Learn How I Started My New Online Business - Behind The Scenes Setup

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i've been insanely busy for the last two weeks launching a brand new brand and a brand new product for wordpress the name of the product is presto player it's the ultimate tool for delivering video content on your website but this video is not about presto player i wanted to make a video that goes into everything that it took to launch this brand new product to build the brand the entire concept build the product launch the product and all the different tools that i used in order to pull this off this video is going to be pure gold and what you're going to get here you're not going to get anywhere else because unlike other youtubers that just make tutorials on stuff that they actually never end up using in the real world i'm a businessman and i use these tools i build businesses with all the tools that i talk about here on this channel so if you've ever wanted to launch a business online and are wondering everything that goes into it now of course this is a software product doesn't matter if it's a software product for you the same principles apply to having a business online and selling stuff on the internet legal formation coming up with your idea your brand we're going to cover all of that in this video now i do want to apologize in advance because i'm sure for many of you you guys have never even heard of this product yet i launched it a week ago there's probably something strange about that it's a wordpress product this is a channel about wordpress products why haven't i put a video on this channel and i guess this video right here is kind of my indirect way of doing it you know i have another product named cartflows and i launched that about a year and a half ago two and a half years ago sorry it's been insanely successful by far the market leading tool it's a sales funnel builder for wordpress yet i've probably only made like five or six videos in two and a half years on it for some reason i don't make enough videos on my own stuff for my own channel but that's okay so i just wanted to let you know in advance if you haven't heard of presto player sorry about that i'll make a video here on the channel to talk about it because i really believe in this product and people are loving this product so let's go ahead and get into the video now since there's a lot of information to cover and i don't want to shortchange you i'm going to do this presentation style just so i can stay on track i'll have links to everything in the video description down below there's definitely going to be some links because i'm going to go through all the products and show you some of the products that i use to pull this off and there's various services i'll have links down there for convenience i'll also have a table of contents down there so you can jump around to what matters most to you so let's go ahead and do it all right so first any business starts with an idea now the idea for presto player though came from my own experience of making videos it's a video player it's actually audio as well but it came out of my own experience and frustrations of taking videos that i make and putting them on my website and putting them in online courses all these services out there are quite expensive i'm talking 30 bucks a month 100 bucks a month and the ones that are lower price like 30 dollars a month they tend to be very unreliable and i've felt all the pain of that over the years and plus i make videos for a living so first you gotta come up with an idea and then you gotta validate idea that idea because not every idea is worth it and some ideas are far too complicated and far too far-fetched so for me when i identified this pain point uh the way i validated it is on social media so i happen to have a facebook group that is directly linked to this channel there's 38 000 people in there and it's a wealth of information it's a wealth of research i can gauge people's interests in a product before i make it by just simply asking and seeing what those pain points are now you for your idea might not have the luxury of having a very large facebook group like that i totally understand but you can find online communities around the niche that you're interested in building a product or a service for and you can read what people are saying and try to identify their pain points and after you've built a little bit of street cred in that group you can also ask what are people's pain points so i strongly believe in validating your idea first and that's how i validated my idea if you're not in the facebook group i definitely recommend jumping in there there's a lot of cool things that happen there and this product launch actually started last week inside of that facebook group now the next thing you want to do is you want to identify businesses that are in the space and what i mean by in the spaces that are already doing this because if there isn't any business already doing it it's probably a business that you don't want to get into because that might mean there's no market people have tried it and have failed so you don't want to go into a business that no one's going to be already there that you're going to be able to compete with and competition's actually good but what you're trying to do is you're trying to see how they do it what they're doing right and what they're doing wrong for me it's software that's very easy i could sit there and evaluate different products and identify the things they do that i like and the things they do that i don't like and try to find gaps that's what new businesses should always be doing trying to find gaps in the market that they can fill this is exactly what i did when i launched cart flows in 2018 i used every funnel builder it's a sales funnel builder i used every sales funnel builder and i sat there and i identified what they did right and what they did wrong so we could figure out what the heck we were going to do ourselves uh the next thing is you want to figure out what you're going to do differently because