Learn The Linux Terminal In 30 Minutes

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I've done so many videos in the past five years about the Linux terminal the command line the various Shields available on Linux the various show utilities available on Linux I've got some playlists you could go check out if you want some more in-depth coverage on the individual shell utilities but today I'm going to give you a whirlwind tour we're going to learn the Linux terminal in 30 minutes so I've opened up a terminal and when you open a Linux terminal it's going to always open in your user's home directory at first you can see the tilde character here the tilde character is a Alias signifying we're in my user's home directory I can verify this with the PWD command for print working directory if I hit enter you can see I'm in slash home slash DT the tilde character is simply a Alias for slash home slash dtdt is the name of my user if I want to see the contents of this directory I can use the list command which is the ls command and it lists all files and directories in this current directory that we're in my home directory well it doesn't list them all it only lists the ones that are not hidden if you actually want to list all the files and directories including the hidden ones the ones that begin with a period or a DOT do LS Dash a and when you give it the a flag now you get a list including all of the dot files that's the hidden files the ones that begin with a DOT if you want a long form listing you could do Dash L and if you want a long form listing including all the hidden files you could do Dash l a let me hit Ctrl L to clear the screen control L is a keybinding it's just an alias for the clear command which works as well the two most common commands that you're going to enter in a terminal are the ls command which we've already seen and the CD command so if I wanted to change into I don't know do I have a test directory here no let's make one let's make deer test so make directory and I'll call this new directory test now let's change over to the test directory so CD change directory to test let me do a LS it's an empty directory if I CD back into home and do an LS there's the contents of my home directory that's mostly what you do in the terminal that's a large part of what you're doing is you're moving around the directory structure you're doing a lot of seating and then you're doing a LS to see what's in the new directory that you've gone to now other than doing CD and then you know the name of some directory like you know I could go to my downloads directory I could also do CD and give it these aliases here CD space data Ash will take me to the last directory I was just in if I up Arrow to get that last command and do CD Dash again it takes me back to downloads CD Dash now it takes me back to home you see how that works I could also do CD space period period period period is an alias for The Parent Directory meaning go up one directory right now I'm in slash home slash DT if i c d dot dot it will take me into simply slash home if I do CD space Dash it takes me back to home or I could have done CD tilde character which again is a Alias for slash home slash DT that would also take me home or CD without any argument always takes you home if you want to learn more about a command for example the CD command you could read the man page the manual right so man space name of command CD for example and you could read the manual for the CD command there's not much to it the CD command is pretty straightforward Q to quit out of the man page also most of your commands in Linux will have a dash dash help flag so two dashes followed by the word help will give you a quick overview of the flags and options that are available for that particular command one of the most common things you'll do in a terminal is you'll want to read a file and you can open the file with a text editor for example if I just want to read what is in the contents of my DOT bash RC file you know I could read it with Nano me quit out of that I don't want to save but a lot of times you're not wanting to make any edits you just want to read a file well you can use the cat command so I could cat my DOT bash RC and it actually just prints it out here as output in the terminal now it's a very large file so I would actually have to scroll back actually read some of this but what I could do is instead of cat I can use the less command so I could list my bash RC and it starts at the top and then I just hit the space bar to go down each line and read it when I'm done hit Q to get out of the list so let me CD into this test directory that I've created if I do a LS there's nothing in it so let's create a file how can you create a file well if you just want to create a file without doing any kind of editing you just want to create a file just to work with maybe at a later date you can use the touch command so I Could Touch file one dot txt for example if I do an LS now you can see there is one file in this directory called file01.txt now if you want to edit it you could Nano file1.txt if you want to use Nano as your editor but you could also use VM Vim is typically on the system as well on most Linux operating systems and if you open that in film you can see there's nothing here it's an empty document because we haven't added anything to it but you could edit something and then eventually colon WQ for write and quit to get out of Vim let's talk about copying files moving files and removing files so to copy a file CP is the copy command so I could copy file01.txt to a new location I'll copy it over to file02.txt and now if I do an LS you can see now I have two different files file one and file two now to move a file you use MV for the move command I'm going to move File 2 over 2 files03.txt and now when I do an LS I'm going to have file one and I'm going to have file three because file two I moved it I essentially renamed it is what moving will do and of course I was copying and moving within the directory I'm in but I could send these to anywhere I could move file03 for example over to my home directory so let's do the tilde Alias for slash home slash DT and I'll move it to my downloads directory now when I LS only file one is in this test directory because file 3 is now in my downloads directory to remove a file RM is the remove command and now I'll remove file one