How to properly meet other dogs

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[Music] this is latte 16 month old dog this is his second session this may be the most helpful video i've ever made because latte is a lot like a lot of your dogs he's pretty good with dogs but he's not perfect he's not perfect on leash he's not perfect off leash and we're going to do both those today and i'm going to show you in depth the process that i do with people and you're going to hear the live audio of me doing with this guy there's going to be a couple corrections given he's going to play with dogs at the end of it you're gonna see and hear everything i do i think you're gonna get a lot from this video so the method is gonna be eventually he's gonna play with dogs okay but the method is gonna be he he has not played with any dogs his first session we let him run around we would let him meet prince and then it was like okay on meeting he just walked in all right and so we're we're basically making like real life and then we're gonna get dogs and he's gonna meet them so the process is gonna be can your dog leave you to just stare at another dog and leave you and go see the other dog no it can't that is the key to everything on leash meetings the key is that your dog's checking in with you knowing where you are all right watch this whole session it's going to really help you here's the original audio dude the gentle leader is the best here's what here's why like if he's growling and you go like this his whole head turns away not from here and you're like alright so here's the concept you're going to come over here dawson's going to walk out here he is going to do a couple things he's going to pull he's going to stare both of which are unacceptable to be honest you have to treat him as unacceptable him staring at the dog and not having a clue or caring where dad is is unacceptable so you're going to you can make a noise he might go oh what's up guy and then you're like oh you you know i'm here or he's gonna go stay right there he's gonna go you're gonna go say his name do a noise and he's gonna go i don't even hear you i don't care about you i hate that dog you're gonna go pop and you're gonna walk his little behind away and sit him back down or have him stand there do you see what i'm getting to with this it's like there's no just tuning dad out okay once you go over there this is on leash dog meetings and you learning how to do it i don't need to take the leash your dog isn't that bad but he's not perfect either he's oddly feisty even though he looks like so just like nice loving fun dog he's like a little feisty right put him in a sit can you put him in a set good stay loose leash good dog's coming out okay uh don't worry about the sit too much i'm glad you could get it here's the dog let's see what he does latte look dude there's a dog stay right there dawson latte do you see the dog latte dude oh there's the dog finally see his dog how does he look he's getting excited yeah he looks good calmly walk him up to the dog calmly stop too much pulling walk away good keep walking keep walking keep walking there's no no no keep walking backwards or the other way there's no reason to flip right around come on back good let's approach the dog and and if he goes no i'm going to see the dog you're like no you're not you're going to see the dog when you can do it like this don't worry about the camera person good let the leash loose loose leash loose leash loose leash walk walk walk walk walk walk keep let him good good and call his name and walk away good job man so a couple things you he looked great you got to relax that leash and let him meet you know what i'm saying when he looks that good keeping that leash tight is not good okay you're gonna let's get you better at walking up to the dog and when he's in front of you i want you to get better at like better i didn't really tell you but like he's like really leaving he only left for the last two feet there or pulled the first time you came up he pulled it like five feet away and i'm like no then he pulled it like two feet away and that's kind of okay you can't be so hardcore this is also a super nice dog but approach the dog and when he starts to leave you and go i'm going to see the dog i want you to go correction and a full walk away and then next okay but if he's good he's good just keep walking him i don't yeah leaving you pop walk away keep walking keep walking and back turn it back well let's see if he can approach his friend now oh oh he's checking in with dad oh keep walking he's being awesome go and walk let him go right up to the door oh my gosh see the different approach okay go get uh the other one you been it's crazy we'll get to crazy in a minute okay how was i think this is good i mean it's like you need to know the criteria to approach and not approach the corrections or the noise i told you to make if he's in a sit are to get his eyes off the dog get him up on dad because dad matters in this scenario and him completely being dog focused is a disaster waiting to happen it's not going to go well he's going to go there too much energy he doesn't care where you are he doesn't know where you are he's got tunnel vision on the dog it might go poorly sound good you did a good pop right there um it was all good okay another dog if he is tunnel vision on the dog correction walk away don't be so quick to flip back around until he's really walking with you and focused on you oh there's another buddy he looks the same but it's a different dog go and walk yeah you're gonna go see your buddy keep walking pop and turn walk away good he he for a moment he was not with you he was with you almost he was almost perfect but he wasn't perfect he's about to meet a new dog you got to be perfect go and walk now he's going to be perfect so you're basically going to let him meet the dog stay right there dawson i want him to work a little bit walk walk walk walk walk walk walk and we have a perfect dog who look at him look at you it's yeah let him meet you just force the meeting whatever can you go see your friend you're gonna go see your friend your friend doesn't care about you dude look yeah he can good job with the loose leash okay let's go get one of the crazy puppies whichever one you want maybe maybe bandit so the opposite of like what i saw up there which is pulling and the gentle leader like this and jump i want to see that guy the opposite of that which is what you see with dogs i think or am i wrong yeah you're right okay the opposite of that is that like that behind dad a little calm checking