like a B is actually V So the way that I remember it is B looks like it has a belly OR alternatively, I think that it also looks like a berry or a bell! And the all start with B Whereas the V and I learnt this from a different video which I'll link over here ^ V looks like a B but with a veil another way that I like to think about it is that it looks like it has a visor G looks like a gallow's pole and then you have... D and L and I'm going to group P as well L kind of looks like an upside down L with a little leg or a long tail or you can say it looks like a pair of legs that's walking away... This letter on the right is P and it looks like a stagnant pair of pillars Now... D, looks like a D that's backwards that's running away So let's recap D looks like a D that's been flipped around and is running away L Which looks like a pair of legs or one upside L with a long tail and P which looks like a pair of pants or pillars or poles or a portal? Our next pair are Đ and Ć Let's pretend that Đ is a jew It's wearing a hat and it has a little beard see the similarity? and then Ć looks like a Jew that chewed off his beard or he chopped his beard off Ž looks like a plus sign with two Cs and those two Cs kind of look like the upside down hat on top of Ž Š it looks like you're blowing air through your front teeth Š Č looks like a chalice and it's a hard Č because you put hard liquor in a chalice Z, I guess it's the closest looking letter to Z for me Z isn't too hard to remember but if you have other suggestions on how to remember Z let me know down below Same goes for any other letter I, now this one's an interesting one It's actually three Is together and the middle I fell over and it's two friends trying to help it stay straight N the letter N this letter looks similar to the letter H but it's Not It's totally Not! If you know L and N you'll see that Lj and Nj are quite similar just with a belly on the right and that's a remnant of the 'j' R is another false friend and it looks like the letter P Although it really is a R that's been robbed of it's tail C looks like a sad face or I guess, also a snake? Whatever works better! U looks like the letter Y But Y doesn't exist in Serbian so it's quite easy to remember it as U as in YoU and I for example F looks like the Greek symbol for phi H or the letter H looks like an X it also looks like a target that you're supposed to hit you could also imagine it as an exhalation of breathe where you're throwing something to hit the target you go HuH! for example And lastly you have the letters... C and DŽ which look quite similar but the little tail or the little whisker is in two different places DŽ is quite judgemental of C because he believes that the whisker should be in the middle and not to the side So what I recommend from here is taking the entire Cyrillic alphabet... here... and seeing if you remember the latin equivalent (or at least the sound) this whole story making idea is also how I learn Serbian words for example... the word for Eiffel Tower in Serbian is "Ajfelova Kula" How I remember this word is that I imagine myself standing in front of the Eiffel Tower and I imagine that there is a cooler in front of me and then I walk over to it and I fall over the cooler in front of the Eiffel Tower it becomes... "I fell over a cooler" "Aifelova Kula" Another one of my favourites which I used very early on was the word for cauliflower "Karfiol" What I imagine is filling my car up with car fuel made out of cauliflowers "Karfiol" I hope that that was helpful to remember and associate the Latin script with the Cyrillic alphabet If you have a better way to remember any of these letters feel free to comment them down below it will help me and also other foreigners who are learning Serbian as well Thank you again and see you soon... Bye!
Channel: Liz Learns Serbian
Views: 223,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Serbian, Language, Serbia, Srbija, Jezik, Languages, Spaced Repitition, Anki, Slavic Language, Memory, Elizabeth Duong, Liz Duong, Liz Learns Serbian, Learn Serbian, Serbian Cyrillic, Cyrillic, Serbian Alphabet, Azbuka, Latinica, Latin Alphabet, Cirilic, mnemonics, serbian language, serbia, Fluent Forever, how to learn serbian, How to Read Serbian, learn serbian cyrillic, serbian cyrillic script, american speaks serbian, Serbian Language, Serbian Class, Serbian Course, Serbian Lesson
Id: 3ktUxmijSeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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