and there you go by doing LS once again we're at empty directory now let me do the make deer command again I'm going to make a sub directory here I'm going to call it Test 2 by LS you can see Test 2 is within the test directory that we're currently in and a CD over into test two and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to touch file 1 File 2 file three file four file five by doing LS you can see we have actually I mistyped I added a space accidentally here so actually I created file and then another file simply called four so actually I have six files here now let me CD dot dot so back to the Parent Directory right so LS there is the test2 directory how do you remove the test 2 directory well you can't actually use the remove command the remove command is really for files to remove a directory you use RM dear remove directory but that only works if it's an empty directory because the shell wants you to go into test2 and individually remove all the files to make an empty directory and then remove the empty directory with RM dear that's tedious there is a command that will force it to just delete the test2 directory and all of its contents and that is using the RM Dash R flag that's recursive meaning I'm going to delete whatever you give me plus everything inside that directory all the subdirectories all the files and the subdirectories yada yada yada this is a dangerous command rm-r because if you did this in the wrong directory for example your user's home directory you would actually delete your entire home directory all of your user data so be careful with this command but if I run that command do an LS you can see the test2 subdirectory and all the files that were in it are now gone by the way the recursive flag that Dash R flag that also works with copy when you're copying a directory and subdirectories you'll need the recursive flag with the copy command as well one of the commands that you'll see me often enter on camera is the where is command if I'm taking a look at a Linux distribution and I don't know if a particular program is installed I'll do where is all one word space name of program right so it for example is Firefox installed on my system I don't know let's do a where is Firefox and if it's installed on the system you'll get name of program colon and then you'll either get nothing behind name of program colon if it's not not installed or if it is installed you'll get the location to the binary the location to some libraries maybe the location to a man page let me give you an example of a program I know has not installed Zed which is a text editor for I believe the cinnamon desktop environment I'm pretty sure I don't have it installed and you'll see I get nothing returned right so Zed is not installed another similar command is the which command which is a little simpler right instead of giving me the location to libraries and Man pages it's just going to give me the location of a binary if I did which emacs you know I'm just gonna get the location of a binary for emacs where if I do a where is emacs I'm going to get much more information another command I often enter at the terminal is a you name command now if I do you name without any arguments it's just going to tell me Linux you know the name of the kernel right but if I do a you name Dash R it will actually tell me the actual kernel version you can see on my machine right now I'm using kernel version 6.1.15-1-lts now if I do a u name Dash a for all it will give me everything that's part of the youname command so I get the kernel the distribution I'm on the Kernel version yada yada yada you see time and date and you know the name of the operating system is canoe slash Linux Etc and of course there's flags and options to get each and every one of these fields out of here the most useful one that most Linux users are going to want is that you name Dash R because often you want to know what kernel version you're on another common command that I use I my videos is the WC command and typically I use WC space Dash L for a line count WC is the word count program but usually I want a line count for some things for example maybe I want to know how many lines are in my bash RC well I can do a WC Dash L on my DOT Bash RC and I get no such file or directory so that's because I am in the test directory so what we need to do CD no arguments gets me back to home now if I up Arrow twice I go back to that command wc-l dot dash RC which now works and you can see I have 294 lines in my DOT bash RC file by the way the dot bash RC file in your home directory that is the best shells config file another common command I use on Linux is the find command where you do find and then the location of some directory I maybe I want to search my downloads directory for some particular string and I typically use this flag a lot Dash I name which is an insensitive name search and then I'll give it a string to search for for example Linux I probably have some Linux isos in my downloads directory if I do a search for that nothing came up but let's search my entire system for something so let's find on root the root directory which means search my entire fossil them all yeah I don't know hundreds of thousands of files on my system for dash I name Linux now this is going to return a bunch of stuff I don't want to sit here and wait on it to find all the files that contain this string Linux so I'm going to do a control C to kill that Command right control c will kill a running process so that's how you terminate any command any lengthy command that you want to get out of one other thing I want to mention is I did find on root I can also do find period find period uh the period is a Alias for this directory so if I do Dash I name and I do bash for example you see I have a few files that contain the string bash in my home directory and in various subdirectories because it does do a recursive search here so let me control C to kill that so period is your current directory period period two periods remember is the Parent Directory the next command is the Echo command for example maybe I want to Echo hello world and that's all that does right the next command is the printf command which is similar to the echo command itself the difference is it takes a different kind of format and by a different kind of format I mean you actually specify a format with percent s percent s is going