Learn How To Access Higher Levels of Intuition - Create Your Own Reality

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there's a powerful thing that's happening as people are studying meditation as people are studying mindfulness what scientists are discovering is that it has this incredible impact on almost every dimension of your life the big thing to understand is that in Western civilization with we are trained to exist in what what you could call a moral basic state of awareness right which means we think of consciousness as primarily existing in the beta or the waking state so you and I are conscious right now and we're existing in one particular level of consciousness but if you look at indigenous cultures people in indigenous cultures they operate in multiple levels of consciousness for example I spent some time with a tribe called the actua in the Amazon rainforest and the actual why they have this weird ritual at 4:00 a.m. the families get up and they come together around a campfire and they drink tea at 4:00 a.m. and they discuss their dreams see the arch want belief and they communicate with tribes across the rainforest through their dreams they believe that the dreamworld is as real as our physical world right now now that is tapping into a different state of consciousness now whether that's true or not doesn't matter the point is they believe that they are multiple or polyphasic states of consciousness so meditation actually gets you to go away from a single state and tap into altered states I remember seeing you speak on stage at a fest correct me if I'm wrong but you mentioned something called think if occation right Lincoln to think you tation right and and until tell tell us what you're doing when you think of tape I use a very basic meditation practice which is something I want to get back to you with yours is what you tell people to do but I do box breathing I found that doing for equal size does not work for me it makes me feel out of breath so I'm adjusted it to see what's pleasurable for me it takes me into an alpha wave state if I'm stressed maybe it takes me 20 minutes to get there if I'm already relaxed maybe it takes me 3 or 4 minutes once I'm in an alpha wave state which is typically classified as being calm and creative which is exactly how I feel I feel wide awake feel really sharp I'm breathing I do breathe it in through my nose out through my mouth I get into that alpha wave state where I feel like ideas either from my subconscious or just normally disconnected regions of my brain begin crosstalking so I get very creative solutions to a problem that maybe the night before completely eluded me the reason I call it thinkin tation is in meditation you're not supposed to grab on to your thoughts which I actually found frustrating and so it was causing me a profit meditation so I thought well what if I just promised myself that once I get into that state then I can grab my computer put it on my lap continue my breathing cycle to stay in that alpha wave state but if an idea comes that's interesting I will grab I don't think of it as grabbing it to be honest I think about this riding a wave and so I'll write it really follow it see where it goes take notes write it down try to get back on the wave or catch a different one and probably 80% of the good ideas that I have in the business come from I think a day that's incredible right 80% of your ideas are coming when you're accessing these things now that's what I'm talking about you're accessing an altered state of consciousness now scientists can measure that if we hooked up Tom's brain to an EEG machine what they would see is that you're probably going into you're probably gonna see an increase in alpha waves and an increase in beta waves what science is finding is that alpha waves which is what emerges from your brain when you are relaxed is very soothing it's very relaxing and if you continue relaxing more you get into what is sometimes called waking data data is to state your brain is in every night just before you fall asleep when you policy go into a deeper state called Delta but he has the unique thing when you're at data ideas flow in fact there's this legendary story of Thomas Edison where and maybe you've heard this he would he would practice the snapping technique where he would hold a metal ball in his hand and there'll be a metal tray below his desk he'd sit in his chair like this and drift off to sleep and just as he goes into sleep his hand would drop the ball with clang on the tray waking him up and he'd have his ideas now what was he doing he was dipping into data to pull out ideas in fact there's this this quote by Edison which says this ideas come from space it's hard to believe but it's true ideas come from out of space now isn't that similar to what you're doing you're using your own language but you're dipping into data to pull out ideas and you just say that 80% of your business ideas are coming from the state that that is what I want more people to understand we can tap into these altered states to fundamentally make better decisions to draw upon ideas and to even increase our rate of getting towards ideas so this is one of the most powerful aspects of meditation but you also said something else which I want to pick up on which is the reason more people don't meditate you said you said something along the lines of I know in meditation you're not supposed to latch on to any thought right that's rubbish that's completely not true see there are different types of meditation in fact there so later the types of meditation I hate using the word meditation rather I call it a transcendent practice transcendent practices any practice where you go out of the physical world and you go with it so meditation breathing in and out box reading is a transcendent practice but closing your eyes and just being grateful for your life is a transcendent practice closing your eyes and thinking compassionately about someone you love is a transcendent practice think a tation is a transcendent practice you're going within and then there's modern meditation which is about becoming better at the world meditation is not about becoming better at meditations about becoming better and functioning in the mall at work and so when you understand that transcendent practices are these beautiful things we can tap into the get better and life you see meditation in a completely different way meditation helps you bend reality there is a myth out there in the world that I call the hustle man and says that it's about how at work that it's about working harder than the competition it's about busting your back for a hundred hours a week I called both because I also see people who focus on themselves first who have a steady meditation practice who learn how to tap into intuition and then how to visualize their goals and they work significantly less but get far better results you can hustle or you can surrender into your inner space and I'm a big fan of surrendering into your inner space hustling to me is an outdated broken approach that leads to overwork it leads to broken marriages and it leads to poor relationship with your kids it leads the aging faster don't hustle it's a mint what I talk about hustle I talk about the people who believe that you have to work an ungodly number of hours to be successful there is a healthier way so there are two different types of people who are talking about entrepreneurship today there's the type of people who talk about entrepreneurship purely in the physical sense it's about the number of hours you work it's about the number of phone calls and of course hard work has its place but then you see the rise of books by people like Michael singer who wrote the book the surrender experiment and if you read the book it's kind of cool this guy built a billion-dollar software company and he talks about how he did that by surrendering by going within by having a daily meditation practice now in your case I believe you're doing it you're also moving to that approach but you're doing it unconsciously when you - when I listen to you speak and fsm you spoke about how you sit down you relax and you think it ate and these ideas come into you you're tapping into something Tommy you're tapping into your intuition that is a far more efficient way than trying to hustle to get these ideas you're going within so you're already doing one of the first steps now the second part is how can you optimize your rate of going from idea to reality that's the second part of vending reality and there are significant number of tools that you can put it to play to to to help you do that by working on your inner states for example one is creative visualization so many studies that show that what you visualize in your mind you can help accelerate in the world for example one study called a finger abduction experiment basically have people exercise their fingers okay like physically exercising your fingers and then a control group of people visualize themselves exercising their thing is and what they found is that one group who think the strength by let's say about 10% the other group by nine percent really close just by visualizing their thing is now the same thing happens in sales you can actually accelerate your sales closing rate by visualizing the outcome and we don't really understand how it works that we know it works the same thing that happens in your entrepreneur life when you get a clear vision of the business you want to create but the lifestyle you want to create you move towards that faster and so meditation to me is not just about going Zen it's not just about like focusing on your breathing it's about knowing how to tap in which you do so well and then knowing how to get clear on what you want and to focus on that vision for a few minutes every day [Music] you
Channel: Fearless Soul
Views: 59,788
Rating: 4.9462137 out of 5
Keywords: fearless soul, law of attraction speech, spiritual music, inspirational music, mindvalley, vishen lakhiani, vishen lahiani interview, transform your mind, tap into new levels of consciousness, Bend reality, higher consciousness meditation, thinkitation, Create Your Own Reality, Access Higher Levels of Intuition, benefits of meditation
Id: 0itzEnilO-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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