RPAChallenge.com in Power Automate Desktop

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[Music] hey everybody dave here today we are going to use power automate desktop to automate rpachallenge.com that's right dave is using a non-blue prism rpa tool what i want to do is start broadening my experience i have worked in some other rpa tools as far as i shouldn't say it worked i've played in other rpa tools but it was all for funsies i'm going to start using some other rpa tools and actually putting videos on youtube hopefully i can make myself do this so hopefully what i i can end up doing is power automate desktop and then maybe work fusion then automation anywhere maybe uipath doing both studio x and studio and maybe i can go into some of the lesser lesser-known rpa tools as well i am really excited about this and i did try out power automate desktop earlier today just to make sure that i could actually do it and i had to do a fair amount of googling to figure out certain things and reading the documentation you can in fact automate rpa challenge.com now before i actually start let me just point out what we have on the screen this is power automate desktop it's in preview right now meaning it's like in alpha or beta i don't really know what preview is supposed to mean but it's an early release of a tool that they'll eventually consider to be kind of a final version and ready stable or whatever i totally get it being called in preview because it it is not super stable right now i understand is a very good tool in my opinion but there are features entire features missing that need to be added and i'm sure over time it will get there it also crashes now and then but you know so do other tools it has some kinks to work out so today i'm using power automate desktop that is a desktop application that i downloaded from microsoft download power automate desktop you can go to the first link so right at the top you should see a link that says download free you can click that and then it'll automatically download to your desktop you can install the application when you open it up you're going to have to sign in with some kind of account so i think it gives you a few options and what i went with is my microsoft account that i use to log into my my home machine there's no license restrictions or anything as far as using this tool on your desktop power automate desktop is an rpa tool it's a robotic process automation tool it is primarily used for automating the user interface of a desktop if you're not needing to click on the user interface you might be able to just use power automate which is microsoft business process automation so instead of robotic process automation which is power automate desktop you could use power automate those two can be used in tandem where power automate can kick off an automation in power automate desktop and that's kind of how you get that unattended automation version of power automate desktop how you implement that is not for me to answer right now because i'm not experienced with this tool yet but from what i read there's i guess i don't know if they changed the licensing or not they've been changing a lot of things lately but i can say that most likely it's going to cost as far as getting at least power automate if not also a license for unattended automations in power automate desktop as far as attended automations go that is you build something that you can then you open up this interface right here this console and you click start on one of your automations and then it'll run right on your desktop that is completely free for you if you have windows 10. let's start building now in power automate desktop to automate rpachallenge.com what i'm going to do is click new flow and then i'm going to type the name of this we'll call it rpachallenge.com let's click create and then after a few seconds a second is going to pop up and then this is where we build everything in this is our development environment it's very simple actually on the left side we've got all of our actions so that name actually matches up to blue prism whereas uipath calls them activities these are all the things you might want to do such as interact with the file system or you might need to send an email or perhaps you need to split a pdf into multiple pages or something like that all of the different types of actions are available on the left side now if you're a blue prism developer i should point out there is a concept of application modeler in power automate desktop but you don't build processes and objects everything is built in what are called flows which is what i'd call a process but it's really just a combination of what processes and objects can do because the application model is going to be right inside this flow as well this automation should go to rpachallenge.com so let's go look at that rpa challenge.com we've got power automate desktop on the left side rpachallenge.com on the right side that we want to automate this is open in chrome what we need to do first is get our excel data bring it into power automate desktop into our flow and then once we have that then we can start looping through that data and entering it into this website so if you haven't seen rpa challenge.com let me point out what its functionality is you basically just go to rpachallenge.com and then you can type really whatever you want into these different fields and then hit submit and it's just going to refresh the page but it's also going to reorganize these text fields you'll see that the labels will change location whenever i go and click submit so notice that the first name is the bottom and when i re i submit and then i come back in you'll see now that first name is over down here the idea is they're giving you a challenge to make sure that you can build an automation or to make sure an rpa tool is capable of one or both of the two could be the reason but they're making sure that it's capable of adjusting to labels changing locations so the blank related to a label is always just beneath it but you don't know where the label is going to be on the page so you can't use the xpath the specific location in the webpage of where that label is because it's not a static thing for the input to this we don't have to make up the data ourselves you can click this download button and it will give you an excel spreadsheet that has something like 11 or 12 different rows of data so let me show you what that looks like so assume that i've downloaded this i've already