to be some value that we'll give it later and then maybe I want to do a backslash in for a new line so print some string followed by a new line what string well how about Hello World misspelled all right then there you go and you can have more than one uh percent s values here if I wanted to I could add a another one as well and once again another new line and let's go ahead and do a second something here I don't know and you can say hello world and then new line and then something and there is a space here because there was actually a space after the new line break so I if I wanted to I could up Arrow if I didn't really want that space there and get rid of the space and now they're lined up as expected one important concept with these Linux shells is the pipe symbol the pipe symbol is you being able to take the output from one command and put it into the next command as input for example if I get my DOT bash RC that's the cat command no let me up arrow and then cat.rc pipe and then list what it's going to do is it's going to take that cat output and then rerun it with the less command and you can see how that works now I'm actually reading it as list now that command is kind of useless because I could have just done list dot bash RC but that's just an example of how you can string commands together with a pipe instead of less maybe I want to take the top 10 lines so I could do pipe head and you can see I just get the first 10 lines if I want to specify a number of lines I could actually do Dash in and maybe instead of 10 lines I want just five lines or maybe instead of head maybe I want tills maybe I want the till which is the last five lines in this case or maybe I want to do till the last 10 lines but of those last 10 lines I really just want the first five of those last 10 lines you can see you can just keep stringing these together with these pipes a CD back into the test directory and I'm going to clear the screen let's talk about redirection so I'm going to Echo hello world again and this time I'm going to do the right pointing Arrow the right pointing Chevron the greater than sign so what this is this is a redirection it's going to take that output from Echo hello world and it's going to send that to wherever I want to send this in this case I want to send it to the name of a file I'll call it file one if I do an LS there is an LA file one in this test directory if I do a cat on file one you can see the contents of that file contain the string hello world now let me up arrow and I'm going to Echo something different this time so let's Echo something different and this time instead of the one greater than sine let's do two greater than signs this is a redirection but this appends the file and so what this does it takes this line and it adds it as the last line of the Fall so let me hit enter once again let me up Arrow cat file one and you now you can see Hello World and then the next line something different now if I up arrow and instead of doing the append with the 2 greater than signs if I only did a single one it actually overwrites the entire file with this string so let me hit enter up Arrow cat and now the file simply reads something different so one greater than sign actually writes the file overwrites the entire file with whatever you're doing the two greater than signs of pins the fall meaning it adds it at the end of the file one of the most powerful show commands is the grip command now the grip command is a Search Command you give it a string so I'm going to grip the string uh how about Derek which is my first name and where do I want to search for this we have to give it a file well let's search my bash RC for the string Derek it doesn't exist but if I typed Derek with a capital D there is a line on my bash RC that does contain my name that string Derek what if we wanted to search for every line in my DOT bash RC that didn't contain the string Derek well let's do Dash V for uh inverse search meaning give me every line but the line that contains that string and as you can see now it actually gives me basically my entire bash RC minus the one line if you want to do an a recursive search you could do Dash R so I'm going to grip Dash R and I'm going to search for my first name and then I'll just do the tilde character here right we're going to search the home directory and we're gonna find my name all over the place here so I'm just gonna go ahead Ctrl C to kill that process let's go ahead and clear the screen another powerful shell utility is the said command and Sid is typically used for substitutions and it's usually done in this form Sid and then inside single quotes you want to do s slash and then some string slash and then some other strings slash g and this is the string you're searching for and this is the screen that is replacing it right so if I wanted to search for Derrick and replace it with Bobby right on my DOT bash RC now I'm going to have to scroll back up but what we could do since we know pipes now let's just go ahead and make this easier to read and let's pipe that into head Dash N5 and there's the first five lines of my bash RC and where Derek Taylor used to be now I'm known as Bobby Taylor well not really this is just output to the terminal it didn't actually write that it didn't overwrite my bash RC if I wanted to make that permanent I would have to give Sid the dash I flag and now if I do that let me Vim my DOT bash RC and you can see it actually did change that now I can change that back real quick and let's do a colon WQ to write and quit out of Vim another command I love is the alt command which has a number of different uses I've done videos about all in the past very powerful command but the most basic usage of all is typically done with awk and then inside single and then inside the curly braces you do a print space dollar sign and then the name of a field you want to print maybe the first field for example so let me show you this in action so if I catch my slash Etsy slash pass WD phone a standard file on the computer as far as Linux systems this is a file that contains all of the users on the systems and their default shells their default home directories yada yada yada and you can see there are colons that separate each of the fields well if I do get on slash Etsy pass WD and I do all and then the single posts swirly braces print dollar sign one it prints the first field but