Learn from a Pro Long Bias Trader - Roland Wolf

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welcome back everybody to be the trader today i have a very very special guest someone that you all should know about but if you don't you'll learn a little bit more about them today and this guest is someone that i've known in a different kind of level i met him personally great guy and a lot of you probably think the same way just from hearing what he has to say about stocks and trading on youtube but it's today i have roland wolfe roland welcome to the show my man it's been a long time brother what's up man it's good to see you it's good to see you too man it's great to see you and good thing you know big things coming your way it seems like you're partnering you know you're trying to grow your own business and you've just reached i think it was like a million dollars and trading profits which is awesome congrats there man yeah it's crazy uh same to you man it's good to see you i've been uh following your channel now for a little while and a ton of good info on there i mean some really good traders and the content's really great so congratulations to you as well thanks man well none of you will notice but alex is like the first person who ever reached out to me to learn like for me to teach them pretty much ever not the first person ever but the most persistent uh person who like i ended up kind of chatting with online and then ended up mentoring for a while so it's kind of uh it's kind of crazy then kind of how full circle things come it is it's so crazy and you know before we dive into your background just since you brought that up what was very interesting to me i shared this on the show um i talked about how i sat with you for about like a week and we just hanged out and i saw someone that you know at the end of the day when i left like i wasn't profitable at all and i wasn't consistent but i saw someone who could pull the trigger and just and just keep pulling and i was like i was like man that okay so that's what it takes to not have that i can you know to have a disconnect but then i also saw someone that and then in in in all fairness you're no smarter than anyone else out there you know just like me and i was like he's just like me like why can't i do this and i was like it's because you know he has that discipline and so i went back home and then it took me a little bit longer you know from there and just kind of like found my own way over time and realized i have to short not long so that's just me yeah man um you know what's so crazy is like if i could go back to that period time that was what or 2017 was that 200 i think that was wasn't that 18 it might have been 18 or something like that yeah i think it was 18. yeah if i could go back to that time i wouldn't learn from me personally like i like don't get me wrong my training was really good at the time but teaching someone or like trying to mentor someone and help them is a totally different ball game and at the time i was pretty fresh i'd only been trading for like a year and a half or something like that two years maybe um and a lot of things have changed since we've last spoken yeah oh yeah a lot of things i mean i mean night and day you know it was hard for me because it was one thing for me to you know to trade but to quantify that to someone else and then translate is really difficult um especially when at that point in time i was really still just like a noob i mean i was a successful noob but we had an excellent market in 2017 if you remember and um yeah it's one of those things that's just kind of crazy but but it was good all of those experiences teaching has made me better at trying to help other people as well so it's been good what sticks out the most in terms of that time because since you brought it up and you're thinking like you you personally can see a difference on how you talked in and now what was what can you explain what you mean uh i was more i don't want to say running and gunning back then but like you said like when we were working together i had no problem pulling the trigger um a lot of that i think a lot of that had to do with my naivety in terms of like small cap um and not understanding what goes on like behind closed doors pretty much what's actually happening fundamentally with these companies um and so i don't know how to explain i don't like with my experience if i went back to 2017 i don't know if i could have uh traded the same way you know what i mean so it was almost kind of a bit of luck in terms of like my naivety meeting a sweet market and i think that's happened this year again with a lot of trade with where uh maybe they come in and do really well because the markets have been so hot i mean not the last couple months but like just in general you know what i mean yeah absolutely no i and like today i mean i mean the markets have been so hot that everyone can just buy anything the first like the last two months and everything was just running and then now we had a slow market all the shorts get comfortable and then we have a huge squeezer today spi or sp whatever i think that's what it was hey guys i just want to take a moment to share with you some awesome news i just started a newsletter and you're probably like what's so awesome about that well it's not your typical newsletter because i'm going to give back to you the people who subscribe to the newsletter number one you will be getting updates on my youtube exclusive videos the podcast episodes and articles and blogs all about trading but how is it different i'm gonna give back to you guys i'm gonna select randomly different subscribers who are in the newsletter and give them either the opportunity to have a one-on-one call with me maybe i'll give him a free trading book one of my favorite trading books just to name one trading in the zone and also and not only because there's many many more ideas that we're going to be doing in implementing but another idea is maybe when the billions box set this popular show on showtime billions if you don't know about it definitely look it up because it's whatever it