you have to differentiate what you create to what they have created so in a product or a service what are they doing right what are they doing wrong you can do right the right where they're doing wrong you can feel these gaps that are in the market so with presto player the gap in the market there is those services are nice but they're very expensive and they're not integrated deeply into wordpress so with presto player we basically made it so you can host your files wherever you want including bunnynet which is amazing but that's not what this video is about it's amazing and it's super affordable uh but that was a gap in the market was let's build something deeply integrated with other wordpress products such as learning management systems and it would have advanced marketing features it would be sensitive to website performance which is super important these days so the direction we're headed with the product is to get deeper and deeper integrated with the wordpress tools that we all use for our businesses uh the next thing you want to do is build a brand this is where most people screw up they're not building a brand they're building a product they're building a service but they're not building a brand it's super crucial that you understand some of the basics of branding because you sell people on your brand on you on your mission that's building a brand so first you got to come up with a name and this is by far the hardest part of any new brand is coming up with a name that people can connect to part of the problem is a lot of names are taken and it's kind of hard to come up with a good name in fact if you saw about a week and a half ago i made a video about how i just spent twenty thousand dollars on a domain name that's how much a business name meant to me and actually that business is not related to presto player uh so the challenge is you don't want to limit yourself or your future by with your brand name so i'll give you an example uh this is a wordpress product and i have another wordpress product cart flows well i didn't get the domain name and the business name to be cartflow's wp and this is presto player it's not presto player wp and the reason why we do that is so that you don't limit what you do in the future so on the card flows side of things well what if that became a software as a service in the future who knows with presto player we didn't want to use the word video because what happens when you want to start offering audio then you've limited yourself so when you're thinking of naming your business and your product you don't want to limit yourself you want to think are you using any limited words and then figure out a way around that that's why we call it presto player not presto video player or video player for wordpress whatever it's presto player and what's different about the brand and that word presto is the word presto means that something was so easy it felt like magic and so that is the thought process behind presto player that it's so easy that it will feel like magic and it actually does feel that way but that would be for a different video okay super important you have to search for prior users of your brand name and search for trademark registrations don't mess this up because it when you're trying to figure out a brand name you get married to some of them they're like oh my gosh that is an amazing brand name i want that brand name but then what ends up happening is you search and someone used it or someone has a trademark and you just don't want to go there unless you want legal trouble later on and it's definitely not worth it i have a new product coming out next month and the name of the product that we came up with initially we were like yes this is the name this is an awesome name and then i we got kind of married to it and then i did a trademark search and the name was trademarked up and down like every variation of it was trademarked and that trademark was owned by a multi-billion dollar company so even though they weren't actually technically actively using that brand name anymore it was an acquisition and they shut the company down they weren't really using it my trademark attorney said you're playing with fire if you even try to do that so it wasn't worth it hence i paid twenty thousand dollars so i could have a different domain name with a different business name so that leads us to the the next uh line here which is is the domain name available is the social media available etc now it's very hard to get a good domain name these days that's why i spent twenty thousand on a thinking domain name i didn't wanna do it i never envisioned myself doing it i believe in that product so much that i did it in this case so you want to see for domain names available and also see to make sure that the social media profiles are available it's not the end of the world if the domain names not available unless it's someone else has that domain name and they're doing something you wouldn't uh that that would be bad like say there they got the domain name and it goes to some pornography website you don't want stuff like that but if it's maybe registered and not being used and you can't purchase it from them you can use what's called a modifier so a modifier is you have your brand name and you put a word in front of it like get use try so try blah blah blah get blah blah blah so that's a way that i probably could have saved twenty thousand dollars if i would have done that uh for that domain name in that business that i'm launching next month but it is what it is so okay legal formation now i don't mean you be offensive when i actually you can't even see that i don't mean to be offensive when i'm writing don't be cheap i don't mean to be offensive but some people just need to hear it straight don't be cheap and do cut corners and then you open yourself up to liability later on if you really believe in what you're doing and you really believe in your success that you're going to be able to pull it off don't be cheap and guess what things are so inexpensive these days you can do things on a budget so okay