Learn How Jesus Brings Clarity To Your Questions with Lee Strobel

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good to be with you I bring you greetings from the great state of Texas Leslie I moved down to the Houston area a year ago and I'm a teaching pastor of woodlands church down there and we love Texas you know Texas a state is called the Lone Star State which I always thought sounded pretty cool and then one Texas hater came up to me once he said yeah you know why you call it the Lone Star State I said why said that's that's rating on Yelp so it's not granted it's not as beautiful as Southern California but in the spring we have that scent of petrochemicals in the air and it's it's really kind of a luring you know it's kinda nice no I actually it's really we love it down there and I bring you greetings from woodlands church it is a church that probably would not be in existence if it weren't for you and Rick and Kay and Tom and Holliday and Sean Dell and the staff here and congregation how your church has encouraged woodlands church through the years so every time someone comes to faith at woodlands church has thousands of doo doo every year you're a link in that chain because you helped encourage the launching of that church so as we Texans say we appreciate you so I'm glad to be here right next I'm glad to be anywhere to be honest after something that happened to me in Little Rock Arkansas I was down in Little Rock to speak at a charity event and and the pastor picks me up from the airport and we're driving along and he says yeah I told the young woman in our church I said least troubles gonna speak tonight and she said oh the guy who wrote the case for Christ is he's still living so I'm glad to be anywhere but especially here among friends at Saddleback and and I love the title of this series that we're in here called good news for a change I think it's a great title I thought well what can I contribute to that series and and I thought you know what I'm just gonna do something simple I'm just gonna tell you a story it's a true story it's my story it's a story that begins in atheism because I decided at a rather young age initially as a as a teenager that God does not and cannot exist III thought that God didn't create people but people created God why because they were afraid of death so they made up the City of heaven to make themselves feel better about dying that's what I thought I mean I just thought the mere concept of an all-loving and an all-knowing and an all-powerful creator of the universe come on it's crazy was not even worth my time to check out now granted I tend to be a skeptical person my backgrounds in journalism in the law so can imagine put those two things together what kind of a jerk that their skeptic sorry that she had I was legal editor of the Chicago Tribune newspaper and we used to pride ourselves on our skepticism we didn't want to accept anybody's word at face value we always tried to get at least two sources to confirm a fact before he printed in the newspaper so no kidding we had a sign in our newsroom that said if your mother says she loves you check it out how do you know maybe she's lying got any proof got any evidence but that's okay you want newspaper people to be skeptical you want journalists to have a degree of skepticism right that's good that's healthy but my problem was that my skepticism bubbled over into cynicism and it cemented me into my atheism now because I had no belief in God I really lacked a moral framework for my life now I'm not saying that all atheists think this way but the way I looked at things I tried to look rationally and logically and I thought well okay if there is no God if there is no heaven if there is no hell if there is no judgment if there is no ultimate accountability then the most logical way for me to live my life would be as a hedonist someone who just pursued pleasure and that's what I did and so I lived a very immoral and drunken and profane a narcissistic self-absorbed really self-destructive in a lot of ways kind of life that was that was my life had a lot of rage inside of me a lot of anger if he asked me back then hey what's the deal why the why the rage why the anger act I couldn't have told you but looking back I can see now what it was I was always after the perfect high you know I was always after you know that that ultimate experience of pleasure and guess what everything let me down nothing lived up to the hype so a lot of anger a lot of rage I remember once my wife and I got an argument and and and our little daughter was there and I had so much rage I blew up and I remember I reared back and I kicked a hole right through our living room wall and my daughter's crying and my wife's crying in a psyche that was my life in fact I'm gonna tell you the ugliest thing about me which is when my little daughter Allison was just a toddler if she was alone in the living room playing with some blocks some toys or whatever and she would hear me come home from work through the front door her natural reaction was just to gather her toys and go in a room and shut the door she's gonna be drunk again so you gonna be yelling and screaming and kicking holes in walls you know what at least it's nice and quiet in here friends that is the ugliest truth about me my wife Leslie was agnostic she didn't know what to think about god and and so one day we moved into a condo outside Chicago and the woman who lived downstairs Linda was a Christian and she brought up a plate of cookies as we moved in and she became best friends with my wife Leslie and it was very natural for Linda cuz God was such an important part of her life it was natural for her to talk about God - Leslie unless he wasn't hostile toward this stuff nobody had ever told her this before so she asked questions she went to church with her she checked it out and