should be everyone's favorite show if you're a trader at least it's one of my favorites so i want to give back to you guys because you guys mean a lot to me and i just don't want to only provide content but i want to say thank you right and i provide content by saying thank you but i also want to say thank you by giving back so thank you guys and you guys take care yeah and so so you know for those who don't know who roland wolfe is for the you know maybe there's some people out there what really got you i know and now the long story short really is for those who don't know is from my understanding as you were in soccer professionally and you played overseas got injured and then after that happened you kind of were like kind of in the dumps right like you were like man this is this is what i thought i wanted to do and then i can't and then you end up working in the family business a little bit and found trading worked your way into trading give us an idea of from that moment when you found trading like when you started like actually trading where like what was like the most challenging thing for you at that time like when it when you first discovered it and you kind of were trying to get your consistency yourself um everything you know what i mean it's and when i look back at it you're when you start trading without any prior education or knowledge of what you're doing um it's like just a jungle you have no clue what you're doing you know that's how it felt to me every morning felt like chaos a bunch of chaos with no rhyme or reason and that's really frustrating and to get beyond to get beyond that to where you can like narrow down plays not only plays but plays that are going to be volatile and then move in the direction that hopefully your bias is in um to get to that is really difficult without understanding uh that it's necessary in the first place in other words developing process you know i mean developing process i didn't even know that that was what i'm supposed to do um just a lot of like youtubing and google searching at first trying to figure out what strategies are going to make me the most money you know i mean that's kind of what you can end up on breakouts uh but really at the end of the day you just end up chasing everything around you know what i mean and that's kind of inevitable even even with education or someone you know if you have a mentor or something like that uh just your natural impulses you're gonna do that um so getting beyond that it's like that initial learning curve of like learning the terminology um understanding executions and just the very very basics that's a pretty big learning curve it's almost like learning another language that's what i thought i don't know about you but but that was the case for me you know it was a very very time intensive thing just to learn the basics of training much less all the uh you know the myriad of super complicated uh things that go into the rest of trading beyond the basics yeah no that makes that makes sense and you know what's something that sticks out for me is i think you said a long time ago in some interview or some youtube video you were like you used to or you know what clicked for use when you started buying dips rather than chasing right because you used to just chase when you first started like it's a breakout i'm just going to go after it and can you explain like what made you start doing that and how were you doing it because when i first met you i watched you do it and i was like at that time remember i was young in my training career i didn't know about trading and so i'm like watching you buy these panics and i'm like like what i'm like what's going on so like what got you comfortable in that kind of mindset and what kind of clicked for you to say okay i'm tired of buying him up here i'm i need to start waiting for like a drops yeah uh i can actually i remember the exact catalyst for that change um prior to and it the change was actually when i saw um trading tickers by ten cortana for the first time um that was like mind-blowing to me because a lot of my injuries and what the way i've looked at stocks was just completely wrong and so my risk reward i didn't even really i didn't wasn't even really sure what risk reward was you know and i'm still fine tuning you know my takes on risk reward and stuff like that but but back then i would literally just cut a phrase one against me because um i didn't quite have a grasp on risk reward you know not just like the levels but all the other stuff that goes into it um so learning how someone as successful as tim bertani sizes in the positions and and uh the way he goes about defining his risk and then levels that he uses for the for risk um was a total game changer for me it was a total game changer for me because i realized like not it's not just him all the other successful short sellers are also going to be doing kind of the same sort of thing not all of them but a lot of them they're going to have the same sort of ideas so a lot of my entries prior to that which is really chasing your entries into resistance or you know levels that are just super shortable and of course at times it works like you get a breakout or something like that but um odds wise the way i was playing i was buying like an anticipation of breakouts was trying to be a little bit early which led me to buying a lot of tops you know what i mean yeah um that mixed with uh so yeah it was pretty much training takers you know that i realized holy crap like literally and i remember the moment like i've been buying timber tiny shorts right i mean i understood short selling and theory but until you watch someone who's really really good at it one of the best you know to do it um when you watch how they operate you get to see them do these live trades uh it totally changed my perspective completely so from that point on my i remember telling my wife that i had this like amazing revelation after watching that uh that my goal was to never buy his shorts again you know what i mean that was it and i said it was just something i told himself um but that was what led me on a journey