Learn How to Paint TEDDY BEAR TEA TIME with Acrylic - Paint and Sip at Home - Step by Step Tutorial

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hi there i'm michelle the painter from berkshire paint and sip and this is paint and sip at home [Music] all right so today i'm gonna be painting teddy bear tea time and i'm going to be sipping on pinot noir and if you enjoy this process i do hope that you like and subscribe to my channel and that you also check out my patreon page where you're going to find additional painting perks so let's get painting and let's get sipping all right so for my materials today i'm going to be using a stretched and prime 16 by 20 inch canvas if you're painting along with me you can certainly switch up the size but that's what i'll be using i'm going to be using acrylic paint today my colors are titanium white phthalo green mars black chrome orange deep yellow and burnt umber which i'll call brown and of course you can switch up those colors but that's what i'll be using for my tools today i have a standard number two pencil and then i have three brushes i have a half inch wide flat bristle brush i have a number eight round synthetic brush and i have a number two round synthetic brush and i'll refer to these as small medium and large and of course you can switch up those sizes of brushes if you'd like but that's what i'll be using if you're painting along with me you'll probably want a cup of water for washing your brushes as well as a paper towel for drying your brushes and down below this video i will be providing you with a couple of additional resources that can help you through your painting process one of them is a link where you can purchase the same paint kit that i'm using from the large canvas to the same kind of paint and all the stuff in between to complete your project is in that kit and i also have down below a link where you can download a free image of the final painting so you can print that and use it as visual reference as you go through the painting process and there's also written step-by-step instructions down there for you as well and that's all we're going to need today all right so what we're going to do for the first step is we're drawing a basic outline for our teddy bear so i'm going to be using my pencil and i'm going to be guiding you through some basic shapes we're not doing any kind of detail at this point just kind of getting an outline so we have areas that we can section off our teddy bear from our background so i've got my pencil um where i'm going to start is with a big huge head and then we're just going to build stuff off of that so this is going to be kind of like a large kind of a little crooked oval of sorts so i'm going to have mine in this vicinity and through here so how i've decided where mine is going to go i'm going to give we're going to go with four dots and then we'll connect those dots so if you come down uh find the center of your canvas at the top and then you're going to come down maybe about an inch and a half or so and come to the left of that about i would say two and a half three inches that's going to give me my first marker in through there then i'm going to come directly below that one to about this area so if this is about halfway in the height of my or you know halfway from top to bottom on my canvas i'm a little bit below that so i'm going to give myself another marker in through there then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go about halfway up between these two right about here give or take a smudge here or there and then i'm going to go to the left and to the right this one over here is going to be about three inches away from the side of my canvas from the left side of my canvas and then this one over here if this is my halfway in my canvas i'm just about an inch and a half to two inches to the right of that and that's where my other marker is going to be so now as i create my big huge oval for the head i'm going to be just using a light sketcherly type of um drawing technique and i'm going to try and get mine to tip a little bit to the side which means the the right side will be up a little bit higher than the left hand side but you can certainly yours does not have to be exactly as mine you can certainly have yours just uh you know straight when we put the um the features on our adorable teddy bear that will that will make it tipped a little bit more so don't worry if you don't get yours totally tipped at this point um and then once you've got your oval of sorts and again it doesn't have to be totally totally tipped i'm just kind of getting mine to be nice and oval like this and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a couple of ears so these are going to be in this vicinity i'm going to have one of them starting up in through here and they're just going to be really big puffy round kind of ears this one's going to be i would say somewhere in through here then i'm going to have one over on the left hand side so i'm going to have this one starting right about where i have this marker in through here and it's going to come i would say maybe about up and through here and then you're just going to create yourself a big a big fluffy ear which will be fluffier once we add all of the all of the um the fur on it so we've got that ear into there and they don't even have to be exactly the same size you can have fun with how um the difference of sizes and then what i'm going to do i'm going to be creating my feet my paws before i do the rest of the body so this way i can kind of work from the outside of my feet into the body so i'm going to have a big huge paw over in this direction over here or over in this area so i'm going to come in from the bottom right hand corner maybe about three inches and make myself a little bit of a marker and then i'm going to come to the left of that about i don't know another two or three inches somewhere in through there and then i'm going to come up from the center of those or kind of from the center of those and come right about to here so this is if you were to see where the bottom of your circle is if you were to come down about an inch from there and over to the right that's about where the top of this this paw is and then when i go to do this paw i'm going to have it really kind of wide wider than my bottom dots so just know this is a stuffed a representation of a stuffed animal so it doesn't have to be perfect we're just we're just going for something super duper cute and something that's going to represent a fun loving little country bear that's ready to have some tea so something like that so that's gonna be one paw and then i'm gonna have a portion of another paw over in this direction so i'm gonna come over from the bottom left maybe about two to three inches i'm not any if i was to say how far it is from the head it's almost right on that left hand side maybe just a smudge to the left and come straight down that'll give you a good place to mark that one and then the top of this paw is i would say somewhere right around here or where i'm going to start this marker i'll probably make it a little bit taller and then i'm just going to connect those two with a a nice portion of a of a circle or of an oval per se so something like this and then what i'm going to do i've got to connect my little paws to my body i'm going to connect these two legs to the center of the body so if you come a little bit to the right of this marker maybe about an inch and come straight down this is about half the height of your two paws you can make yourself a little bit of a marker and then i'm going to connect this marker to i would come up this paw about an inch and a half so you wanted a little bit of a diagonal to connect that point to that leg so something like that and then i'm going to do the same thing on this left hand side i'm going to come up from the bottom of my canvas maybe about an inch or so and that's where i'm going to connect this to and again it doesn't have to be a straight line this is a this is a teddy bear so he can be all bumpy and all kinds of stuff and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come on this leg i'm coming down or this paw i'm going to come down to about just as you cross this curve in through here i'm going to make myself a diagonal line that's about an inch long something like that and then i'm going to create a curved area in through here which is going to represent my teddy bear elbow so i'm going to come down from from here about an inch inch and a half somewhere in through here i'm going to connect this mark to this corner in through here with a big kind of curved line something like this again this is just going to be a teddy bear so it doesn't have to be perfect just giving it a big outside edge and through there and then on this side i'm not going to see part of the leg i'm just going to see the outside edge of the arm so i'm going to from this marker that we had here come down maybe about an inch and then i'm going to connect here to if you come to the left of the top of your paw maybe about an inch or two somewhere in through here i'm going to connect those two with just a curved line so something like this will give me my curved line i'm looking for for the outside of my teddy bear arm and