Learn How To Improve Your Brain’s Memory & Recall | Sadhguru Exclusive

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foreign [Music] what we want to do for any individual does not happen because he wants it it happens because he earns the necessary capability without capability I want this to happen I want that to happen only empty dreams will happen if life has to happen we have to earn the necessary capability and our capabilities are fundamentally dependent upon how intelligently we can function in every situation in our life and that fundamentally depends on how well connected our brain is in ancient times in this country in this culture they were elaborate systems as to how to train the reign how to wire the brain as intensely as possible there are people it is a very beautiful instance which happened in 1930s you have heard people going into long chantings maybe in the temple or somewhere have you heard people doing hormones and all chanting and chanting away for hours together so this chanting was used to wire the brain in a very big way because the Psalms that you employ has a big impact on what happens in the brain so these mantras were structured as certain mathematics is involved in this and a certain poetry is also involved in it at the same time because of using a certain level of structured sounds it wired their brains so much that they have a phenomenal sense of memory which is almost humanly impossible normally in modern times we consider these things humanly impossible they had that kind of memory because of using these sounds in a particular way this happened two uh people went to Bernard's friends they were having a bath in the river and among themselves they were talking and they were making a business deal so it was agreed that one friend offered 50 000 rupees to the other friend to do business so right there verbally orally they made a agreement and it was done and after a few years because there was no written paper when this man wanted the money back the other man said you never gave it to me no such thing happened so he went to the court when he went to the court he had no proof he said I have given the money but he had no proof then the judge said you have to get some proof otherwise we cannot do anything about it then he remembered when they were in the river they saw a Brahman priest who was having birth close to them so he just hoped that maybe he would have heard what we spoke and I can bring him as a witness so he went looking for that man in Banaras he found the man and to his disappointment he realized that the man did not know English these people were talking in English language and this priest did not know English language so he thought this is no good then the Brahman asked why then he told him see four years ago we were having bath and you were also there I was just hoping that I could use you as a witness said okay I can repeat whatever you said whatever you two had conversation I can repeat that he does not know English language but he repeated every word of what they said he just remembered every sound what they uttered he did not know the meaning of it he did not know the language but he could repeat every word what they said and he was brought to the court and he won the case so our memory and our ability to do things can be so greatly enhanced if only we handle this inner situation right and one simple thing to do if all of you are willing we can bring many more steps into it but one simple thing to start with is learning to be just still if you sit somewhere simply learning to just sit absolutely still and moving just sitting still you will see your ability to grasp when your ability to use the brain will be greatly enhanced so I want you to understand this everything that you see here smell taste and touch is recorded your memory problems are only your ability to bring it back when you need there's no recording problem it is recording everything but you are not able to pick out what you want if you want to pick this out something else is coming so that is just a question of clarity not of memory memory means suppose if we say this phone has low memory what does it mean it has limited capability to record isn't it if I press 2 if 5 comes what does it mean bad memory or bad keyboard bad keyboard so this is a question of bad keyboard this is not a question of bad memory it's very important that you'll you call two two not five it is a question of bad keyboard don't try to fix the memory memory is great everything that you see is recorded you're not able to type out the right number that's all the problem is isn't it so this is not a question of memory this is a question of clarity so we have to work on Clarity what is it that gives us Clarity of mind first thing is we learn to if if our Clarity is not not good by itself the simple thing is to handle things with a certain precision this is [Music] where your feet should be here not here like this where your hand should be like this it's not proper [Music] inserting all this my head is looking down oh not like this with this precision now you come down when you sit down you watch this okay how your pants should be like this whatever you brought with you your book where you not book should sit where you spend suits it they should sit just practice this with every little thing just bring the Precision into your activity it will happen in your mind you will see then if I say this it goes to number two it won't go to five yes now gets confused so hand it slowly two three one okay two is here 3 is here one is here you just do this with every aspect of your life you go to bed how it should be everything you go in your room how it should be just bring this meticulousness of what you're doing with the Asana into your life you will see slowly mind will become very very clear it becomes meticulous with everything the simple practice that you have to do from this moment when you stand up when you sit down when you walk and when you go out here you should just look like this like you're doing what like this how many columns in this don't try to count all of them the first row if you simply look like this oh it's five columns just you must register this five columns one vessel one sitting Rock one big rock one Pond another three another four columns one door how tall looks like twelve feet just do this with everything how many steps from here to there don't count like one two like this oh after you take three steps okay that's I think three another three another three another three after a few days count eleven or fourth or five just like that without thinking you must slowly know that okay I think I work 12 steps this is yoga this effect will happen over a period of time by itself but now we are in a hurry so use the mind also to do it to bring that Precision what you're trying to bring in your body bring that Precision in your mind also let the Mind imitate the body you will see Clarity will naturally come memory is not the problem everything is anywhere recorded I will abuse you right now I'm going to abuse you badly try to forget it will you for all your life you'll remember it yes or no so you got great memory you just remember bad words that's all [Music] if you exercise your mind like this it'll become in such a way that you can make it do what you want you will see slowly mind will become very very clear my mind is single pointed it's a powerful instrument this is something that you do within yourself so that you're able to slip behind the mind if we know who is behind the mirror then we can change everything [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 604,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, wisdom, sadhguru interview, sadhguru quotes, sadhguru meditation, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, #sadhguru, guru, spiritual master, indian yogi, sadhguru 2021, sadhguru 2022
Id: cfzNuui40hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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