away from everything else that uh you kind of see in front of the long strategies i feel like that was a big moment for you man i really do i think that really i think that kind of uh catalyst that was a catalyst in your trading career to actually get you on the consistency path it feels like i say it all the time i say that all the time just switching from buying the brakes instead of you know chasing and just waiting for dips because then i think you were really good and this is something that i don't quite understand and i want to ask you this and i'm going to ask you this next but i also want to ask you something else about risk management you at first said that when you you know you used to buy and then you would just cut as soon as it was against you because you weren't sure you just wanted to protect yourself and i remember you started with a small account so that's probably why you're just saying i need to cut my losses quickly now when you did that i mean you still found consistency that way like you found consistency where you would like cut your losses like as soon as i went against you but what do you mean by as soon as it went against you and not only that but what also do you mean by um like were you were you just were did you have a an idea in terms of a risk level or were you just like if it hits you know if i'm negative i'm out yeah it depended on the scenario and then obviously size like there were times you know when you're starting out even now there are times where i end up with too much size somehow and then i start and it just affected me psychologically so that would uh you know that would happen early on as well but uh so it wasn't it wasn't completely like just if i was right i was out i was playing stuff like higher lows and then my risk level would be like the previous low but there would just be arbitrary lows like within a chart um so while i ended up cutting a lot of small losses you know that's just how it it's still kind of like that for me i i don't i've never been one to have really wide risk levels for the most part um i like being kind of precise with where my entries are what my risk is on those entries um and it's just kind of like man like the portions of the chart that i play in now have just been whittled down to such a small portion um just from doing it for so long you know i mean yeah and so and so are you saying that when you when you were and i get what you're saying in terms of your risk and prior levels maybe they weren't as significant right maybe they were just like on a minute time frame they just happened like three seconds you know three minutes ago and it's a lower high or something like that but what i'm curious about was were you still sizing in at that time in your career let's for for just arguments say in this discussion not that you were using this number but let's just say you were risking 100 right and if you were risking 100 then are you still sizing then risking that 400 for that lower level or where because you're saying you're cutting it quick to keep your losses small where and you don't like to risk wider risk so i'm trying to make sure i understand are you trying to get tighter wrist that way you can have a bigger size for the same dollar risk and what's dude i wasn't even um it wasn't even like that in terms of uh you know sizing and stuff like that it wasn't um like i said i didn't have so much of a process yeah what i was really good at was timing like i was good at watching price action knowing when to enter a trade when not to enter a trade um so it wasn't like you know it may come off as really fleezy like i would just cut the one against me um but it really was like that for quite a quite a while i had a knack for timing okay uh the timing you know so that's what at the beginning like i was able to find these volatile plates especially for 2017. um time then well but yeah like i said i didn't really know too much about risk like my take on risk from then until now is that's you can even compare the two so and a lot of that like i said did come from trading tickers so when i was so in other words like i was using somewhat arbitrary levels um and because that i would get stopped out a lot i still get stopped out a lot of times because i'm not one to use the wide levels of risk uh nor really let my risk levels get breached and then not cut so yeah it's um yeah it's it's really really tricky it took me a really long time and that's why i say if i could go back to that like to 2017 me yeah i wouldn't teach you because i wasn't qualified to teach you that's what i feel i wasn't able to quantify risk because i was talented and able to you know do really well in a really hot market you know doesn't mean that i can translate to that to somebody events and you know it's funny you say that because i used to i do remember you are able to as soon as you enter the stock went more times than not and now that i'm further in my career when it comes along in which i don't long but i see those exact moments like over time because you studied for freaking ever and now i'm pretty much the same where you start to see how stocks react you start to feel the momentum you see the time in cells you see the level two everything starts to add up and you're like boom and you can at least take a quick move it's almost like you were a good you had a good scalper eye but you would hold them and it was it was interesting so it was very interesting on there what's the difference now because you bring up and that's my second part of the question risk management how do you view it right now oh there's like so many more things that go into it like i said it used to be um pretty arbitrary levels uh not all the time you know like breakouts certain certain things like breakouts like i would use good levels but even breakouts the way i would play breakouts at least the way i thought you're supposed to play breakout is you buy it and then you cut if it goes back into the breakout level um and because of that as you know and anyone who tries to play play breakouts knows um that you get chopped out so hard all the time and then if