that's all we're going to be doing for our sketch you can certainly fiddle with yours all you want but we're going to be switching to our large brush for the next step so once you've got your your basic outline you can put your pencil away take out your large brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to be doing for the next step is we're painting our background so i'm going to be using my large brush and the colors that i'm using are phthalo green black and white and i'm going to be making a custom color for my background so you could certainly do whatever color background that you would like i just thought this would look cute with my bear so i figured i would go for it so what i'm going to do is i've got my large brush i'm taking my phthalo green i want to save a little bit of this for later for the i'm going to be doing some decorative details on my teapot so i'm just going to move a tiny bit over into there this is the color that i'm shooting for so what i'm in essence doing is i'm taking my phthalo green and i'm adding gray to it so i'm adding a little bit of black not much black but a little bit of black and a little bit of white to it and then i'm going to mix it together so phthalo green is very vibrant and i want to dull it down and desaturate it so the way that i'm doing that is i'm adding gray to it or black and white so you can really do this with any kind of color if you want to make it more on the neutral side you can add you know brown to it if you want to make it just on the dollar side which is kind of what i'm doing i'm desaturating it which is adding taking out the vibrancy by adding gray to it so you can certainly you know with whatever color you have if that's something that you'd like to do you can certainly do that with any color so if you have a vibrant purple you can certainly add some black and white to it and that's going to make it on the more subtle side so i'm just continuing to kind of spin mine around and mix it until i get the perfect color i think i want a little bit more gray in it and you want to make sure that you mix enough that you have enough for your background so i know that i may end up doing two coats on mine just because i know that that's my my painterly eye likes to have a nice solid coat when i'm doing these kind of backgrounds so i just want to make sure that i am mixing enough for that to happen and i also know that these colors will get a little bit darker as they dry so i'm going to make it a little bit lighter than i want during my mixing process so that way when it dries it will be more suitable to the color that i was that i was shooting for so i'm just about there right now i've got a nice soft um neutral kind of green that i'm going for and once i've got the color that i want and just making sure that my brush is nice and loaded once i've got the color that i want i'm going to be painting the entire background so i'm going to be painting right up to my pencil i'm going to even touch that pencil a little bit you can use a left to right brush stroke you can use a vertical brush stroke you can really use whatever type of brushstroke that you want but if you want to have a nice background you do want to maintain the same type of brush stroke throughout the whole thing so if you're going left to right you i recommend going left to right throughout the whole thing or you can go both directions but then kind of finish up by just going a left to right across the whole thing it just makes for a more um consistent looking background and if it as it's drying if you have streaks or you're saying well i guess i think i wanted it a little bit lighter or a little bit darker you can certainly do a second coat on it which i tend to do a lot of the time because i like to have a nice solid background on you know for various um paintings so if i if i find that after i'm done doing this first coat that it's not fully um you know i haven't gotten good coverage or i have brush strokes that i don't want to see i will typically go back and do a second coat so again i'm just going right up to my right up to my teddy bear outline making sure that i get all these edges and it's okay if you bump into your pencil mark because you're going to have a whole bunch of fluffy little um hair or teddy bear hair all over those edges anyways and then we're going to be utilizing the same brush for the next step so if you feel that you want to do a second coat or change up the color a little bit feel free to do so and then you can wash and dry this large brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do for the next step is we're painting the base coat of our bear i'm going to use my large brush and i'm going to be using just brown paint so you can smear this on if you want to you can apply whatever way you want to but what i'm going to do i'm going to apply it really heavy and then i'm going to sit here and i'm going to dot to apply the paint all over every single section of the bear when i get to the edges i'm going to overlap it a little bit into my background it doesn't have to be 100 overlapped at this point because we've got another couple of layers for the um for the for the fur to go on um but right now what i'm doing is i'm just kind of tapping it in this dotting type fashion and what this is going to do is it is going to start that fluffy teddy bear plush kind of look to it because we're not going to see any left to right or diagonal type of brush strokes we're just seeing these you know thousands of little speckles that are being created by the end of our by the end of our brush and the outline that i gave you it's intended to grow as we put this little plush fluffy stuff on here so your bear is going to grow a little bit throughout the process of painting it um and it was intended on that it's going to be really nice and big and fluffy by the time we are done and it's going to be the cutest little the cutest little bear ever who's having some tea so i'm just going to kind of keep going along these edges and i'm doing the entire bear so again you can kind of put a bunch of paint on there if you want to and then you can take it as it's on the canvas and then just kind of um dot it throughout the whole area so this might take you a few minutes to get the whole the whole thing done but it's a a pretty simple type of step to um accomplish a really nice textured background so if you're doing any kind of um painting be it grass or be it stuffed animals and be it fur or anything that you want to have a really nice textured kind of thick look to it this is a great type of brush stroke to use and because i'm using this bristle brush that tends to be messy on the edges and kind of splay out this will definitely help me to get those individual kind of little pieces along the edge that look really nice and natural or as natural as teddy bears can be and then i'm just gonna kind of keep going until i get the entire thing done and then once i've got the whole bear covered in with this with this base coat we are going to be utilizing let's utilize i'm going to say our meat uh let's use our yeah let's use our medium brush for the next step so once you've got this all done you can put this brush away just get all the way to the edges here make sure i get all the way down into this area as well and it can be as thick as you want or as thin as you want because we again will be doing much details on top of this so it can be thick it can be thin as long as you have a nice coverage even if you don't get a hundred percent coverage that's okay too because again we're going to be doing lots of little details on top of this so again once you've got this all on here you can put this large brush away wherever you'd like to take out your medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what i'm going to be doing for the next step is i'm going to be painting the shadow underneath my bear i'm going to be using my large brush even though i said i was going to use my medium brush i changed my mind so i'm going to use my large brush for the next step so i am in my head thinking that there's several light sources throughout this room so i'm just going to have a whole bunch of shadows underneath my bear i'm going to be using my large brush i'm going to most the time be using just black but at times i might pick up a little bit of my background color if i feel that i want it to blend in a little bit more you can also use a little bit of white or water on your brush as well to get your paint to be a little bit more fluid as you're doing it so i'm putting just a teeny tiny bit of black paint on my brush and i'm going to squish my brush on the side of my palette so i can have my bristles kind of in a controlled fashion that helps to kind of squeeze them together i'm going to put a nice dark shadow right along the um the edge as it meets my bear in through here going along the inside of the legs i'll even bring this down just a little bit further so this is almost the shadow that's cast from the bear itself and then i'll put a nice big one over here which will be the shadow that's being cast from this big great paw that we have over on this side so i'm making this one a little bit bumped out a little bit further so it looks like it's the the curve from the from the pot itself