in with dad and then the meeting goes well unless the other dog goes at him how did we get to the opposite of what we saw there is those pops and turns is how we got there and we got there very quickly don't you think hey that's awesome to hear okay this is a crazy puppy let's let's do it more like real life where it's far away so go over there he's not that crazy anymore but this can be a tough meeting for this guy for latte stay right there dawson and walk you know what to do you know it's a different vibe from this dog keep walking keep walking keep walking stop just to make sure he's with you a little bit say his name yeah walk no you don't need to back up he was totally with you and let him see the crazy puppy get ready get good positioning good and say his name and walk away good tell him he's a great boy he's a great boy he dealt with like over the top from the dog dealt with a lot of stuff and dawson stay there and walk to see your friend he's perfect keep walking good you're gonna go see a friend yeah step on that leash dawson yeah tail wag looks good looks happy if he wants to approach he can keep yeah oh my goodness oh he's this one's holding himself back okay he's over it okay true true and then we'll do a play time with his soon to be four friends and prince i'm gonna let prince out off leash to run up to you and you're gonna have to deal with that okay do you see the value in that i'm leaving or i don't know where dad is and that pop and turn away i think you do that's actually what you should have done up there like when he's leaving you to see me yeah pop turn away you know i can see this guy so you can criteria is kind of like oh my god there's a person there's a dog but where's this guy like it does he doesn't have to be perfect he doesn't have to be behind you he cannot be like that though he can't ever ever not to say he'd be horrible it's not good it's why they pull on the leash it's why they jump on people you don't ever get them off the thing their eyes off the thing and their brain spirals okay here's a crazier young dog how old is latte i forget he's about a year and three months yeah this dog's six six months okay he's gonna he's about to see his buddy stop dawson ready walk go see your friend you know what to do oh look down at the ground hesitant but staring at the dog whatever you want to do whatever you want however you want to deal with it oh my goodness oh my goodness crazy puppy oh he wants to meet the crazy puppy hey i love that correction because it wasn't a correction he gave a tiny growl and you weren't like no growling you were just like okay it's time to walk away that was better i'm sometimes a little like no growls i think that was perfect because he dealt with this really wild puppy you're just like real easy on man i think that's right okay see your friend true holy mackerel dude good job um let me see that was good again man this dog's a lot in his face and he was just like please get away from me and you were just like okay let's let's walk away then okay true so i do the same thing this is my method right he said i want to go see this guy i said i don't care what you want to do now there's hesitance okay let's let him eat yeah yeah he's a lot true we're not doing this latte you go to your friend latte you're going to see a friend latte yes that's your friend he loves people oh my gosh god good latte good boy latte that's your friend that's a good boy latte you can also say good boy like when he's accepting all this talk to him good boy that's a good boy latte okay leave it we're done with the nuttiness true i don't care that true wants to go see him an obedient dog doesn't just leave and not know where the guy on the other end of the leash is okay all right dawson will you please put true away okay now we're gonna go prince out random dog running up to off leash i want you to relax you're gonna say to yourself i think this is a nice dog and you're just gonna relax that leash and go meet you meet your friend okay here come right like here actually come right there okay ready relax relax look at his tail good job walking around good pan let him see his friend okay now i want you to take him off leash and how you're going to do that is let's work on sit stay take the gentle leader off stay gentle leader off hold the collar don't let him go you taking the gentle leader off is not a release uh-uh it's not a release tell him stay get ready to grab him let go let go but get ready to grab him grab him sit you didn't tell him you didn't release him letting go of the caller isn't released you want him to meet the dog well and be calm this is grab him let go of the collar release oh there's there go there's a you go to your friend is that your friend go get him go get him go get your friend i'm not your friend well i am okay let's go the pastor so now he's playing with prince and then in in a minute you're gonna see him play with all the dogs he met plus one so that was the video um there's going to be kind of an extra scene at the end of this that you guys seem to be into here's he here is playing with all his friends that's the video guys your dog needs to pay attention to you when it's approaching dogs if your dog is feisty if your dog meets the other dog with a lot of energy and you let them pull to the other dog or at least not take their eyes off of the dog and not have them occasionally check in with you the meeting is going to go bad not for a perfect dog but for a feisty dog or a dog with bunch of energy that meets another dog it's gonna go wrong that method that leave me you see me it's the doorway method basically my doorway method dog leaves you give a little correction walk the other way that's the method then you saw latte how good he was almost got ran over by connery all of you asked about connery's breed by the way that big gray dog so many people ask he is a wine rhymer great dane mix everybody it's crazy how many commenters you how many comments there is on that all right and then here's prince destroying a palm frond and almost killing the other dogs all right guys subscribe like comment ask me any questions about the video and i just left a little extra scene here at the end it's not that interesting but multiple poops today it's just their nerves you know let's definitely do a poop pickup down here at some point today okay there's a few oh there's your buddy
Channel: Beckman's Dog Training
Views: 114,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tQJozxDvTEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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