changed a couple things about it let me actually show you that so i'm going to hit download and then i'm going to open it up hit enable edit and then let me show you the things that i changed i'm not actually going to use this sheet for my testing and stuff but um i know that there's already a couple of issues so ordinarily i might make an automated way inside of the process flow to fix this but in in my case here i just don't really want to deal with the problems because uh that's just creating extra work for me and that's not the fun part so i'm going to change the name of this last name field by hitting backspace at the end of it there's like an extra space there and then also this column h you see how it's kind of wider it's because this probably used to have data in it at some point somebody deleted the data but when i go and and both i think blue prism and power automate desktop think that there's data here so it will actually pull the data in and i don't feel like making an automated way to delete that column because i'm lazy so i'm going to right click on the whole column and hit delete and so that effectively fixes that problem and then we've got the same problem at the bottom where if i left it like this and i read in the data it's going to end up having a thousand rows because i'm guessing there used to be data down here in this section so what you can do is click on the row right here and then you can hit control shift down and that will select everything you can right click hit delete and that will just delete everything it doesn't look any different but i'm telling you after you do that when you go and read the data in now into a collection or a data table it's only going to have these rows instead of 1000 rows okay so that's some changes that i made right so here's where i've saved it c colon backslash test and the name of the file is challenge.xlsx i'll open this up and just show you that it is it is in fact the same thing okay it's kind of off the screen so this looks the same right is what i just showed you this is actually a different file though that i saved earlier so now that's the information that you might want to know before you start kind of building this yourself because i did change some of those things about the excel input file so if you were to go and just download and try to start working with it you might have some errors you'll want to do those three things that i just mentioned let's go ahead and get data out of excel now let me point out okay i i did google some of these things so if this doesn't seem intuitive to you i'm right with you this is kind of strange but it kind of it makes sense it's like anything it makes sense after you've done it but i'm going to show you how to get data out of excel it's very simple but there's uh some slight oddness to it we'll get the data out of excel and then put it into a data table which power automate desktop is effectively going to create for us automatically so let's go over and look in the excel group and what i need to do first is let's drag and drop launch excel onto the main and let's just change the launch excel option to launch excel and open the following document all right let's click the select file to choose a document we'll go to c colon backslash test choose the challenge.xlsx and then let's make the instance not visible it notice that it's going to output an excel instance that we can use let's click save and then close excel i'm going to go ahead and put in now and you'll see that you see that power automate desktop automatically puts in a variable named excel instance because that's the natural naming convention that it used for the output earlier let me click cancel and show you this is what it was named here excel instance and so it's automatically creating the variable for the input here which i think is really awesome now before closing the excel do i want to save the document no i don't want to save the document let's hit save okay so now we've got launch excel and close excel that's kind of our wrapper for handling excel stuff and then inside that we are going to need to get data now i already know there are two actions we need for this but let's get the one that's really obvious we need to read from excel worksheet is that what we want to do retrieve values from a range of cells okay this looks right to me so start column we notice the excel instance is already there that's cool so start column we probably want to do zero i think it's going to be 0 or maybe a i think we can actually type a so let's type a start row is going to be let's go with 0 because it's probably 0 index based honestly i do not remember single cells value or a first row number so it might actually be one but it'll tell us an error if that's wrong okay so the end column this is where it gets slightly weird so in excel when you're when you're referencing cell columns and you want to go this column to this column but i want everything i think what you can do is like a colon a like that but it this doesn't work here so you have to tell it the start column and then the end column i could put something like you know zz and that would pull a whole bunch of columns but i want it to only pull the data that's actually there so in this case what we need to do is is look in the excel spreadsheet to get where the last column is so the way that i found microsoft wants you to do this is to find the next open or the next free column find the location of that so that'd be like if you open the excel spreadsheet you see that h is a free column it's an open column that's the number that we would get back when we asked for it now we'd want it then we want to subtract 1 from that so that this would be the last column that we get and then we get all of these and that makes sense to me but getting this number and then subtracting 1 from it was actually far more difficult than i expected it to be and the same thing for the rows we want to get the first row that is free and then subtract once that we get this as our last row let's close this now the end column to get this we're going to have to create a variable and put a value into that using another action so let's click save for now it's going to give us an error at the moment and then what we need to do is right here it's called get first free column slash row from excel worksheet so we want to put that right before read from excel worksheet and this is using the excel instance so that works now it says variables produced it's going to give