and then as you go into the rest of the the mid section here again if you want to use a little bit of your background color you can certainly do that i'm just kind of using my the edge of my brush i'm going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel and pick up a little bit of that background color just to get these edges to blend a little bit more and of course you can certainly fiddle with yours and get it to to blend as much as you want they could be firm shadows which means that they're just really clean lines and that can that can look just as as good and then once i've got these ones going on i'm going to go ahead and put one over on this right hand side so i'm reloading my brush with a little bit of black i'm going to bring this shadow up about halfway up this right hand paw to indicate that the bear sits further back this will help to give some good dimension on it and then i'm just going to kind of bring this out towards the right hand side and a little bit of a curved kind of profile so it looks like it's the shadow of that paw itself and then we are going to be utilizing our medium brush for the next step so once you've got all of your shadows underneath your um cute little teddy bear here you can put your large brush away and i really mean the medium one for the next step i really want to use the medium one next step and then you can just get ready all right so what we're going to be doing for the next step is we're doing the first layer of the muzzle part of the face as well as the first layer of the bottom of the feet like the foot pad part so i'm going to be using my medium brush and i'm going to be using brown yellow and white to make myself a tan color so i have pre-mixed my color but i do want to kind of forewarn you that before you start this step that you make sure that your canvas is dry so you know you could take that extra long break if you'd like to or you can fan it with whatever you'd like to or grab a blow dryer like i did and just dry it that way but you're going to want to make sure that this base brown is dry so what i've done is this is the color that i have created in through here this is going to be my base color for the muzzle as well as the foot pads so how i got there was i used my brown i used a little bit of white or yellow as well as white and i mixed them together so you could really get any kind of shade of tan that you'd like to i've got mine on the medium side it's not too dark um it's and it's definitely darker than white so you can certainly have yours get into whatever shade you want the yellow is going to help it look a little bit warmer and more vibrant so that's the color i'm headed for once you've got it in the tone that you'd like what we're going to do is we're going to create some cute little foot pads so i'm going to have this one kind of looking like it's off my canvas a little bit but i'm going to leave about an inch or half of an inch to an inch of unpainted foot pad so i'm going to leave some fluffy fur around the edges so i'm going to just kind of bring this along here and bring it down towards the bottom and then go ahead and do the same thing over on this side and of course yours doesn't have to be exactly the same as mine you're just kind of getting it in in a good position for it to be um the the pad of the paw so then i'm going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel and i'm just going to take this color and kind of rub it in this way what's going to happen is i will have some light spots and dark spots and it it because it's seeing some of that brown underneath it so i've got that one in then i'm going to go ahead and do the same thing on the other side so i reloaded with a little bit of that brown or the tan i'm going to leave myself a little bit of a space around the edge for the fluffy fur part and then i'm going to bring this down towards the bottom of the canvas and then if i'm overloaded on my brush i can just wipe it off on my paper towel and then just kind of maneuver my brush around almost in a circular type fashion to get these various tones that will emerge from underneath that tan color that i just put on there i'm going to do the same thing for the nose so my or the muzzle area so i'm going to have mine in through this vicinity so i'm going to put the top of my this is going to be a big oval type shape the top of it is going to be right about here which if you come over from the left ear the bottom of the left ear it's about at that same height so somewhere in through here is where i'm going to start it and then the bottom of it i have it right about here so this is about halfway in this arm right here so if you just kind of find her halfway point of this arm and travel down directly below here you'll be in the same vicinity as i am and then the edges i've got coming over in this vicinity so i want this to look like it's kind of in a um kind of tipped a little bit so i'm going to put one in through here and one over in through here and then i'm just going to kind of connect these so i've got myself a little bit of an oval type of shape that's kind of tipped a little bit it doesn't have to be tipped very much but if you can get a little bit of a tip that's going to give you um a you know that extra extra bit of cuteness into it and then i'm just gonna i'm getting my exterior shape and once i've got my exterior shape if i feel that my brush is overloaded i will wipe it on my paper towel and then i just sit here and i turn my brush in this circular fashion to get the variety of tones within that area and of course you can keep manipulating this shape if you feel like you want to make yours any any different you can just keep tweaking it and then we are going to be utilizing our small or no the same me we're going to use the medium brush for the next step so once you've got this section on here you can wash and dry the medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're doing the first layer of our facial facial features and our foot features so i'm going to use my medium brush i'm going to use just black paint so how i'm going to do this i'm going to just kind of start from the top and work my way down i've got a couple of eyes and some eyebrows and then the big cute nose and the mouth and then the little parts on the bottom of the feet where the i guess the bottoms of the in the little pads on the bottom of the feet so i'm going to just put some black paint on my brush i'm going to put my eyes now this is a teddy bear teddy bears come in all different sizes shapes colors features can be anywhere the eyes can be big they can be small they can be you know way over here they can be right near the muzzle you can put them wherever you want i'm putting mine right next to the muzzle and mine are going to be kind of on the oval type of shape something like this you can touch the muzzle if you wanted to mine are about an inch wide i've got of course my my head is a little tipped so this left one is a little bit lower down you know the the nose or the muzzle part i'm gonna put the makings of some eyebrows again your eyebrows can be whatever way you want them to be i'm gonna have mine just kind of super cute like a little curious kind of bear something like this little curved maybe about an inch or so away from the eye itself and then i'm going to go ahead and do the same thing over on this side just a little bit of a curve and we'll soften the eyebrows when we go to put to put the rest of the fur on then i'm going to do my nose so i'm having a pretty big nose it's going to come maybe from the center of one eye over to the center of the other eye just a kind of a gentle arc at the top something like this and then the bottom part of it i'm going to have coming if this is about my halfway down i'm going to come a little bit further than halfway down my menu or that muzzle part and then i'm just going to kind of round this out towards the bottom something like this and again yours can really be whatever kind of shape you would like it to be it does not have to be exactly as mine just going to color it in there and then i'm going to put a little bit of a mouth and i want mine to be pretty happy because you know he's having his own little personal tea party so i'm gonna bring a little thick spot down the center of my nose something like this to connect that little connector piece in between and then i'm just going to give it kind of like a gentle smile not a super you know cheshire cat kind of um laughing smile just a gentle kind sweet little smile in through here maybe this one comes over into this direction and of course you can make yours however you want i'm giving mine like soft edges around the side so it doesn't look too firm of a line but if you make yours a little bit firmer than you want to when we go to do the final details you'll be able to um kind of minimize it a little bit with the with the other fur that we're going to be putting on and then down on the feet i'm going to have three big kind of pads here and then one little one down here so i'm going to go right about in through this direction i'm just making these big kind of oval type marks and all of mine are going to be different sizes they don't have to necessarily be exactly the same size so i'm going to just kind of let happen