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wanna speak real French from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at French pod 101.com 20 travel phrases you should know merci thank you anytime you receive something or someone was nice to you merci thank you excuse moi excuse me any time you bump it to someone or if you step on the food because the Metro is crowded or if you need to call for the waiters attention use this one excusez-moi come yes I could how much is this yeah sometimes you won't find the prices on the items you are looking for especially if you're going to a flea market in France so just go up this item how much is it set up Jake um yes I could wear like a where it is the train station this one can be quite convenient if you are in a big city where is the Metro Willamette hole Louie Fiat in great fish is the Wi-Fi free if you want Wi-Fi in France maybe some coffee shops now have it they advertise it on the chalkboard our side so come inside we have Wi-Fi service Oh see I'd like this oh I'd like this please sure would associate would play if you don't know the name of the item you want in the menu you can just point say service Oh see I want this place for your new a volume on your silver play could we have the menu please usually you have to ask for it sometimes the place is very crowded so ask no menus it will play could we have the menu please we would hook on Modest you do you have any recommendations if you are to borrow and want for some cocktail can be like oh I like something fruity do you have a new recommendation Jumeirah Calcasieu the free tea everybody who come on the show then the bartender will make you some fancy color Suzy Coca Kuwait I'm allergic to peanuts if you have any allergies be sure to ask whenever you are going out or trying to eat something people will be really nice about it and sometimes it's even on the menu if you have any allergies there will be a sign saying yes this contains nut are this contains milk or discontent gluten and you can make sure that you don't hit something you don't want to ingest we would apply vegetarian do you have any vegetarian dishes if you are vegetarian or vegan there will also be a sign very often on the menu saying this dish contains no meat or this is vegan say if it's made with no animal fries or eggs or milk palatable addition could I have the check Bhavesh a validation silver play could I have the check please porn if you like after the Kaddish do you take credit card can I pay by credit card fish pay Arabic my car to the Kurdish 21 upon a photo s'il vous plait could you take a picture of me please what you don't have your selfie stick come on that's something every traveler should have and twist et je voudrais judge no sugar seed will play I'd like to have a non-smoking seat please well restaurants in France have banned smoking inside for a couple of years now so every restaurant you go to should be non smoking smoking is only allowed in bar talk with that do you have non-smoking seats I with the session of humor Puma duniya hobby could you give me a discount open washer a little bit cheaper this is again if you go to flea markets and especially on Sundays you will have a bunch of saris sharing stuff from their homes you can negotiate the price a lot over there and getting an item out price is really common so you can yeah yeah it's crazy power hub it suply give me a discount please or make it cheaper a tiny bit cheaper okay more more cheap even even cheaper wait wait cheaper okay give it to me free now pull this up to new home prom could I get the map plum would be more map of something you want insight for example if you're in a museum and if you are outside and got lost and go to the Information Center for example you can ask pleasure going cut could I get a map Jane reservation I have a reservation when you get to a restaurant and have a reservation they will often ask you at the front desk so do you have a reservation a buffoon okay Sebastian you can say yes I have a reservation we should raise Ava's job please Jesse yeah can I try this on yeah if you want to try some clothes you can add the stuff previous ESO si can I try this parlez-vous anglais do you speak English French people aren't really good at speaking English but they will try their best so if you find someone and cannot express yourself in French properly and as I'm fine if you only do you speak English they may say no not that much but notions really palpable Cousineau pop Anglais the most common sentence I learned in every language is a beer please will be a silly play any time it's summer it's hot and you want something fresh in BFC to play a beer please to go with your nice meal heart just to freshen up and chill with friends must know expressions for agreeing and disagreeing are you ready c'est vrai that's true yeah this is just a simple answer for when something is true see if I can also be a question if you want to confirm that someone said something or you are really surprised see if I really yeah we just hate