Learn How to Paint the PAINTED POODLE with Acrylic - Paint and Sip at Home - Step by Step Tutorial

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hi there i'm michelle the painter from berkshire paint sip and this is paint and sip at home [Music] all right so today we're going to be painting the painted poodle i'm going to be sipping on a little wine spritzer and if you enjoy this video i do hope that you like and subscribe to my channel and that you also check out my patreon page where you'll find additional painting perks so let's get painting and let's get sipping all right so for my materials today i'm going to be using a stretched and prime 16 by 20 inch canvas if you're painting along with me you can certainly switch up the size but that's what i'll be using i'm going to be using acrylic paint today my colors are titanium white cobalt blue mars black deep yellow florescent purple fluorescent orange and burnt umber which i will call brown and of course you can switch up those colors if you'd like but that's what i'll be using for my tools today i have a piece of white chalk which you could use a pencil or another drawing device if you'd like and then i have two paint brushes i have a half inch wide flat bristle brush and i have a number one round brush and i will refer to these as small and large as we go through the painting process and of course you can switch those up as well too and if you're painting along with me you'll probably want to have a cup of water for washing your brushes as well as a paper towel for drying them and i down below this video i do have a couple of additional resources for you that can help you through your painting process one of them is a link where you can purchase the same exact paint kit that i'm using from the large canvas to the fancy piece of chalk and all the stuff in between so that's down there for you there's also a link where you can download a free image of the final painting and so you can print that and use it as visual reference as you go through the painting process and there's also written step-by-step instructions down there for you as well and that's all we're going to need today all right so what we're going to be doing for the first step is we're going to be painting the wall behind our dog i'm going to be using my large bristle brush and the colors that i'm using are black blue and white and what i'm going to do first is i'm going to pre-mix myself a a main color for my wall um and then i will when i'm painting it i'm gonna have the bottom of my wall a little bit darker and the top left corner a little bit lighter so first i'm gonna mix myself a color so i am going to turn this blue into like a dark more um neutral blue so what i'm going to do i want to save some of my blue for later for when i put some paint splatters on on the canvas so i'm going to take some of that blue and just set it aside and then the rest of the blue i'm going to desaturate it which means i'm going to add gray to it so i'm going to add black and white because if black if you mix black and white together that makes gray so in order to take some of the vibrancy out of this blue i'm going to add a little bit of black and just a touch of white i don't need much white but a little bit and i recommend just adding your black a little bit at a time because it can very easily take over and make it too too dark and it's really difficult to reverse so you just put a little bit of both in there at a time and this color will turn darker as it dries than it is when it's wet so just plan for that that whatever it is when it's wet it will get a little bit deeper and darker i think i'm going to go just a touch more with my black and white because it's still a little bit on the vibrant side for me so i just added a touch more black and white and you can really alter this to be whatever shade you want i am just going for a shade of dark blue that i personally like so you can certainly have at it and make it whatever tone you want maybe just a tiny bit more and then once you've got your desired color what we're going to do is we're going to make a couple of marks at the bottom of our wall where it's going to be meeting the floor so i think that's that's pretty good for my color right there and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to take some of that color on my brush and i'm going to find the quarter quarter way up my canvas in order to find that if you visually kind of find your halfway point and then go about halfway between that and the bottom of your canvas you can make yourself a little bit of a mark i'm going to use my brush as a measuring tool and come over to the other side and make myself a mark at about the same height i don't need this line to be perfect because it's going to be really dark and in the shadow and then what i'm going to do is i'm just going to kind of go back and forth to get these two to to meet one another something like that so i want the bottom of my wall to be the darkest so i am going to start i'm going to pick up some of my blue and i'm also going to pick up some black that's going to be the only time that i use black on the on the wall portion and then i'm going to use my regular blue for the rest of the wall and then when we're all done we'll put a little bit of white at the top so i'm picking up some more of my blue and some black on my brush so i have blue and black my custom blue and i'm going to paint the bottom part of this wall so somewhere in through here i don't want it to be 100 black because i do want there to be some sort of noticeable difference between the wall and the floor so now that i've got that on there i'm just going to be picking up blue for the rest of the wall i am not brush washing my brush i'm just going to be using my dirty brush throughout this process and you might find that you want to use a lot of paint or a little bit of paint you'll get your rhythm i'm just using a left to right brush stroke and you're going to find that throughout my painting process of this um of this wall that i will go pretty fast and that i do a lot go back over a previous area because i want this to be a nice blend so i do as the paint is drying you're gonna you're gonna see me go back and almost do a nice blending type of brush stroke on top of it as it's drying to me that helps me get these colors to work well together and to make them look as if they're just transitioning from one to the next but we're not doing two different of um a color variant going from bottom to top so the the gradient shouldn't be too too difficult but you are using acrylic paint which tends to be translucent or see-through so what might happen is you might get some natural streaks from your brush or from the thickness or thinness of your actual paint so you might end up with a streaky kind of looking background and if that is not visually appealing to you you can always do a second coat but what i recommend doing is just getting one coat on there letting it dry and then seeing if you want to do a second coat or not so i have the whole thing done now i want to lighten up this top left hand corner so without washing my brush i'm just going to be picking up some white paint i'm going to put it up in this left hand corner like this i probably will not pick up any more paint after this once i get it on there i'm just going to continue to work this paint into the rest of the area but i'm going to start up in this area here and then i'm i may use diagonal i might go vertical or horizontal i might go vertical you'll see how i just keep working the paint until i feel that it is a good blend so it's going to turn a little bit darker than it was when i first put that white paint on there but i just kind of keep working it you can even pull it out like this i just keep working it until i feel that i have a good blend i almost feel like i have a little bit too much paint on my brush so what i'm going to do is i'm just wiping my brush off on my paper towel so it's going to give me a little bit more control as to moving this paint as it's drying so that's in essence kind of what i'm doing is i am manipulating this paint during its drying process so you may get this on the first shot you might have to you know let it dry and do a second coat on it it is one of these these processes that i've done it so many times i can tell by how much paint i have on my brush how much paint is on the canvas if i'm going to be able to get it in one shot or if i'm going to need two layers so you can certainly like i said just keep playing with yours until you feel that you have a nice blend and then once you do we are going to be using this same brush for the next step so i'm just going to kind of keep working mine and i'm almost there i'm almost feeling like it's it's a nice transition from that top left into the rest of it and then we're going to use the same brush for the next step so once you've got your gradient all nice and done you can wash and dry this big brush and get ready for the next step okay so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting the floor so we'll be using our large brush we're going to be using black our custom blue brown and white and how i'm going to do this is i'm going to go left to right i'm going to do a similar process to what i did on the wall i'm going to start with black i want to be really really black right at the back of the floor and then i'll use a little bit of blue and then brown and white so it almost gets to like a grayish kind of color in the front so i'm just starting with black paint on my brush and i'm going to go left to right and again this does not have to be a perfectly