Learn French Vocabulary | French Made Easy Vol. 1

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hi I'm Lia and welcome to weekly words so I'm gonna teach you French world this week and I'm gonna discover them with you because I don't know what they are yet so let's go and today's theme is negative adjectives they start on a bad feeling twist it's sad I didn't get to eat today yet so I'm sad la prima Han twists rain makes me sad is that simple enough next one is difficile difficult difficile making simple sentences is difficult I don't even remember French now a portaloo force anybody facility learning French is not difficult hey lis ugly why why do you come up with those words it's mean mmm set on - morning this place is ugly yeah you can use it for people and places sell dirty move it myself my clothes are dirty not today I feel free maybe chef expensive so sucky chef this bag is expensive and yeah I did something super computer words I don't know anything about computer come on so computer words let's go clucky a keyboard tapping attack static rook lavish type text on keyboard it's the same word as piano and everything that has to sum those videos Queen's but what am I saying swish Mouse same as English the mouse's suppose you need an animal so so I click here the class switch click with the mouse next one is Cusco do Casco do is advance so listening music with my headphones recruited music Don Lucas could you you can also just say Cask you don't have to add the audio at the end monitor monitor regarding a film genre monitor watching a movie on the monitor like because I like movies and promote and promote is a printer so I'm premium a clamp remote print with the printer so that works jobs hey that's a nice one so jobs third job is a few Anja nurse reparative show me my dad is a nurse which is true high elf young Mia is a for woman and after merely will be for men if you see the police police officer or you can just say policia so police it commissioned this police officer is so mean citizen if you see the police it's a nice police officer it show me the way and stuff I'll play a double office worker it looks boring just feel free a double I'm an office worker simple next one engineer and engineer wouldn't it be nice to marry an engineer so sleepy to sábados oh no he awakened a shin you're not yeah I said something nice great programmer which is programmer I thought we did computer world already the programmer who come and program the programmer is program three times the same world you can use it easily hey loophole hammer they insure the programmer is making again which will be super nice the weather as it should be nice first word is show show is a warm which Audrina show today is warm which is true next one is clear clear clear he is also used for light like clearings not a flight but also the weather is good and no cloud and stuff like this but I care the weather is clear next one also Lily sunny if you study well the last week world's leveled initiative Sonia this is sunny we don't remember it it also work so nice it in vino sorry this is a sunny city ish and thanks one next one is amid humid it's humid in my room Norma Jean we film it which happens a lot in France next one is neo cloudy so where there hid study that's not it another friends the weather outside is cloudy don't know to the house Tony - Vanya it's often cloudy so yeah at the office I like being at the office it's fun let's start with the first word first of all that the office is absolutely Motel all the time I don't do much overtime transfer pot of soup a motel because I'm lazy like that next one Poncelet to retire this is something French people like a lot right and they talk about it all the time and they count the points so to know how much a we have a force on fossil threat as what's on top in France you can retire at 60 next one is the union meeting hi at the meeting today was Audrey she knew yeah meeting Casa funny next one is Satish company so city is also the same word in French for society so don't mix them up just have a paw in coastal city I work for big companies worldwide one next one is Google offices which is also a same word for desk so you've got desk in the office with a video of you're confusing we thought we should have Aruba today I work in the office yeah solar system something Kyle Emmet so first planet would be Jupiter in French is Jupiter it's the biggest one right yes so Jupiter in a proposed planet Jupiter is the biggest planet next one Soleil the Sun the Sun is the star rasool allah 2012 not a planet like the other one there earth that's when we live in why is it so complicated missing with earth let's be nice we live on earth or viseotech and tweak next saturday stay with asteroid belt how do you want me to make a simple sentence with that we are entering the asteroid belt things like that you thought was in search of the steroid we are entering in necessary deaths if you watch Star Wars and space movies written preeto Pluto is not a planet