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wanna speak real French from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at French pod we were just this week we're gonna be doing top 25 French nouns so let's start right now um man so um man Lucien Lumia Hamidah lone dog is man's best friend Oh with a fluffy doggy no I should stop doing the dougie I me friend i me friend best friend Mumia Hamish I like hanging out with my friend Jamie avec mes amis when I was little I didn't have friends Carcetti petite Janov epidemic Josh ed fam woman next one is fun woman I'm a woman she sees infirm jeu de jeu de toutes les Ornish in fish roe it's a morning I'm not a morning person I don't like day I like night train M Poirot gem language may see may see the boat on the sea battle shahnameh I used to live on the boat on the sea true story ah there is the song about the sea lemon go I don't see okay the sea that we see dancing along Zakir Coast or something like that young Tom time Tom time Tom can also be weather cat toy fair what's the weather today and time is the top a sweet times goes fast or do you need more time no hand man hand oh hi mom I hurt my hand yesterday sure miss you female uma yeah because I was playing baseball without the glove and it's hurt so bad pop and smashes into your hand Soula voluma to wash your hand why should shows sink shows sink plan the shows many things or when you don't know what word to put his sentence you can just use the chose calcio shows something that shows it in man the thing is a hand turned week life having an easy life a wallaby fashion and be lazy you eyes you eyes so be careful in French because the program is very different so it's an eye and Liz you eyes are so beautiful that boosts your a time a time what time is it Allah Allah but also min hour and not only time mooned world mooned world to travel around the world why are you to Diamond I like traveling around the world the world cup like coupe Du Monde look awful child awful child to adopt a child adopt a enough own I think it's a better solution for the world when you are a child you go to school please some phone finally color cotton eternal phone over you called hua time for time it's like multiplier like two times for duplicate or time like the number of time you do something I went to time to see this movie because it was so good just rally was a film do for a skillet adobea be careful with the writing on this one because there are many words that can be pronounced flaw but with different ending Momo moment take Justin moment or like it will take a really short amount of time so that from just a move on depending on how you say it actually can vary because if you say like Sabah pondhawk boom oh it mean it will take a long time dude you better be patient that head dead head so Cunha latet to bump your head I voluntarily support having your head on your shoulders meaning you're a redhead and the clear vision of what you want to do and be very down to earth pay father bear father I like my father j-mo Papa I paid a famiiy the family's father meaning is like the head of the family and all responsibility and hard working and providing for everyone good daddy fee girl fee girl I'm a girl she's in fee before I was a woman but I got downgraded I don't care a cute girl girls just wanna have fun the fever just amuse a bad girl bet you're a bad girl didn't fit villain mu K heart okay heart Q potato potato of one Lucas all Emma having your heart on your hand is the French expression which means being very generous to hear your heart beat don't assume curl but I can hear it at night and then you put freaky music behind it oh yeah oh yeah one year I know or two years douzo Jeevan season I'm 26 - earth ground soil tell with a capital letter will be earth the planet we live on and there is no capital later will be the Earth's you work on so if you mix earth and water it makes mad Steve amino Sedona Tellez you look Saffy do LeBouf and then you can apply it as a mask on your face miss you sir miss you sir sure sure Madame Monsieur is a singer and mr. would be pure leave miss you on the Julia miss - miss - I like that friend when you're a kid you say a teacher where there is in your hands and when you grow up and go to high school it's wrong more like sir Oh Monsieur when you have a question if you want to be really polite you can put Monsieur before the family name of someone miss you do PO Oh Roger Hall which are any common French family names what voice voix voice there is a TV show called The Voice right la voix I've were in Belvoir having a nice voice la la mizzle house house mizzle this is my house see my missile yeah I live in the greenish house and I stay here all day tiny window and talk to you guys I don't have a house should nip at the means Oh cat cha cats a shop I am a cat person just using person Asha I like cats Jaime Lucia yeah I said you didn't love you come on I can only think about kittens right now so thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more French words and we'll see you next time bye French people be so fancy oh yeah let me grab you hey Watchers and welcome to this week's new top words and this week will be 25 French verbs here we go it to be to be or not to be it hoon opposite what do you wanna be when you grow up kescott Yvette Rita or case which Yvette country ganja avoir to have don't forget that verbs