so first for legal formation you want to i do this actually this is not legal advice by the way let me just put that out there so i don't get in any kind of trouble i pay tens of thousands of dollars for professionals to give me advice i'm not giving you advice here i'll tell you what i do so i use a stripe atlas to form a legal uh entity this is the website right here it's gonna cost you and it says right right there it says start your company it's gonna cost you only five hundred dollars and i think sometimes they discount that to like four four hundred dollars essentially you go here you answer a few questions and next thing you know you have a legal entity so this could be a c corporation or an llc and down here it goes through the process i don't know why my browser is kind of jacked up right now maybe it's just this page there we go there we go now we're going through so here it is it's only 500 bucks to set up a legal entity it's going to also cost you a hundred dollars per year for a registered agent and it's also going to you're gonna have like legal obligations uh from for taxes so you're gonna need to file a tax return and pay taxes on these entities as you would for any entity now i've used stripe atlas multiple times it's been very smooth and i have a cpa that i talk to in advance and i it's funny stripe atlas is cheaper than him like if i was to have the legal entity created from with him it'd be like 2 000 bucks but i can pay stripe atlas 500 bucks and he's actually cool with that because he's going to do my taxes anyway so once i get it set up with stripe i take all the legal formation docs and then i hand it off to him so what you want to do though is you want to know what you're getting into before you file with stripe atlas or something similar i would recommend getting a proper legal entity though and there are some advantages and disadvantages by going with one type of entity versus another file a trademark people skip this step because they're they want to save money and like i said don't be cheap this is my guy right here his name is eric he's based out of the us this is all u.s based by the way he files my trademarks and i think it costs like 12.50 or something like that 1300 and that includes the fees for the the trademark uh government agency it's like 200 or 300 bucks i got to pay them so that's the total fee with him it's like 12 or 1300 bucks in that range and he's got a really tight process where it's really simple and it's really hands off and he takes care of the whole thing for me don't be cheap and don't skip this step don't it's how you protect your brand name it's the only protection that you end up having in fact in when i started this youtube channel wp crafter i was pretty darn cheap when i started it i didn't have legal formation i had to get that later i didn't have a trademark and that got me into some serious trouble in 2016 i had someone coming after me for trademark infringement and they were using the word crafter in their brand name and they were coming after me to get me to stop using wp crafter and i ended up spending thousands of dollars resolving that matter and then getting my own trademark in the process so you don't want to go cheap because it can cause lots of problems later on i understand if you don't have the thirteen hundred dollars but know that you're gonna need to get that done a s a p as soon as you start generating revenue from your business i'll tell you now i actually get my trademarks months before people even know the name of the business i'm out there filing trademarks because it takes a while to get them and then you want to get bank accounts and paypal early if you did stripe atlas they have a deal with mercury bank and silicon valley bank or something like that you can get a bank account anywhere but what you want to do is get them early don't wait till you start selling your product or service thinking you'll get it the day before you want to get that early especially with what i do i need something called reference transactions enabled on paypal that's actually good for you to know too if you're going to do any kind of subscription payment where there's a a recurring cost you need to have something called reference transactions enabled with paypal and it's kind of a pain in the butt to get it you got to call them up you got to do all this kind of stuff and you got to do it early because they don't do it on the spot all right let's move on the infrastructure again don't be cheap i hope you're not offended by me using that word i'm actually speaking to me i'm speaking to you but i'm really speaking to me i'm not that way today but i was that way in the beginning okay so for hosting we for presto player were using cloudways i love cloudways it's an amazing service and it's also very affordable so i have multiple videos on how to set up cloudways and it's not that expensive so let me get to like the pricing in fact i have a discount coupon i think it saves you like thirty percent for for three months or something like that i don't remember it's like uh there's some kind of a percentage you'll save each month over and over when using it but you can actually start trying the service for free so let me show you what i'm using it's you go here you select vulture and i use vulture high frequency and literally you can get a server that is super high performance in its dirt cheap i recommend this middle plan here when you start out 26 per month in fact they have some really cool features coming out that are going to be on this 26 plan per month and up really amazing features that are going to make your life a whole lot easier and i know when they release it people are going to be very excited in other words don't use some cheap shared hosting like hostgator or bluehost or any of these cheap shared hostings spend a little bit of extra money we're not even talking astronomical sums of money if your business is going to make you money you can afford 26 dollars a month for the hosting and have much better performance so don't go cheap i'm using cloudways all right for me