but don't worry I'm not a planet either say by gadfrey torsion ship and plate accomplished it's ok Pluto I'm not to play it either hmm if you don't know that sentence just look it up on the Internet it's full of things in your wallet we won't be seeing much stuff there is nothing in my world first word is cut the bibliothèque library card I can borrow books with my library cards jump on today Levi come accountant bibliothèque count the credi credit card when I broke in my cup the candy they block my credit card too bad no more food for me next one cut the Mambo membership card there are plenty of membership cards so I have a membership card for the swimming pool Jenny come to mom for a fishing maybe count the visits business card yes on a Sunday cut the recent on the host companies we only have business card in big companies wicked cash liquid in French is the same word as liquid any liquid so it because the money flows something like that Eva high stability domination I still got a little bit of cash in my wallet just a little bit obvious so that's a nice one this finish this in a is to draw that's my job children's like to draw little phone and this unique and I do as well I drove my little pony no let's not go there surface or net which is to surf on the net come on that's not a hobby but it shouldn't be a hobby should be like for work and stuff instead of doing a Facebook all the time except if you are going to see the French lesson with me in this case is lucky to surf on the web to realize I surf on the net for me Alexei Josef Stalin X yeah well my lying to everyone does it sort de jouer ossetic really shake is played chess chess is too complicated for me I play chess with my friends jeez really shake a leg massage there are sometimes just competition here as well okay to play poker I played poker and lost everything including my house she's real poker energy to punish mmmm is all bad playing is addictive so be careful next one is dosage oh I shouldn't do this right they don't listen supporting us on the nose fruits I like fruits hey first one is analyst analyst pineapple it's so exotic a pineapple is hot to cut an analyst age occupation if you don't know how to cut this it's kind of next one is sarees services cherry I have cherry earrings should be booked Ohio from the studies too cute sit home sit home is lemon that's fresh I need fresh I love lemon pie chateau latoque does it work in France we make so good lemon pie that is awesome next is fizz strawberry what can you do hey I have probably right here in fact this is a strawberry sit in Fez let Fez Sibu strawberries are good next one is fun Apple thank you outside an apple fell on my head in permitting be so methods like is a scientific Newton guy colors corners like licorice whose are red violets I'd like to learn French and so do you first one is white blow blow is what my twenties white and my socks are turkey no but I'd only blown my pants is white next one blue blue is blue your shitty blue the sky is blue blue berries out blue next one which is gray we often say grease which most great elephants are also great I like elephants the city possibly next is yellow yellow is Jonah sent flowers are yellow and corn is ooh I like kiddo do you know this any minerals a guy he goes this box is extremely yellow said what detection module it's okay next one there there is green trees are green is that where we are this expression sumit hotel which is going green where you go for retreats in nature and spend your time between the trees and you have no internet and stuff like that hey flavors hey good one flavors lagoon so first one is salad salty cheese is salty the from a jacilla unless you eat it with Jen like French people I like salty stuff gem lyrics a leash next Sucre Sucre is sweet cakes are sweet to some sugar every advertising about food will come with notice that say avoid eating too salty or too sweet so avoid eating too sweet if it is the most illogical next is a piece a spicy I am spicy just a PC I'm not but you get the idea French cuisine isn't that spicy like using horses neigh but was a busy ma is bitter I don't like bitter stuff Shannon palette become a bitter chocolate sugar ma I see the sour as it is not like acid you know to think that burnt skin now it's just sour lemons are sour lemons are sour this is also a sea vegetables yike no I mean YUM let's start with the first one mushroom recipe yo mushroom omelet nominator shopping yo mushrooms can kill you the shop yo perfect one is sure cabbage this is also a cute word you can use in French for people you are familiar is like a children or a boyfriend like you are pretty sure you are a small cabbage you little cabbage cabbage it doesn't smell really good your shoots and it's impossible you have fields and fields of cabbage in some places and when you go through there in character in smells avoid them Navi turnip turnip turnip is not vegetable renovate a beauty cube which is why you can find it in a lot of old French recipes