you're under pdt it's just super frustrating you know it's just super frustrating so even i mean little things like that how i played breakouts changed after watching trading tickers um to the point where like instead of buying anticipation of these breakouts that may or may not come i would let them break out either by the breakout but more likely than not by the pullback to that level once it confirmed stuff like that uh just a big big change from from uh previous you know uh in terms of risk now what goes into risk for me um obviously like they're the size but really what the most important part of the risk to me comes from the process before that like before i even get to the wrist part so i gotta do my due diligence in other words um and obviously as you know small cap if you're looking for super volatile stocks they're going to move super quickly so when i'm doing uh like my pre-market due diligence you know filings go into my risk uh i mean not the risk itself in terms of level uh but whether or not i even want to take part in the stock in the first place so i mean prior to defining your risk i mean one of the hardest things is narrowing plays down especially to the long side as to what can run and what can't run um that's first like i think there's so much stuff that goes on before the train when you're trying to find stuff or short in terms of planning stuff that i didn't uh used to live by so much and because of that it used to be a little more stressful you know what i mean yeah and so you know for the audience out there what is one thing that gives you a good indication and for those who don't know he has a great dvd that goes over everything like his whole process but just for the audience right now what is one thing that you kind of look that you can now see before you actually enter the trade because you're planning your trade which is so important planning your trade what is something that you like okay this means that there's a better chance that i should play this because the odds are higher i could run okay so first of all the very first thing is always going to be like what is small cap doing um have we even had runners lately and that's i mean that is my main thought going in every single morning and then you know i watch the action every day if it's slow i know it was slow yesterday so i'm coming to the day after with realistic expectations um i'm going to minimize risk in slower markets i'm not going to be as aggressive if my patterns aren't there i'm not going to be aggressively trying to play patterns that aren't working all of that type of stuff so the macro to me is always what keeps me safe and what keeps me looking in the right places um you know a lot of people just get sucked into the charts and they get stuck in the one-minute chart and they're a little scanned and they get in their scan and they're trading away and that's a really tough game to play all you got if that's all you got uh results will be super mixed and most likely terrible that's that's a good point i love that you brought up that the most important thing when it comes for you now about risk is everything you do before the trade and that's what a lot of people don't understand right a lot of people just think i just need to pick i just have a good risk reward right i just have a good area to risk off of and a good area to you know take profits and just take that trade over and over and then i'll be consistently profitable which i tried that and it doesn't work it doesn't work that way so it's uh it's awesome that you said the way you answered the question is say it's everything i do before and you you spend the pre-market hours to really figure out what you're going to do and the fact that you look at the macro because that's something that a lot of people you know in terms of macro and small cap land right not just the macro in the sp y and and the nasdaq or the dow but the small cap line right if things haven't been running quite often then you're going to be a little bit more cautious you might size down i'm guessing right like you might kind of be a little hesitant to just just gunsling it so the macro controls everything for me in terms of my aggression um in terms of my sizing in terms of like my frequency of trading um it's all macro and that's a 24 7 thing for me i'm always keeping track of small cap and just like you said that it's not it's not just like the dow and the spy and stuff like that um i i find that micro cap stocks often times will move independently of their overall markets um this year is a great example we had one of the biggest not the biggest panics in the history of our market and small cap stocks were on fire like i've never seen granted we had like coronavirus tickers we had a bunch of different sectors that were you know lighting up uh like i haven't seen since 2017 and maybe even surpassing the action that we saw definitely surpassing action because we've seen just the boom in day trip you know we just saw this massive boom of like people who got fired due to the coronavirus um and then wanted to test their skills and nature um so it's just been this huge recipe for this total crazy year now what talking about sectors and hot sectors that's something i i remember you by and we talked about a little bit before the show started that today we had some energy plays moving because of sbi today is september the 23rd and so i was looking at energy plays and i was like yeah i remember rolling always chasing not chasing but always going after these sympathy place yeah that you're good at so can you explain just for me even really or for the audience like what is what is something you look at when you do you see spi right so energy gets moving like a rocket you know went up to like 3 500 percent today and so what are you immediately thinking and when do you start thinking i need to look for sympathy place you know what i'm saying like when does that trigger in you is it a hundred percent like give me the idea or is it the mac i'm sure it's the macro too like everything's been slow and now boom yeah good question um sympathy so sectors and sympathy