6 Keys to Rapid Learning | Jim Kwik

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[Music] welcome back to the quick brain podcast I am your host and your brain coach Jim quick and in this episode I'm going to share with you six keys to Rapid learning now if you're watching this on a video you might be subscribed to our YouTube which I encourage each and every one of you to do that if you haven't done that now it says learning is not a spectator sport and I've been saying that a lot for the past 20 plus years learning is not a spectator sport learning like life is not a spectator sport because the human brain doesn't learn best just by consuming information the human brain learns better through creating and co-creating and being active getting off the bench and doing something because we know knowledge by itself is not power it's potential power it becomes power when we utilize it when we exercise and when we apply and we implement it so I'm going to give you six different things that are very tactical that you could do to be a more active learner so you can learn rapidly now if you join any of our live programs whether they're streaming or in person person I'll do something like a purposeful pause where I'll teach something for about 15 minutes and then take a little break and say okay take a few minutes now and summarize what I just shared with you you know in your own words take a couple minutes and summarize what you just learned and then I'll say okay after they do that I'll say okay now turn to a partner and for the next five minutes teach them something that you learned or share in your own words something that you learned these are examples of turning passive learning into more active learning and when you do so you take agency you take responsibility and you own that information when you're explaining to somebody else you're right now you're using your own words so you have this original awareness and it deepens the grooves of your learning you're connecting things that you don't know yet the things that you already know and this is all part of the active process so let me give you six R's that you could apply right away to be able to be a more rapid learner so the first R is going to be read now when I say read this is where you're actually learning the material I like to go to reading because I think you read to succeed but it could be listening to an audiobook it could be listening to a lecture it could be listening to a podcast having a conversation with somebody but you're in taking information now obviously if you are reading definitely if you haven't yet join our quick reading program because that'll help you to Triple your reading speed and get more comprehension and more focus and more understanding retention and enjoyment out of it so the method definitely matters okay so the first R is you read that information that's being more active but you're actively reading it you're asking questions you're using a visual Pacer you're very involved now the second R after you read is I want you to reflect and this is kind of like the metacognition you're thinking about what you just read you're thinking about your own thinking because it's not just about about rapid reading rapid learning it's about taking time to reflect and making it personally meaningful to you getting new nuances from the information learning new levels of comprehension new levels of understanding so you're reflecting on the information that's a way of being more active now after you do the reading and after you do your reflection the third R is I want you to record so what does record mean it could be what I talked about earlier taking two minutes and just writing in a journal or your notebook the things that you learned right because now the information is coming in but in order to express it out in the form of physical writing you have to what you have to deepen that knowledge your understanding you have to be able to to comprehend it at a new level in order to be able to put it out because it comes in through your eyes right it gets processed by your nervous system and to be able to put it out and express yourself you need to be able to to understand to organize the information that's part of The Learning Journey learning all right so you're reading you're reflecting and then you're recording some people would prefer to audio record there are many different ways of recording information the fourth R I would say is after you did that I want you to relate what does that mean well we know that learning doesn't have to be so low it could also be effective being social and you're talking to somebody else you're relating to somebody else so often at an event or maybe if we're doing online training we'll put people into breakout rooms and they'll share five minutes on what they just learned because you take advantage of the explanation effect when you teach something you get to learn it twice you're relating to somebody else what you just learned so again as a review you first read it you reflect on it you record and then what then you relate to somebody else about it you share the ideas with that person and the fifth R is retrieval and they call this active retrieval this is where you test yourself or have somebody else test you about what you just learned so imagine you're reading a section of a book and then you're relating to somebody explaining maybe you do the writing the reflecting you know the Nuance of what you what you would is happening in that specific situation and then you relating and then that person quizzes you you're doing active retrieval or maybe you're asking questions of yourself you're quizzing yourself with the book closed for instance and not looking at your notes how much you actively remember they call it active retrieval and I honestly would rather have somebody read something and do active retrieval than read something twice because the act of going inside and trying to pull information out is the purest test in terms of whether or not you really had that information right so active retrieval asking questions we say questions are the answer it helps you to direct your particular activating system so when you have those questions and you're reading again you're just like oh there's an answer there's an answer there's an answer there's the answer even when we're doing test preparation and we teach people to go look at the questions at the end before they do the reading comprehension because then when they go through it they see oh that's what the author was looking for that's what they deemed was important right so you read it you reflect on it you give it personal meaning you record your ideas you relate to somebody else and then you do active retrieval you quiz yourself and you test yourself to see how much information is really inside and finally the last R the 6r if you will for Rapid learning or Active Learning is going to be review the power of spaced repetition based review that if you spread information out maybe uh let's say you go through this process and you read it and you did everything you read it and you reflected on it you recorded it you know related to somebody else you did all these different things maybe the next day before you start studying and you pick up where you left off in that textbook or in that lecture or what have you you review what you did the day before right because when you spread out information they call it spaced repetition or interval training what it allows you to do let's say you study it and then you review it an hour later maybe a day later maybe a week later maybe even a month later it helps you to consolidate and transfer that short-term memory and make it more long-term memory so that review is absolutely key so you can review what you read you could review your notes maybe you made instead of record instead of summarizing you made a concept map right or you did the capture create that we teach in our programs as well but you get the main principles behind this do you even remember the six R's by the way this is active retrieval right this is an example of active retrieval what's the first star you read good after that then what are you doing you're reflecting on what you just read great after that what are you doing maybe you record you take some notes a concept map mind map whatever after that what are you doing you are relating it to somebody else very good and after you relate what are you doing active retrieval you're testing yourself and then finally the 6r do you remember what it was we just did it we're doing the review so we're actually doing this we're doing active retrieval and we're doing review all in one so whatever subject you want to be able to learn you can learn it better and faster more rapidly with these six R's for active learning remember learning is not a spectator sport you are the pilot of your brain you are not the passenger you are the pilot of this Learning Journey right you're not just a passenger so be active and when you do and you take personal responsibility you have the ability to respond you have the power hour to make things better and brighter and so I'm your brain coach Jim quick if you enjoyed this quick episode make sure what I want you to do right now is take a screenshot of this take a screenshot and share it remember we're relating this to somebody else and we're passing it on and so and share the six R's if you remember them type them out because that'll be part of your recording and your review and your active retrieval and you're teaching somebody else also because when you teach it you get to learn it twice I as always every single week we repost some of our favorites and then we also randomly send our copy of our book Limitless to one individual around the world just as a thank you for being part of our community I want to encourage you again if you've enjoyed this share it and please leave a review that's the best thing you know we purposely we don't have sponsors for our shows being our goal is to build better brighter brains no brain left behind and it takes an army right it takes a village so I want to thank you for your time thank you for your attention make sure you subscribe on iTunes or Spotify and YouTube so you don't miss the next episode and until then I'm your brain coach Jim quick be Limitless
Channel: Jim Kwik
Views: 424,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jim kwik, rapid learning techniques, learn how to learn, how to learn, how to learn faster, how to learn faster and remember more, how to learn faster anything, jim kwik learning, active learning, kwik brain, jim kwik podcast, jim kwik how to learn, jim quick, active learning strategies
Id: TEf34ufuj5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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