by default aulk actually uses spaces as field separators so in this case because the file uses colons as field separators I need to do Dash capital F or field separator and specify that the colon is actually the field separator and then print the First Column based on the colons and now I get a list of usernames because those are the actual usernames is the First Column if I wanted the second column they're using the X server the third column gives me I guess the user ID of each user you can see how that works alt very cool command another similar command to August 4 is being able to pull out fields and columns is the cut command so I could do cut and I could do Dash f 1 for field 1 and Dash D for delimiter and the delimiters the field separator they just call it a delimiter with cut and then once again I'll specify a colon and I still get that list of users so just a different way alt or cut both can pull out columns if you're dealing with a file where information is laid out with separated like comma separated values or colon separated values alt and cut will be your best friend a common command that I often run on my Linux distribution installations and first looks it's the x-rander command so if you're using the X server what this does it tells you all the displays that are currently connected and I have three displays three monitors currently connected there's the names of the monitors now through the magic of some of the commands we've already learned plus piping I could actually do something like X Ranger and then pipe it into grip and the lines that contain the monitors I noticed contain the string connected so let's just grip the word connected okay that works but I only want the monitor names I don't want the entire line that contains the monitor name so how would I get that information well I could use all if I wanted to use the alt method and I could simply print dollar sign one and that works and by default it uses space as field separators which is what I wanted so I didn't have to specify a field separator or once again I could also use cut cut Dash F1 for field one Dash D for delimiter and I do need to specify that we're using spaces with the cut command and you can see that is a very nice tidy way to get a list of all of your monitors and monitor names I typically do use this kind of stuff when scripting especially when working with telling window managers where sometimes in your configs you need to specify what your monitors are well so this will automatically get your monitor names for you how cool is that let me see the into the test directory once again let me do an LS I still have file one here let's talk about chmod so change mode is essentially what this is this changes file permission so if I CH mod 755 on file one and I did a ls-l for long format this string here of r w X's this actually is the file permissions for that file that's read write execute permissions 755 is pretty liberal as far as permissions if I wanted something a little stricter I could CH mod 644 on follow one if I do a ls-l you can see now all those execute permissions that we had before now nobody has execute permission so if it was a script nobody could run it I've done a video detailing in great detail uh file permissions on Linux so check that video out if you're not familiar with that speaking of making scripts executable oftentimes you'll do a CH mod plus X meaning plus executable basically it adds all the X's to the file permission string if I did follow one now if I do ls-l you can see we have three x's in the various places where the executable flag should be if I wanted not to make that executable let me up arrow and C H mod minus X and then up arrow ls-l and you can see the X's are now gone from the permissions now LS L gives you the owner and the group of the file as well now if I wanted to change the owner the person that owns the file you would CH own right change owner and then typically you would do Name colon name because often the the owner and the group are the same and then the fall that you're you're going to change that to if I hit enter of course there's no user on the system named name right so that command does not work but that is how Chown works and of course you could see h on recursively you typically will have to do that in directories so recursively change everything in you know some directory somewhere and be careful when you see each own recursively because if you did that in the wrong directory you could actually seriously damage your system for example if you see h on everything in the root directory you know that would really destroy your machine so be careful when you're doing recursive CH owning or CH modding for that matter with the file permissions that's also very dangerous if you do that in a top level directory let's talk about the history command so if you type history in the Shell you will get all the commands that you've entered right gives you a nice little history of the commands you you've entered in the Shell if you want a shorter history you could do history and then give it a number history 10 just gives me the last 10. one of the most common things you'll do with the history command is pipe it into grip because you'll be searching for a pass command something you enter days weeks maybe months ago but you forget the exact command because it's a lengthy command maybe that x-rander command that I did earlier I don't remember what I piped it into I don't remember all the flags and options I just remembered it was a x Ranger command so let's grip for the string x-rander in my history and it will give me all those you know past X render commands oh there's the one I wanted so that's how that works you'll often do history into grip another thing with history you notice that the commands have numbers right they're numbered and if you want to run a command for example the the clear command clears the screen it's numbered 655 you could do bang which is the exclamation point bang and the number for example 655 Watch What Happens it runs the command in our history that was numbered 655 which was the clear command bang bang is interesting because it always runs the last command so if I hit bang bang it just simply runs the clear command because that was the last command for example one of the most useful things to do on your system is to run an update for example on my Arch Linux system