plays are some of in my opinion the best opportunities for good pretty high probability longs um to make exponential gains um and it doesn't it's not like it comes around all the time and this year we've seen it this year we've seen a lot of it uh just because of the macro thing grown about risk you know the macro we ended up it's uh a lot of stocks are looking for the vaccine and a lot of stocks because of that have rain look at pennbats like look at some of those stocks from the correct prior to corona those were the biggest pos in small cap you know what i mean you wouldn't ever long those um but uh yeah to get back to the question second still like we're seeing it again we're seeing sector plays we've seen sympathy plays um and today's a perfect example uh of a lot of things like for the last obviously this year through i'd say july was as hot as our markets get in small cap um and then we saw summer loan finally august uh september this is september now um and i've been literally doing nothing for the last two months i mean i've been trading but i've been i pulled the aggression way back i've been capital preservation mode uh after having a really nice first half of the year and i've just been saying to my students like i'm just waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting you know i'm just gonna wait i'll keep taking singles um and then when i when we have a big runner um then i'll consider kind of coming out of this shell and that's the only way i know how to go about protecting games a lot of people think you just trade like at one speed you gotta trade every day and you're trading all year round and that's what you know professional traders are doing stuff like that and it's so far from the truth um and today's a perfect example uh spi obviously when a stock runs four thousand percent um there are found to be a few symbols you know what i mean um and what a lot of people do is overcomplicate it that's what i find and it's hard to believe it was hard for me to believe at first i remember back in like 16 and at 16 saying the drives run tries to ps remember those yep obviously um but that was my first experience with watching sympathy plays in the sector and i caught on immediately i saw what happened like oh look and it's not rocket science drives was going to 100 there are four or five other shippers at the time that were also running uh in sympathy and that was you know my first the first time i was exposed to that um and then from then on any time there was a big runner i just knew like i knew that there were going to be sympathy plays i don't know how to explain it and a lot of what i did in 2017 was based on that most of the money i made was based on like the bitcoin sector run um shipping stocks again they did it like two or three times after that uh weed stocks you know it's something that i've always loved and i've loved uh kind of the wealth of opportunities that a good sector run can bring to longs and shorts absolutely and you know what's what's interesting is oh and when i'm sorry what i want to know is i'm curious on on when it comes to sympathy plays is it too late because someone might be listening to this and they're like well you know is sympathy mean i got to predict these next ones that are coming up or does it mean i can still wait for these to kind of show a sign can you explain that yeah so it's not an exact science obviously sympathy plays are can be super sketchy and that's one of the issues with them and that's one of the issues i don't like to chase sympathy plays there's a big difference um my goal when there's a big runner is to locate the possible sympathy play quickly and then watch it for a little while you know i don't just find a sympathy play and then just put you know i'm not just like buying these things um i watched them so in today's case we had um we had sorry my granny's pretty frightened we had uh so spi was jumping and then sun sunw was moving right so craig so once spi ran out of it's like morning range and it was clear it's not just gonna be a failed spike in faith this morning massive volume and big squeeze like to where it was nine initially um that's that is what immediately put me on the scan i mean i'm on my skin all morning kind of like you know like any other traitor is but uh that was the point where i looked at my skin to specifically find sympathy plays you know um in this case it's easy spi they're apparently gonna be the new tesla um or something like that just so crazy to me but um you know fbi is another one of those stocks that you wouldn't touch with the ten football a year ago without this ev sector so things change but um we have spi so i saw sun w on my scan a couple of other energy stocks that's and at times that's as simple as it is and then for me it's about going back in the chart history seeing if in the past they've spiked together in the past and sure enough if you go on sun w's chart and go compare it with uh with our big runner today um there have been times in the past where they ran simply so that to me was more than enough and i ended up with a little bit of what i would think is late entry for me which was at 87 88 cents um and that is before it really ran it's only up about 20 of that time for 30 today um so yeah it's my goal is to be there before all the chat rooms realize it's a sympathy play and start pumping you know and i mean that's just what happens a lot of small cap is a lot of pumping going on um just because we're a lot of you we're kind of like cheap you know they just everyone kind of buys the same stuff and chat rooms trigger chat rooms and there are not enough shorts in there we can squeeze them you know what i mean yep are those plays that you're willing to are those plays give us an idea of your mindset are those plays are just in and out is that the goal is it ever those plays that you want to hold or is it depend uh it depends you know it depends on whatever the sympathy is so like one of my issues today was that the leader and there's always going to be a leader when you're talking about secularism but the leader was uh dude i'm so breathing right on