after many months of doing this she came up to me one day and and said Lee I made a big decision I said what she said I've decided to become a follower of Jesus Christ and I thought oh no you know for an atheist this is the worst news you know as you're gonna get I I thought she was gonna turn in some Holy Roller or something I mean I I didn't sign up for this this wasn't part of the original deal I mean seriously first word that went through my mind divorce I was just gonna walk out but I stuck around and what really shocked me is in the following months I I saw positive changes in her character and in her values and the way she related to me and the children and it was winsome and it was attractive and so finally one Sunday morning I'm sleeping off a hangover she's getting ready to go to church and she looks at me she says Lee why don't you come to church with me today and I thought you know what I'm gonna go get around this cult that she's involved in you know so so I went with her to a church that was meeting in a movie theater about a mile from my house and the pastor gets up to preach and he was a young guy I don't even think he was shaving yet Oh his name was Bill Hybels and he gave a talk called basic Christianity and I remember sitting there as a skeptic it was like one after the other he was knocking down my misconceptions about the Christian faith never ever walking out that day saying two things to myself number one I was still an atheist he did not convince me that day that God exists but number two I realized if this stuff is true this has huge implications for my life no duh so so I decided that day I'm gonna take my legal training gonna take my journalism training and I'm gonna systematically investigate is there any credibility to Christianity or any other world religion and I launched I what turned out to be a nearly two-year investigation of the evidence now so I began the investigation one thing became very clear very quickly and that is if you want to get the bottom line is Christianity true and therefore every other contrary faith system in the world false if you want to get to that bottom line all you have to do is answer one question did Jesus or did he not return from the dead that's the ballgame why because in a variety of different ways explicitly and implicitly Jesus made transcendent and messianic and divine claims about himself he claimed to be the son of God in fact at one point he got up before a group and he said I and the father are one and the word in Greek therefore one is not masculine it's neuter which means Jesus was not saying I am the father the same person he was saying I and the father are the same thing were one in nature were one in essence and how did the audience understand what he was saying while they picked up stones to kill him because they said they said you a mere man you're claiming to be God so Jesus claimed to be the son of God but so on I could claim to be the Son of God Rick could claim to be the Son of God anybody can make that claim but if Jesus claimed to be the Son of God died and then three days later rose from the dead that's pretty good evidence he's telling the truth right and that's why the resurrection is the linchpin of the Christian faith it's why the Apostle Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15 verse 17 if Christ has not been raised your faith is futile you're still in your sins in other words the resurrection of Jesus is the ballgame so what I want to do for the next few minutes is I just want to hit some of the highlights of the investigation I did on the resurrection of Jesus and frankly it's become now a lifelong investigation and I want to do it by using four words that begin with the letter e that way it's easy to remember and if you're kind of checking out the faith you know maybe this will help crystallize some things or if you're a follower of Jesus then I hope you will pray that sometime between now and Easter God might bring someone into your life and the opportunity to share these for ease with them now I want to emphasize before I go into the four es that when I did my investigation I did not give the Bible any special credibility I didn't consider to be an errand inspire the Word of God I do now but I was a skeptic then but I had to accept the New Testament for what it undeniably is which is a set of ancient historical writings and I knew just as you can investigate any ancient writings whether they're by Josephus or tasida source for toniest you can take those same investigative techniques and apply them to the documents of the New Testament to try to determine are they telling me the truth so in other words I didn't just open the Bible says oh Jesus was resurrected end of story I wanted to dig beneath that how do I know it really happened so what is the evidence that Jesus rose from the dead and us prove that he is who he claimed to be well the for you start this way the first isse tans for the word execution you gotta have a death right before you can have a resurrection and what I found very quickly and my investigation is there is no dispute among scholars in the field about the execution of Jesus Christ under Pontius Pilate it is just not in dispute I don't mean just among Christian scholars I'm talking about the wide range of scholarship there is virtual unanimity around the planet on this issue why because when we study ancient history were lucky if we have one or or maybe two sources to confirm a fact and yet for the execution of Jesus by crucifixion under Pontius Pilate we not only have multiple early first century accounts of this in the documents to make up the New Testament we've also got five ancient sources outside the Bible confirming and corroborating his execution we have Josephus the 1st century Jewish historian to work for the Romans Tacitus another early historian Lucian mayor