from the Middle Ages because we didn't have potato at the time so we use journey for almost everything next one is from home okay this one is good bell pepper I like bell pepper bell pepper are delicious with a bit of olive oil after putting them in the oven the provost Dilisio egg and put we do live a passive rule with salt Oh pommes de terre potato so pommes de terre is potato you are a big booty to move from the terrace also but that's in French I fancy crap sorry potato potato yummy in the soup Luka health area you can make french fries with potatoes without the fridge Aveda pundit air fried vegetables best way to eat vegetables it's your face face both of us actually mine first were these Bush the mouse having a big mouse a link on Bush well a bush open your mouth Bush Mouse next is teeth don't we don't need teeth I have white teeth really don't know because I brush three times a day and so should you next is Levin lips having red lips a volley laugh a bush in English I think when you have a word on the tip of your tongue in French you have it on the border of your lips it keeps on the lips and we do so 11 ma tante chin so I pull this up so motto to rest on your chin no it's really having the runny nose I wanna Nikki cool when you are sick and take this chance to go back and see the sick words sick French words when it's corn your nose gets red continue what but bonito Yahoo everything gets right on my face I should do something about this furnitures Lima group first furniture is canopy canopy is sofa we also say sulphide French actually have a nap on the sofa fair insist solar canopy you like them watch TV on the sofa by gondola TV so Laguna Beach next says chair my fancy chair was sitting on the chair switches it was so funny I fell off my chair so that mama home tube in Michelle's commode is a dresser have you your clothes in the dresser I was a vet model a commode commode is also French word for convenient so something commode is something convenience Oh then a dresser is convened in commode a commode next one is bleach bed being alone in your bed or lying in bed alone solution of Swedish so I like being in bed which I met foolish or I like sleeping in bed Jen Damiano Molly this is best part of the day next one is bureau desk computer is in my desk not snatcher is from you and Boo Boo is also the fridge first for office you have desks in offices with a little hold on Europe month of the year January so January is wrongish 1st of January is the beginning of the year the combination of Yale did you do a happy new year is next Mei Mei is me easy we have a saying in French on May physical to play in May you can do whatever you want next maths March in French we also say Mars for the planet's mass there is nothing special in March in your hand especially Mars or you should watch French oh did a video series we have here and you will learn what much and I would learn observe next is Jung Jun Julian is also part of Rossi official on June 21st is the first day of summer so we have music party holiday so and everyone the street goes and play music you can wander around the city and hear music in every corner so is pretty nice June 21st is music day it's Roberta around Seraphin to the music of course November novo I was born in November just really on Obama my birthday is in November no nanny website on the world send me wishes games tableware so just think you have on the table la coutellerie fancy first one is a it's a plate finish your plate pin it on us yet which is a good thing to do don't waste the food wash the plates la ville is a yeah that's a cup a cup of coffee in tasse de café or I just broke a cup should be on the casitas next one next to yeah teapot I like that word in English it sounds funny teapot let's do the teapot filete yeah it's not even a French expression but you can just do it a fan like this like a flamingo doing the teapot fell at it yeah pour tea with a teapot that's a duty awakened - yeah they have a wine glass to break a wineglass caste on Verhoeven we are just breaking all the qatari today they're drinking glass is the same pronunciation as warm don't get them confused not that one I broke a drinking glass she can sing aver let's just break everything continents yay lick encino first continent is a freak Africa yo let's go Africa Africa oh they had football World Cup in Africa yo you lecoq de mundo football on a freak with Boo Boo's era arise a desert in Africa gem dude is there on a fake you which is Hara riding camels in Africa you go into desert and get to see the Sun Rise and it's awesome goat right next one is aunt Arctic Antarctica Antarctica is called not a cheeks if WA so to see the Northern Light in Antarctica waffle is over i don''t attic it seems pretty I want to see one next one Asia NHK your eye on Asia I love a giant replace welcome to Thailand 20 bad cocking car I love Asia joomla's ich and you should too because it's an awesome food in Asia is delicious I know what you wanna see it delicious countries in