executed line you almost if you can get it to almost disappear at the bottom of that wall that that totally works out so just know that it doesn't have to be a really clean visible line you just want it to almost disappear at the bottom of that wall and now that i have the black on there i'm going to pick up a touch of my blue wall color without washing my brush just to almost make it appear maybe this is a shiny kind of floor and it's reflecting a little bit of the wall color and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to start without washing my brush i'm going to pick up some brown so i just picked up some brown on my brush without washing it and now i am going back and forth just left to right getting these colors to kind of blend in with one another something like this and the next color i'm picking up without washing my brush is white so now what's going to happen is i'm going to get a nice it looks like i have a bouncy canvas here good thing i'm not going to be working down in this corner for very much but um i'm going to be going left to right across the bottom of the floor just like i did with the rest of the floor i'm just really looking for this floor to have some dimension and almost kind of pop out at us so it'll make it look like it's closer to us which is why i'm lightening it up down at the bottom and of course you could certainly get yours to be as light or as dark as you want and then i will just kind of keep going back and forth similar to how i did on that wall to get these colors to really work well together transition into one another i want to make sure that i have a nice stable foundation for when i put my super cute dog on here so if you feel like you have to adjust the colors at all feel free to do so and then we are going to be using our piece of chalk for the next step so once you've got your floor on here you can put this large brush away take out your piece of chalk and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we're going to be drawing an outline for our dog but i do want to forewarn you that before you start this step that you make sure that your canvas is nice and dry so you know you can either take an extra long break if you'd like to or you can blow on it which might take you oh quite a while or you can just whip out a blow dryer and just blow dry it so whatever method gets you there the quickest or maybe yours is already dry by now so we just want to make sure that it's nice and dry i'm going to be using my chalk to do an outline you could certainly use a pencil or a watercolor pencil that's nice and water soluble whatever works for you i'm using this because it erases really easy and i can make adjustments on the fly and i'm on a dark surface so my white chalk is going to be very visible to me and to you so how i'm going to do this is i'm going to do i'm going to start with a circle and we're just going to kind of build the body off of that initial circle the circle is going to represent like the main chest area of the dog so i'm going to have my dog sitting a little bit to the right of my center and it's going to be kind of a tall dog it's almost going to go up to the top of my canvas and the paws are going to come down about halfway in my in my floor so i'm going to have the chest area somewhere in through here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to kind of find myself visually my halfway point and maybe go a smooch to the right of that and then i'm going to come down i would say about an inch and a half to two inches shy of where my um my floor meets my wall and i'm going to make myself a little bit of a marker so somewhere in there it's a little bit to the right of my halfway mark my halfway left left to right of my canvas and a little bit above my floor then i'm going to come straight up from that to almost halfway between my floor and the top of my canvas maybe a little bit shy of the halfway mark there make myself a mark so it's going to represent the top and the bottom of my circle and my circle is going to be about as wide as it is tall so i'm just going to kind of from those markers kind of build myself a circle and it doesn't have to be a perfect circle you can certainly see that mine is going to have a little bit of an organic shape to it which is totally works when you're creating an animal and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to be making the front legs so i'm going to have him sitting straight i don't know if it's a he or she but the dog sitting kind of straight up so i'm going to have these legs coming down in through here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to from the outside edge of my circle come straight down and then in just a little bit make myself a couple of markers that are maybe about two inches from the bottom of my canvas so something like that and like that this is going to represent the bottom part of those front paws and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to connect this outside edge to that marker so something like this and again it doesn't have to be super perfect i'm going to bring it in just a little bit and then i'm going to put a little cute paw at the end of it something like that and then i'm going to be leaving a little bit of a space in through here so i'm going to make two markers like that so there's a little bit of a space between the legs and then i'm going to come down like this maybe there's a little bit of movement in there from some fur or something like that and something like that so i'll do the same thing on the other side i'm going to bring this in just a little bit something like that and as i come down here i'll give myself a little bit of a cute paw something like that and of course these paws can be at different angles they can have different you know fluff to them we'll be adding the fluff later but right now i'm just kind of giving these legs a little bit of movement so we got something like that and then of course it can certainly be adjusted when we go to add all of our little fluffiness to it maybe this goes out a little bit almost looks like there's too much separating them but we'll figure this out that's what erasers are for um so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add the back as well as the back leg onto here so i'm going to make myself a couple of markers i'm coming up about halfway up the paw making myself a little bit of a marker and then this is gonna be a little bit above my circle so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come up my circle like this and make myself just a little vertical line and then i'm going to travel up that about an inch that's going to be the start of my back it's going to be just a little bit to the side of this circle and then i'm going to come down something like this to about i would say almost where the bottom of the circle meets then i'm going to bump it out a little bit this is going to be for his back leg his or her back leg and then i'm going to bring this in through here something like that then what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring this cross over into this leg give myself a little bit of an inside part of what would be the maybe the other leg i'm going to come over travel to here give myself a cute little puppy paw something like that and maybe like this and then this is going to come this is going to be the other leg it's going to be just a little bit lower than this circle here so i'm going to bring this something like this like that i'm going to give myself a little underbelly here so like that and i'm going to erase this line here so i'm going to use my small brush and a little bit of water water will erase your your chalk magically something like that all right so now all we need to do is we need to put a head on and a neck so what i'm going to do and a muzzle and some ears we just got a couple more things to outline so i'm going to go um directly up from the center i'm going to come down from the center of my um canvas maybe about an inch inch and a half make myself a mark then directly below that i'm going to be shy from this circle maybe about two inches this is going to represent my head circle and it's going to be a smaller circle than here so i i want the left side of this circle to be i would say i would say about maybe somewhere in this vicinity if you go straight up that's about where the left side of the circle is going to be so something like this and the right side is almost going to be parallel to here so go up from the body here or maybe from here go up from here and this will be the other side so maybe maybe more of an oval is what i'm creating here so something like this that should do it now what i need to do is connect my head to my body so i'm going to take this and go in like that and then i'm going to take this one and i want to drop it in a little bit like this and then it's going to come this is going to be the front shoulder area so now what i've got to do is i've got to put myself on a muzzle now this head will look bigger and cuter when we put all the fluffy hair on top but right now we've got it's going to look a little flat on the top just because it's not going to have much fluff i want my nose area to come almost in an upward motion but i don't want it to go too much farther out than my paw so if you travel up from your paw that's about you i mean you could go a little bit further but i wouldn't say too much further than that you can actually make yourself a little bit of a marker and then the top of the muzzle is going to come about halfway down that circle so something like this with just a little slight angle i don't need much