I'm running Arco Linux actually I could do a Pac-Man Dash capital S lowercase y u it says error I can't run this as root well sudo bang bang which bang bang means run the last command except this time with sudo and now it's actually going to ask me for my sudo password and I can actually run the update I'm going to control C to cancel that process speaking of processes how do you kill a process at the command line you can use the kill command you would do kill and then you know some kind of ID number if you wanted the ID number you could get it with the top command I typically like a h-top it's a just a better top but if you get the process ID you know you could use the kill command to actually kill that process another thing you could do if I switch to a different workspace you could use the X kill command so if you're killing a graphical program xkill turns your cursor into a skull and crossbones and the next window that you click on it will kill that process so if I click on this terminal for example it killed that terminal another command you could use is kill all meaning kill every process that has this name for example kill all cocky if I make this window a little smaller cocky is the system monitor here kill all cocky cocky is gone let's go back to our original terminal clear the screen some common networking stuff you'll use will be the Ping command for example I could ping google.com and let's let the Ping run for a second and you can see now it's pinging google.com very slowly but it's coming control c will kill the Ping and you'll often use ping during your Linux installations especially command line installations like Arch Linux Gen 2 things like that you'll ping a popular website like Google just to see if your ethernet is working or not sometimes you want to download the contents of a file on the internet and you can use wget for that for example if I wanted to download the contents of a particular web page I'll download the contents of distro dot tube slash index.html if I do that it just downloaded that if I do an LS there is index.html by catted that just to verify yeah there is the actual HTML and the contents of my home page another command I could use instead of wget to download a file from the internet would be the curl command for example I could curl https colon slash slash distro dot tube slash index.html and then I could space dash dash output and specify a file name let's do this one index 2 dot HTML and you can see it downloaded and LS and now I have index 2.html by cat index 2.html just to verify yeah that the download did work let's talk about numbers so let's start with the sequence command if I sequence 50 it's going to give me 1 through 50 incrementally now if I wanted to I could take sequence 50 and I could get it shuffled up randomly so I could pipe that through the Shelf command for Shuffle and I get 1 through 50 except they've been shuffled up right they're all out of order another useful command would be the random command so or the random actually it's a shill variable so if I Echo dollar sign random all caps I'm get a random number if I up Arrow I get another random number so sometimes you want some kind of random number generated for you maybe in your scripting or your programming so Echo dollar sign random is a really easy way to get that random number let's talk about the test command test basically test if a file or a directory exists on the system or not so if I do test Dash f for file I'm in that test directory remember there's a file in here called file one well let's test for it test Dash F fall one if I hit enter nothing happens because really what I want to do is test Dash file 1 means if that previous command actually succeeded without error then I want you to do something so let's Echo the word true and then I'm going to do two pipes together so and and is essentially and a Boolean and a pipe pipe is the Boolean ore meaning so if it's not true then please Echo false and I should have ran that command without that colon at the end I fat fingered that so file one does exist but does Fall 2 exist I know it doesn't but let's run it just to verify that that command does work and there's LS by the way to remind us what is in that test directory so I'm going to up Arrow so now I'm going to do test Dash D to test a directory named file to exists and of course there's no subdirectories in this directory so test Dash f for file test Dash D to test if a directory exists let's let's talk about the xor's command which is one of the most powerful commands we'll talk about today so we're going to take some kind of source information or maybe it's a command that produces some output and then you pipe that into xarg's space command and you pass on another command so basically xorgs is going to take whatever output Came From the Source or the previous command and then it's going to pass that along as parameters for this second command let me show you an easy example here so if I Echo one two three and then I pipe this into xorg space touch what's going to happen is touch is going to run touch and then one two three it would basically be the command touch one two three and if I do it LS you can see now I have files named one two and three inside this test directory now if I up Arrow a couple of times and get back to Echo one two three What If instead of xarg's touch now I do X orgs RM for remove let's do a LS after running that and you can see one two and three have now been removed let's talk about some commands you will sometimes see folks that are installing Linux distributions on camera such as myself will often run commands like lsbok for list block with the list block command does it lists all your blocked devices and essentially what you're really looking for are your physical drives you can see I've got six drives in this machine actually one two three four five drives four ssds currently connected as well as an mvme drive and you can see I can get the numbers and the reason you'll run lsblk is because a lot of times you need the partition name for example uh which partition is mounted to what directory especially when you're creating file systems for a Linux install you want to make sure for example that you're formatting the right drive lsblk will get you that information similar to LSB OK you could also use DF DF is a command that also will give you your block devices as well