in French are conjugated so it's a pain to learn you never use a guava itself I have J I have brown hair fair to do fair something something like thirty below would be like to bike but short ready you are doing bike phallic cuisine to cook to do the cooking or something like that what do you like to do get sketchy unfair if you are asking for hobbies tell me what you like to do in good government watchers dear to say Judy beaucoup the bitties I say a lot of silly things like me what can I say excuse me pause here I don't know pouvoir ken yes you can we new pool we can you do a Rubik's Cube s cut you perfer hurry Scoob Chicka Chicka Chicka Ali to go just go but all go away you don't use it with French people they gonna get mad at you go walking at least Oh Bella dish or go in the kitchen allez cuisine to go on a trip Olivia sheesh what to see I can't see anything chef wha boom peekaboo you cannot see me on the palm of wha ya whoooa to want I wanna I wanna rock right now cervical Cayman oh sure if you hook a matter now sounds so lame I want candy should we do bumble what do I want - I want lasagna Dravida lasagna and not Garfield Vanya - come to Devaney artemisia Wagner please come play with us come to mundo todo you can come with us - pavani avec nous is the way French people really invite you so yeah sure come I have young Du Bois must the one is also homework because it's something you must do it's also means duty it's an eclectic word you can use it for so many things you have to do your homework to do affected avoir sure do a fan of a cell I have to do the dishes or else it stinks pong to take you can take the train count all the time or you can take something home scare cashews you can take your time condo so Tom 2v2 find I found Sampson she to vehicle cashews it's a burner of water again bigger that's my only profit today yeah I found the solution sheet reveal a solution did I find the situation no I didn't because Mike messed it up red should go here and you have the crust then you do the next one sheet will be Duke emoji I found something to eat finally I won't be starving anymore donate to give to give money donate the national please give money stoolie yeah Doniak a dupe for someone's birthday to give a present Salwa need to it's more have tools and need to ya need to I need to do my hair you recoup the sugar you focus on assigned fuzz I need to think of a sentence this one it fits family to speak you can speak her language pardon long speak French Polly for say my share is quickie and my spoon is too big to pal proof I'm not speaking to you anymore met to put to put something on your head mate Calcasieu sucks at it like a hat to put your clothes on metal civet mo savoir to know I know everything just a to remember no one knows everything souvenir ood person to say to savoir and French is also knowledge it's the same word pass it to pass only pass a trick to pass something on also work in sport best best best but I won't catch it I did hug a dish to watch to watch a movie regarding a film to watch a match regarding a match of whatever you want go jinkx Oh jinkx go mundo Go Red Team go soccer team go mundo watching the news regarde le nouvel in me like I like you too MA is also to love so you can like someone I love someone it will be the same jameelah shockula I like chocolate sorry guys I don't like no when I say me - right that's a suspect song they did it wrong car to believe I believe I can fly quite good Ripper buddy sounds her name Chikara I believe in you you can do it you can learn friends girl Watchers Moshi to it I believe it's time to eat should watch it around emoji it's always time to eat I like to eat gem market which is gem again see you can use it for stuff you like to do like eating no no no no what do you like to eat by the way leave your favorite food in the comments what to drink this is what I said my water butter pro power alone yes wrong to drink it's making brothers to drink a fruit juice why should you wish go for the healthy choice Rui to play let's go play again yeah to play a video game show you at the video I like playing by myself them to palette to talk to make small talk badly to Twitter here so don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you next time for you category of fruit I've got to see you next time no ice cream but I like ice cream better and if you don't do your video correctly you know what happens mundo thanks for drinks ah wanna speak real French from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at French pod hey Watchers this week we're gonna learn about top 25 French phrases let's go Oh Bonjour is hello hey okay no you can say was wrong anytime of the day even if it's night sorry hi hi is solution sulukim asaba hey how you doing so sunny is like bones rule and you can also use it to say hi and to say goodbye so when you leave you can also say sorry and a portion Sava who are you you can say Saba like just after SaLuSa bah bah bah bah bah oh come on Sava if you only say about its kind of missing something so put it after greeting so how are you how you doing kuma Sava bonsoir good evening not good night almost good night but not bonsoir is also gritty you can use when you leave or when you enter someone place for example if you go in the evening to someone's house or party you can see a post often won't vanish good night good night is bananas person sleeping