us first free column which is going to be an integer probably yep and then first free row which is also going to be an integer and so it's going to tell us those things that we just talked about which one's the first free column which one's the first free row and we're going to subtract 1 from each of those to get our last row and our last column let's click save and then we're going to get these variable or those variables called again first free row first free column and first free row and we need to use those as inputs to this so let's hit actually we can click this x over here to help us create it so let's click first free column and first free row now here's the part that i messed up on i before was putting to me it made sense i'd put minus one right here because i thought this indicates a variable like that the print the percent sign before and after some text indicated a variable which in a way it does but what it actually means is i think anything inside of that is a calculation or an expression so rather than these being a marker for a variable they just go around what might be some kind of calculation what we actually need to do is put minus one inside of here if anybody's watching this you have a great explanation for this feel free to put it in the comments for the rest of us to benefit from um i will eventually do more experimenting with this it'll probably make perfect sense to me but right now this is new to me so right here we need to put minus one as well and now we should get the correct input that we want for the end column and end row do we want to change any advanced settings get cell contents as text i would say yes we want to get it as text first line of range contains column names that is true and then the variables produced is going to be excel data so this looks like it's going to be a data table named excel data i'll click save and then at this point we probably should go ahead and test this so let's save click ok and then i'm going to hit run action by action run next step so when you hit it the first time it kind of goes into the mode of running step by step and so it doesn't actually run any of the stages you have to hit it one more time and it'll actually run the first stage or the first action so in this case it launched excel but it's in the background so we can't see it on the screen i'm going to hit run next step again this should give us the first free column and row from excel and you can actually see the data go right here into this these data items so the first free column is in eight first free row is at 12 and then we would expect to subtract one from each of those now read from excel worksheet now here's where we might get an error if i was supposed to put one in place of the column that we start at so let's see yep so main it said failed to read cell values that's not very helpful exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation i swear if i have to read that error one more time in my life i'm going to lose my mind all right look look look i don't know why it's giving us all this stuff but what i think is that i was supposed to put one instead of zero so let's try that let's hit uh did we already stop we just stopped i think okay let's open up read from excel worksheet and let's put start row as one and then if it fails now then maybe i can't put a instead of the column okay here we go run action by action let's run launch excel oh i wonder if excel was still open it was in the background so i couldn't see it let's hit step again and step again okay so it worked this time it got 10 rows of data let's actually go into this we can double click on it which i think is pretty cool and you can see the data that's inside of it so you can see it got first name last name company name rolling company address email phone number is that one two three four five six seven fields and it got nine rows of data is that correct so the last row is laura palmer let's go open up actually let's close excel by stepping one more time and now it should have finished and excel shouldn't be open anymore let's open up challenge okay i had to run in task on microsoft excel in the background so now i can open up this spreadsheet so there's a good reason to make sure that you go ahead and have it show up visible on the screen while you're testing so that if it fails in the middle of working with excel then you can click the close button on excel so it's not just hanging open but you know we all make mistakes okay so it looks like the last row is laura we have our actions related to getting data from excel and it looks like we are good to go now we open excel find out the range that we need read the data close excel and then we have it in data table let's save in case we've changed some things next thing we have to do is launch chrome go to rpachallenge.com and then close chrome so let's just build that out let's type launch launch new chrome launch mode launch new instance that's what i want initial url i want it to be http colon forward slash forward slash rpachallenge.com the window state i guess i'll just leave as normal hopefully that will work and it'll open up in the last state that i left it in because i i want it to stay on the top left of my screen where i'm recording this so let's go ahead and check some of these advanced things we do want it to wait for the page to load let's hit save oh notice it gives me a variable called browser so that i can use that to interact with the right browser okay and then next i want to go ahead i always like to close up what i have opened so let's go with close web browser and it's going to be the browser instance let's hit save so it's going to launch chrome go to rpachallenge.com and then it's going to close the browser let's go ahead and test that so let's save hit ok now i already have it open so i'm going to hit close and let's run this okay so we got no errors we don't know that anything actually ran quite perfectly or not but we know that it appeared to at least so let's move on to spying the web page this is going to bring us to the second part that is a little bit strange and i had to do some googling for we're going to put everything between launch and close let's go ahead and put a break point on close web browser and i'm going to right click on launch new chrome and hit run from here now you might ask well how do i get started from here so in blue prism we'd build an application model at this point and i think that's what we'll do here as well so let me show you