"Trading Tickers" Clip, $20,000 FNMA Profit

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hey guys this is Tim Cortana a lot of you know me is the trader who started with fifteen hundred dollars of my own money and over the last four years turned it into 2.7 million dollars you may have heard about my story on my Fox News appearances or maybe you read about me on CNN Money or Reuters maybe you follow me on Twitter or maybe you read my blog it doesn't matter what matters is that you all made it here and I'm so excited to share with you a clip from my upcoming DVD ticker trading the long and short of it when I set out to make this DVD my goal is to show traders what I do differently that enables me to succeed in order to do that I knew I had to document my trades as I was making them so that it would be like you were sitting in the room with me watching me trade after months of filming I've gathered 35 live trade examples for you to learn from which are organized and taught as my eight favorite setups I show you where I succeed I show you where I fail but most importantly I show you why I make the trading decisions that I do the following clip comes from Chapter six my chapter on buying OTC multi-day breakouts it's a trade I made on Fannie Mae in February of 2015 buying it as a broke pass to key resistance level if you find this clip useful and want to see more make sure you check out the link below for discount DVD pricing hope you guys enjoy let's take a look at one last example where I'm buying right at the breakout and this is on Fannie Mae a stock that I have had quite a bit of success with throughout my trading career so I'm really glad I got an opportunity to include a trade example with it Fannie Mae the multi day breakout level here is 260 pay no attention to this bar right daily candle because it's kind of messed up there was a goofy print and right as Fannie Mae starts breaking above 260 here a little after 2 o'clock I throw in some buy orders I threw in 50,000 shares worth of buys at 261 and I routed to two different market makers and so far only 15,000 shares of filled only about a third of what I'm going for but I'm not chasing this spike I'm not freaking out saying oh no I'm gonna miss it I'm waiting for a dip I anticipate that it's going to be a little bit of a choppy start to the breakout so I'm not saying get in at any cost I want to get in as close to 260 as possible we briefly topped out there at 264 and started to pull back a little but right now 262 is holding pretty steady I'm not the only person who recognizes this as a breakout so there are plenty of buyers in line ready to buy and Fannie Mae starts to chip under 262 here and I'm pretty happy because I think I'm about to get my fill and briefly we have the best bid being at 261 where my orders are sitting but no prints go off there so that doesn't do me any good so now that that first dip has come and gone and I didn't get any more fills I do move my orders up a little bit I put a small by 263 there to get me up to 25,000 shares but so far it hasn't filled but still I'm not rushing I'm not panicking I'm not chasing and finally I fill in 25,000 shares half of what I originally wanted and put in another 25,000 shares at 262 on the best bid hoping they can get the fill there as well and get up to my full position size I canceled the order though because it wasn't filling and I'm just sitting back watching right now I'm just trying to figure out how I want to time it and where I want to put the order I just know I want to get to 50,000 shares in this account and we get the down ticks and I'm starting to think maybe we retest to 60 or even go under but after holding for a minute I say you know what it's not worth it trying to get one or two pennies better so I go ahead I put my order in 262 and I filled some to 50,000 shares now turns out I could have been a little more patient I probably would have gotten my fill at 260 or 261 we do dip a little bit more here this is an example where the breakout is not holding perfectly and some people are scared right now some people are saying oh no it cracked under 260 but you know what 260 reclaims and it just kind of chops around it first here another great example of a breakout not instantly working I know I can be prepared for slow starts sometimes and I have I have a risk in mind I'm looking to that 2:56 area where the previous dip from around 2 o'clock held I only have to risk 6 cents a share for my average and because I know my risk I'm okay with sitting there's a good solid ation I'm okay with the fact that this breakout hasn't really gotten going yet and just remember as slow as this looks now you're watching it in sped up action it's even slower in real time the lesson here isn't be patient no matter what the lesson is be patient as long as your risk level holds don't cross the line from patients into stubbornness and now Fannie Mae it's starting to work a little bit we retest the to 65 high it held again which isn't too surprising usually it doesn't break through on the first try and now that we've ramped up and retested that hi I'm probably moving my risk up in my mind instead of using that 256 area I'm going to use 258 now that was the pullback low after the 260 breakout so I will adjust my risk as I go we briefly retested 165 there and then we break through and now Fannie Mae is up to new highs and with less than an hour to go in the day I'm thinking as long as Fannie Mae holds trend and doesn't break under any key supports I'm going to be gapping this I'm going to be holding it over the weekend so far not a very strong break past 265 finally we get an uptick after quite a while holding it to 66 but still not really going all that fast just grinded a penny at a time but I am up a few cents of share now I am building a little bit of a cushion on my position at this point in the pattern I am still looking at that 258 area though these little pull backs along the way I don't consider them significant enough to move my risk up and again another pullback here this one a little more serious than the past couple retesting that 265 area that it broke past but so far 265 doing a good job of holding and yeah I do have an eye on level two here but this is an example where I'm not really weighing level two all that heavily this isn't a time of volatility this is a time when Fannie Mae is grinding a penny at a time so I'm not going to let how stacked up Fannie Mae looks on either the better the ask affect my decision-making and now with ten minutes to go till close we break past 268 and we start to speed up a little bit we get the 270 test break through pretty quickly and we're getting some nice ramp into the close now if anime tests the 275 area into the closed 275 holds and we head into the next day with a nice cushion and a really good-looking breakout chart so the weekends come and gone and now it's the next morning and we are gapping up a few minutes to go till market open previous closed was 275 and we're looking to open around 282 right now and I'm really happy with this gap up so far about seven cents above the green red level and that is where I'm risking