of an angle and then the bottom part of the muzzle is going to come where the bottom part of the circle is so i want to give it a little bit of a curve at the bottom of the face something like this and then just bring it back somewhere in through there i need a little bit of an ear hanging down here so i'm going to bring it higher than this circle so somewhere about here and it's about halfway into the muzzle something like that and i'm just going to give myself a little bit of a shape of an ear the other ear is going to be within the bot the the neck so we don't even have to do anything to the other ear at this point that's all we're going to be doing for the outline of our dog so we will be using our large brush for the next step so once you've got your dog outline on here you can put your chalk away take out your large brush and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we're painting the base coat of our super cute dog here so i'm going to use my big brush and i'm going to be using black brown and white and with those three colors i'm going to make two shades of gray i'm going to make kind of a medium darker gray for the back sections or what i'm thinking are going to be the a little bit darker sections and then a lighter gray is going to cover the whole front section of it so how i'm going to do this is i am going to be using some of my brown a little bit of my black and some white and i'm going to mix it together until i get a like a medium kind of gray which is going to be somewhere in this vicinity might be a maybe maybe a touch darker just a little bit more black and then once i've got that color that's going to be my color for these back areas and you we don't have much to to paint in there but what i'm going to do now is i'm going to make a lighter version of it so i'm going to just kind of use that as my visual reference use a little bit of brown a touch of black and some white and i need a little bit more of the lighter color than i do of the darker color so just as you're mixing we are going to be using more of that lighter tone than um than the darker tone so just know that as you're as you're planning out your your shades here and these don't have to be terribly different from one another but you do want to be able to visually see that one of them is lighter than the other one so i'm going somewhere in this vicinity for my for my lighter shade and i like using the brown in there because i think it adds a touch of of warmth to it and more of a natural tone as opposed to just black and white which can tend to be on the cooler side so there we go i've got my two shades now what i'm going to do is i am taking some of my darker shade and i'm going to be applying it to these back sections with a dotting technique i want this fur to have a lot of texture to it so everything that i do from here on out is going to have some sort of either textural type brush stroke or colors that are gonna add a textural effect to it so i'm bringing it right up to the opposing section it's okay if your lines end up almost looking fluffy because that's really the intent here and i'm just using this darker color and adding it with these dots and i do know that it will turn a little bit darker as it dries so i'm you know mentally prepared for that and i'm going right up to my chalk line so that way i can you know just bring it all the way to the edge and if you end up having a little bit of your chalk showing afterwards it's okay because you can just wipe it away with some water too and because we're using this dotting technique you're going to get some light spots and some dark spots which is going to end up adding to the natural um look of the of the painting so i also need to do this ear with the darker color so i just picked up some more of that darker color and i'm doing this is in essence the underside of this ear into here i do know that the i'm gonna have some almost like stringy pieces along the edge of the ear so i'm going to just really make sure that i have it nice and textured at the end of that ear so it almost looks like um like it's starting the the long fur look to it so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to be picking up some of my lighter gray in through here so i just picking up some lighter gray and i'm doing the same technique to the rest of the animal so even in through here where we had those the um separation of the legs to the belly you can just kind of paint right over that and you can see i can see the difference between that tone and this tone which is definitely what i want so if you if your colors are too similar and you can't really see the difference between the two then you'll definitely want to probably just lighten your lighter tone a little bit but if you're too close to white on your lighter tone then maybe you want to darken your um your undertone the darker of the two and then i'm just going to kind of keep going until i've got this whole area painted in and if you detect a little set a little um section still visible between the two the back the dark section and light section that's okay because we're going to have a whole bunch of steps with more fur and fluff to go on top of it so and if you're doing this to emulate what a different type of dog you can certainly still use a similar thought process with this fur i'm doing a darker color for the um for the under fur and then as we build the fur towards the exterior where it's going to have all of the the detail on it that will be the lighter layer so if you're doing a brown dog you'll want to have a darker brown undercoat and then as you work your way towards the fluffier fur on the top you work your way towards the lighter fur so you can use again this thought process for any kind of dog if you are doing a black dog though you're going to have to you do black as your undercoat but you'll need to alter if you have a dark section and a light section you'll have to make some kind of visible separation between the two even if your your um lighter version of black is just a hint lighter that would that would help you to separate those areas and then we are going to be using this same brush for the next step so once you've got this undercoat on you can wash you know what no we're going to use our small brush for the next step sorry about that we're going to use our small brush for the next step so once you've got this on here you can get your small brush out and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to be doing for the next step is we're doing the first layer of the facial the first layer of the facial features you try and say that three times first layer of the facial features first layer is facial features first layer the facial features oh i did it firstly anyways so we'll use the small brush and i'm going to be using black paint only and we're just they're just a few shapes and and marks and just something that's going to give us a good base for our detailed areas later so small brush black paint only i like to take my brush and spin it on the side of my palette within my paint that gives me a nice pointy brush and if that doesn't do it for you can always add a touch of water to your paint to make it almost like an ink consistency and that'll give you a nice pointy brush as well so i'm going to have my little tiny nose is going to be at the tip of the muzzle i'm going to just do like a little bit of a crescent area in through here just color it in black and they're not going to look awesome right now because we're really not doing much for detail on it right now but once we put the detail later it's going to be so cute then i'm going to do a little bit of a center area down in front of the nose his mouth or her mouth is going to come about halfway or a third of the way up the muzzle so something like this and then it's only going to go a little bit past the nose so maybe somewhere in through there and if you go too far or if it's too thick of a line don't worry about it because we're going to have a whole bunch of hair and hair fur on there later that will cuten it up and you can disguise it so that's all i'm going to do for the nose and the mouth the eye i'm going to have coming directly back from this corner here going in this direction i'm going to do just kind of a nice size circle it's going to be a little bit taller than that maybe coming down almost about halfway in the nose something like this i'm just going to color it in black and then i'm going to give it a couple of little rough edges so i'm going to do a little bit of don't think of this as almost like little eyelashes coming out that corner there and then the little inside corner coming somewhere in through here that little that little part of all doggies that it almost seems like dirty on the inside of their their eye at least on my dogs anyways um and then that's all i'm gonna be doing for this step i am kind of keeping the edges a little bit messier around that eye so it almost looks like there's a little fur starting there anyways and then we're going to use our large brush for the next step so once you've got this started you can put the small brush away take out your large brush and get ready for the next step okay so we're going to do for the next step is we're painting a shadow on the floor from the dog so i'm going to be using my large brush i'm going to be using black and brown you may choose to use some of um like your floor color if you wanted to but i it's already pretty dark so you can get away with a pretty dark shadow um and i'm having my light source over here or on the left hand side so i'm going to have my shadow going to the right so i'm never going