whatever's going to happen i just ran through a little bit of wet paint from the step before and i'm okay with that because i'm going to be adding some um another layer on top of these as well so don't worry if it's it again if it's you know your paint is merging in with the other layers that all works out in the long run and then i'm going to go ahead and do a couple on this one so this one the the foot is kind of turned a little bit so i'm going to just put this one over in this direction maybe you've got a little peak of the one down here and then one's coming over in this direction and again they can be exactly equal in size to the other foot they could be different wherever your painterly eye is taking this you have fun with that i got a little one down in through here and then we're going to be using our large brush for the next step so once you've got this layer on here you can put your small or your medium brush away take out your large brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do for the next step is we're painting our shadows on the bear so this i'm going to do it with my large brush i'm going to be using black and brown paint and what this is in essence doing is kind of getting the face to emerge out from the arms and the belly area and also to do the same thing with the arms we're going to get these arms to kind of jump out and we'll put a little bit of a shadow at the bottom of this interior area so when i do this i'm not going to have a lot of paint on my brush i'm just picking up a tiny bit of black and a tiny bit of brown on my brush at the same time and i'm going to figure out kind of where i want all of this to go so obviously my head is going to go in through here so i just have a tiny bit of the black and brown on my brush and i'm going to just kind of rub it into my fur like this so this is going to give me that um darker area up where it's kind of the deepest into the underneath the chin and then i can just kind of rub it out into the main area so that's going to give me a gradual shadow so i have my black and my brown i'm reloading it i want to do the same thing over here on the left hand side of the head so i'm just kind of pushing that paint into the side of the face and then i can just take it and just rub it out into the rest of the area so the goal or the trick is to not have a lot of paint on your brush at the same time so just a little bit of paint will will do you just fine so i'm going to do the same thing underneath here but this is i'm just kind of getting the inside of the this leg to be a little bit darker than the the top portion of it so just a teeny tiny bit of the paint on my brush will create this this shadow type effect at the bottom of the leg in through here and then i need to separate these two arms so again just a little bit of black and brown on my brush at the same time and really all i'm looking to do is from this area in through here i'm looking to just kind of give it a little bit of a curve in order to tell myself and the viewer where the edge of this paw is we are going to be putting the um the teapot on here as well so this is really more of a identifying mark for us as we're as we're painting the paw itself um we will have to do a little bit more on the on the teapot because the teapot is going to sit right here but this is going to help us to identify that particular arm and then i'm going to do the same thing over here i want my arm to be in through here and it's going to be laying on this leg in through here so i'm just going to take a little bit of my black and brown on my brush like this and then i'll just bring it down that leg just a little bit like you can tell yourself where the edge of it is just by bringing it up a little bit like that but it's more about the shadow being cast upon that leg and then we're going to be using our medium brush for the next step so once you get this done you can put your large brush away take out your medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what i'm going to be doing for the next step is i'm painting the first layer of my teapot and my cup and my saucer i'm going to use my medium brush and i'm going to be using a light gray color which will be black a mixture of black and white i do again this is one of those steps where you want to have your layer underneath dry so you can go through that whole exercise of drying it if you need to and then what i'm going to do is i'm pre-mixing myself just a light gray color so i just used a little bit of white and a touch of black and just spun it together i just want something that is a little bit darker than white so later when we go to put highlights on our teapot we'll have the ability to do that because the base will be of a gray color so you can have your teapot and and your cup in whatever size or shape that you would like but i'm going to have mine seemingly in a relative shape that i think that my my bear would have success drinking out so i'm going to put my cup in this vicinity i'm going to go maybe two thirds of the way up my little paw it's going to come in this direction like this and then i will go ahead and go give it the um the sides i'm just having mine a little bit curved on the sides but again you can have yours whatever way that you want to and then kind of on the flatter side at the bottom and then i'm just going to color it in with a good with a good coat of paint something like that i will have a little um a little handle of sorts so i'll put that over in this direction something like this i'm not sure my my paw would fit in this little handle but that's okay hope he can hold it like this and then i have a little bit of a saucer on the bottom so i'm just coming up that left hand side a little bit i'm going to have my saucer coming out a little bit further than my cup itself and it comes down a little bit past the bottom of my cup and you can go right over your cup you can go you know i'll paint the the cup details on top of it in a little bit but just bringing this out to the right hand side and i suppose if you wanted to use your smaller brush for these details you're more than welcome to do so wherever your comfort zone is is totally fine and then i got to make myself a teapot so my teapot i want to have the um the spout of my pot is going to well let me just straighten this out a bit i just noticed how how kind of crooked that was um i want my tea pot spout coming and gonna meet my cup somewhere in this direction or somewhere in that vicinity i want the also my my paw to be kind of holding on to the handle so i'm going to just i'm giving myself some some markers so if that's where my spout is i'm going to have my my paw is here so i'm going to have my handle is going to kind of be wrapping around my paw something like this as if my paw is just kind of sticking his little his little hand in there like this and then it's going to come around underneath maybe to the to the pot itself and then i'm going to stick my pot somewhere in in between there so i'm going to have maybe my bottom of my pot in through here and i know that my pot would be tipped so i'm going to have the top and the bottom are going to be at angles so i'll have this one coming at like this kind of an angle maybe somewhere in through here and of course like i said your teapot can be of a different shape than mine because your bear might be a little bit different shape than mine then at the top i'm going to do a pretty similar um the this part of my my kettle or my my teapot might be behind my um little bear so i'm not going to see see that side of it so i'm going to just bring this in through here at a similar angle as what's happening at the bottom and then when i get about over to here that's when i can kind of start shaping the edge of it so maybe i want my my edge to be shaped something like that and i've got my spout coming out somewhere in through here so again you can have yours again taking on whatever type of of shape works for you and i'm going to put a little cover on it in a second just making sure i've got my my edge the way that i want it over here maybe just popping this little corner out a bit in through there i've got my my side over here where my where my paw is gonna come so just making sure i still have my little my little paw in through there and we'll we'll make sure that this paw has enough enough fur on it to look nice and realistic by the time we're done and again as realistic as bears can teddy bears can be i'm going to round the top of my um teapot so there's looks like there's a cover of sorts on it so something like this and then i'm just going to kind of color it in and of course you can and again this area right here is going to be where that little paw is so don't worry if that area isn't totally cleaned up yet and then you can just kind of keep manipulating this and and tweaking it whatever way you want to and then we are going to be using our small brush for the next step so once you've got your teapot on here you can put your medium brush away take out your small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're finishing our facial features i'm going to use my small brush the colors i'm using are orange brown white and probably some of the tan color that we created in through here so i'm going to start