subscribing um spi spi huh spi was a leader today spi anyways spi uh sbi was a leader and it was a 4 000 at some point it had to pull super hard it did who knows what it's going to do from here but the idea is also like if people get worried that the leader is going to fail the sympathies will fail as well and even if it's not like compete complete failure it can be enough to like take a really good trade and turn it into an l you know like when you're cutting or something like that because it pulls hard um so i'm still trying to play some sympathies but like i'm trying to get great risk reward i can take decent size and be early enough where i'm not chasing this bike and getting caught in something like many people did today some w went to 450. i sold it at a buck 30 i sized out of half of my position and i sized out of the second half of the box 60 on the first unhauled and you know it was a good i made like ten thousand dollars on that today nice man you know what's going on you know what i mean so that's trading it's hard what's interesting is hopefully people caught this but what roland just said is he says he doesn't just look at other plays that are in the same sector and just say okay i'm just going to buy it he looks at those plays and then he looks at him for a little while to kind of get a feel right you also look at the daily chart to see what random sympathy which is just really smart right it's almost like i'm a short seller so whatever i do i actually look at all the ones that fail every time i spike right i'm looking for something very simple as that right and now it's just it's funny you say that and it's just very interesting that that not only do you do that but then you watch it you don't just like okay cool let me just jump in and like you watch it and then i'm sure what usually happens at least with me i'm sure with a lot of traders out there when you watch the stock i mean for even just five full minutes you'll start to feel it and then you'll start to understand like oh wait wait something's happening maybe i should be getting in now right and so that makes a lot of sense and i appreciate you sharing that because that's a lot of insight on that because i don't long at all and it's just very interesting to hear what you have to say about the sympathy plays especially since i mean those come every year i mean every year they come it's not like all the time but they do come and when they come they they freaking move so i appreciate you sharing that with the audience so let me ask you this roland um before we start to wrap this up actually actually since we're about to wrap this up are you ready for the closing bell round yes yeah awesome awesome so here we go what is your favorite book or movie farm braveheart great farm all right all right what's your best trading memory uh what's that your best trading memory oh my best trading memory uh best trading memory would have to be the first thousand dollars i made um i don't even remember the ticker so i could maybe we couldn't call it my first trading memory but i heard my best friend but i remember it so vividly because it was like it took like five you know it was like a five or ten minute trade and i made a thousand dollars which was the same amount that i made an entire week 45 40 to 45 hours of work it blew my mind awesome awesome that would have to be one of the fondest at least if you could name just name one aha moment in your career training takers yeah but we talked about that earlier and then if a moment i realized where yep i have terrible terrible terrible entries and i need to do something completely different if you lost your account today right what would you do next oh such a hard question because of my situation i have as you know i got three kids three young ones and a wife um so it's out of the question for me which is why i have a lot of safeguards in place and never do that um i don't keep all my capital in one place um i if i'm short selling i'm very very careful with what i do um so but if it were to happen i suppose i would have to get a job um i'd probably start going back to school and i would fund another account and don't start building over again i guess you know i wouldn't stop trading if that happens but i have a lot of safeguards in place to make sure that doesn't perfect perfect and and what is your if you have one what's like your favorite indicator uh v the it's the only indicator i use in terms of like on my chart it's only indicator and finally rolling man what is like people are probably going to have questions and they're going to learn more about you so what's the best way for them to get more information on you or at least reach out to you you know what right now just social media you can reach out to me it's rolandwolf86 um instagram and twitter um i'm gonna get my youtube going again i haven't done one in a really long time uh but i've been on recently and i've seen some of the stuff that's on there it's really really bad a lot a lot of it some of like your stuff's good there's a lot of good stuff too but it's mostly bad stuff so i'm gonna get back on there too so you guys can catch me on youtube uh but that's it for now awesome really well look man it's a pleasure to bring you back or get you on the show and talk with you again it's always fun talking with you so i appreciate you being here my man hey it's so good seeing you brother and uh i'll definitely catch you soon
Channel: B The Story
Views: 30,376
Rating: 4.9520478 out of 5
Keywords: day trading for beginners, day trading strategies, stock market for beginners, how to trade penny stocks, stock market, day trading, roland wolf, talk with traders, day trader interview, day trader, stocks, day trading stocks, penny stocks, day trading live, stocks to buy, trading, swing trading, how to buy stocks, daytrader, stock market 2020, stock picks, stock market today, nio stock, investor, passive income, stock, b the story, b the trader
Id: cjc2yzqh9yw
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Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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