to have too much paint on my brush i'm just picking up a tiny bit of black and a tiny bit of brown and i will wipe it off on the side of my palette that gives me control i'm going to be bringing it underneath each of my little my little objects which is the tummy in through here it's going to have and if you bump into your your dog it's okay because we're going to be painting the edges anyways so i'm just using kind of a little scrubbing type technique a dry brush i don't have much paint on my brush at all i know that this is going to have a little bit of a shadow coming over here i've got a little tiny shadow underneath this paw and through here something like that and then i've got a big shadow coming behind it so i want to bring the shadow up behind the dog a little bit you want you don't want to just keep it at the bottom edge because that would make the um dog look like a flat against the the wall so i'm just going to bring this and make it maybe a little bit more narrow as it goes towards there and if it's too close to your floor color just add more black to it so that way you'll be able to see it on top of the um on top of the floor and that's all i'm going to be doing for that step i will be using the same brush for the next step so you can just wash it and dry it get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are adding shadows on our dog fur so i'm going to be using my large bristle brush the colors i'm using are black brown and my dark gray so how i'm going to do this is i'm never going to use a lot of paint and i'm just strategically going to be adding these darker areas again i know my light source is coming from over here but i know i definitely want a little shadow underneath this ear here i probably want a little bit underneath the muzzle because that would make sense for the contour of it i'm going to want a little bit around what's going to be my ear i'm going to need some underneath here so probably underneath the chest and definitely in through here on the right side of these legs and on the right side of here as well as the left side of this section too because it's being shadowed by this leg here so i'm going to talk you through it as i do it um so you can understand where i'm putting the shadows but it's basically shadows from the light source and the contours of the body so i'm going to start with a tiny bit of black and brown on my brush very very little bit you don't need much paint at all you can always add more i'm going to start in this little section here because i feel like this would be the darkest so i'm going to just kind of add some little dots in through here to make it nice and deep and dark in through here like this is the area of the body that would have the most shadow to it and then maybe i'll put some on the edge of this leg into here making sure i just have a a good amount of darkness in through here without making it too too solid of a color so that's the trick with this little poodle is i don't want the colors to be solid i want to always have some texture to them so even when i'm doing this shadowy kind of step i'm still thinking this is fur i want to kind of dot it and keep it with some texture to it so i'm going to have some going along here which will represent the shadow on the side of the leg as well as the shadow on the fur itself so something along this line is going to help to tell this shadow story and then i'm going to have some along the back side of the body so right now i still just have a little bit of black and brown i think i'm going to transition just into brown without washing my brush and i'm going to just kind of almost dot it as i'm going down through here i might have a little bit of a contour shadow in through here from that leg the knee of the of the leg and then maybe along this right hand side and again i have hardly any pain on my brush and i'm okay if i cross over into the exterior because that's going to make it look a little bit more fluffy maybe a little bit down in through here i might have a little right in through here where the leg meets the the paw and at any time if you want you can pick up a little bit of the darker gray for these type of little contours on the lighter fur that i'm doing in through there i'm going to have one in through here so i've got that darker gray on my brush along with maybe a little bit of that brown and again i'm just not using a lot of paint to help with this um with this little shadow story i'm telling i'm going to put just a little bit more darkness in through there so we don't lose that spot maybe a little bit in through here just to show that that's maybe catching a little bit from of a shadow from turn from the contour of it let's see what else i need a little bit up and through here so this is going to be maybe my dark gray so i'm kind of alternating these three colors as i feel i need to with the intensity so if i need it darker i'm going to be using a touch of black and the brown if i just need to add it onto this lighter area maybe i'm just using the darker shade of gray that i have so you don't really need to go too invasive with the intensity of these shadows you just really wanted to tell a story to tell the the the viewer that yeah there's a shadow there yeah there's a contour there so i want a little bit underneath this uh muzzle so i'm not painting it a hundred percent i'm just kind of dabbing in a little bit darker of a shadow maybe i've got a little bit on the top of the muzzle in through there i need the ear to be somewhere i want my ear to be kind of as tall as my eye so i'm just really gonna rub in a bit of darkness that's gonna surround the ear itself so something like this and again i hardly have any paint on my brush right now i want this ear to be as long as this one so i can in essence kind of come directly over here and give myself a little bit of a shadow underneath that ear so something like that and that is all i'm going to be doing for my shadows i'm just looking to see if there's anywhere else that i want to put and i think that's going to do it for me so we're going to use this same brush for the next step so you can wash it and just get ready all right so we're going to do for the next step is we're doing the final layer of our fur i'm going to be using my large bristle brush and the colors that i'm going to be using are let's see we're going to use both of the grays the dark gray and the light gray and definitely white so how i'm going to do this is i'm in essence going to build to the lightness the lightness it's a white dog so there should be a lot of white fur on here but you don't want to overwhelm it with all white fur because then you'll you'll lose the texture of the fur i know that my light source is over here so my brightest fur is going to be on the left hand side i'll have bright bits over here i'll have bright bits of white fur on this left hand side maybe a little bit on this leg definitely some white fur coming off of the ear some white fluff on the top of the head maybe some little bits of white fur on the face too but before i get to the white fur i need to build my way there so i'm going to take my grays and build my way to the light so i know that in this area i could utilize this light gray as my top fur because it's a lighter shade so it's going to it'll give you that dimension same thing with the pause and the front i could use this gray with a bit of white not white alone but with a bit of white which will start to build um the brightness to it so i'll show you what i'm i'm gonna do and i'll talk you through it as i'm doing it but the biggest tip that i'm going to give you for this step is never have a ton of paint on your brush i am going to be using very little bit of paint and i'm using just the pretty much the corner of my brush to manipulate where i want these pieces of fur to go if you use a lot of paint on your brush you're gonna the tendency to make these big wide flat strokes will happen and then you're gonna color the whole thing one solid color so if you want to keep that dimensional element and to be able to see these pieces of fur don't use a lot of paint um and you can build the the fur in the direction that you want so this is going to be a curly dog so i'm gonna when i'm when i'm painting the fur on i'm gonna be using all these fun little swishes and different directions with my brush when i get to the pause i'll be putting the fur on as if it's coming over the paws when i get to the ear i'm going to have these longer more flowy type of pieces of fur and then you'll want to have pieces of fur that cross over into your background that's what's going to make it look nice and fluffy all right so i'm going to start i'm going to start in my darker areas which are these these areas in through here i'm going to start with my light gray color and i'm just putting a tiny bit on the tip of my brush and as i do this i'm thinking i don't need to do much i just need to add these little bits of fur that are going to be evident i want you to be able to see them so i'm just using the corner of my brush i'm just kind of adding in a directional kind of way you don't want it to go super straight you want it to have a little bit of a curve so i am just kind of adding these little bits of fur in this directional kind of way you can overlap your shadowy area you can get it to go over the edge a little bit it will if you don't have a lot of paint on your brush you'll be able to see those contour areas that you put or the shadow areas that you put and if it's not bright enough if you can't see it once it dries then definitely add a bit more lightness to it so you you can kind of um