with my eyes and how i'm going to do this is i'm putting a little bit of orange on my brush and from all of the teddy bears that i ever had when i was a kid which wasn't too many they had these really glassy like marbly kind of eyes and i just remember that the colored part was always so super shiny so i'm going to utilize this orange to make that shine that that vibrant shine part on the inside so i'm just gonna do like this little curved line on the bottom left hand side of the um of the eye itself and i'm making it pretty i'm staying away from the edge of the of the black and i'm using pretty thick paint to get the um get the orange on there then i'm going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel and i'm going to blend a little bit of this orange in towards the rest like towards the right hand side of the eye oh there goes my doggies again might have to hit pause in a second must mean that the that we have a delivery driver here or something um so again i just wiped my brush off on my paper towel and just pulling this orange just a little bit i know that the orange is going to be translucent and see-through when it dries so that way it will get darker and darker so the brighter spots or the thicker spots of paint that i have in through here are going to make it have that shine to it because it'll be um we'll have some almost fading into the darkness then i'm just going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel and pick up some white paint to put the sparkle in the eye so i'm doing my sparkles kind of on the top right hand side so i'm going to do a pretty but big kind of little oval type shape up here and i'm not going all the way to the edge and then i just kind of make a couple of additional dots throughout the eye just to give it some extra little sparkle to it and i'm going to do a similar formation in the other eye so i'm going kind of a big relatively big oval type dot up in the top right hand corner then just kind of trail off a couple of dots on the right side and then maybe a couple on the left side then i'm going to wash my little brush and i'm going to do my nose so my nose i'm going to be using brown orange and a little bit of white just a little bit of white i'm going to give it kind of this flat spot on the top of the nose and i'm really just kind of streaking in these colors and then i'm going to pull a little bit down on this right hand side a little bit down on the left hand side and then maybe a little bit down that center so what this is going to end up doing is making a couple of gentle nostrils without having to do too much to them and of course you can keep tweaking it all you want and if you needed to do anything to the mouth itself you can certainly do that if you do it with a little bit of a curve on the nose you that will give you the impression that the the nerve the the nose has a little bit of shape to it so you can certainly keep having fun with that as much as you want to and then i want to give myself a couple of rosy cheeks but i don't want to bring in pink because i want this to kind of be all color coordinated so i'm going to do like a light pastely orange type color so i'm going to be using my orange and my tan and maybe a little bit of white and that's going to give me just a pale kind of fun peachy type of color where i can add this rosy to my cheeks and i'm just taking it and rubbing it in and then i'll go ahead and do it on the other side if you wanted to look more on the pinker side you could use more of the orange involved with it so you can really get it to be as as rosy as you want and then i'm just going to blend it in with that original tan color make sure that it blends in nicely and that i don't have any unpainted spots and as i get towards the bottom of the mouth i'm going to put a little bit of brown down there so it ends up looking like it's a little bit in the shadow down at the bottom of that of that mouth so i just picked up a little bit of brown and or at the bottom of the muzzle area i should say and i'm just adding a bit of brown down here to make it look like it's almost dipping into the shadowy kind of area and if you needed to or wanted to you can certainly do any additional tweaks to this like you can bring this brown around the mouth so the mouth sits back a little bit or you can bring a little bit more black i just put a tiny bit of black on my brush and put a little bit of black at the bottom of that muzzlely area to cast like a little bit of a shadow down at the bottom of it so you can really have fun with how much you want this muzzle area to kind of pop out and be more visible but i am going to be let's see what's going to happen for the next step we're going to utilize this same brush for the next step so once you've got your cute facial features on here and you've tweaked them all you want i'm putting a little bit of a little bit of white with a little of that lighter tan up on the nose just to get it a little bit lighter up there but i think that's good for me we are going to be utilizing the small brush for the next step so you can just wash it and dry it and get ready all right so what i'm going to be doing for the next step is i'm finishing the bottoms of the feet i'm going to be using my small brush the colors i'm using are that tan color white brown maybe a little bit of black too so really what i'm looking to do is just add a little bit of dimension to these pads i'm going to add a little bit of stitching between the pads to i to look like a lot of teddy bears eyes to see and then a little bit of a highlight on the um on the pad part itself so i'm going to take my small brush i am adding brown with a touch of my tan color and i'm going to be just lightly adding this interior color onto these black areas so i don't want to take away all of the paint so or all of the black so what i'm doing i'm wiping my brush off on my paper towel as i'm doing this and we're really just looking to give it this subtle light area in the center of that to make it look almost three-dimensional then i'm picking up some brown paint without washing my brush and i'm going to give these little stitching oh maybe this is where i'm going to use my a little black brown and black to give these little stitching marks in through here and i'm just giving a little bit of a curve where it meets the fluffy part to the pad part and you can have these thin or thick whatever is again visually appealing to you and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to rinse my brush off and i'm picking up a little bit of that tan color plus white on my brush and this is going to give me these highlights in through the top areas and what i would perceive to be the areas that stick at that are sticking out more on these pads so i'm just kind of adding a little bit of a highlight with my tan and white on my brush and this is just again giving you a little bit more information throughout that pad to make it look a little bit more three-dimensional you can really have fun with this and put as much on as you want but i'm going to go between those stitches so it or between some of the top stitches so it just looks like maybe they're being illuminated by whatever light source is happening in that room and of course you can tweak yours and make yours brighter or darker than mine and then i'm going to go ahead and do the other side so brown with a little bit of my tan color is where i'm going to get this interior color of the black areas and i'm just kind of rubbing it in here i have a good amount of paint on my brush not too much not too little so this works me for me i didn't have to wipe it off on my paper towel then i'm going to pick up my black and my brown to add my stitching so i think i'd have a stitch maybe somewhere in through here maybe you'd see a little bit of it in through here and then i didn't put one here on the other one so i'm not going to put one there on this one and then i'm just washing and drying my brush picking up some of that tan and white color to give myself these highlights up at the top and maybe a little bit in through here just to give a little bit of dimension to this interior pad part and then we are going to be utilizing this same small brush for the next step so once you've got your pads all nice and your feet all nice and completed you can wash and dry this small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to be doing for the next step is we're painting the highlights and shadows on our teacup and our teapot so i'm going to be using my small brush i'm going to be using black brown probably my gray color and white so how i'm going to do this is i'm going to be making shadows of my objects onto the surface that they sit on i'm also going to be making shadows within the um objects for contour shadows and then maybe some little highlights i did notice that i've missed the little topper on my on my teapot so i'm gonna start with that so i'm just putting some gray paint on my brush and i'm putting just a little knob on the top of my topper because you need to hold on to something when you take the top of your your pot off there we go so what i'm going to do i'm going to put some shadows on so i'm picking up a little bit of black paint i'm putting a shadow underneath my um my saucer in through here