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[Music] oh this is theo he's an eight-month-old poodle session i did today very under-socialized dog extremely under-socialized reactive and under-socialized i wasn't terribly worried about theo hurting my dog or hurting another dog you've heard me say videos before they're young i'm not too worried about it because dogs learn aggression all right they don't just do it out of the blue they get older they get better out and then they learn that okay i bring prince out again i'm not that worried so i like you want to bark prince the dog might actually come at you a little bit and walk towards you theo he goes to he's trying to smell prince right here he kind of wants to meet dogs but he's tripped out by dogs look at him here i'm barking he's tripped out he wants to smell that he wants to meet the dog this is all good you have to get a dog like this with other dogs and that's the hard part for you guys when you have an under socialized dog who do you let your dog do this with neighbor's dog friend's dog that's kind of you have to in dog parks you can't do this at dog parks so you have to find the people that have a good dog that you can do this with and a large area where the dog can run around i just wanted to get this dog with other dogs i'm not correcting the barking and there's a lot of barking going on i'm not correcting because it's not even a choice from theo theo is just kind of reacting in a visceral way i'm not gonna correct something the dog barely knows it's doing he's just so emotional that he's just doing it also theo is eight months old guess what starts at eight to nine months the fear period the biggest fear period so theo has fear theo also is hitting a fear period nine months as i say is the worst time hardest time to own a dog okay this is a tough situation actually because he has real fear he has since he was young then coved and all this other things so theo just wasn't socialized even when he was young he just didn't even want to be around dogs so now we're trying to make up for lost time and that's why the goal from today was to have theo meet really good dogs but meet a lot of dogs bring him up to uh like like like bring him right up to the point of this is too much and not go past that point we get went unfortunately a little past that point it was still a net positive by far for theo but there was a couple points where he just was a little overwhelmed you haven't seen him yet this is not overwhelming a dog wandering around on his own property and theo running is not overwhelming theo could run away if he wants he doesn't want it he just wants to bark at the dog and tell the dog get the heck out of here so that's on thea we're gonna like take him to the limit that's on thea you can it's not too much plus these people need results they can't go through life having a dog under because under socialized dogs at a year become aggressive dogs like when they're this this under socialized they become aggressive and i told her this like we have to do something about this now the window of opportunity slams shut at a year and a half it's really difficult to fix a dog like this because this dog's gonna get more serious this dog's gonna actually maybe get aggressive if we don't get this dog with other dogs so i'm letting out super chill awesome dog nico a little pursuit from mikko theo runs away and then mikko's like okay i'm over it theo runs back and barks he wants to meet the dogs kind of but this is the best situation for theo there could possibly be are we overdoing a theo no we're not we have to push the envelope or this dog's not getting fixed if your dog's nine months old and acts like this dog you gotta get on it or you're gonna be calling me at a year and a half with an aggressive dog now theo it was kind of good right there theo was backed into a corner prince came over theo left field did look at embark theo did not growl and lunge and say get out of here he does do that later unfortunately but in that case he did the right move he just got out of there as opposed to telling prince to get out of here prince which he does do later and you're going to see that video in just a minute so we're making up for lost time every time a dog looks at him he runs away but we have to do this we have to you have to do this with your own dog you got to find a neighbor you got to find a friend who's got some chill older dog because your dog has to get with dogs you're not fixing dog issues without other dogs you want your dog to be able to meet dogs your dog has to meet dogs in a safe way okay mikko's just sauntering up to him it's the best thing for him he's learning right now that dogs don't actually hurt him i bring out gilly on a leash why did i bring gilly out on a leash why do you think because gilly's a little more gonna run up to the dog and that's what i don't want for this dog i don't want theo to get ran up on prince is already doing enough like i'm gonna run up on you but then gilly's kind of chill so i just say okay i'll fix now gilly kind of yeah still good gilly doesn't even care about him that's what you want you want this dog to be around dog now here's the video of him getting a little look at it look at him ground get out of here prince right he was kind of he backed himself or he was back and backed into a corner and he told prince to get out of here he was just overwhelmed right i'm not even going to correct it he was just overwhelmed so we got to kind of go okay let's not do that again now we're down in the pool area i just wanted him to see dogs moving these dogs have to see crazy stuff look at these dogs swimming theo's probably like what is going on right now you want to bring this dog to the point of like being like very stimulated because we're making up for lost time but not over stimulated and we pushed that envelope in this session for sure but we have to do this or this dog's eight months and this dog has not really wanted to interact with dogs its whole life these people have a real problem in five months if we don't push the envelope when the dog is at eight months so i just wanted the dog to see a lot of stuff a lot of stuff all right now prince is lying down this is one of the better parts theo really shows uh like he wants to meet prince because prince is lying down so he really comes up he's smelling princess but a dog like this has to touch another dog has to smell another dog has to um just investigate another dog to learn what a dog's like this dog has never really been around a dog it's like a blind person going up and touching someone's face like let me feel what this is like this has to happen or this dog's eventually going to have problems so here there's a little more investigation here in a minute uh let's watch that all right he's just chilling it's warm outside so he's panting a little bit i think he comes up to prince here in a minute and then we're going to see him kind of freak out again unfortunately when you're when you're trying to fix things man i pushed the envelope a little bit um he had a couple freak outs but we learned a lot about the dog and the dog is better for it so here he comes over and more investigation of prince i'm not holding friends prince is just being chill smelling prince's head he's like totally over prince's head just smelling just like oh my god what is this thing i've never really touched one of these things what is this now the dog has really met a dog right there i probably told her to reinforce maybe not but it's probably not a bad thing for her to pet him at that point now i bring down leo leo's a young dog i'm like hey maybe a poodle likes a doodle let's see if this works didn't work all that great he's like backed himself into a corner right mom's right there not the greatest spot that's why theo's on the leash i don't or leo's on the leash i don't want the leo to run up he seems to like leo actually i was telling the owners like he cut like he's trying to investigate a little bit look here we go kind of likes leo right this is a way better one than when the first stop when that when he first got here but then he kind of backs himself into the corner and like freaks out a little bit which you're gonna see in just a minute i think i let leo i'm like okay kinda likes leo let's again push the envelope a little bit he's gonna meet dogs he's gonna meet dogs so i'm gonna move over in a minute now i'm moved over and he's kind of freaking out freaking out barking look at his lips up like chill i'm telling him calm down calm down i don't want to get mad at him i'm just trying to tell him everything's okay prince is prince so i'm like let's get prince out of here he's just worked up right we we we hit the end he can he can't take any more i wanted to bring him to that point because we have to but he hit the end of his rope okay and we're done at that point all right he's met enough dogs and that's that so that's the session from today if you have under socialized dog hopefully you'll learn something
Channel: Beckman's Dog Training
Views: 148,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eHNMqotsrOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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