Asia are also different LEP on this one from on Tuesday film that was inside food next one Amira you know North America I'd like to go to North America Jim hi Aliannah married no yeah America next then is South America America seed that's why I'm from a so I'm half French and art from Venezuela decided when Espanyol in South America we speak Spanish on a mere English food on Polly Spaniard accepting Brazil this Proctor guess we have delicious food as well you start the morning with fried kuro-san arepas and then you just eat fried bananas plantain bananas which is National editions and you end the night with more fried stuff like fried fish and rice and beans Amazonian forest go South America consequence because people are so relaxed in South America do some free Mahal accion America about plants so plants we plant first plant is AB tree to climb a tree can't be a knob I love climbing trees like climbed a tree to hug a tree tree so yeah to hug a tree can you Nia now no next one is flower flower pretty flowers good smelling flower inflect Istanbul sniffing flowers funny flee de Fleur AB grass to cut grass Cooper a dub to roll in the grass whoo little help I like rolling in the grass after this your clothes our green but it's fun and you end up with ants all over you I'll boost bush to hide in the bushes so cache Edom is a boost to burst people like that next one is ran a seed to print seed planted again or to grow vegetables from seeds have to see the legume having the green personality is angry okolab so angry I'm never angry to be my uncle if you make me angry right right right right this feel cooler I'm angry no one is bringing me coffee and it makes me angry but suddenly my pokémon Cafe is a meal Korea someone promised me coffee and didn't bring it no I'm super angry next one is polish polite it's nice to be polite see beyond a true polish so when you're going friends try being polite with people okay would you like some cheese s'il vous plait man wizard oui Monsieur merci beaucoup you can be super polite like holding the door this is polite next one is severe street a strict teacher officer severe Street can be also used for something you have a lot but in a bad way like pimples strict pimple acne severe it means you have a lot of it all over your face the more you know next one is popular popular I'm popular just be popular yeah just now she's the most popular in school see they feed our people freely under a cold or a popular movie - puppy - the fabula destined Emily Pula I guess some annoying I can be really annoying repairs I guess aunt mammals like humans yeah lemon is fair okay cushion Pig you're a pig Big B like pigs lives in farms liquors from here down the film pigs are delicious with mushroom sauce the Kushan sebum a vacant solution Pinot yeah let's not eat all the mammals shovel horse horse are good with salt and pepper the sugars evolving this elite club seriously I think that a racehorse a Chevelle the course or to ride a horse - well maybe like pedicle next one is Shem a dog oh I feel shy doing the dog woof woof hey faster-faster-faster yeah Messi and Xavi take this dog out for a walk soft solution fairing permanent don't forget to feed the dog you bleep a new version or else we'd cry all night amalek and it's annoying for the neighbors sure yeah cat I like the kitties meow aren't you the same cat does meow I love cats generally shop I step on my cat she washes her Moshe Pond year ha if you walk on the dog it'd be like trying and me like and if you step on a cataract that's the difference between cats and dogs ah something you develop in rabbit lapa eat the rabbits it's so delicious with mustard Rolla Bolla mu Todd mustard rabbits which is so good really if it's cooked well but rabbits are so full of little bones so it's kind of tricky to eat but it's great you should try this in friends you should feel your rabbit salad would do fine you do need a salad I would hold a pan or just eat the rabbit with salad and rice on the side first office oh man first one is wet oh let mailbox my mailbox is overflowing my butter net Dabhade because you get a lot of advertising in your mailbox and Friends so it might be just one also full of paper parcel and coalition I love receiving persons the doc was about the college it's always full of fun stuff usually I sent them to myself I sent myself parcels from of radically mmm so I don't lose things because it's convenient next one damn stamp to put the stamp on the envelope you have to be okay do metal thumps or an envelope put the stamp on the envelope you can test someone is temporary we - yours Tempe means crazy in the end to make a stamp collection collection ADA tombow it's very popular in France that's why we have all the things he deserves factor Manman the factors on to rule de Foix the main man always ring trice I don't know if it's a movie or an expression or both in means that when your husband is away the main man just comes in and touring once for the male and one for the wife the main