casually us all right all right did you notice the sky was blue today sure how much he curly city blue Roger say okay oh that's true uh-huh Rococo week I guess so do you think the concert is going to be at 8 p.m. today yeah I think so to quacker the concert every tough as well I look like a wish so this is not a hundred percent sure answer so you still have to check it but you are 75 to 80 percent sure it's true absolutely mom absolutely that's when you are 100% convinced it's true or right or what you're saying I think we should go with the blue colour for the marketing campaign absolutely true cocoon dudu officer Liu blue polar campaign marketing absolutely mom and not the first you know it's also a really formal and polite manner to say yes for example if you're in a fancy hotel and you oh is the bar the first floor and say absolutely mo absolutely compulsive Oh what do you think what do you think about this week lesson leave a comment compulsive would do a loose on the set cement Lisa Monaco Mota what do you think about the food here Cap'n seafood or ANOVA chewy see I think it's really good yeah it's totally cool but that may be do you think you will be able to come tonight maybe escucha positive parvenu so suave but that that's 50/50 level of sureness during the pasta I don't think so do you think you can finish this test before the day is over I don't think so coupons could you put a finish at Hawaii our collection is for finish should a pasta yes sure of course can I have fries is my chicken of course it's curly pavada free topic hopefully yes ooh yes oh man can I go out my mom screws replace of T yeah sure of course just be careful and call me when you're right hallelujah I was just going to say that or sometimes we use to daddy which is oh yeah you right you said so uh-huh oh my god have you seen Betty new hair color it's terrible Johnny Goudie I was just about to say that you can't that haunt a psycho I am afraid I disagree I don't like black people I'm afraid I disagree that's racist you shouldn't impel a music pop rock on at home this echo I don't like pop music I'm afraid I disagree hey what kind of music do you like guys leave a comment oh can do a decision no doubt about it here you are a hundred twenty percent sure it's true so use it when you are only really sure this episode of weekly word is going to be awesome no doubt about it said episode the French weekly words but strip yum yum okay dude lets you give a scenario Kintaro can do tradition he is going to sign the contract no doubt about it what adjectives describe is your personality best let's go Anthony John smart intelligent smart are you smart I drew until you John I'm the smartest just really presented isn't harshest realities intelligent if you are guy emotive emotional a motif emotional I remember that one time I got really emotional because we ate all the efforts and there was the last Apple standing by itself and I got really sad for the Apple because yep it was all alone that's like true story they feel my mahant a motif movies make me emotional and then when the guy loves a girl but it dies in the end and then they cannot be together ever again like in The Bridges of Madison country this was super sad and made me emotional what makes you emotional Casca vaho a motif leave a comment and tell me cool cool cool you can just draw the curse and glasses on my face I am so cool just rito cool Annette honest Annette honest Joe viennetta we grew I'm going to be honest with you this is one simple sentence you don't want to ear because then something really bad is going to follow that Tom Tom Tom Perez ooh lazy Daisy Paris oof you are very lazy was a trip I serve parasu is also the French name for sloth I'm very lazy for sweet references being lazy is nice at repair service area from time to time the whole funny the whole finish I'm not funny generalship at the whole of course I'm friendly yes there's a street hey what's so funny Cascada City Hall romantic romantic romantic romantic I had a romantic weekend she pasión weekend home antique a romantic dinner and dinner home otic and de niro catwalk Chantal is what we called a romantic dinner is saying you put up candles and have a nice dinner with your significant other hi guys sorry my cheek save you serious save you serious I'm super serious she's super you a service subject sooo Jess are you my teacher is very serious more profesora Teresa you a McHale friendly I McHale friendly this cat is very friendly so shiet Reza McHale it's not true he's just tricking you to give him food and animal sacrifice in her sleep she is very friendly and it Reza McHale Grusha bad-tempered crusher bad-tempered this is also the name of the dwarf in Y Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs grand sure is the one that's always grumpy so you can also say grumpy so in French is gunship my grandma is really bad tempered my comment I'd say grown shoes Ginny her generous Jenny who generous yeah sometimes if you're my friend and you don't have monies and I would pay everything for you