play with that the bright intensity of it all you want i definitely want a couple little pieces in through here that's a little bit too bright for me so i'm going to just go a little bit back into that original gray put some over here i will end up putting some lighter pieces on this exterior leg but right now i'm just kind of getting my directional fur on here so that's cute i'm going to put some down this ear on the exterior of the ear something like this and again i'll put some brighter ones on that edge in a minute but right now i just kind of want to get the motion of it in through there that's nice then maybe i'm going to start building my way towards the lightness so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my light gray i'm going to be using that with white on my brush i'm not going all white yet i'm going to reserve that for the the brightest areas and i'm going to start adding all these bits of fur coming down the leg and again you can cross over into the other sections that's what's going to make it look even more natural even on this little puppy paws down in through here and if you feel like you went too much like you know it just ended up too light or too dark or too solid of a color you can always bring back some of the original darkness to it so don't feel like once you do it if it's not perfect that you've ruined it or anything like that you definitely can continue to just work your way into um building it into a believable way so right now i'm just working on this chest and you can see i'm kind of swishing my brush in in a couple of different directions to give you the idea that this fur is in fact maybe a little bit longer maybe a little bit on the curlier side going to bring a little bit over in through here oh i forgot this little paw down here don't want to forget that so just adding a bit on there and i also know that i've got some um fun paint that's going to be splattered about onto my dog in a little bit so i know that if i do something that i'm not totally excited about that i will still have the opportunity to disguise it a little bit later with a touch of paint splatter or something so again i'm just kind of working my way up in through here with um the lighter gray plus white on my brush i'm gonna start working on this ear a little bit without going too much i'm gonna i'm gonna be bringing some white in into here in a minute but i just kind of start i want to start the motion of this fur on the ear i definitely want to have some cute pieces coming off the top in through here so again i'm not using a lot of paint on my brush i want there to look like there's some movement to this fur coming off so you can see i'm popping it out past that head a little bit and this is going to start to tell the story of the length of the fur on this ear so i'm giving them longer more wavy kind of brush strokes still just using the corner of my brush and i'm not full on white yet i still am using that light gray plus white on my brush i'm going to do the same thing on the face here so when i get to the face i know that the fur is not as long so i'm just going to kind of use that corner of my brush we're going to add a little bit more detail to the nose in a minute but right now just going to add little bits of fur coming off the sides of the face i know that these dogs these little poodles can come in many different varieties and different colors and different shapes and stuff so i'm just going with kind of a traditional looking little poodle here but you could certainly if you're emulating your own dog you can certainly get this to morph into the markings of your dog or you know any anything fancy that you that you want to to to emulate and then i'm gonna do some little fluff on the head again i'm not going full on white yet i'm just really um starting the the fluff process and for the hair on the head oh my god these i saw pictures because when i was looking for some you know cute references to use oh my god some of them look like they are rock stars they have these big huge like lion mane type hairstyles oh my god and some of them are all groomed and they have you know the the puffball tails and paws and all kinds of stuff so you can really have loads of fun with making this whatever way you want so i'm just kind of on the head using almost like a little bit of dotting and a little streaking here and there just to give it some some cute texture i'm picking up some of my original gray just to make sure that that shadow area where it's meeting the ear is going to make some sense here maybe i'll put a little bit here and you can just you can see i'm just kind of having fun with getting the the lighter fur on but in a second i'm going to start once i once i feel like i've got enough fur everywhere i will start to add those really bright highlights to it but right now just still working on that little shape i think i want just a little bit more back here all right so now what i'm going to do this leg looks a little a little funky to me so i just can i'm just going to fluff it out a little bit nothing nothing a little dog flop can't fix um so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to use just white so i'm going to let the other gray kind of work its way off of my brush and how i'm going to do that is i'm going to start on the right hand side and this is i'm going to i'm going to start the right hand side of the dog but the left hand side of a particular section so here we go i've got some white on my brush right now and just adding these bits of highlight over on the left side of the leg the left side of the paw something like this yeah that's working that's so cute a little bit of fluff entry here and you can see if i just continuing to get into a lighter version of the fur that helps to get it to to build a dimension on it i need i need some more fluff on this paw and through here so just adding a little bit more of the lighter stuff maybe coming up in through here and you know i'm just doing this out of you know the way that i want this dog to look but you could certainly again if you're using your own dog as a reference or you've you know chosen to do another type of dog you can really get this fur to do whatever you want by building it in layers like this and i'm gonna i you can see i'm doing my little kind of swishing type brush stroke to get these little pieces to almost look curly in through here and if you wanted to fluff it out a little bit more you just bring more pieces out into the background so you can see the edges of them i think i need a little bit more on this corner of the leg in through here just to make it look like you know read as that light source is in fact over on the left that's cute now i need some on this ear so i'm just going to put it right on the edge of this ear just to give those little bits of of bright fur from whatever that light source is over there bring this over here i'm gonna have some along the edge of this ear yeah this is cute i can't wait to to put the um all the little paint splatters ever oh my god it ends up looking so freaking cute when we get them all in his little mischievous way with the with the paint all splattered on but you can see how i'm kind of leaving that right hand side a little bit darker so cute i think i'm going to widen the neck a little bit here let's put it looked a little narrow to me so i'm just going to put a little extra thickness on here something like that then i'm going to use my white paint to get just a couple more little brighter pieces right at the edge of the the mouth and this is where if you um we're going to put some on the top of the nose too in a second this is where if you wanted to decrease the look of your mouth you could certainly add more little bits of white in through there so this is looking cute and you can see how because i've worked my way towards the lighter fur that when i pop these tiny bits of the white on as almost like a final little touch it just gives it that extra little punch to um show the dimension of of that fur so something like this and then i need a couple of bright little pieces on the on the top of this fluff here oh my god he's so cute i like it when they you know when they come to life like this and then we're gonna give it that extra bit of personality when we go make them all nice and little mischievous and stuff maybe just a touch more fluff fluff out here all right and then we're gonna switch brushes to our small brush so once you've got all of your adorable fluff on here your long fur for your cute little poodle you can um wash and dry your small brush and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we're going to finish the face so this is going to be the eye and any little details on this muzzle that we feel that we need to do so i'm going to be using my small brush the colors that i'm going to be using are yellow orange white and maybe brown and black but i'm not quite sure so i'm going to start with yellow and orange on my brush at the same time i'm starting with the eye i'm going to be putting the colored part on the eye so this is going to be bright when it's wet and it will dry a little bit darker so i'm going to do like a crescent for the bright or for the color part of the eye i'm going to leave a little bit of a black pupil so and i'm going to leave some edge of black around around the edge so i'm just starting up in this top right hand corner and i'm going to bring it something like this and if you want it to have a little bit more oomph to it you can add a teeny tiny bit of white paint while it's still wet you can add a little bit of brightness through within that space but not the