this applies to me this doesn't apply for you some of it applies for you so okay how are you gonna sell and license the product so if it's not something like software related you don't have to worry about the licensing you have to worry about the selling now the good thing is is there's lots of options for this and there's no one perfect option to be frank with you so selling if you're gonna just sell something and sell services i recommend using woocommerce and i'll talk a little bit more about that now if you need to issue license codes like me and this doesn't apply to everyone there's other options and no there's no one perfect option the reason i chose woocommerce is because i have cart flows card flows works with woocommerce and i wanted to use card flows because card flows has a b split testing dedicated sales funnels it has revenue maximizing features such as one click order bumps one click upsells there's a ton of features that i can get just using card flows to customize the checkout experience so for me it was a no-brainer to use woocommerce so it'd almost be weird if i didn't and woocommerce is the most popular e-commerce platform on the internet so of course all of my businesses are gonna be using woocommerce of course using cart flows i'm the co-founder of car flows i mentioned it four times just getting that out there okay here's an important question if you're gonna have a website that takes payments or has e-commerce do you have it all on one website and this also applies for online course websites online community websites you have it all on one website or do you separate it out now here's where my thinking has changed over the years i used to put everything on the same website i now think that's a very bad move and the reason why is because website performance is super important so if i can separate the ecom part out so i make sure the main website is ultra high performance at all times and take the ecom part out of it and have it be on a sub domain i don't have to worry about the speed of that so much i mean it has to be good speed but i don't have to worry about google core web vitals and gt metrics and all of these things i can have whatever i want on the store but then i can keep the main site lean and so that is actually what i recommend if it applies to your situation so in my case there's the product website and then there's how it's actually purchased licensed in the customer service area and all that so instead of having them be one i separated them out so i just have the product info when someone clicks buy it's going to take them over to the store website that has all of the licensing and and it has the e-commerce and it has all of that kind of stuff in there so you need to decide what's good for you if you have an online course business and say the entire website isn't just the learning it's also like a blog where you try to generate traffic and speed is sensitive i recommend separating them out especially if you're going to have an online community website using something like buddy boss you'll definitely want to separate those out and don't worry i've made videos on linking separate websites together all right let's move on so now you know i have two different sites so the main site i'm just calling the wordpress product sales site it's where the sales pages the information the frequently asked questions the documentation for the product i'm gonna tell you everything i got going on there i'm using the cadence theme with cadence blocks the cadence theme is free cadence blocks is free they come with templates and it's super high performance and also very powerful so here is the website right here actually let me show you the cadence website and you'll see some up there we go this is what i wanted to show you so here's the cadence themes website i have a link down below to this and i even have a 10 off coupon if you wanted to purchase the pro version and i use the pro version i'll show you how i'm using it they've got lots of templates and demos it's super fast people love it there's actually testimonial from me right there of course because i'm a big fan they integrate with all of these different things woocommerce learn dash elementor all this kind of stuff and it's so easy to get started uh using it and customizing it and so it's funny you see this this template right here i'm actually using that for presto player let me uh go to their starter templates and show you that template uh so here you can look at all their different starter templates here's one for an entire membership site but this one right here is the one i use and so let me show you this and then i'll show you the presto site so we can see we have a logo and then the menu navigation well i'm using that uh what we did here is we replaced him with a video and we have our heading and our button and we didn't use this grid or this grid but we used this grid right here uh for our product grid and we expanded on it a little bit we should have used the testimonials i'll need to get that in there so let me show you the presto site so here i am back on the presto player website and it's the same thing we have the logo with the navigation right there when i scroll down we've got that product grid that we use as a product grid we just changed the icons and the text to put the info we wanted let's see here i'm using the video player and then we added an accordion right here and so this makes it real easy for frequently asked questions and then we have a footer call to action so this is using the free cadence theme and cadence blocks but i'm also using the pro version of the cadence theme here let me show you right here you can see there's also a button right there call to action so let me show you what i'm using in the pro cadence theme because it's certainly not something that people need so you can see i've got this like kind of um fixed banner when i scroll so when i'm at the very top it goes away and then when i scroll down it appears that's a feature in the pro cadence theme so that's one of the features i'm using not a lot of features i'm