and you don't have to give it back because you're my friend it was very generous and gave all his money to charity if you Tricia knew her a donut - so now join over the schottische generals a generous serving in Bostrom's any horse when you get a big amount of food on your plate after stick artistic artistic artistic this painting is very artistic said that really Trez artistic or better so tableau it has artistic Polly polite polish polite she is very polite and it happily I'm not very polite tranship at high polish I should be more polite to the ones that were properly at hopefully open a family to be polite during family dinner and they see indecisive and they see indecisive I'm really indecisive about the next sample sentence just retrace on this is a proposal a portion fuzz I'm really undecided about what I should have for dinner the reason this is a Papa to secure the hamaji progeny because I like food but I cannot eat too much at night to be indecisive at NCC ROTC kind roti kind citrus antidote Appa this is really kind of you so at the end for this week but if you want to learn more French visit French pod 101 come somewhere around and we'll see you next time bye bye energetic energetic yeah give me an edge give me a why give me a a yeah yeah I was so very energetic today energetic imagine you are the restaurant Express what do you do both of the sequences can this year anyone can learn how to order food at a restaurant in this lesson you'll learn how mark Karen Marcel and his wife are at a restaurant in France let's watch loser visually vape on a stick more in ratatouille Mario Puzo oh my wrist insulative you play you cumbersome in boot a devadasi Lupe so Sara - we Maxie now the lesson focus here's how to order food at the restaurant in France some places are really popular especially in the big cities that's why it's a good idea to make a reservation if you get on the waiting list there is a chance someone might cancel and you can get in at the last minute reservations are usually made over the phone just tell their staff what day time and how many people will be in your party if you feel a little uncomfortable speaking French you can ask balavoine glai do you speak English most places have staff that speak a little bit if you are still worried many places take reservations online or even by fax here is how to order food at a restaurant in France the most important thing to remember is to be polite it's a good idea to say bonjour si vous play and revoir merci hello please and thank you when you are deciding what to order and want to know what the daily special is you can say kale a loop led usual what is today's special or if you want the waiter or waitresses recommendation you can ask Juhu Grimaldi vu what do you recommend most places have plenty of options for vegetarians and vegans too so don't worry if you have certain dietary restrictions if everything looks great and you still don't know what to order you can say June a peasant gosh y'see I haven't decided yet and they'll give you a few more minutes when you have finally decided you can use the phrase Gervais Paulo solutely I will take and add what you would like to order before the words simply after giving your order your waiter might ask you Susilo - will that be all so make sure to listen for it usually French waiters and waitresses are really polite and will not interrupt you when you're having dinner therefore if you're ready to get the check you have to get their attention simply say excuse me moi l'addition s'il vous plait excuse me the bill please most restaurants and France have a service charge but the good news is tipping is more of a courtesy it is not required and it's not considered rude if you don't tip if you really liked the service and would like to give the waiter or waitress something the average is five or ten percent of the bill hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher well I answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is what is sir and how do you use it sir is a pronoun and the informal word for Sola which means it or that let's practice some expressions so you can learn how to use sac correctly the expression that it literally means does it say something to you it's used to ask does that sound good to you for example Saturday deliver a film that's going to see a film sound good to you in response you can say cinema de Palermo which means I don't really feel like doing that if it does sound good then you say something like we oh yes sir yes or of course respectively on the other hand some radical cashews literally this say something to me usually means that rings a bell the opposite will be sanema dirham literally meaning this doesn't say anything to me or that doesn't ring a bell another common expression is Salo it means something like how about that and it can be used in both positive and negative ways for example a friend tells you he's moving to synagogue you might respond Salo sister pear how about that that's awesome here's another scenario your friend tells you