Barse or a peon even the Jewish Talmud admits that Jesus was executed this so well-established of an historical fact you would get laughed out of a major academic institution if you somehow claimed no no no Jesus didn't get executed in fact the evidence is so convincing that you can go to an atheist New Testament scholar like GERD Luo demon of Vanderbilt University and and he will tell you this about what the evidence is quote Jesus death as a consequence of crucifixion is indisputable indisputable now I don't know how much you studied ancient history but there are very few facts in ancient history that a critical skeptical atheist historian like a GERD lunamon will say is in dis putable one of them is the execution of Jesus the first C is for execution Jesus was dead the second E I think is the most fascinating stands for the word early we have early accounts or early reports that Jesus rose from the dead in other words reports that come virtually immediately after his execution why is that important because like a lot of skeptics I used to think that the resurrection of Jesus was merely a legend and I knew it took time for legend to develop in the ancient world so I figured a hundred hundred and fifty two hundred years after the life of Jesus legends began to develop stories began to be invented mythologies began to be spun oh there was this Jesus really oh yeah great guy lived in the first century really oh yeah you know he rose from the dead seriously oh yeah and I thought they just kind of made this stuff up but what I learned I think decimates the claim that the resurrection is merely a legend follow me on this I think this is fascinating we have preserved for us a Creed a statement of conviction of the earliest church in other words the first century Christians rallied around this Creed based on facts that they knew to be true now this Creed summarizes the resurrection and the essentials of Christianity now the Apostle Paul preserves it for us in a letter that he wrote to the church in Corinth we call this letter first Corinthians and this Creed is found in 1st Corinthians 15 starting at verse 3 let me read you what it says Paul writes for what I received I passed on to you as of first importance now let's stop there this is technical rabbinic language this is a rabbi or a teacher would use this language when he's saying look I am taking this sacred tradition this Creed and it's so important I'm not gonna mess with it I just want to turn and pass it on to you and notice he said notice he said I passed it on so previously on a previous visit he had already passed on this Creed but he's gonna repeat it in this letter so what does the Creed say that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures and that he appeared to Peter and then to the twelve after that he appeared to more than 500 of the brothers at the same time most of whom are still living though some have fallen asleep some have died let's stop there so what they're saying is look you don't believe us about the resurrection there's 500 people where eyewitnesses go talk to him they're still living they're still around then it goes on then he appeared to James stop there James was a skeptic about Jesus during Jesus lifetime and yet he ends up dying being executed as a leader of the church what changed him from skeptic to leader of the church the resurrected Jesus it said appeared to him and then it says he appeared to all the apostles and then Paul adds and last of all he appeared to me also now this report of the resurrection naming eyewitnesses and groups of eyewitnesses what's important is how immediately this developed after the death of Jesus remember he said took time for legend to develop right okay dr. Gary Habermas a a store in this area who I interviewed for my book the case for Christ has developed this timeline to help us understand how early this Creed developed we know historically that Paul wrote this letter to the church in Corinth within 22 to 25 years of the death of Jesus and he says he passed on this Creed earlier so some time before then let's say 20 years after the death of Jesus this Creed was already in existence now if we stop there that would that would be pretty impressive anyway 20 years between the event and the kree because when you think about it the first two biographies of Alexander the Great by Aryan and Plutarch written four hundred years after his life and they're generally considered reliable so twenty years or so is pretty impressive but we can go back earlier than that because Paul used to be Saul of Tarsus a persecutor a hater of Christians one two three years after the death of Jesus he's on the road to Damascus boom he has this encounter with the risen Christ he becomes the Apostle Paul immediately he goes into Damascus and he meets with some apostles there are scholars who believe this was when he was given this creed that he later writes to the church in Corinth but others say no no no it was probably three years later three years later Paul goes to Jerusalem and meets for 15 days with two people specifically named in the Creed Peter and James and the Greek word that Paul uses to describe this meeting history Oh suggests that this was not a meeting where they were talking about the weather or about baseball or something they were taught it was an investigative inquiry what do you know what did you see what are you they're checking each other out there and most scholars will say this was when he was given the Creed by two people named in the Creed but either way it means within one to six years after the death of Jesus this Creed is already in existence and therefore the beliefs that make up that Creed go back even earlier virtually to the cross itself so the point is there is no huge time gap between the death of Jesus and this belief this conviction this report that he rose from