actually using from it and you see how we have this footer here this is a what's called an element and i've applied it to every page so i have the normal footer and then this part that's above it i've done in using cadence blocks so if i go to any page on the website so here i'm on my knowledge base and i'll talk to you about this and there it is again here i am looking at a knowledge base article and there it is again here i am actually in one of the articles and you can see there it is again so to get the footer like that site-wide i used the uh cadence elements it's a feature in the pro theme and so i'm using gutenberg i'm not using elementor or beaver builder some page builder i'm just using gutenberg so cadence cadence blocks that's what it gives me is it gives you page builder like features that you need when you're building out a website inside of the gutenberg editor which is lightning quick and a lot of businesses are switching over to this uh right now wp rocket who makes a caching plug-in they recently came and switched to gutenberg and they wrote an article about it okay i use fluent forms i love fluent forms and i should make more videos on fluent forms it's a comprehensive form solution and so we're i'm using it for the support form and i'm also using it i did this last night actually i built a calculator so here i am on one of the support pages and when you scroll down it talks about using this service bunny net with presto player and how much it's going to cost it's insanely cheap and there was a lot of confusion about how much it actually cost so i'm like would be so nice if we had a little calculator where someone can put in a few numbers and then it would just spit out a dollar amount and as a calculator and then i went to the fluent forms website and i'm like i'm pretty sure i can do that and i was looking through this grid here and then i saw down here you can do calculations uh where is it it's here somewhere oh conditional logic not a calculated fields that's it a calculated field which basically means i can create an online calculator and this is it so check this out it's uh two things so we look at the storage you're going to use so say i'm going to use 10 gigabytes of storage for video and you can see right here it already calculated that's going to cost you 30 cents a month and then right here how much bandwidth you're going to use let's say 200 gigabytes of bandwidth well there's the calculation you could expect to pay a dollar 30 for hosting your videos and storing your videos with bunnynet what's crazy is that uh thirty dollar storage that thirty dollar per month service uh that i've actually been using for videos for a very long time it's thirty dollars per month it gives you a hundred gigabytes of storage and a hundred gigabytes of bandwidth and i can get the same thing through bunnynet for three dollars and fifty cents that's just crazy so i've made some videos on fluid forms it's a great product i'll see if i can line up a ten percent off coupon or whatever it's really inexpensive anyway and i have a link down below to it a lot of people love fluent forms if you can use the cadence theme there's like a styling integration uh with it as well all right and then i have a knowledge base so you want to have knowledge base with articles so people can get kind of self-help on your product or service here's our knowledge base it's actually very simple you and it's using a free plug-in now there's other there's several free plug-ins for this i don't have an opinion on any of them either way although i do think there's more full featured options out there that i might switch to and what the i'm using a free system now but they're paid ones they'll keep track of what people search for so you can see if people are searching for a similar thing you might want to make an article on that i do think there would be some value in that but this is called i think it's bsf docs and it's free it's in the wordpress plugin repository and it's super easy to set up so we have the search here so i can start typing and as i type it's going to give me some suggestions to click on different articles it's not bad it's not fantastic we do use this actually on cart flows but there's some customizations done there to do some more stuff with it and the only thing it ha it doesn't have that i probably would like is the ability to track what people are searching for so that i can see what they want to learn if we don't have that base covered there's also ones that are tied to help desk solutions i think it's better to have your knowledge base actually on your website though because there's definitely seo value search engine optimization value there because if your product or service becomes popular people are going to go to google to try to find answers to their questions so if you have the knowledge base on your website it will be easy to capture some of that traffic and then i'm using rank math rank math is an seo plugin in fact it's one of the hottest search engine optimization plugins and any website you're gonna have to get a search engine optimization plug-in now there's three big ones right the first one is yoast the most used yoast is darn expensive if you want to have the pro version of it they nickel and dime you and it's very very expensive and the free version is this there's been some stuff that's happened in the past for some people uh they've pushed out updates and anyone can push out an update and there could be a problem as long as they fix it quick uh but yoast has done some things in the past but rank math beats them in their free version hand down when it comes to features so i have a video on ranked math i love ranked math i use it on all of my websites and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of websites are using rank math now for all my websites i actually use the paid version of rank math it's so cheap and i'll tell you why i use it i'm only paying 59 bucks per year and i can put it on all of my websites now the reason i do that especially on presto player well it's not that much money but they