he has tons of work to do then you see him at the beach you can say Sal oh how about that with a negative connotation you might also hear sisa that means that's it in the sense of yoga rates or I got it depending on who you're talking about say yeah also means that's it though it's more along the lines of finally as in the Egyptian that's it finally I'm done you can also add sir before say to add emphasis for example Sybil means it's beautiful but if someone says Sasebo then they really very minutes ten compliments you always want to hear let's go who's that anima Jenelle you're an awesome friend visit an Amazon yell you are an awesome friend well if you are friend you won't be using the polite language with them so it's more like chewy and Amazon yell you're an awesome friend but more casual with friends for example when when when your friend just broke up and he's calling you're crying and you listen to him a lot nicer to you an emotional message you're an awesome friend thanks when you are your friend give you the birthday present really wanted you're not some friend Johanna me Danielle you get the best present ever with a vid boggle you have good taste with a video bungu or you can also say shorter from with a V boohoo you have good taste if someone comes into your home and it's all nicely decorated and fancy and this the guests will be like are you sorry boo-boo you have good taste who's a Viacom songs do remove you have a great sense of humor who's a van cosmos the remove you have a great sense of humor I know right yeah if you were the joking one at the party and the funny one the one were speaking make everyone laugh oh what's that frankincense do remove please be tasty with your jokes was it many feet you look gorgeous was it magnifique you look gorgeous well thank you very much and you look gorgeous too laughs you don't kill me both have a good job both Hawaii good job for learning so much French good job if you manage to keep up with all those videos then you are doing a good job and I'm sure your French is improving every day a tiny bit keep it up said to vest votre beyond the jacket looks nice on you said to vest voova Trebbia this jacket looks nice on you I could have gotten my jacket but I didn't some time when you are in the street and someone stops you Oh set to visit happy I will have evil to wish pause this jacket looks nice on you where did you find it you know I just bought it for cheap secondhand shop it's very unique with a chunk of people do not turn here could you let's stay here your inside is even more beautiful than your outside with that hunk of bleu bought the lantern I could add extra here your inside is even more beautiful than your outside well if you are a really kind person and generous and awesome then you're also beautiful on the inside so if you're both beautiful on both sides you're the best women dunya Vida twin may a person you make me want to be a better person boom Adonia read it whenever a person you make me want to be a better person ah such an H of you if you can inspire people then they will tell you that who's that - do we have a claim oh you have the way with words who's that - do I have a claim oh you have a way with words if you can convince people and if you talk nicely in a very eloquent manner you have a way with words who's a trade we have a claim oh you look really nice bla bla bla you have a way with words was it we do have a claim Oh what was swetha magnifique your smile is beautiful but was so little magnifique your smile is beautiful if you want to hear that rush it is three times a day yeah when you make someone laugh and they smile widely and they are happy then your smile is beautiful you can say that what was where a man chic makes I'm not even more hi everyone I'm Gabriela how are your French listening skills in this video you'll have a chance to test them out with a quiz first you'll see an image and here a question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly will show you the answer at the end are you ready in fam posed a question solar system don't plan the DoCoMo ala library combien de document birthday don't want a Aleph wa excuse moi permanent recomment a deliverer c'est la première fois chaotic we trebla yo vivo explicated I'll dance idiotic fantasies Cassidy Assange cd/dvd per person soprano von to romantic Euskadi documoto la pelea de produce man Videla honno-ji honno-ji Ella evoke an experiment in many magazines disponible paladin Anejo repeal a report a Paco a new Papa's accepted Oh Paco de venir a bibliothèque Corleone s'il vous plait abuela family trio who's available military posi knows Eduardo a cotton anatra many little is a passive you savage ordered of Osaka revoir merci beaucoup combien de document birthdate on 2011 in fam posed a question solar system don't Honda do chemo ala library combien de document posted on pronti alla fois excuse moi very common ponte de niro Sarah Pocock Ignacio tech we premium revenues explication Johnson do tech plantations Cassidy Assange cd/dvd per person so pondo