the dead we got a news she goes right back to the beginning in fact one of the great scholars in this area James D G Dunn writes this this tradition about this tradition he means this Creed this tradition we can't be entirely confident was formulated as a Creed as tradition within months of Jesus death within months friends this is historical gold it would be unprecedented in the history of the world for a legend to develop that fast and wipe out a solid core of historical truth in fact one of the greatest historians who ever lived aan Sherwin white of Oxford he studied the rate at which legend developed in the ancient world and he determined that the passage of two generations of time is not even enough for legend to grow up and wipe out a solid core of historical truth we don't have two generations of time-pass in here we got a news flash goes right back to the beginning and it's not the only early report we've got we've got others right there from the first century from Matthew Mark Luke John the book of Acts other writings of Paul all of which date back so early they were circulating during the lifetimes of Jesus contemporaries who would have been all too happy to point out the errors if they were making this stuff up friends we got an execution Jesus was dead we've got reports of his resurrection to come so early so immediately after the event you can't just write them off as saying they're legend but that's not all we've got we've got a third e stands for the word empty we have an empty tomb the historical record tells us that Jesus body was placed in a tomb belonging to Joseph of merriment Joseph of Arimathea a member the Jewish Council it was sealed matthew tells us it was guarded and yet it was discovered empty on that first Easter morning now we could spend the rest of the day talking about all the strands of historical evidence that established that the tomb was empty but I'm just going to give you one fact because to me this is conclusive and that's this even the enemies of Jesus implicitly admitted that the tomb of Jesus was empty how do we know because when the disciples began proclaiming that Jesus had risen what the opponents of Jesus never said was baloney go open the tomb you'll find the body that's all they needed to say because it would have put the onus on the disciples to prove it but they didn't say that what did they say well we know from sources inside and outside the New Testament that when the disciples began proclaiming that Jesus had risen from the dead what the opponent said was all well the disciples stole the body now think about that what is that that's a cover story they're implicitly conceding the tomb is empty but they're trying to explain how it got empty by blaming on the disciples see what I'm saying it's like if you're a teacher and a student comes up to you and says the dog ate my homework that student is implicitly admitting look I don't have my homework but I can explain what happened to it the dog ate it it's the same thing so either implicitly or explicitly the enemies the supporters of Jesus are all conceding that the tomb was empty I don't think that was the issue of history I think the issue of history really is how did it get empty and you go through the usual list of suspects the Romans weren't about to steal the body they wanted Jesus dead the religious leaders of the day weren't about to steal the body they wanted Jesus to stay dead the disciples weren't about to steal the body they didn't have the motive they didn't have the means and they didn't have the opportunity I think the best explanation for the tomb of Jesus being empty is that he rose from the dead especially when we combine it with the fourth word that begins with the letter E which is the word eyewitnesses not only was Jesus tomb discovered empty but over a period of time Jesus appears alive in a dozen different instances - more than five hundred and fifteen people - skeptics and opponents and doubters as well as the believers two men two women indoors outdoors daytime nighttime two groups two individuals people talk with them they touched him they ate with them they think of this remember we said we're lucky in ancient history if we have one or maybe two sources to confirm a fact I'll get this for the conviction of the disciples that they encountered the resurrected Jesus we have no fewer than nine ancient sources inside and outside the New Testament confirming and corroborating their conviction that they encountered the risen Christ that is an avalanche of historical theta and it changed the disciples change them from being cowards and afraid that they were gonna get executed hiding and history shows us it's just a short time later in the very same city where Jesus was put to death these ones cowardly disciples are now proclaiming with boldness that Jesus not only claimed to be the Son of God he backed it up by returning from the dead and we have seven ancient sources inside and outside the New Testament that tell us that they live lives of deprivation and suffering as a result of that Proclamation why were they willing to do that not because they just had faith that Jesus rose from the dead not because someone told him it was true not because they heard in the radio not because a sunday-school teacher told them but because of all the human beings who've ever lived they were in a position to know for a fact whether Jesus had appeared from the dead or whether it was a lie and knowing it was true they were willing to suffer for their Proclamation that he had risen that tells me something about the sincerity of their convictions friends I spent two years of my life investigating the minutiae of the resurrection of Jesus and it all came down to a Sunday afternoon and I remember I went alone in my bedroom and I thought you know a good jury reaches a verdict and I've been stuff in my head