in this situation because if the stock opens up after this large gap up and then dips a bit I'm not going to be selling into random weakness I'm going to be selling if green red snaps that is the move that would scare me out because once the stock is red momentum is shifted and then there's a chance for a much larger collapse as usual I will be watching level 2 a lot closer here at the open that is what I'll be basing a lot of my decisions off of aside from that red green mark that is because again the morning for OTC s tends to be a lot more volatile and I like level 2 in times of volatility with under 30 seconds to go to open here we have an ARCA bid pushing Fannie Mae up even further so we're going to be opening even higher than 282 and now we're at market open and we're looking to see if Fannie Mae is going to give us that nice morning spike right now pretty big battle going on 284 we got a bitter at 284 and a cellar at 284 so I'm waiting to see which side gives first and in that case it's the bid that drops off so yes that makes it possible that this starts dipping now but I'm not going to short sell I'm not going to sell my position because it's not up all that much from the breakout level still and it is still well above red green so I want to wait and see how it holds and it held great and this ARCA bitter comes in at 285 jumps up now to 286 and we start the process of a morning spike here and now it really is just a matter of watching level 2 and picking when that momentum is shifting and we continue spiking on up here we're getting well into the 290s now and I'm wondering to myself if $3 is going to be resistance or not the round number of three now we really are battling quite a bit in the high twos got one of those battles again where the bitter and the seller are both at the same price but the seller is the one who winds up dropping off and we get that uptick and start hitting 297 now watching 297 here you'll notice that none of the market makers on the offer are really showing much sighs but there's a lot of size going through on the time and sales tape hitting 297 so there's definitely someone selling hidden size here and between the fact that it just did this at 296 i'm still wondering how the $3 round number resistance level will act i decide to sell half of my shares here because I feel like my Menem could be turning and I just want to lock in along the way into the spike to be safe it turns out the cell was a little bit early because we do uptick and start testing 298 but I still have half my shares and I'm still just waiting on it to see where I should sell the rest and this was such a big gap up since this was such a strong open with this last half of my shares I am thinking that I am going to let the stock turn once I I'm going to let it get weak and pull back some and then I'm going to see how it reacts after that I am willing to hold through a dip at this point as I have locked in half of my gains we get a few prints at 3:00 to go through so here's our three dollar test on Fannie Mae and we're about to get the answer to my question on how is it going to react to the round number and at the moment it looks like the sellers at three are winning because that bid is getting chipped away and there's a downtick rue the first-down tip we've seen in quite a while so like I said I am willing to hold on to my last half here give it a little more time hold through the first pullback and if this dips enough I may even consider adding some shares back on but 297 holds pretty well so far on this dip see the bids starting to stack back up again a little bit now the offer starts thinning up as well more and more bitter start coming in and it looks like we're about to retest $3 so it turns out my judgment to hold half of my shares was correct because that first turn was a fake and now we're through $3 and we're still going now it really is just back to watching level 2 and trying to see when the next time the stock is turning is and then depending on how high that is I can decide how many more of my shares I want to take off so playing these morning spikes for me really is pretty similar to how I would treat playing a new promotion release because I based most of my decisions off of the level to and Fannie Mae is still pushing very nicely through through here so far it still looks like those buyers are in control 308 thinning out on the offer and ARCA bitter comes up to test the best offer see some prints going through above the best offer 309 get our first print at 3:10 there and a pretty quick uptick right after and look at how much the offer just thinned up for a second there we can see all the way to 315 so very few market makers on the sell side all of a sudden but now it starts to stack up again 311 brings in some more sellers so I put in a sill order for the rest of my shares I kind of worry that momentum might be getting ready to turn again I execute the rest and I am flat I'm out for just over twenty thousand dollars in gains which is a sixteen percent profit in under half a day so here's the end of day chart on Fannie Mae and it did wind up going much much higher than where my cells were at here in the morning you can see where the spike topped out it did spike out right around that 315 area so my last cell in the morning was good and then we had a pretty significant pullback back under three dollars and I had considered Reba and Fannie Mae throughout the day a couple places I might have thought about buying we're into that pullback or later in the day when it broke past its morning high of 312 I think is what the high was but ultimately I just found up sitting on my hands and watching Fannie Mae run without me and that's okay you know what you're not always going to be perfect you're not always going to catch dead tops and dead bottoms but the goal is to catch the meat of the move and that is what I felt like I did so 16 percent that's nothing to laugh about that's a great game for an account and since Fannie Mae was so liquid and so volatile I was able to play it with sighs and that's why I make so much more on Fannie Mae than I'm doing some other breakouts that I play because it's scalable due to the volume thanks to all of you who are still watching I really hope you enjoyed that clip remember this is just one out of 35 live trades that I include in this DVD and OTC breakouts are just one out of my favorite eight strategies that I teach so if you think this kind of content could help you as a trader if you think that this could take your trading to the next level definitely make sure you check out the links below lock in that discount pricing and invest in your education today thanks and I wish you all the best with your trading
Channel: Tim Grittani
Views: 189,602
Rating: 4.9177999 out of 5
Keywords: Fannie Mae (Business Operation), Profit, Trading, Stock, Market, Stocks, Analysis, Clip, Finance, tim grittani, DVD (Media Format), Millionaire (Literature Subject), Economy, Technical, Investment, Technical Analysis (Website Category)
Id: UhyD3xOmbbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2015
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