as your loopback devices as well and along similar lines is the DU command for disk used or disk usage let me see the end of the home directory if I do a du in my home directory it's going to tell me the size of these directories in my home directory you know recursively and it's going to be gigantic because my home directory of course is going to have thousands of subdirectories and subdirectories in those sub director asada yada yada let's do it d u Dash a for all files and directories H for human readable numbers and let's do this in the test directory because there's so little in it now you we get easy to read output here and you can see all the files and the directories in the test directory and you can see they're byte sizes two Nifty commands to know are the date command to get the current date and the Cal command to get a quick little calendar so it's the calendar for the month you're currently in a lot of times though you want a calendar with three months you want this month and the one previous and the one next month as well well you could do Cal Dash three to get your three month calendar displayed let's talk about a calculator BC for basic calculator bash calculator I'm not sure what it stands for but now you get a new prompt if I do something like five divided by three for example of course that's going to be one with a remainder of two if we want to get the remainder I could do five modulus three let's go ahead and see what the remainder is and of course we already know it's gonna be two two times two of course is four let me control C to get out of the basic calculator and I could also do something like Echo 6 divided by two and then again with the magic of pipes pipe that into BC and I could get the answer just displayed right here as output without ever having to go into the basic calculator prompt now let me copy a file over to the test directory I'm in my home directory I'm going to copy my DOT bash RC file over to test slash I'll call it bash RC now let me go ahead and CD over to the test directory if I do a ls-la you can see there is this bash RC the new one the copied version in here in the test directory now this is a big file what if I wanted to split it up I could do split dash n for number of splits I want to split this into five chunks so take you know like 20 of the file every 20 split it up and of course we have to specify what file we're splitting now if I do an LS you can see xaa x a b x a c x a d x a e so it split it into those five chunks I do a cat on x8a you can see that it ends right here here right it just took the first you know 20 percent of my bash RC so how do you get these back into one file so after you split if you want to put these back into a file again you use the cat command cat even though people use cat 99.9 of the time they use cat to read a file that's all you want to do with get actually stands for concatenate that's what it was originally designed to do it was to concatenate meaning put back together these split Falls so I could cat X asterisks for wild card symbol meaning any file that begins with x I don't care what comes after the X and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to redirect that into a new bash RC I could name that anything but now we've created this file new bash RC and if I Vim the new bash RC it is actually my bash RC all put back together again yeah looks exactly the way it should look now let's clean up this test directory I'm going to remove every file that begins with x so X asterisks and I'll do an LS so all of those X Files are gone let me CD back into the home directory clear of the screen last command I want to talk about briefly is the time command so what the time command does is you do time and then another command and time will tell you the number of seconds it took for that command to run a number of milliseconds for most commands because most commands are very quick for example if I run Tree on root the tree command gives me the entire directory hierarchy on my system in that directory in the root file system this is going to take a long time because there's probably tens of thousands of directories on the system let me Ctrl C to kill that process I'm going to run a Time on Tree on root and it's going to run but at the end it's going to also give us the number of seconds and you can see it finished and it gives us the time you see the real time here it was actually 28.3 seconds user time and then the system time as well you get three different time values so there you have it learning the Linux terminal in 30 minutes that was a whirlwind tour now most of the commands practically all the commands that I displayed on video I've done dedicated videos going in much more detail about the individual commands so check my command line playlist on YouTube now before I go I need to thank a few special people I need to thank the producers of this episode gave James Max and Matt minute Mitchell Paul Royal West armored Dragon mashed potato Chuck Commander angry George Lee Mythos Nader John Paul peace awesome realities for Less red profit Roland tools developer and Willie these guys they're my host here patrons over on patreon without these guys this learn the terminal when 30 minutes video wouldn't have been possible the show's also brought to you by each and every one of these fine ladies and gentlemen as well all these names you're seeing on the screen right now these are all my supporters over on patreon I don't have any corporate sponsors I'm sponsored by you guys the community if you want see more videos about Linux and free and open source software subscribe to distro tube over on patreon alright guys peace oh I forgot to talk about the Cal say command
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 37,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux tutorial, linux for beginners, linux course, linux commands, learn linux, linux file system, linux command line, bash aliases, linux, gnu linux, gnu coreutils, bash shell, shell scripting, command line tools, switch to linux, windows vs linux, linux operating system, how to, linux terminal, linux terminal tricks, linux server, linux commands cheat sheet, linux distros, linux customization, zsh, fish shell, ubuntu, arch linux, red hat, debian, distrotube
Id: PeCBpI1hT2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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