man gets chased by dogs the factor of Sophie perfume of polishing or in Garfield it's by the cat I'm just like Garfield sometime I got a girl feet pressing home it hidden you let to write a letter no one writes later I like writing letters they make Hilda let it's all fancy and old-school try it sometime you can send me one write me your letter x given Y you let I'd be super happy close yeah I like clothes I wear them sometimes what clothes will be talking about today closing first so first is closing leave it mom I wear closing report David mom hopefully I do next Jimmy's shirt so you should wear a nice shirt with a suit before party injury chemise I make a costume and be alpha chapeau had some people say in French that you can have a hat head a varmint etosha poor which means you can wear hat easily and include nice on you but top hat chapeau oh the foam that's so fancy to wear hat when it's cold potential pocketed before I permeable raincoat it's raining today here so don't forget your raincoat do bleep up with her permeable a permeable is also waterproof in French so when something is impermeable it means it's waterproof so we can have the shoe shoe impermeable waterproof shoes it will be the same world a yellow raincoat and a permeable June it's so cliche next one Julie best all people were vest le persons as a part of the Jewish a brown vest Anjali ma who because you know all people zeros clothing accessories belt such you I don't have my bed either belts are made to hold your pants listen to your chief report annual report on over to be a black belt in karate I wasn't such an wahoo karate this is not really closing from but it also work that's it belts next one is scarf a sharp fancy scarf to wear a scarf in winter but in the shop on their next one is go gloves yeah you have everything today nice clothes to protect your hands in winter because it's so cold ah so so cold in here warm gloves the gong show or maybe ski gloves if you had seen the Gonski she which are be different silk clothes the goshawk to be where were you fancy dress at your fancy dinner parties next one swiping those and work with gloves usually I have seven of them but not today bakudo hey earrings you I have seven earrings reset bugged away expensive earrings the buckle oh hi chef you need the soleil sunglasses hey we have the Sun wearing sunny here because of all the lights sunglasses to protect you from the Sun the lunate the select post-petition is for a food my favorite thing food I love food first one is birth beef beef is yummy rebirth Sybil you both book in your broken Yin beef I'm mature at apprentice in English but it's a famous French dish with a lot of beef of course and lot of pages beef is just plain delicious a beef steak a steak the birth just with a little salt and pepper on top delicious next one the bread the most famous French bread is baguette powerful silicon you in a baguette we have plenty of different breads and Friends Loserville plan depends if your house you should try each and every one of them with better on top it's like cake next porch you poor folk sausages this is the paw we have roasted pork watching the pot it's quite nice Blake wait till I find the blue wheat flour this is what you do is with you Ray next one bubble sweets Pascal people bossy boom don't eat too many sweets no not a pot holder boom work it will hurt your teeth drinks no huh alright drinking I shouldn't say that first one coffee cafe everyone in the office homie coffee to the world of your wall medaka fish it's true I love coffee Gemma cafe coffee wakes me up Luka feel heavy next one Judith with fruit juice those are delicious natural fruit juice and sugar free natural you can have some as a corner of the street over there my favorite fruit juices pineapple juice more sugar free prefer a lucid and honest Oh water you should drink more water to describe well-pleased or what ah I ran out of water you join if you do Louella presentable water is a Hatch's drink beer yeah to have a beer belly I wanna beat on the air too much beer will make you drunk throw the beer how sue don't drink too much beer maybe Pitroda BIA accept after working deserve one next is let milk cow milk Julie dovish or soy milk Julie the Suja to make cheese with goat milk found you 4matic Julie - ever and in the end so tell me what's your favorite drink in the comments those four to check the word list on the website and we'll see you next week see ya Dressel ice ice ice baby and this is gonna stay and there will be a shame a bit of my life thank you
Channel: Learn French with FrenchPod101.com
Views: 385,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Language (Interest), learn French, phrase, vocabulary, survival phrases, important, French Language (Language In Fiction), France (Country), French (Language In Fiction), Top, Word (Literature Subject), Language (Quotation Subject)
Id: VAkHfoyph4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2016
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