give you some really cool stuff which is related to schema but even on the presto player website if i want a video site map that's in the pro version so i get this video site map and then what it also does is it senses when a video is on a page and it automatically adds video schema now the benefit to you for this is when someone's searching in google if google wants to show a result of one of these videos in your video sitemap you get the prime real estate you get a video thumbnail it links to your website it's really nice in fact i made a video on presto players documented for doc for presto players documentation on the benefits there and it's totally worth it if you ask me there's just a ton of other great features in rank math i use the pro version because only 59 extra dollars and it's worth it to me i do have a link to rank math down below and i do have tutorials here on the channel for rank math it's just a fantastic plug-in okay and here's some miscellaneous things we use breeze for caching that is the free caching plugin that comes with cloud ways i use something called cross domain tracker it's for affiliate wp so philly i'll talk about that in a moment so affiliates can go to the product website and it could be tracked on the main website where affiliate wp is actually installed and i also use pretty links on the site okay so let's take a look at the wordpress store everything that's on there as well it's the cadence theme and cadence blocks super lightweight works great with woocommerce and has some really nice layouts for the woocommerce customer dashboard and it's just been working out fantastic and then to sell i'm using woocommerce with card flows pro this right here is card flows pro this is the product i launched in 2018 it's the market leader for sales funnels building sales funnels on wordpress but it does oh so much more and i definitely had to have it uh so you can see we have it we're approaching 200 000 users of card flows which is amazing uh and we have just given update after update over the last two and a half years it's such a great product people love it we have templates and here's just a small sampling of the features we have which is one click upsells order bumps a b split testing is huge templates checkout layouts insights the analytics are fantastic in fact last year we added a brand new user interface that's built in native react it is so easy to use and there's actually a cool feature that we recently added that we've been using a lot with presto player and it's called url parameters if you go to cart flows youtube channel you'll see a video with me showing you so you can actually give out a coupon as a url parameter and you can hide the coupon field on your checkout so what happens is if you have a coupon filled on your checkout what does someone do they immediately go to google looking for a coupon so if you remove it they never think oh i need to go find a coupon but there are times when you need to give someone a discount but with cartful's pro you can also just do that secretively via the url we're doing amazing stuff over at card flows and we've got some big surprises in store for woocommerce stores it's amazing and we have the best customers the best community it's such an amazing product i'm so grateful that i created it that sounds stupid but it anyways i'm so grateful that it exists and i get to be involved in it how about that that's better okay so we have an affiliate program if you want to have an affiliate program i actually have a video on how to set this up you use affiliate wp it's by far the most popular and widely used affiliate program this is for having an affiliate having your own affiliates that you pay when they refer business to you here's the website right here it's actually not that expensive it's definitely worth grabbing a license so i think we just have the cheapest plan right here 149 bucks so it's not really that big of an expense so that's the affiliate program and next is the amazing combo and last year a product came out i think it was december no it was october it came out and i could be off by a month or two 2020 october fluent crm i made a video on it and i'm using it and i love it so right now if you want to track what people are doing tag them send them emails have automated email marketing campaigns you're going to spend a lot of money but the alternative is to get fluent crm and here's the thing if you're going to have e-commerce on your website anyway you already are storing people's names order history accounts they've got logins and all that you might as well just add in fluent crm and have it also send your email marketing campaigns segment your lists i mean this does a ton of great things and i'm so glad this plug-in came out i don't even know how much it costs right now but you can get an idea here of everything that it does so this is going to replace the need of like a mailchimp or you know all the convert kit all of those types of tools and it's just going to keep it all on your wordpress site and i know you might be thinking that um you you might slow down your website it's not slowing down our website well we were using good hosting uh and then what you do is you connect in an email sending service such as amazon ses and you end up paying pennies to send very large email marketing campaigns but what i'm more interested in with it is the ability to just have everything conveniently in one spot it's super easy to write emails so let's take a look at their pricing i think they might have like oh there we go 129 per year for a single site that is pretty darn cheap they might have a lifetime license available i don't know and by the way they're also using the cadence theme for this website we also use fluent forms for the pro support form it validates that someone's actually made a purchase in the woocommerce store so that they can get priority support and lastly is for some some automation stuff so there's wp fusion which i'm using on this site but you can also do the same thing with uncanny automator what this does is when someone purchases a