whole thing just a little bit maybe like in the center area so something like that while that's drying i'm going to go ahead and finish my nose so i'm washing and drying my small brush i'm going to be putting some black and white on my brush at the same time to kind of lighten the top of my nose so i'm in essence just kind of adding gray to the top of my nose i'm going to have a little bit of an area down that front part and a little bit in through here so i'm kind of creating a nostril with the um with the black space that we have there i'm going to put a touch more black on my brush just to darken up this little nostril a bit something like that and then i'm gonna add some white to my brush to put some bits of little highlight on the top of this nose and this is where you would do any little adjusting that you want like i think the muzzle needs a little bit of brightness on the top of it maybe needs to be fluffed out a little bit so i'm just kind of dabbing in some little bits of highlights in through there same thing with your nose wherever you feel like it might need a bit of adjusting now is the time to do it so something like that i think the nostril has like a little crease on the side of it then at the bottom of the the nose you just want to make sure that you have enough enough stuff enough stuff under the nose so i think i i just put a little bit of brown because i want there to almost look like there's little pieces of fur at the underneath the nose so like that i'm gonna i wiped my brush i'm picking up a little bit more white and i just like to have that dimensional element there so i just kind of keep working these little pieces of fur until it feels right to me like i feel like i want a little bit more down in through here too so i'm just going to kind of keep adding oh yeah a little bit of a little bit of volume in through there maybe maybe a touch more um maybe a touch more a little bit over here yeah that's cute and you know again you just kind of keep until it re it looks like your dog or it has good proportions to it and once you've got yeah that's cute once you've got the the nose where you want now we're going to go ahead and finish that eye so i want there to almost look like there's little like pieces of fur around the eye so i'm going to just pick up some white paint and make sure that i've got almost i don't want to call them like eyelashes but definitely just little bits of fur that maybe cross over or or are really near the eye i think these doggies have this cute little tuft of fur underneath the eye and through there maybe a little bit coming up the nose i don't know i'm just i'm just having fun right now and now i need i do need to finish that eye though so the main thing for the eye is the twinkle in the eye so i'm going to put white paint on my small brush i'm going to do kind of like a dot like a little curved dash and a dot and then i'll put a little sliver of the white part of the eye down and through here so i'm near the top of the eye i'm going to just kind of put a little kind of dash and a dot and then down towards the bottom of the colored part of the eye i'm going to put just a little sliver of the of the light part of the eye and then if you have any adjustments that you want to do after that feel free to do so i might put a little bit more darkness in the in the mouth in through here but again you could certainly just have fun with yours until you've got it adjusted the way that you want and then we're going to use the same small brush for the next step so once you've got your face finished you can wash and dry this small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're doing the first layer to the paintbrush i'm going to be using my small brush and i'm going to be using just black paint so i want it to look like the doggie is holding the paintbrush in the mouth so i want it to obviously go through the mouth i want it to kind of be at an angle so i'm going to have mine maybe starting about here at an angle through the mouth and coming somewhere in this vicinity so i'm just going to draw a black line to start so i'm going to have mine starting somewhere about here and then i like to have a prize that i'm aiming for so i'm going to make my second dot right now so i don't go off of my mark so i'm going to just kind of hold my brush to where it makes sense i think that makes pretty good sense i'm going to make myself a little bit of a hold my finger there make myself another dot now i'm just going to draw a line so it doesn't have to be a perfect line you just want it to look like it's going fr in the dog's mouth on one side and it's going to come out on the other side and once i've got my line on here then i can start manipulating it to whatever way i want so i want it to look kind of like a paintbrush and to me a paintbrush is narrow on one end and it has like a you know the bristles and then some kind of metal type piece so if this is going to be where my bristles are maybe i have them being pointy you know something like this and that the bristles don't have to be perfectly together because some brushes their bristles are all you know at an angle or or whatever the case may be so you can certainly have fun with this i'm going to have my brush getting thicker so it's thinner at this end and then i'm going to just have it get wider a little bit wider as it goes towards the mouth like that and then even wider as it's coming out the other side and getting a little bit wider as it goes towards those bristles i guess you could have done the main part first and then the bristles later but i guess my brain wanted to work it this way so i might have to manipulate my bristles a little bit in a minute once i've got this brush situated the way that i want it to be and once i've got my brush or the um the handle of my brush what i'm gonna do is kind of bump out a little part that i'll call you know wherever the the little metal part goes so just going to bump out a little tiny part in through here and you you know brushes come in all different kinds of shapes and sizes and stuff so you can really have fun maybe yours ends up being like a house paint brush a big wide one so have fun with what whatever way you want to do it and then we're going to use this same brush for the next step so once you've got your paint brush on your canvas painted the way that you want it to you can wash and dry this small brush and get ready for the next step alright so what i'm going to do for the next step is i'm doing my first layer of my paint splatters so i'm going to be using my small brush and i'm using white paint only and i'm using white paint because i want my paint to be really vibrant and true to the color that i'm using so i'm in essence kind of giving it a primer coat so they all all of my oranges that i use are all going to look the same because they'll all have white underneath them so i am taking my small brush i'm going to have some paint coming off the end of the paint brush and splattering on the floor but i want it to look like it's splattering in the correct spot so if the paintbrush is hanging out of the dog's mouth i think that it would land somewhere around like this back the the back leg of the dog so i'm going to come on the floor and come over to the left of that leg so it wouldn't make sense if the paint fell off of here and splattered down here because that would be on the other side of the dog so that's a way to just kind of figure out where you want it to come down and splatter to and then i'm just going to make myself a little wiggly mark kind of like a puddle type mark and i'm going to do some drips coming off of the end of my brush so something like this and i'm going to have it maybe wide and then just a couple of little maybe slender areas and then maybe a bigger like globby kind of area coming down and it doesn't have to come in a straight line it can look you know fluid and have you know some thickness to it i am going to put a little bit of white on the end of my brush as well because there's going to be paint on that and i wanted to have some true colors to it and i'm almost just using um little streaks so it looks like bristle like little bristles on the brush so something like that then i'm going to go ahead i'm going to come and make a little splash down here in this puddle i think i need to make my puddle a little bit more to the left because i need to come straight down there make my put a little to the left and then i'm going to do some splashes coming up and out so have fun with this i realize this you know um it physically probably wouldn't be splashing this much but it's a painting and i want to just have some fun with it so if um if i am not accurately depicting how the paint would logically splatter up it's okay i'm just having fun and making a painting out of this you can you can make yours as accurate as you want but this is this is my interpretation and i'm just having fun doing it so i'm gonna do that and then let's see i'm gonna have some little puddles all about the floor so maybe i'll have a really huge one in through here and we're gonna make them look really nice and three-dimensional in a little while so just kind of make these big sections well you can have big and little sections i'm gonna have i'm going to have mine in a couple of different ways i'm going to have a little puddle by this little paw in through here then maybe i'll have a big one down in through here and again you could have tons maybe your dog is just barely getting into the paint and there's just little pieces of of paint on the floor maybe you've got some little bits that are you know you're just seeing