next to you learn English or to your family when you go to sleep we yes yeah we also say yeah maybe you heard we we like French people often do this we we it's also a cartoon for children we we in his little car you should try and watch it in French it's very indicative no no no you have oui oui and no no we often say them both just use yes and no we ain't no room a pail my name is Irma Pena you knew that already huh what's your name leave it in the comment in French s'il vous plait please today's s'il vous plait this is a polite version and if you want the more friendly version is sister play before asking a friend see the play give me your candy I'm starving sister pregnant with the mobile in addition Sylvie play that oh okay so we also use okay but with the French accent okay hi how are you doing when you come to the cinema with me that cough excuse my excuse me if someone is blocking the way you just say let's resume ha merci thank you please no in this one and be polite in French we just have message there is no short version of it and you can use it for anyone so when you receive something good the grocery store message or when someone does your favor at message if you want to be really polite or anything so you can say merci beaucoup thanks a lot Dona so you are welcome if someone say merci to you you can just say oh so maxi it do hear those come in a pair so give them together it's nice you look at what time is it or can you really you will more often hear the second version so ask using what can relate excuse me what time is it we slowly toilets where is the best room we don't have many available best room in public places and usually they are really dirty so or maybe if you are at someone's house you can ask so neat well it I'm Scottish nice to meet you Bonjour Ashanti je m'appelle yeaa and here you have three after this word together isn't it nice bonjour je m'appelle yeah are shorty kuma Sava hi nice to meet you my name is dia you didn't and you have all of them to greet people and start a nice conversation so nice to meet you I'm Santi I've got to see you soon this is what I should say at the end of each video see you soon or I don't use it when you leave that's about it I don't know see you tomorrow see you tomorrow I dunno yeah Oh wha bye bye how goodbye au revoir is kind of polite you can use it with everyone as well so if you want to be more friendly we use like au revoir is only for living so yeah good bye good bye see you next time I've yet - no not yet because I'm going to see you guys a lot yeah - of course yes you're kozelka if you want to be sarcastic you can say we miss you we mostly use it this way because we like being sarcastic so yeah of course yeah you are yes repeat sleazy may I use Samson Samson so fill the blank with whatever you want can I use your pencil through Pootie diseases to do we me just read easily I'm sorry yeah if you bump into someone you can also use this one like open lucid easily if I bump into somebody they won't wake up the Terminator smile like this I'm sorry just read easily pourquoi why Wow simply really Oh fine so if you are hearing go sleep and stuff you can see what no no oh really yeah and you can use it with all the intonation say right so the opposite of Sigma is superb I know it's not for not really you know come papa I don't understand you I never understand no yes sir horn every note where she forgets happened before when someone is speaking too fast like I do I'm sorry just read easily you can tell them to come papa or yeah because of all those fancy French words and vocabulary you can be like no come papa it did so remember those main sentences and don't forget to subscribe and leave me a comment if you look on pump up bye bye oh please stop it I'm waving hey Watchers and welcome back for more French words this week will be top 25 French adjectives - Oh too old or everything I have to see you got everything should I pass a - G - mogi I ate everything because food is good oh yeah - is for object if it's for people all the people it will be to calm tall gaunt tall I'm not tall shouldn't sheep egg hunt and hunt down a tall tree pretty small pretty small a small snail petit escargot too busy to be T so smooth to smooth men even same ma'am even our same silly ma'am it's the same doing it the same way the federal mm Mannie otra other o'the other for example if you're shopping for let's say shirts and you want the same in another color la vie Bruno's not ocular do you have it in another color or do you have it in another size S curve Latinos not a soul only lonely soul only can also mean lonely also only one going alone Jeeva soul dr. Tom no yes I'm going alone no take me with you no it's too dangerous or you miss also I'm feeling lonely Jin Young Jin Young I'm still young just feel concern I'm not dead oh come on Oh vision Oh are the youngsters who me first put me first just read up on yeah I'm the first be the first to comment so we do punya como t comment right now coming right now comment right now boom good boom good this meal is so good supply boom or oh that's good awesome oh oh it's also mean yeah it's okay they won't Cal which Cal which which one is it look Alice boo beautiful and beautiful just be bad oh boy is masculine and Bell is feminine seto bow this is so beautiful you can hear young people saying I thought was it ho ho well it's a beautiful view old view old