product it's automating adding tags when someone signs up for an affiliate program it automates adding tags to their content their contact record and fluid crm and so there's all these automated things that happen to make it easier to segment them in the future that is very um limited in what wp fusion does i mean it's pretty amazing what it does and also uncanny automator is amazing what uncanny automator does i love this tool i talked a lot about this last year and a lot of people bought this it's just and are using it and they just love it in fact uncanny automator is going to have an integration soon with presto player and i suppose i should also say fluent crm is going to have an integration with presto player very soon what that means is if someone clicks on play you can tag the record someone makes it a certain point in the video you can tag their record if someone finishes a video you can tag their record but if you have uncanny automator you can perform some actions like email them you can do all kinds of crazy cool stuff it's pretty pretty amazing okay now you need to plan your launch so first thing you need to do and i did we did horrible at this with presto player is you have to get your sodium social media graphics in place and there's so many that you need so you got to get your facebook twitter youtube your your featured images for your website that get used when you're a link to your website get shared you got to get all of these in place then you got to figure out how the heck you're going to price your product so my theory on this is different than some people's and i think mine is works okay so my theory is you want to discount your product in the very beginning because or service because what you need is users you need users you need customers why you need them so they can help you make your service or your product better you also need them to advocate for your product and if you give them a deal on it with a lower price or in my case a lifetime license they're going to be more likely to have their interest aligned with your interests so with presto player we have a lifetime deal and you buy it you only pay for it once and you get to use it and you get all these updates for life so what happens is when someone invests in presto player like that our interests are now aligned they want us to do well because if we do well they're going to do well because then we're going to be pouring it all back into the product making it better so i'm aligning our interests like that it also helps us to get a huge amount of customers in a very short period of time that will propel the business forward so it depends on you how you price there's different ways of looking at this i've seen products that are too expensive in the beginning and they have little growth and then what ends up happening is after they've proven there's a market there someone comes in right behind them then comes in with the the strategy i'm talking about and just blasts right past them like totally crushes them in a month and destroys their business so you have to move quick in business you don't want to just put something out there and and be satisfied with slow growth because if you prove the market someone's going to come in and squash you that way and i'm sure it doesn't feel good to be squashed okay you need to find early advocates and beta testers for me this is actually very easy because i talk to a lot of you guys they are on facebook they facebook message me we we connect we communicate and so it's easy for me to say hey i already know the kind of website you have you would benefit from this would you like to try it out and they're happy to try it out they're excited to try it out and they should be this is really cool stuff and i'm giving them an opportunity to give me their ideas and kind of custom tailor this to them but you also want to find early advocates as well these people will end up being advocates but sometimes these people might not be the advocate type of people so if you are finding the communities online that would be interested in your product or service you're going to find out who's the loudest most recognizable people in those circles you want to slowly build a relationship so that you can get them to become an advocate how do you do that well you start giving to them not giving them money but you start building a relationship with them one based on generosity and complementing them and thanking them one of gratitude but then when the time comes you'll tell them hey you know we got this coming out and i'd like to give you the service for free if you want to check it out i know you might be busy why don't you check it out if you have time i'm all ears i think it would be a great fit for what you're doing a lot of times when you show someone that kind of respect they could easily become an advocate for you so you need the early advocates and beta testers okay and and the last strategy uh for launching is to find a launch partner what is a launch partner well if you don't already have a following or a community or people who know who you are and you release your product no one's going to buy your product that's just the way that it is but if you want to move faster you could find a launch partner who is a launch partner me i'm a launch partner for wordpress users so if you have a product that appeals to the wp crafter audience well you can come to me and say hey adam i've got this product uh and and i'd like to offer a deal to your audience and we work out a deal where it will be a rev share where i negotiate down the deal to make it a really good deal for people and then we share some of the revenues so you can find those those loud people in the circles that would be purchasing your product or services and say hey let's do a deal i'm gonna give you a percentage of all the sales and uh if they're interested then it could be a way for you to get a foothold really early in fact i have a page on my website where i make this offer to people and i did two of these last year and they went fantastic so you should try to find a launch