for two years with all this data with all this evidence and I thought I got to reach a verdict I got to reach a conclusion how do I do that so I decided to take a yellow legal pad and I thought I'm just gonna write out in longhand the you know a summary of the evidence for pro and con everything that I've seen in two years just get it down on paper so I started writing page after page after page after page after page after page of finally I put down my pen and I said well wait a second in light of the avalanche of evidence that points so powerfully towards the truth of Christianity I realized it would take more faith for me to maintain my atheism than to become a Christian I'm just saying I'm just saying so for me I concluded based on the evidence of history that Jesus not only claimed to be the Son of God he backed it up by returning from the dead and then I felt very let down it was very anticlimactic cuz here I'd spent two years doing this and it's like okay should there not be an earthquake about now you know howa lightning maybe or something or it was like is that all it is and then I remembered a Christian had pointed out a verse to me earlier so I got the Bible I looked it up John 1:12 says but as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of God even to those who believe in his name I said okay now I'm getting somewhere I I looked at that verse and I thought if you look at the key words they form an equation of what it means to become a child of God believe plus receive equals become so I said okay I get it now I believe based on the evidence that Jesus is the Son of God but I realized that is not enough I had to receive receive what receive this free gift of forgiveness and eternal life that Jesus purchased on the cross when he died as my substitute to pay for all of my sin and when I would receive this free gift of His grace then I would become a child of God so I got on my knees next to my bed and I poured out a confession of a lifetime of immorality that would absolutely curl your hair and at that moment I received complete and total forgiveness through Jesus Christ and I became a child of God and my very first thought I got up off my knees and and and my first thought was hey I should tell Leslie about this you know I didn't know I figured she'd want to know so I walked out of our bedroom and I walked down the hallway and I looked into the kitchen and there was Leslie standing behind the kitchen sink I remember I mentioned my daughter Allison she was almost 5 years old by then as she was standing in front of Leslie on her tiptoes stretched out and for the first time she was able to touch the faucet so I walked down the hallway I look in the kitchen Allison said daddy daddy look what I can touch it I can reach it I said wow you're really getting big she ran off and I turned to Leslie I said honey that's how I feel III feel like for the last two years of my life I've been reaching out and reaching out I just touched Jesus he is alive he is resurrected he's the son of God I just gave him my life and she looked at me and she looked at me and she burst into tears and she threw her arms around my neck and she said you hard-hearted son of a Baptist I've been telling you this for two years hello no I'm kidding she didn't do that I always wished she had done that cuz that would have made a great story that would have been hilarious but that's not Leslie she burst into tears and she threw her arms around my neck and she said oh honey I almost gave up on you a thousand times she said when I was a new Christian I met some women at church and I told him about you I said I don't have any hope for my husband he is the hard-headed hard-hearted legal editor of the Chicago Tribune he will never bend his knee to Jesus Christ and she said this one elderly Saint put her arm around their shoulders kind of pulled her off to the side and she said Oh Leslie no one is behind hope and she gave her a verse from the Old Testament ezekiel 36:26 says moreover i will give you a new heart and i will put a new spirit within you I will remove from you your heart of stone and I will give you a heart of flesh and what I never knew that whole two years that I'm on this investigative journey what I never knew was behind the scenes every day Leslie was on her knees praying that verse for me and can I tell you what happened starting on that Sunday afternoon now that I was adopted as a child of God and that's that was over time then as I was baptized as I became part of a vibrant church as I as I learned to read the Bible with fresh eyes as I learned to worship as I learned to pray God began to answer her prayers because my values changed and my character changed and my morality changed and my philosophy and my worldview of my attitudes and my priorities am I really in ships and my merits are my parenting I mean all these things over time began to change for the good so much so that our daughter Allison think about this for a second here's a little girl five years old all she knew for the first five years of her life was a dad who was absent angry kicking holes in walls coming home drunk there was her whole life experience for those first five years but starting on that Sunday afternoon you know what she did she started to watch something's changing with dad something's different with dad something's new with dad she never entered I never studied ancient history you know never interviewed an archaeologist she's just five but she could watch she could listen she could observe and she did and she watched for I don't know four or five six months until one Sunday morning and she went up to her Sunday school teacher and then up to Lesley and you know she said I want God to do for me what he's done for daddy so at age five my little girl received this free gift of God's grace and today she's married to a Seminary graduate