I'm getting old remotely view which is also masculine and feminine will be a sham FEV a noah black mwah black reporter Rhoda tisha mwah I'm always wearing black shirts you guys always complain that I'm only wearing black shirts I'm sorry Nouveau new Nouveau new it's brand new see to Nouveau danyay last Danya last I always finish last Ruffini to run down a blonde white blonde white I'm wearing a white shirt today reporting chemise blonde - Rajesh or clouds are white the new ashram blog share extensive chef expensive I never buy expensive stuff Serena should join me the trick share so yeah if you go to send a market you will have a lot of people trying to catch you and me yeah it's not expensive buy it buy it I make it not expensive for you super sexy posh a long long long long I have long hair again say this sugar low in long chronic a long day today is gonna be a long day over poor poof poor when you want to say I it's this person is kind of our miserable something bad happened to them say Oh Lupo ah poor dear plum fool plan full C plan - wha it's full of jelly ook ray real they real or can also be true is that true exclusive right is that for real boy no in French would be like sipping a shortish nice don't teach nice I'm a nice person just enjoy a person buck low bah low a low level and Neveu bah go big go big and causally for a big elephant and who'll get to a big cake do soft do soft fluffy like the words fluffy better soft our in selfie adduce when you just wash them and there are fluffy ins and you can put your face in it I like to put my face in kitchen and we're happy that languages because are so fluffy Leisha tipsy do kitten are soft soft kitty warm do so shy cause but it build up well thank you for watching our top 25 adjectives and don't forget to subscribe Oh French word and we'll see you next time bye cuckoo cuckoo French is that difficult anybody feel welcome back Watchers this week we are going to talk about 10 reasons to learn French I don't know them either so let's discover them together let's go sitting long magnifique it's a beautiful language Jose too long man cheek it sounds so poetic and Artie doesn't it shadow happen holy long to some primo I just love learning languages that's true and French can be quite a challenge so yeah try it shadow like creatures and leaves rocky partner along I love the culture and the people who speak the language French Quarter is really rich and old and French people are quite unique so let's discover them together with the French language American animation so film emission television I want to understand my favorite songs movies and TV shows yeah French television can be quite funny and a lot of the jokes are made out of puns so sure I understand the French language you can really enjoy them more than just with subtitles so in the evening we have a lot of French TV series or French news with newscaster that are really satirical and are quite funny to watch so maybe try those my family have UN done on what will not power along my family comes from a place where the language is spoken somehow you move to some places and you want to learn the origin of your language it's nice to be speaking two languages let alone get to children with Hawaii the language is useful for my job there long it to chill from Hawaii the language is useful from a job so yeah again if you're planning to work in France a lot of people don't speak English or in the workplace you really need to speak French similar past on it's my hobby it's a nice hobby to learn languages and yeah again if you are looking for a challenge French maybe right place to start because you can still read it but speaking it is quite difficult enjoy your French hobby with me and learn not the French with French by 21 Salafi party do miss it University it's part of my university studies say if you are studying don't forget to watch lot of series without the subtitles and a lot of books or newspapers magazines and watch a lot of TV to get the pronunciation right job hall along with papazoni Kalka I'm learning the language to impress someone rap all along pull up a sonic L cam I'm learning the language to impress someone I want to impress you by speaking French why not I would be really impressed if someone not native French could speak French properly because it's really hard do you want to impress with French is it a girl or a boy Bosco's M la nuit you because I like the food Bosco's M lanugage of horses because I love French food and you want to read them on the menu properly and order them in French by yourself and enjoy our delicious with friends has to offer that would be a nice reason this is a reason to learn French dato sit home there's so Germany and the door is super good too much crunchy have a little bite of French yum yum yum yum yum so that's all for this week we'll see you next time and don't forget to subscribe for more videos and check the website for more French see you lemon but you
Channel: Learn French with
Views: 139,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frenchpod101, learn french, french language, japan, french alphabet, read, write, speak, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, fastest, easiest, french pronunciation, french grammar, basics, get started, start learning, french for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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