1900s Crack Hikaru Up

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laughs what is that dude seriously you're not gonna become a GM [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] unfortunate yeah that was unfortunate okay let me reset I've got to keep the position closed longer I love the position opened up too early I I left the position open up too early attack rubies no I can still win games this level I think I can get to 2100 still yeah I just that's the second second loss not the third one actually because I'm pretty certain that the guy that I lost to the first one was a Smurf I can't be 100 sure but but see even here I'm just like oh wait no I just take wait oh yeah see I'm letting the position clarify too early to where they can think I'm letting position clarify to where they they have just enough time to think before they flag D5 was a horrible move too yeah it's too slow I'm gonna win this game so now I start to push the pawns too yeah I love that position simplify too early that was a mistake against two thousand that was also bad but I went anyway let's go again I think I can get to 2000 it was I I know my 2100 is my goal we'll see if I can do it if I keep the board closed long and I think my mistake was on G5 I I played I took I took too long and then I then I played the wrong move also in that game that I lost well there's a bishop um go here maybe nice for shark too wait oh yes I've got made oh come on yes let's go again there we go uh no the goal is 3100 but I I'm I mean sacking the queen for a pawn that's where I'm saying I think I can get 2100 sack in the queen for a pawn yeah no of course 3000 is my goal but it's at some point I started well there's a bishop [Music] I don't know this is actually very smart but I'm still good I just got a castle though [Music] Queen A2 or something what's he doing wait what is he doing [Music] he's gonna try he's gonna trap his Pokemon here by the way there goes the queen now I win the game yeah I mean he can keep his Queen but he loses everything else on the board [Music] here maybe H5 uh who I will win Jose or Anish uh Anish is going to get absolutely crushed by Jose not even close yeah I do think I can get to 2100 I really do believe that that's my goal [Music] foreign [Music] I could sack I think I'm gonna take I'm just gonna sack I don't care what am I down here gotta keep the game going slow right [Music] foreign [Music] there we go okay another one okay let's go here and here [Music] all right next game let's keep going [Music] all right okay so far so good we're just pushing don't forget Tang was in the finals yes I bet but Ollie Reza and maggots weren't playing last time around both those guys are let's just say very strong players to put it mildly I'm gonna go here I don't really want to trade off pieces um I don't know that's a bad move too foreign [Music] [Music] D5 I win this game and I do get the Knight GT5 oh let's go here I'm gonna go here oh what the heck was that there we go I almost threw that away almost yeah but see he's so low that he it was so low that it that there was no way that's why I kept the game complicated just long enough yeah bullet Championship is not in one hour the my match is in uh is in a couple of hours the the first match is in one hour my match is much later let's just go here I'm gonna play a fight um F5 why not I think I'm gonna win this game pretty easily because um wait but I can't I could sack I'm gonna go C5 here okay now I just sacked and now I just lose this oh Chain Reaction Time yeah let's keep going yeah chain reactions or chain reactions anyway you put it you guys so all right let's keep going let's go E3 Queen H5 we'll sack same thing bornick will almost certainly beat Fabiano if bornik doesn't beat Fabian I consider that maybe the biggest surprise in round one seriously like I mean if Warnick doesn't beat Fabian I would be honestly just very surprised Warner should be a huge favorite against Fabiano no why did I do wait why did I do this now but I get 95 maybe I can hold I mean G5 is a surprising move now there's 95 also uh that's a rook I'll take it gladly I found queen of something very annoying um I have a way to hold the piece I don't do I know 94 now can you two G4 I don't know where to hold the piece here he just blundered okay now I win the game he just blundered the Knight and he's gonna lose the game now there we go Gigi why not we beat our first 2100 on the road up to 2100. now let's go here on King A1 there we go there's the Isaac's game wrote up to 2100 before I start attacking my queen for like a minor piece minor piece let's be very clear on that don't want to use the wrong wording um let's go P3 and H3 here let's take the pawn Free Pawn here nice five is maybe a good move I don't know what is what is the idea G4 I'll take I don't know if it's right but it looks okay four three maybe Knight of five and then takes and whoa what was that oof oh boy oh boy that's just getting worse and worse let's go here open up the E file Bishop g4n coming don't don't care I can play workout seven two by the way but this is also more than enough uh let's go check and rookie six GG why not I mean maybe I just take and take doesn't even matter that's how bad this position is to take oh there should be a force Checkmate in here I know this is actually the best one all right let's keep going I see him yeah the goal is 2100 you guys 2100 is my goal I place D5 good move Chuck you saw it annoying over here I have to trade if I don't trade then what am I playing for here take a shoot you got to go there you gotta go no no let's wait the Knight G5 which was winning he missed it yeah sometimes I panic because I forget that I mean at the end of the day if I go fast good things will always happen let's go here maybe uh now I have H5 oh he's got Queen D7 which I missed shoot I didn't see Queen D7 still very much a game though things are burnt for the four month three so things bird appreciate oh wait oh here um keep up the speed keep it up we'll go for this come on just move stop thinking what oh I almost hung meat in one um work Juju is not a good pre-move um okay that worked yeah it was a horrible pre-move because if he if he actually guesses correctly I lose the game I mean any other move I win like 100 of the time I'm playing GM plastic pollution what the heck kind of a username is plastic pollution plastic pollution what a weird username [Laughter] what is that dude seriously you're not gonna become a GM the waterfall it's like waterfall or whatever you want to call it I think we call it um uh what's it cataclysmic no what's it called collusion I already forgot the saying not Avalanche there's a I said it earlier I already forgot what the word was Cascade no it's a collision Collision it's Collision or something but I remember the exact word no third account was to a brand new account I don't think it was it could have been a brand new account but like the guy the guy was very close to losing the game he didn't play like some out of this world game where I had no chance so that's why I actually think he probably was a legitimate player I have this move maybe a foreign take ah it's a bad move okay now I'm getting play though let's take go here keep the bishop alive takes King each level is no good okay now I just win eyes on me she's holding back just up and dance with me you said ooh Shut Up and Dance With Me oh yeah my goal is to get 2100 sack and the Queen for a pawn I think I can get 2100 I three losses well two of them I think were legit one was not legit one was just a smurfer who's like really strong um but yes and and even in the other one I did like I lost games at much lower levels yeah like on this one I am gonna lose games like if someone plays a good game I will just lose no no no no oh my God this is the same guy with a different account oh my God this is the same guy it's the same country and it's the same Queen sack this guy has like this guy created yet another account this is the same guy because it's the Indian this is like the Indian flag right or Hungary yes yeah no no it's the same dude this is the same dude he created the first account was clown Pusher second was I love clown pushing the third one was like clown Pusher two or something yeah it was like literally his fourth account this is fourth account this guy needs a timeout he needs to get a life I don't believe it no this is the exactly the same guy I'm I'm like 99.99 sure there's like C pushing I mean they're literally like yeah literally too many accounts name it's the same guy I'm like certain of it no no I mean I just I literally know it is I I'm literally certain of it and he offers a draw for good measure because that's what the other guy did too okay once I want to stop the clock uh sorry bro good luck gotta create another account okay let's keep going new one minute new one minute coming up waiting for a game there we go all right is this guy lost you by the way no I've never played this guy okay um I think I'm I can't really take trying to open up the position here oh that doesn't work oh wait maybe I take oh yeah baby oh yeah let's Fork him take and G4 let's pin him on ggs why not yeah GG take yeah this is GG very soon let's go here hit the rook in D6 D7 oops I now imagine I'm creating a new account ELO and furiously getting to 2000 yeah exactly like yeah it's made in one keep going what are we up to 2019 [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 89,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: DTvOf80IukY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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