part of it on the edge of the floor maybe i got a little piece into here just trying in my head i'm i'm really consciously trying to make each little squiggle or puddle look different from one another um you could sometimes our brains tend to make us do things in a kind of a systematic way so at times it's really difficult to do things in a chaotic way but if you can great and then on my body a lot of my body is white um to start so or on the lighter side so if i if i have an area like i know i want a big bright spot on this paw so i'm going to put a little bit of white just bright white there so when i do put the paint splatter on later it's going to be a nice true color so again just putting a little bit in through there maybe i've got a spot on the leg in through here that i really want to be vibrant so i'm just going to put a spatter of of white paint in through there maybe in through here too and this will also give me a good reminder of where i really wanted to have the the paint splatters i've got some on the tips of the ears but those are already white so that's going to do that step we're going to use the same brush for the next step so once you've got your beginnings of your paint splatters on here you can wash and try this little brush and get ready for the next step all right so what i'm going to do for the next step is i'm finishing my paintbrush i'm going to be using my small paintbrush and i'm going to be using orange yellow and white you could certainly do yours with whatever colors that you would like to um but i'm choosing to use orange yellow and white um i do want the top side of my brush to be the lightest and i'll have a little bit of a sh not necessarily a shadow but the darker side is going to be underneath so i'm going to load my brush my brush with orange and yellow right now and i'm really just going to kind of put a stripe down the top side of my brush and i'm just going to keep kind of loading orange yellow and white i'll stop when it gets to this little bump out part that i've created i'm leaving a little bit of black on the bottom side of the brush so that way it will naturally give it a little bit of a shadow so orange and yellow i'm going to put a little bit of a band or a little vertical line there with a little bit of a curve so it gives the illusion of the object having some curve to it and then i'm just going to put a couple of little stripes going there leaving a little bit of a space in between and then i'm just going to load my brush with some yellow i didn't wash my brush so i probably have little remnants of the orange on there and just going to streak in a little bit of yellow on top of that white and you can see how vibrant it ended up being now without washing my brush i'm picking up some white paint and i'm going to put a highlight at the top it doesn't necessarily have to be at the tippy top when you're looking at a round object like this it can be away from the edge a little bit but i want it on the upper side so that way it um appears as though it's being highlighted from something up there and if you find that it the white is too bright for you you could certainly just pick up some orange and yellow also so white orange and yellow and that'll just get it more on the vibrant side for you so i'll give a little bit of a highlight on this little band something like that add a little bit in through here yep that's looking three-dimensional all right and then just a little bit in my bristles i'm going to pick up a touch more white to add just more bits of a highlight on top of here and then let's see we're going to use the same brush for the next step so once you've got your brush painted on your canvas you can wash and dry the brush that's in your hand and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're adding the shadows underneath our paint puddles and if you feel like you want little shadows underneath some of the paint on the body as well so or on the side of the paint so shadows on the paint i'm using my small brush and i'm going to use black and brown paint and all i really need to know when i'm doing this is where is the light coming from so the light is coming from over here so my shadows are going to be on the bottom and on the right so if i have a little puddle like this i want my shadow on the bottom right of this piece and the bottom right of this piece and there's no shadow at the top because that the light is over there so i'll show you what i'm talking about i've got a little bit of black and brown on my brush and you might find that black is your color or brown works or you know a combination of both so i guess i'm just going to start over here on the right hand side i'm going to put just a little line underneath that right hand side bottom right bottom right i've got a little section in through here bottom right and i don't really need to do anything else to that so black and brown is where i am going with my colors so i've got bottom right there bottom right and you can just kind of trail these off as you go around a corner so bottom right and the thicker your shadow or the thicker your line will tell the viewer the taller that puddle is so you can certainly just have fun with this if you want it to look pretty tall you make your wine your line your wine make your wine thicker make your line a little bit thicker so here we go i'm going to go to the right bottom right bottom right and if you need to you can also water down your paint a little bit that will help you to get smoother lines i'm not doing any um like gradient going out into the floor i'm just keeping these these shadows nice and clean i guess this one can go all the way under nice and close to the um puddle itself so something like this and you can see once once i get going anyways i i start to just kind of crew cruise along that's looking good so i just keep reloading my brush with black and brown as i get into this darker area actually i probably need straight black when you're in the lighter areas you can get away with black and brown but when you're in these darker areas you should probably just use some black in through here and let's see on my area up in through here these droplets i think i'm going to put a little bit of black on that right hand side and again doesn't have to be down the entire thing because this is fluid coming down so it might take on and be skewed a little bit this would be on on the underside and you might not even see some of these but this is just giving it a little bit of dimension and then if you feel like you want to have some on the dog itself i wouldn't go crazy with it um i just picked up a little bit of black uh brown with the black but you might want to just kind of put little little bits of shadows underneath some of these that will again indicate that it's a thick glob of paint as opposed to it just was rubbed onto the dog's fur so i might and some like these maybe these ones aren't going to be so thick so i don't need shadows under there maybe this one is a little bit thick so i put a little bit of a shadow under there or maybe i'm going to put some on the ears so maybe we've got a couple little thicker pieces so i put a couple little shadows there that's all we're doing for that step we'll use the same small brush for the next step so you can wash it and dry it and just get ready all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting our paint so we're going to be using the small brush and we're putting the colors on your paint splatters i am going to be using uh yellow orange purple blue and white you can certainly use whatever colors you want but those are the colors i'm going to be using and i'm going to kind of defy physics here too so i'm going to have um some of my paint splatters are going to have multiple colors in them as if the dog was just wanting to be his own little paw cat paw castle picasso pa paw castle police oh something like that so you can just have fun and do whatever you want i'm going to start with some yellow paint and i am just going to put a little bit of yellow in this one maybe i put a little yellow here so i'm going to put yellow wherever i want it to go and then i'll just pick up another color so maybe i'll pick up um i don't know maybe orange will be my next color i choose so i think that's that's good for my or my yellow on that one i think i'm gonna have some yellow over here and again you can have as much fun with this as you want maybe i've got i don't know a little little yellow in this one maybe i've got a little yellow up in the ear a bit i think i'm gonna well maybe some yellow coming off of here because the brush is yellow so the bristles on the brush so now i'm going to pick up some orange without washing my brush just a little bit of orange on my brush maybe a touch and through there you'll find that some of these colors really work well together and you can even put them next to each other or on top of each other some orange there oh i think this big one is going to get a lot of orange here maybe some orange and yellow in this one you have fun think of it like um i don't know like an autumn leaf that has multiple colors in it they just kind of merged together that the puppy was having so much fun he just picked up you know multiple colors on his brush at the same time which i do all of the time and he just dropped it all over the place or maybe he's just making his own little design on the floor but you can again have it as as fun as you want with as many different colors i think i'm going to put a little orange splotch down here and maybe this one's going to be orange and again you can you know we i actually so one time i took my