sort of the the application model feature that's actually called ui elements i'm going to click add ui element and from what i've found it tends to add the right kind of element that you need based upon what you're clicking on what i'm going to do is click this but then we're just going to throw out entirely the selectors that it gives us so let's hold ctrl and left-click okay and so what it would have done oh you know what we can do yeah this is what we want okay so i clicked it once and i'm gonna hit done now because i happen to already know the way that i want to handle this let's make this screen a little bigger so i can view this better over here this is kind of our application model ui elements i'm going to right click on this element that's underneath well now is this edit selectors let's make sure okay now this did not actually spy this the way that i wanted yeah this this looks to me like it's using ui automation mode so let's try that one more time i'm gonna hit add ui element and i'm gonna hover over this done so this time it it used web automation modes because you can see it split it up into two different sections there's pain like it's dealing with a desktop like a windows desktop thing and then there's also web page because it recognized it as a browser i don't know why i did that if you know please put in the comments and i'll learn something but i have found that i just have to respy a couple of times until it eventually recognizes the element i'm clicking on as being an html element i'm going to right click on this and rename this first name and then i'm going to go in and edit the selectors this you might would normally come in here and and you'd edit all this stuff to narrow down to the specific attributes and elements and whatnot that you want and this works great except that at least i did not find that using this functionality would work for rpachallenge.com because it requires you to have a sort of dynamic anchor capability and this is the thing i brought up that blue prism doesn't have so in blue prism i had to go find the label let me go over and click the website i had to find the label for let's say first name and then once i found that i could retrieve the the dom path the x path the location of this on the page once i got that back then i could adjust that x path and i could put a little bit more on the end of it to make it point specifically to the to the text field that is associated with that label it's kind of like that in this tool but it's actually much easier however i have no idea how i would ever have come to this conclusion except for google okay so i just googled this and here's what i found you could do i'm going to hit custom so that this i can just type whatever i want into this and i'm going to type let's see if i can remember this right i might get it wrong and have to look it up let's see so if i remember i had to type i think it was div colon and then type contains and i think it was in parentheses with single quotes and i could type the name of the field so first name and then you could i don't know if this is called uh piping in this syntax it's probably called something entirely different but the idea is you first find a div that contains first name then i guess beneath that or attached to that you find an input okay so there's only one input text field for every label and since on here the word the the text first name is only here this one time it's not really a problem now first name was also said other places in the webpage i think i'd have to adjust this and it would have to be better but this works for such a simplistic web page anyways and it shows that there is probably a lot more functionality that exists now if this is just inherent to javascript or maybe this is like jquery or something like that i uh great but uh dave didn't know that this was a thing until dave googled it i'm just admitting that to you i'm sorry now let's hit update let's just do add ui element and i'm just gonna spy the same field over and over again until we have one two three four five six seven elements okay let's do first name we got to make sure it does input text oh oh i can do them all at once uh look at me go okay let's do it again and it's it's going slow okay let's do this again and now we have four total fields we want three more and this is the final time that we need this field we're going to let it kind of stop freaking out okay and let me click done so now we have seven fields if i counted that right and i'm going to rename each of these to match the field names that i want to work with so i'm going to right click rename ui element wait there's a shortcut hold on f2 hold up okay right click no can i just click it and hit f2 oh that's cool okay last name f2 oh that's that's yeah that's uh that's not bad phone number no no no no that's not what i had selected okay f2 so first name last name phone number email i have to click this twice okay we don't want company name yet we want address company name no no no that's not what i'm okay all right it's not perfect but you know it's not bad roll in company all right and so that's our elements but only the first one is configured so let me open this up edit selector and let's copy this and go into each of the others and change them to custom paste this and we'll type last name update close go to the phone number edit selectors hit the button edit selector change to custom i'm actually confused does visual editor mean if i hit this i'll go to visual editor and when i click like with this it means if i click this it'll go back to custom that's not very intuitive all right we're not here to make fun of the tool but i literally can't go a day without making fun of whatever tool i'm using that day uh what was i working with phone number i think email maybe i should have made sure this works before i did all this work for all these oh well here we are uh was it email address company name and then update close let's open up roland company and do the last one change it to custom overwrite role in company update close okay i think and unless i did something wrong that's all the effort that was required for these elements to now be dynamic so it doesn't matter where on the page they are the the label will be found by doing the contain you know div contains the text and then the input field from that will then be used let's delete this other one that we don't need whoops delete yes okay let's close the ui elements window and now what we can do is drop in the