vous pouvez on pantyhose caddy documoto la pelea de produce man is a leader Han Ji Hoon of Leyla evoke an experiment in addition to the magazine disponible a paladin hijo Rupali report a park we accepted Oh Paco a venir a bibliothèque polar conceivably a colossal a trio you say Bella possibility de pastino Eduardo true akhaten anatra many little is a passive observer Giordano vodka revoir merci beaucoup ten words for connecting suds I'm really bad at connecting touch so maybe we can learn things together this time let's go on sweet then I'll sweet then I took a shower then went to work the print douche announced we dress Rosario to Hawaii my morning routine would soup on down however soup on down however I like the blue version however pink also looks good gem lava from blue soup on table was it to see really like when you're redecorating your house do l'autre coté on the other hand the l'autre coté on the other hand it's sunny today so we should go outside on the other hand it might rain later we revealed faithfully you do rim socks here the rotor could take if I put that up revoir repite and then your holidays Road and you don't get your sample Rito instead preeto instead let's go by boat instead I'll Rosie Pluto but to like if you want to go to an island and you can choose between the plane and the boat let's go by about it's nicer and the series is a storm and any little started about anything she was super Sikh awesome today say bye to me daddy warned about anywhere in the middle of nowhere that was scary that's why I don't like being on boats do priests moreover besides the proofs moreover besides I'm lost in the wood moreover my phone battery's dead Joe Shapiro dollar for the priests lab at Windham on telephone Ahmad Eagle mom likewise Eagan mom likewise I read this book and my sister did likewise Jerusalem Amos own oregano Oh see also Oh see also we also have muffins know that we see the muffin pond also Tom meanwhile pond also Tom meanwhile sit down on the metal tab upon a suit on Lucian was a tool a machine I was setting the table mean why is a dog at horse a muffin method something tastier idiot a reality in fact a reality in fact the dog didn't eat all the muffins in fact I ate them Luciana Pomona to the Machine our heredity city moi and they were so good final mom finally Finn and mom finally knew ha - Elmo finally we meet my watchers then must know autumn vocabulary Phil sweater cool sweater actually - I see yes Opilio hobby have you already tried on this love this sweater when we need to be on warm and nice you know am i big but it's coffee preview rainy prove your rainy through a distribution open only rough preview Yvonne - I have to deliver newspapers on rainy days and windy days very busy I'm sorry if you have to it's really painful and then your clothes get all wet and your hair is messed up not too windy doctor windy demand it for a 502 don't watch in a shop tomorrow will be cold in windy so wear a scarf indeed it can get really windy in autumn especially in the soft power of friends close to Spain it gets really strong wind it's so strong it gives you a headache and it's known to drive people crazy and you can get sick pretty easily so scarves are good hey cool hey cool eel fish shop analyze Rodney my violently it's hot during the day but cool at night it is indeed atone Goten autumn Lewton Cole knows her septum autumn begins at the end of September on the 21st of September it Sutton and then the leaves get nice Naju chestnut Maho chestnut Masha and pancake have vector like handle Mahoney Denise you're eating a pancake with chestnut cream is delicious yeah chestnut cream comes in a really tiny can it is really dark and sticky and sweet Shammi is a mahjong long-sleeved shirt sham is a mahjong long-sleeve shirt see beyond the body this room is a mushroom cut in FIFRA long-sleeved shirt are good for cold weather yeah this and the coat and a bit more and another print over motto coat motto coat meta moto G that happen who put on your coat you're going to catch a cold mm-hmm are we warning yeah that's my autumn fashion I guess with a light coat and a pillow over and then you are so ready to go through art in wha cold wha cold chocolate revoir I'm shivering I'm cold maybe you should have worn the warm coat by leaf by leaf say tapa book who defy this tree as many leaves until this winter and then doesn't have any anymore sad the leaves get so beautifully nuttin without the colors [Music] [Music]
Channel: Learn French with FrenchPod101.com
Views: 138,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, french, how to, learn, French culture, French traditions, Frenchpod101, English, French Language (Interest), learn french, vocabulary, survival phrases, important, Word (Literature Subject), words, top, compilation, ask, teacher, made easy, beginner, french lesson, best of, 2017, write, read, speak, continuous play, long play, auto play, autoplay, yt:cc=on
Id: pePR0PieMhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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