she's a novelist she has half a dozen novels works of fiction that she has written that have been published and they all have the message of Jesus woven into them together her and her husband write children's books about God she is the mother of two of my four precious grandchildren and we're the best of friends and same for my son my son saw the difference God was making in his mom and his dad and his sister and he came to faith at a young age too but he took an academic route and he got an undergraduate degree in biblical studies and he got a master's degree in philosophy of religion then he got another master's degree in New Testament and then after many years of research and study at Yale University and at the University of Aberdeen and Scotland he was awarded his PhD in theology and today you know he does he's a professor at the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in Southern California where he teaches young people about Jesus Christ and two years ago his wife gave birth to our first grandson and he named him after his dad friends god changed our family he changed my son he changed my daughter he changed my wife he changed me and now Leslie and I just celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary together so that's my story that's my story so what do you do with that let me let me just end by applying that story to you let's go back to that equation believe plus receive equals become and I just want to be as honest as I can with you you know you may have come here today because a friend invited you and we're so glad you came you're so welcome here but if the honest truth were known you do not yet believe that Jesus is the Son of God and I want to say to you if you do not believe that that's fine that's perfectly okay as long as you do what I did and you check it out do your own investigation I mean the Old Testament the New Testament both say if you sincerely seek God guess what you're gonna find him so seek him if my books are helpful great there's a great church to come to to investigate and go on that journey I met an atheist here last night nice guy we had a wonderful conversation afterwards he said I'm gonna dedicate the next year of my life too seriously and intensely investigating the evidence would you be willing to do that I'd encourage you to make this a front-burner issue in your life and resolve at the outset when you get enough evidence that you'll reach a verdict but then let me end with this some of you believe but you've never received I mean you believe the right stuff that's great that's fantastic but honestly your kids have not seen a difference in you why is it you come to a church like this and you hear people talk about they ever how they have a deep and a vibrant and a real and authentic relationship with Jesus and you hear this and in the back of your mind you're thinking why is that not like that with me why does God seem so distant from me could it be because you believe the right stuff and that's great but there's never been a point in time where you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior friends I'm just asking if you're not sure if you've ever done that and you want to let's do it let's not wait let's make today the day we can mark on the calendar that I know I become a child of God I believe and I've received and I have become so let's just close our eyes and bow our heads and if you want to take that step I'm not gonna ask you to do anything weird you know just in your heart say this God will hear you sin your heart say Lord Jesus as best I can I do believe that you are the son of God and I confess to you that I am a sinner and I want to turn from that and in an attitude of repentance and faith I want to receive this gift of grace that you offer thank you for enduring the torture of the cross so that we could be reconciled forever help me to live the kind of life you want me to live because from this moment on I am yours and now father we know from Luke 15 that a party breaks out in heaven every time a sinner repents receives forgiveness through your son so we celebrate with them and we pray for those that are still on the journey that have questions and doubts and obstacles in the way we pray by your spirit you would use this church you would use the books whatever use friends to help them resolve the spiritual sticking points that are holding them up so that someday we can celebrate their rebirth as well and then finally father for those of us who are your followers and maybe for a long long time we thank you for the privilege the honor of being part of a church that it's like a city on a hill that shines your message of hope and grace and forgiveness and redemption and justice and eternal life and shines a message all over planet Earth thank you for the privilege of being part of that we pray this in Jesus name and all God's people agreed and said amen hi I'm Jake ran that the online pastor here at Saddleback Church we're so glad you joined us to watch this message today at Saddleback we believe that life is better together that's why we want you to get connected to our church family whether in person or online we have campuses all over Southern California and on four continents all around the world that would love to welcome you to the weekend services you can find a campus near you at Saddleback College locations and if you're not able to attend a campus in person don't worry we have an online community designed just for you you'll have an opportunity to connect with the messages each week and find resources to help you grow your faith thanks again for watching and we look forward to welcoming you into our church family Oh
Channel: Saddleback Church
Views: 33,551
Rating: 4.7879343 out of 5
Id: EUlBjUr5jKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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