actions that we need to type into here i don't remember what they're called though so it's something to do with web automation so let me go to the web automation area and i don't think it's in the main section so let's go into web form filling there we go populate text field on web page so i'm going to drag that and drop it into between the launch and close actions it's already got the browser instance i need to choose the ui element that i want to type into so let's choose the first name field and then what i need to type into here is actually the first name so we've got to get that from excel and so it occurs to me that we actually don't have the loop that we need so i may come back and type that in in a minute so let's click save and we'll leave this one first as our test to make sure that things are working with the loop when we add that in alright so we need a loop somehow through the excel data okay let's think about this it's in a data table and we could do a for each loop so four each let's put the four each okay let's see we don't want to launch chrome every time that we fill in the forms so let's put the for each just after that what value do we want to iterate well we want to iterate over the excel data so here's our excel data and it says the variables produced is going to be current item personally that doesn't i think that's i mean it's just a generic variable name so i'm going to say excel row and then hit save so i i guess i should mention i don't know if you're you know how many people are comfortable with this or just already know this but typically in any programming language when you're dealing with objects that contain other objects inside them when you do a for each loop over the main one it's just gonna break it down to the next lowest level object and i happen to know that data tables in you know in c sharp and stuff which i guess this is what this is based on because it's microsoft the data the next lowest level element is a data row and i guess data columns but i think data rows are the very next thing so when you iterate do a for each loop over uh over excel data which is a data table the thing that's in each time you loop the thing that you refer to is going to be an extracted single data row that will have you know in our case something like seven fields okay so that i've called it excel row i'm going to hit save and then we've got our for each loop we need to populate the text fields in each loop so i'm going to drag this populate text field into the for each loop type something in here so let's type let's go get our variables that we have access to excel row because this column name is not super helpful okay that's fine this is another situation where you probably have to do some googling if you're not already familiar with it i had to to get the the syntax i could guess what it kind of would probably be but i wasn't totally sure so in this case this is what it is you've got your excel row because this is what's basically considered an array you put square brackets at the end of this since it's like an array and you just put the number of the column that you need to use or you put the name of the column here so i'm going to put the name of the column in i think single quotes so let's do first name so what that's going to do is look for the first name field inside the excel row hit save and it shouldn't have any more errors i'm going to hit save in the flow right now so that i don't lose all my work let's go ahead and test this once and what it's going to do is it's going to write the first name from the first row into hopefully this field right here before it stops right here put a break point right here this way it will stop before it tries to input into the web page and then we can kind of step over it after that let's close rpachalge.com the browser let's hit save one more time because i'm paranoid hit run so it should get our excel data and then it should open rpa challenge it shouldn't put any data in because it's hit the break point so now i'm going to hit step and it should populate the first name field and you can see it highlighted it for us even though i didn't ask it to so that's actually kind of weird but it's cool if i hit step again looks like it's going back up to the top of the four each it should write a different name in there now it's got jane okay so let's go ahead and take the breakpoint off and run it so it should just keep cycling through all the first names that looks pretty good okay next we've got to add in the rest of the populate text fields and we've got to click on the submit button as well so now that i'm thinking about that let's go back into the ui elements and add this so let me click we have to stop our test now i can click add ui element hover over this hold ctrl left click this looks good let's click done and then let's edit the selectors first let's rename it submit edit the selectors in this case i'll probably edit like normal now you might watch what i do here and think what is he doing if you happen to know what you're doing in power automate desktop already or a tool that is designed like this blue prism does not work this way so i'm not super comfortable with this interface but what i think i want is i want to deselect these top levels because if these things change i want i don't want everything beneath it to basically break so i'm going to deselect all this stuff so it's not tied to any of these attributes or anything and instead i just want it to be dependent upon maybe just the last one here and it has to have a type and value of submit and then i guess that the class will leave it as ui color button so i'm going to hit update and we'll just hope that this works if it doesn't we'll come back and fix it click close all right so we should have everything we need let me go ahead and drag the button on here so let's see it's going to be click so you could probably use click ui element but i i don't think that's going to work in this case uh let's go back to web automation and see if there's a uh here's press button on web page so that's probably what we want it's using the browser instance ui element is going to be submit and then advanced we do want to wait for the page to load although it's already loaded and then a dialog not going to appear let's hit save and then now that i think about it when this hits submit there might be a small period of time for this web page if it if it ever goes slow where it's going to be sitting there trying to refresh the page it won't