um husband and i took our dogs to our big studio and we put paint on the floor and let our dogs walk through it it was really quite fun so dogs can certainly have some fun with their paint and they were not harmed in the process because this is not toxic paint but it was a whole lot of fun so you know they have elephants that do it and monkeys that do it i don't know it's just a lot of fun to let dogs be dogs i'm actually putting um some orange and white on my brush right now on this little paw in through here so yeah this is cute he's got he's got his whole paw all all made into some some orange color here maybe there's a little splotch over here i think i want some splotch up here yeah this is this is fun and then um on the fur you can always take the original gray color too or your white or whatever and get these get little pieces of fur to almost intermingle with those paint splotches so you don't just have to have the paint right on top the colored part right on top you can certainly intermingle pieces of fur with it so have fun with that i think i'm going to go into my purple next so i am going to wash and dry my brush because i know that orange and purple will make a brown color and i don't want brown so i just washed and dried my brush and i'm going to put maybe a little purple up in through here and maybe down in through here and because you have such a bright base underneath it you can always use a little bit of water on your brush too that will get the paint to spread nice and and evenly we are going to be before we're done with this step we'll put a little bit of a highlight on these um on these painted sections too so that will that will help to give you a nice um beautiful coat to it and make it look almost three dimensional this one i think i'm going to have nice and purple something like this and i'm just putting a thin coat you could put a thicker coat you could put you know it to be as translucent as you want as see-through as you want or as opaque as you want so just feel free to make it into whatever whatever thickness you want i think i'm going to have a little bit of purple over here on the fur maybe a little bit of purple in the ear fur something like this ah he's so cute i guess it is a he i tend to i don't mean to but i have i have male dogs myself so i tend to paint all of my animals as males i don't really mean to but as i'm talking about them they always seem to come out as males i washed and dried my brush i'm putting some some blue on my brush and i think blue is going to be my final color here and then once i've got them all colored i am going to put a quick highlight on them and i didn't do a separate step because i i want it to really blend together and in order for that to happen i i want it to kind of stay on the wet or fresh side so i'm gonna i'm gonna do it all on this step as well so i've got my blue spot over here and i'm just bringing the paint all the way to the edges like this and the highlight is going to go pretty quick once you once we've got it on there oh i want a blue one right here so blue paint up in through here and again you can have these spots as thick as you want or as thin as you want as light as you want maybe you want your colors to be more on the pastelly side get some blue up here in the ear but just have fun with it whatever you feel your this mysticist dog would be getting into and having fun with you you create on your painting so now that i've got that on there i'm just washing dry my brush real quick and i'm going to pop on some highlights with with white paint and or the colors as well so if white doesn't just give you that little bit of a highlight that you want you can also utilize the original colors as well so the highlight on the puddles is going to be a little away from the edge and it's being lit up by the light up there so for something like this i put it somewhere in through here and you'll see i'm going to pick up the the original color as well but i want to get this these little light parts on here something like that now i'm going to pick up some orange and yellow and just kind of get this to almost blend in around those edges but those the near the edge is where it's got to be brightest but it it doesn't have to be directly at the edge so i don't know that i don't know if i'm saying that right i'm trying to say it right but um the puddle could be highlighted near the edge not at not where it hits the floor but a little bit above the floor so something like that and again you can you know play with this as much as you want to get it exactly in the in the realm that you want i still have um working on the same color the orange so i'm just going to kind of go over into these other orange areas while i while i've got those colors on my brush and sometimes there you can have like a little little part on the surface of a puddle so if you want a little lit up part on the surface just add a little bit of a highlight and just get it to blend in and that's going to give you almost like a little ripple so to speak within that particular um that particular piece i think i want a little bit more in through here so i'm just going to kind of tweak it until i really like it and you don't need a lot of paint when you're doing this so as you as you're going about it if you feel as if you know your blending technique is just making it all into one color that probably indicates that you have too much paint on your brush so i would or on the canvas so i would just kind of back off for a minute let it dry and then kind of come back and add those additional pops of highlight i think i over here i'm gonna have this one like here and over here yeah and so where the shadow is the shadow is being cast by the edge of the of the puddle so if it would make sense it to have like a little highlight almost near where you have the shadow but up a little bit on that on that puddle so i'm going to go ahead and do this purpley one i've got white paint on my brush maybe i'll have a highlight there a little bit away from the edge yep that works and just add a little bit of purple on my brush just to kind of work this out that's looking pretty good and then i'm just gonna kind of repeat that process on the other wands and once you get the rhythm it's it's not it's not terribly difficult once you kind of understand where you want that light to go so the fur is easier because you're not there's not really as much dimensional thought that needs to go into that except for fluffy fur so here we go i just put a little bit of white on my brush for the blue ones i can kind of hit these kind of together something like that i'm going to stick some blue on my brush now just to get this to kind of work its way in here and then if i feel that it needs to be a little bit elevated just a little bit more i can pick up just a little bit more white just to give it that that bit of pop on that side that i feel it needs to look like it's um three and then same thing over here just gonna kind of rub those in that paint dried a little bit fast on me so i'm just kind of re-wetting it and making sure that i have the correct or what i feel to be the correct dimensional element on there and then when it goes when it gets to the fur you're really just kind of adding fur to intermingle with those paint spots splats spots spots so it like in through here if i didn't want this to be so distinct i can just pick up some of my some of my gray color and just put or gray and white and just kind of put little pieces of fur on top of that maybe a little bit of the blue you know so whatever you feel that you want to do to make the um fur as dimensional as you want i kind of like mine the way that it is but if you wanted if you wanted to do anything more to yours feel free to do so maybe i just put a bit of white on here and then we have one little tiny step left to go so once you've got your paint splatters all nice and perfected you can wash and dry this small brush and get ready for the next step all right so we are on to the final step this is the final step of every painting which is to sign it so i usually sign mine in the bottom left or the bottom right corner i'm gonna sign mine with my small brush i think i'm going to sign this in the bottom left hand corner i'm going to be using my initials you could certainly use your first name or the date or a symbol whatever you'd like to do it is your identifying mark there are no rules to what you need to do for your signature you just mark it the way that you want to well some people could debate me that there's rules but there's no rules in my in my book on how to sign your painting so that is going to conclude this painting i hope you enjoyed the process i hope you painted yourself a playful poodle playing with paint and i look forward to painting and sipping with you again sometime
Channel: Michelle the Painter
Views: 40,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint, paint and sip, acrylic, painting, tutorial, beginner, simple, easy, artist, painter, sip and paint, step by step, tips, learn to, how to, paint, realistic, best, yellow, top, black, looking, head, sitting, eyes, animal, male, standing, ontop, tail, female, house, at, most, on, canine, dog, poodle, terrier, white, blue, gray, puddles, splatter, brush, mouth, paws, curly, fur, up, pink, orange, purple, dripping, furry, adorable, cute, cutest, boy, girl, puppy, nose, paintbrush, shadow, light, floor, long, ears, fluffy, pretty, funny, trouble
Id: suiB6xbH47Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 52sec (5392 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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