partner that knows your market knows pricing strategy knows what will work and what won't work so that you could take your product and get it revved up and moving really fast so for me like with presto player i'm not wanting or caring or concerned in the beginning about making a lot of money with it i am more concerned with getting brand recognition getting loyal a loyal following getting people to buy into the product and what i mean is like using the product i need to get as many people as fast as humanly possible to use this product so that they can become advocates for this product and i don't care if i don't make any money that first month or two and i'm kind of selling my future or giving away the future at a big discount because i know if i can pull it off i will get a thousand two thousand three thousand users and that's going to be just the seating that i need for the product and business to grow so find a launch partner and don't be so concerned with with becoming the next multi-millionaire when you launch your product because it's worthless unless you can get people to use it and you can grow the and get brand awareness for your product so i'm not being so uh selective with my words okay and this is the last part communications when you launch your product oh my gosh i must have talked to 150 people last week okay so you need to take a desk and you can go with any ticket desk solution that you can find for this business we use help scout i'm not recommending help scout it's expensive i'm just going to say it is i'm sure you can find a more affordable alternative i think we saw 20 bucks a month or 35 bucks a month i don't know i don't know what we're actually paying but whatever it is it's not uh it's not cheap with help scout so you might be able to find an alternative what matters is you need to know all the ways and make it super known how people can send messages to you and that you don't use your your email inbox as a help desk it's certainly not good for that so you'll want to use something like a help scout or there's a bunch of different ones out there but you do have to have that all set for one of my businesses to my businesses i use freshdesk by the way let me get back to that freshdesk it's actually free i use the free version of freshdesk and i made a video on it years ago you might want to start out with freshdesk and i still use the free version to this day oh and there's a really cool app that i used and i'm loving it and you can actually get a lifetime deal on it and it's to monitor multiple social channels the name of the product is jufi i don't know i'm probably pronouncing that wrong now i actually tried this when the product first came out i think like two years ago and i didn't like it there they were too early there was problems that i experienced and i could have i could have stuck it out with them but then it would have required a lot of energy on my part to get them to understand the issues i was having and why their system made absolutely no sense so anyways this recently went to appsumo it's on appsumo right now i'll have a link to it down below and you can get an account for lifetime account might be like 50 or 60 bucks i don't remember but what this does is really cool so what you do is you log in and you connect it you create a company so presto and then you connect it to social profiles such as youtube very important youtube other ones don't do you youtube but this does youtube youtube facebook messenger your facebook messenger for the facebook page of your business as well as twitter and it does other ones as well like instagram and all that and what this does is if someone leaves a comment on youtube or facebook messages the business it pulls it into this unified dashboard and you can respond from this one place now what's nice is you can create team member accounts and you can get them in and you can delegate questions that come in on facebook messenger or with youtube or twitter you can delegate those to other people on the team you can use templated replies it keeps a log of everything when i tried this out two years ago i was not impressed and now it works better there's a couple of ui things they can make improvements on but it works and it's been working great and i'm very impressed with it so juffy i'll have a link to the appsumo page down below if you want to check this out i'm very impressed with it so that's everything that goes into building a modern online business where you're selling a product or service and that's exactly how i set it up and what i'm trying to do on this channel the reason i made this video was to try to be transparent about things not that i need to be transparent but i have learned the way to do things through doing the doing things the wrong way so if i could sit here and tell you how i did it maybe i can save you from some of the mistakes that you might make if it's the first time you're doing it because i've been there before you and that's the kind of value that i want to give here on the channel where you can learn through my mistakes and my accomplishments what works and what doesn't work and you can just do with that what you will so if you're not a subscriber to the channel consider hitting that subscribe button if you like transparency like this give the video a thumbs up and that will encourage me to do more videos like this and it will also work in the google algorithm to make sure more people see this very video if you have questions for me that i didn't answer you can ask down below i have all those links in the video description they're probably all going to be referral links if possible when you click on them and do this or that some small amount of money goes to support the channel and nothing additional gets charged to you hey thanks for watching this video i'll see you in the next one
Channel: WPCrafter.com WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 11,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 49min 30sec (2970 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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