and i'm just doing a kind of a tight shadow right next to it so it's not doesn't come out very far but it it'll give the viewer the information that it is a three-dimensional object so something like that i'm also going to do the same thing underneath the cup itself so i have a little bit of black paint on my brush and i'm just going to bring this along the bottom to tell you that there's a shadow being cast by the cup onto that surface now i'm picking up a little bit of my gray to blend this shadow in just so it's not too firm of a line underneath the cup itself so something like that will make sure that that has fully realized the shadow down there maybe this cup is casting a little bit more of a shadow on the saucer over here so i'll just pull that shadow out a little bit more and then i'm going to put a little bit of a shadow underneath this um the handle i'm going to start to utilize um brown as well on my brush so i'm picking up some brown with that gray color to get the shadow on the bottom of the cup so this is going to be my contour shadow of the cup which is going to tell the viewer that it is in fact a round type of object so i'm just putting that down and in order to get it to blend in i will be using my original gray paint but i'm also going to put some on this little handle in through here now i'm going to pick up some of the original gray paint just to get it to blend in and i'm using this curved brush stroke along the bottom of the cup just to give the illusion again that it is in fact a round object and i'm going to put some over on that right hand and left hand side and now i'm going to pick up some white paint so the white paint is going to transition this into a lighter color going up towards the top as i am starting to blend it in with that lighter color up towards the top you don't necessarily need to continue to use that circular motion that you are using down are the curved motion with the contour of the object you can utilize a more of a scrubbing type technique to get these colors to blend in with one another so you can really you know sometimes doing a step like this where i just went straight from my shadow to my highlight sometimes you run the risk of over blending your colors so if that happens and it ends up being just one solid color for you what you can do is just kind of wait a couple minutes let it dry and then come back and accentuate the highlights and the shadows if need be i just picked up a little bit more white paint to give a little bit of a highlight on the edge of the cup handle like that and then i'm picking up even more white to get this top to punch a little bit of brightness even more so you can have the highlight on the top of the cup to show the highlight from the light and then on the side of the cup to show the contour of the of the object which makes it look like it bumps out towards us a little bit more i'm going to put a little bit of a highlight over on the edge of my saucer as well just to make sure that we've got a little bit of a dimensional element in through there and then i will tackle my um my pot in a similar way i'm gonna take uh some black paint and i'm gonna put a shadow on my of my of my pot so i think i have a little bit of white on my brush it's not showing true black so i'm just washing my brush real quick if i want my shadow to be see-through i can't have any white in it so i just washed my brush to make sure i didn't have any white in it and then i'm just taking that black and just kind of rubbing it out a little bit and if you felt you needed a shadow anywhere else underneath there that'd be great and then i'm going to use black and my gray to do my contour shadows so that would be down towards the bottom of my pot i'm going to have it kind of dipping in a little bit i guess over in through this area and of course you can certainly reshape the the appearance of your of your pot during during this type of step picking up a little bit more of my gray paint just to make sure that this blends nicely and then i'm going to go ahead and i have a shadow that i'm going to be putting underneath my where my paw is but i'm going to just tackle this little handle over here first and then the bottom part of the spout i'm adding a little bit more shadow underneath there i'm gonna pick up some brown as well like i did on the cup so i can have complementary highlights and shadows so i'm adding my more contours in through here to give it more shape along that bottom and then maybe i'll put a little bit of this up in through here so you can tell that it is curved that way maybe i'll put a little bit over here as well and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to start picking up my white paint and my original gray paint to get these all to blend in and again i'm doing a similar thought process that i did on the mug itself or on the tea cup itself just to get these to blend in i need a little bit down in through here as well and then again i'm going to have a big shadow underneath this paw that's going to be just about black so i'm really not terribly concerned about underneath there right now but i want to make sure that i got these blended in well together and then i'll start adding my real highlight on top but let me get this little spout as i'm in this area and i have oops that was a little green on my brush i love it my when my paint my brush decides to go into a different color that i was not expecting but it all works out that beautiful thing about acrylic paint is you can just wait for it to dry and paint over it and it's all good and then just making sure that i have enough of my shadow underneath here and then i'm going up into that highlighted area in through here and for me my pot is going to be a little bit more bumping out here as opposed to the top of it so i'm going to do it pretty bright in through here and then as i work my way towards the top i'll get it a little bit darker just so it shows that it kind of goes back into it dips back down a little bit towards that top so i just added that gray plus a little bit of brown and i'll get this to to blend in nicely in a second here just want to get that color on there and then picking up more of my original gray color just to get these to blend in nicely and then i will add a nice pop of a highlight on it to make sure that the viewer knows that there is it's the fullest in through here i do want an edge underneath my lid so i just put black and brown on my brush to give myself a little bit of an edge that will be between my lid and my actual pot itself so something like that i think i'm going to add just a smidge of darkness in through there now i'm going to add a little bit of my highlight over here on my on my handle so we can make sure that we've got a nice highlight there a nice highlight on top of my spout in through here make sure that i've got a little bit of a highlight on my on my lid so i'm going to make sure that i've got nice lightness on the edge of the lid which will again tell that viewer that it is in fact a separate item then the um then the base and through there and then just making sure my edges are clean and we're going to have some nice fun details that we're going to do on these as well i want to go ahead and make my shadow for my paw so i'm just going to wash my brush real quick and to pick up a little bit of black and maybe a touch of brown and i'm going to cast my shadow on my um on my pot like this it's making sure this is nice and dark and through here and when we put our um the fluffy part on our fur it's going to look awesome so trust me when i say this is going to be a really cool detail when we get it all all said and done and then let's see what else i think that's pretty pretty close here maybe just a little little more work over on that kettle the little spout part in through here just make sure that that's fully realized and then if you have any little tweaks that you want to do make it any lighter or brighter if you want this center to pop out more just add a little bit more white and then let's see what are we going to do for the next step we are actually going to be using our large brush for the next step so once you've got these coats on your pot and your kettle and you've done as much little tweaking as you want to you can put your small brush away take out your large brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're putting our fluffy fur on our teddy bear so i'm going to be using my large brush and i'm going to be using a whole bunch of different kinds of browns so i'm definitely going to at some point probably use a little bit of my original dark brown as well as that tan color that we created and then i'll also be using varying shades along the way so every time i mix a new color i'll let you know but it's probably going to be maybe two other shades of brown because what i like to do when i'm doing fur or hair is i like to work from my dark colors or my dark hair to my light hair and which would be the inside hair to the outside hair so that way it kind of builds on the fluff and all the stuff on the outside is going to be the lightest of the light so i'll end up taking my tan color and maybe adding a little bit of white and a little bit of yellow and maybe one of my medium shades of brown i'll use my brown