have completed yet and so the form might start getting filled out again so what i want to do is give it a little bit of a weight so let's type weight normally i like to stay away from arbitrary weights like this but i'm going to do this anyways let's see is this a number of seconds yeah suspends the execution of the flow for specified amount of seconds to save okay so it's going to wait two seconds before each time that it goes to fill out the form i think that what i can do now is copy this populate text field on web page and just duplicate it so i'm going to do this what's i just do twice that's three times i need to do it four more times one two three four and then i'm going to edit each of these so what i need to do is change two things in each of these the ui element needs to point to the next one last name and i've got to change the excel field that it's using to use the next one as well so last name hit save let's go to wait did i just change i just changed the wrong one okay let me drag this up okay so this is going to be our first name this will be our last name then we'll open up the next one and do phone number i think yep phone number change this to say phone number save we'll go to the next one open this up change ui element to be a email change this to be email for our field in excel uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh it's going slow don't crash please don't crash please don't do this to me not like this not like this i hit save you can do it oh this is torture this isn't looking good what is happening right now all right so power automate desktop just um nearly lost its mind just now i don't know what's going on but it's running extremely slow you can see my cursor's just moving ever so slow on the screen what we're gonna do now is close the application and open it back up again oh cool we've encountered a problem sorry for the inconvenience please close out and try again okay okay we are back now let's open up our flow again and hope that power automate desktop doesn't nearly crash again okay so where we left off was we were we just did the populate text field on webpage for the first name last name phone number let's make sure we finished that yep and we want to do email next oh we did email already let's go to the next one which is going to be address let's change our excel field to address the next one is company name change excel field to company name the next one change to roland company and this is the last one so i think we have finished pretty much everything i don't know if i've missed anything but let's just go ahead and run a test because why not i'm going to hit save and let's make sure the web page is closed here we go i'm gonna hit run wait uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna hit run all right so it's already got the data and it's open up the web page it's now entering let's watch close and make sure that it is putting the data in the right fields i think it got all those correct first name last name phone number email address company name and roland company is looking good this is exciting i mean this is a pretty good tool i have to say i was trying just to automate random applications earlier even like discord and i was shocked how well it can automate basically anything and i suppose that kind of makes sense because like you know microsoft made the operating system so it just makes sense they could also make an rpa tool that's capable of automating the user interface of anything but i found both blue prism and uipath to just be not very good at automating the the user interface of some desktop applications and personally i didn't expect them to be very good at those but maybe i should go back and give them both a try again and just make sure that i'm not crazy because power automate desktop just did it so well if microsoft continues with this tool making it better adding more features listening to user feedback and implementing features that especially that the industry really needs this is going to be a serious contender for top spot of rpa tools i mean i'm not i'm not a salesman i don't care about industry trends or you know forrester you know blah blah blah gartner and stuff there's a lot of articles out there and and stuff where people are are claiming what's going to be the next big thing and you know what's falling behind and who has the best vision and all that stuff i just personally don't care about that stuff i'll leave that kind of stuff up to other people what matters to me is just functionality does the thing work really well i couldn't care less about machine learning and ai i agree it's great it's a buzzwords the rest of everybody else can can can just lose their minds over how awesome that is but i just want the button clicks to work and sometimes it is so difficult to just get it to work look at how look how much we just did in a short period of time and in a tool that i don't even know very well granted i had to spend some time googling some of this stuff but even given that it's still the same day and it was only basically a little while ago that i did my first automation at all in powerite automate desktop i highly encourage everybody if you were watching this and you're interested in the slightest bit go download power automate desktop and and start making some stuff i hope i've helped somebody get past some hurdles because there were some weird things i had to figure out especially with excel and then finding the elements on the page on rpachallenge.com if this has helped you please leave a comment let me know i love to hear that that people have been helped by this because it helps me be encouraged to make more automations in the future and record myself making them hopefully i can make this a thing that i'll be motivated to do for every rpa tool that i can get my hands on so we'll see what the next rpa tool is that i automate rpache.com with thanks so much for joining me and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Dave The RPA Guy
Views: 26,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power Automate, Power Automate Desktop, PAD, RPA, Robotic Process Automation, Robotic Processing Automation, IPA, ML, Machine Learning, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Automation, Automation, Technology, Innovation, Application Development, Dave The RPA Guy, Tutorial, Application Modeller, RPAChallenge
Id: YoVyKYRyPjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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