plus orange so that'll give me like a mid-tone so how i'm going to start this is i'm going to start with with kind of giving myself a outline of sorts of the head and the arms and where i in essence kind of want the fluffiest of the fluffy fur to go so what i'm going to do is i'm taking my large brush and i'm taking some of my tan that i used for the nose and for the paws i'm not putting a lot on my brush you can even just kind of dab it on your paper towel what i'm going to do is this entire step is going to be with a dotting or dabbing stippling type technique so i'm taking that light tan and i'm not i don't have a lot on my brush i'm utilizing it to give me the outline of sorts for where i'm going to want that really light kind of fluffy fur to uh to emerge on the edges as well as i don't just want an outline i'm taking it and i'm just kind of putting the outside edge and then just kind of lightly dotting it into the interiors so that way i have that exterior edge like near the ears and then i'll do the same thing on the outside of the ears so i'm taking that lighter that tan color and just kind of dotting it on the outside of those ears and then just tapping it to come towards the darkness which would be the inside of the ears but i don't want to color over the whole thing which is why i'm just using a really light tapping type of technique even on this type this particular ear i'm going to make this one fluffier because i think i felt like i wanted it a little bit bigger so you can always make your make anything grow by adding that fluff a little bit further out so i'm making this ear a little bit bigger it seemed like it was a touch smaller than the other one which would have been okay but i'm just going to make it a little bit bigger in through here and then i'm going to do the same thing for the arms and the feet so i just reloaded my brush with that tan color and so the top part of my arm in through here is going to be back here and i'm putting this on the top part of the arm so in through here and this is gonna if you bump into your um your pot it's okay you can just come back and add a little bit of correction on it or it's just going to look like fluffy fur that's kind of bumping out on the sides of it which is how i am going to have mine so i've got my lightest on the top and then i'm just kind of manipulating it so it almost fades into there i'm going to do the same thing in through here this is where my little paw is going to come in front of my in front of my pot like that and it's going to come right in the corner and if this brush is too big for you or it's just not working out you can do the similar type of technique with a with a smaller sized brush i'm going to go do the other arm now too so i've got this one my top part of my arm is in through here and then i'm going to have my little paw kind of coming in through this direction i want it to look pretty similar in size to the one that i have over on the left so i'm just going to kind of do that in through there and just get this to kind of dot down just so i have that top highlighted part where i know that i'm going to want that bright part to be and then i'll do the same thing on this little paw in through here so i'm getting this this edge to just fluff out you know it can bump into the neighboring area it can be right next to your your cup but i want that brightest area to kind of be at the edge of it and then it just kind of fades into the other area oh maybe maybe a little outline around this bottom part as well and then i'm going to go ahead and do the same thing over in through here and now that i've got my visual kind of outline figured out or where i want these pieces to be now i'm going to start working from that dark color to the light color so you could wash and dry your brush if you wanted to which i think i'm going to go ahead and do and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to make myself my darkest color is going to be it's got to be lighter than my brown so what i'm doing is i took some of my orange and some of my brown and a tiny touch of white and mixed it together and i've got this like rusty kind of mid-tone brown that i'm going to be utilizing it's got a little bit of my orange in it so it stays nice and warm and i'm using this in all of my darkest areas so this is going to be all down in through here it's going to be i've already got my shadow down here so i don't really need any more there maybe a little bit up into the cheeks maybe a little bit in the ears and then i just need to do a little bit of light um for on top of that so again i don't want to have too much paint on my brush so i'm wiping it off on my paper towel i really just want it to look like there's a nice fluffy layer in here i don't need to do much i'm really just lightly tapping in this color on top of the existing darker brown so i have a another layer on top of it but it's not too overwhelming i'm doing the same thing even on the pause again so i can have a nice dimensional element to it without it without it looking flat so again i'm going to go ahead and do that over in this area so i'm really just adding a second layer of fur and it is on the warm side but with that orange in it but it's not really dark and i'm really just kind of lightly tapping it in here so i make sure that i cover up any spots that might not have been painted on the first round i'm getting it to blend in with that that lighter area that we just started just so we have some extra special stuff in through there i'm going to put some down maybe underneath this little chin and maybe have this coming up on these cheeks a little bit this will add a little bit more of that rosiness coming up on the sides of these of these cute little cheeks in through here and then i'll put a little bit of this inside the ears because i think that would be uh the next kind of darkest area inside the ears and again you can see that i'm not overdoing it i'm leaving a lot of that original brown showing but you're still able to get that information of um of it being having a dimensional element because i am utilizing um a not not the same exact color i'm utilizing a little bit different of a color on it and just making sure i didn't miss any spots now i'm going in for some really light stuff so my light stuff i don't think i'm going to even wash my brush i've used i'm using my tan and white and maybe a little bit of yellow and i'm just pre-mixing myself a light soft yellowy type of color not too yellow but definitely something that's not too bland think of it like blonde hair is kind of where i'm going with my color in through here and then once i've got that that's going to be my nice light real fluffy fluffy stuff i'll do one final little tiny highlight but this is going to be this is going to be the color that that sets it all alive so you can really start wherever you want to this is where i'm going to start to add it into the facial features as well so you're going to really start to see this coming to life i'm going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel because i feel like it's too overloaded inside my brush so that will help to give me these softer edges to it yeah there we go and then i'm just going to kind of start dotting leaving my edges nice and fluffy and i'm being careful not to paint over the entire the entire little man here and i'm going to even go close to those eyebrows to give them so you'll still see them but you won't have to they won't be just straight lines and then i'm just gonna as i get towards the face i don't press or i don't have as much paint on my brush and you can always kind of modify the tone of this if you feel that it's too yellow you can add a little more orange to it if you feel that it's too orange you can add a little more yellow to it so feel free to kind of tweak this color to whatever is visually appealing to you maybe your your bear as a kid was a chocolate brown bear maybe yours wasn't this light blonde kind of bear so you can really you know again have fun with the the color that you're choosing to do with it and i'm just kind of adding my my little light speckles along the edges making sure that i've got those edges the lightest i am going to probably add a little bit more of like a peachy with the orange in it in a second just to give it a little bit more warmth but right now i'm just kind of getting this color on here and trying not to overdo it it's one of those things when you're starting to add the fluff it's like oh i want more fluff here or oh i want more fluff there but it's really easy to to let it get out of control because it's it's fun the fluff is always so much fun and again when i'm going towards these edges i'm overlapping into my background a little bit and i'm really trying to um stay true to just using these little speckle marks that's what's going to make it look the fluffiest and i'm going to go ahead and get into those arms in a second but just making sure everything transitions good together i don't want it to be just a solid line anywhere with some light fur here without having that light fur kind of transition into something else i think i'm going to add a little bit more orange as i get down into my my lower area here so just picking up a little bit more of that kind of orange type of mixture with some yellow and of course you can again tweak yours whatever way that you want to i've got this light spot on the on the arm back here because to me that's where it would kind of get highlighted by the the light source from above and it would be definitely the lightest on the top of this paw and bringing that right into here and because i'm just doing these little tiny speckly marks it's making it look really nice and fluffy and then i'm going to go ahead and utilize this over on this paw as well just making sure that i am consistent from one side of the stuffed animal to the other side of the stuffed animal so i'm just going to bring this over in through here making sure that i've got this pretty neat highlight going on on the top of it to make it really look like it is an appendage you know an arm coming around here so i've got that i'm going to put some of this on top of those little the little toes the little paws down in through here and then i'm going to put an even lighter version but using just white in addition to this but i think i'm going to use a touch of put a little bit more of a of a pinky color in the head so i'm going to utilize a little bit more of that orangey type tan that i had just to kind of bring a little bit yeah this is this is what i'm talking about i like to have the different tonal values and and warmth since the temperature of it i like to have um to play with it a little bit so bringing in a little bit more of this orange is going to help to make again these cheeks look oh so cute and cuddly and like you just want to snuggle up with this little bear on the couch or on on the sofa and just get a nice comfortable place with this cute little bear and then i'm gonna just bring some of this up and through here and again i just am tweaking these colors as i go i thought that it needed a little bit more of that peachy glow to it so i added a bit more of the orange and if you lose your your eyebrows like i feel like i'm almost losing my right eyebrow i can certainly bring that back in a second but now that i've got some of this on here yeah this is looking good just add a little bit over here on his arm the exterior of his arm to make sure he's got enough fluff over here too you got to have enough fluff on your bear all over just put lots of fluff everywhere that'll make me happy anyways and then once i've got that i'm just going to pick up a tiny bit of white paint this is where this is where the the um super fluff comes alive i just have a little bit of white paint on my brush and again i'm just going for those itty-bitty tiny speckles where i feel that the brightest of the bright would be which would just definitely be on the edges where the head rounds in that front part that would definitely be so i didn't wash my brush when i picked up the white and what's happening is is it's taking whatever is on my brush and making it a little bit lighter so that way it really just makes it look like it is being you know almost like sparkling from whatever whatever little light source there is and i again i'm kind of slowing down at this point because i want to make sure that i don't overdo it um so i am just kind of making sure i've got the the lightest paint on the on the tip of my brush and i just kind of keep adding these little speckles and if you feel that you did that you went too light anywhere or too dark you can always reverse it you know let it dry a minute but i have two thoughts in my head right now so you can correct the lightness or the darkness but i'm going in for some bumps over my eyebrows right now so i'm i've got that light color on my brush i'm adding some extra bit of dimension by just tapping in a little bit of a lightness so this is one of those things that people would necessarily notice that you do but it adds to that dimensional element like the like he's got eyebrow bones now instead of just eyebrows he's got these cute little you know poofed out parts of it that makes it look that much more realistic and then i'm just going to kind of keep tweaking this until i feel that i have enough of these bright sparkles you could if you felt that you needed to or wanted to you could certainly add any more to the face you could you know add a different tone into it maybe you want yours a little bit you know more brown anywhere feel free to to tweak it however you want i just want to get these little tiny sparkles up on the tips of these feet and then we have another step that we're going to be doing with our small brush so once you've got all of your beautiful fluffy fur on here you can put your large brush away take out your small brush oh my god he's so cute take out your small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are decorating our teapot and our cup so this is where you get to just use your creative juices and make whatever kind of designs that you'd like on your pot in your cup so i'm going to use complementary colors so i'm going to be using my phthalo green i'll use white maybe some yellow and maybe some orange and then that way i'll have an assortment of complementary colors so i'm starting with phthalo green and white on my brush at the same time i think i'm gonna color my little tip to my to my teapot with that green then maybe i'll put some little i don't know decorative polka dots along the edge of my lid in through here and i think i'm going to do the same thing down on my cup i'll put some little decorative green and white little dashes along the edge of my saucer and again this is totally whatever you're feeling just have fun with it maybe i'll do some squiggle lines so again i'm still just using my phthalo green and and white and i think i'll put some maybe some decorative little squiggle lines in through here and then do something mimic a similar design maybe smaller on here and then i think i'm going to wash and dry my brush and go in for some orange maybe some orange and white to do some other decorative designs so orange and white are on my brush at the same time and maybe i'll just have i don't know maybe like a little flower swirly mark in through here and then i'll do the same thing over in this direction and of course i like to use two colors at the same time to give it a little bit of a of a variety of the colors and shades but you could certainly you know utilize whatever you would like whatever makes your your eye happy and maybe a little dot down there and of course i'm just going for maybe like a little bohemian kind of decoration in through here but you can certainly do whatever you want i'll do a couple of little dots and through here and i'm just having fun you can have you can do whatever decorations you want maybe a little circle in through here and a little circle in through here oh you can't even see that one and then we have one tiny little step left to go so after you've made some fun i didn't use yellow i guess i could have used yellow but i ah you know what i think i am going to use a little yellow i'm turning these into circles instead of squiggles too and maybe there'd be a little hint of one over here i'm going to use a little bit of yellow and white on my brush to do a couple of little yellow and white decorations maybe i'll put a little one up in through here circles are my friends when it comes to decorations and because we're using complementary colors or similar colors from one to the next they look like they belong together and then what i'm going to do for the next step is i'm going to be using my small brush so once you've got all of your decorations wherever you'd like them to be maybe you put little flowers or polka dots or whatever you'd like we're going to wash and dry this small brush and use it for the next step so you can just get ready all right so we are on to the final step but this is the final step of every painting which is to sign it so i usually sign mine in the bottom left or the bottom right corner i'm going to be using my small brush i'm using black paint i think i'm going to sign this one in the bottom right corner and i do mine with my initials but you could certainly use your first name or the date or a symbol or whatever you'd like for your identifying mark to be is how you can sign it and that is going to conclude this painting i hope you enjoyed the process i hope you painted yourself a really precious cute adorable stuffed animal and i look forward to painting and sipping with you again sometime [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Michelle the Painter
Views: 27,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint, paint and sip, acrylic, painting, tutorial, beginner, painter, step by step, learn to, how to, paint, realistic, beautiful, best, top, art, wall, sitting, looking, cute, adorable, easy, fur, animal, young, small, brown, blond, gold, long hair, inside, resting, hair, eye, nose, mouth, pet, face, sticking, hanging, curly, paw, foot, arm, teddy bear, teddybear, tea, pot, cup, mug, saucer, pouring, fluffy, green, vintage, antique, ceramic, clay, holding, smiling, happy, shadow, feet, legs, stuffed, toy, bear, round, big, doll, cub, baby, tan
Id: V2XmwS53Q3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 26sec (5066 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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