Learn French in 35 minutes - The Best of 2016

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wanna speak real French from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at French pod 101.com welcome back Watchers this week we are going to talk about ten phrases to amaze native speakers let's go you must re-understand mop of Polly Cuomo it took me only one year to become fluent in my value and also more pop Ali Cuomo it took me only one year to become fluent I would be really amazing she told me that in French she passes more complete to secure with a village I completely understood everything you said she preferred more complete to secure with a village I completely understood everything his head nice area very good job pound of HA therapy diesel I've been learning French for 10 years the powerful fairy diesel as learning French for 10 years and it took you only one year to become fluent ten years is a long way to go but it may be the time you need to learn the language properly actually Japan hosted by women I'm learning French all by myself the called Philippe a woman I'm learning French all by myself I'll dance and learn French oh now you're gonna fight with me Shabalala fonseca Maluku tone achieve the puzzle I speak French like a native speaker in three years drew Paulo at Jose comer look eternity thought was oh I speak French like an active speaker in three years good luck with that you come in movies in via home cycle - vamos hacer para I can memorize around fifty new French words a day rip mmm of Israel Viejo handcuffs no vamos hacer para I can memorize around fifty new French word of the day whoa that's amazing yes the 3d amazing so yes if you told me that in French I would be amazed super Godzilla shame the faucet fifty I can watch French movies without subtitles soup regarded a few process for cheap I what French movies without subtitles man and this is also really good and it's a really good way to learn as well so do it whenever you can you can try by starting to watch the fabulist under midi pune it's a very famous French movie lucio see polychaete could prolong the polish off a apart from knowing French I can speak a few other languages as well just Susi polical could look around a pot of coffee apart from knowing French I can speak another few languages as well good job I read you can also speak English here sets are really two languages the phosphate Amazon a fast healer and French is fun and easy to learn the phosphate Amazon if I sit up on Frankie Shannon easy to learn well I'm glad you enjoy it and I hope you will continue to enjoy relations with me as well kick now seek me ephedrine super lucky tentative thank you but I'm not a native speaker actually male female fetch in the supermarket on the chief thank you but I know the native speaker actually Wow if someone tells you this it means not only you're really good at speaking French but you also got no ison at all at the end so don't forget to subscribe to Grandma French and what the best sentence you can sing French and made me in the comments and we'll see you next time see you guys and your and maternal incision hi everybody Candace here I can to architecture where I'm sorry almost common French questions the question for this listen is how can I use French land there are a lot of words you hear in French that you almost never see written in fact there are many expressions that are unique to spoken French take quoi at the end of a sentence for example quoi in spoken French doesn't just mean what when used at the end of a sentence it's a siddha word that adds emphasis if you're talking about something with your friend and she say is a cinema liqui she isn't asking a question in English it would sound something like this is quite normal she's emphasizing how average or usual the situation is a very popular slang word among young people is Jean it can be translated to the filler word like in English for example city shock problem would be it was like amazing another common word that's used differently in spoken slang is such a fish which means to go separate ways or to split up say you at lunch with some friends and you have another appointment to go to you might say or forget to signal the end of the get-together the closest equivalent would be let's get out of here however be careful when you use it because it can come off as a little rude on a similar note just wha means get lost which can be mean or playful so be careful with this one too let's look at some words you're usually only using conversation a bulu is literally a job bulu comes from the French verb gulati's which means to work with secrecy its nuance is more of what I do to get by rather than what I do for a living which would be low travail a pretty blue or sometimes just a blue is a part-time or a job Abuja is the casual world for a book pooja comes from the Dutch book which also means book and as a similar presentation France as a strong academic culture and informal discussions over books are an orphan so many people use bucha in more casual sittings instead of live which is the 4 way to say book the work booth a means to toss down food when you're really hungry and not paying attention to your manners it's not an insult though everyone understands the need to booth a sometimes especially after a long hard day of work however because of friends vibrant Ranieri culture goofy isn't the word you'll come across in polite circles hoof is an interjection you'll hear often it means you're really after you've done or gone through something crazy you can use it as an adjective to like see off when you're talking about a crazy situation it's not closely translates to that's it or simply that crazy you can even describe the person as F which means someone whose lot is mind oof actually comes from bellow which is a pattern of slang in French we talked about that more in another lesson here are a couple more common slang words - she means to dig something or to like something that means crazy either in a good way or a bad way another one is she forgets long word which means really annoying how is it go ahead and try them out at your own rate of course if you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I try to answer them adentro see you soon hi everybody Candice here welcome to architecture where I'll answer some of your most common French questions the question for this lesson is when we use the direct object pronouns loose la and lay versus the indirect object pronouns three and left sometimes you want to shorten a sentence with a pronoun rather than use the same noun again this is similar to how we use it in english in place of nouns we have already said such as did you see that movie yesterday yes I saw it in French pronounced come right before a verb to simplify a sentence for example if your friend asks you gentlemen do you like this novel instead of region film oh yes I like this novel you not say we Shalem yes I like it in this case you put the cronin after the subject sure and before the verb image but how do you know which pronoun to use Lula and Leigh are used with nouns that are directly attached to the verb that means you don't need the preposition up for example any meaning to like is one of those verbs for any we use the l a-- post also in the singular because ma begins with / well in this case jalena in the plural we would use lay so if you were referring to several novels you'd say Julian here's another example la petite aver jewel ahem the door is open and closing it la here refers to labott the door which is feminine he is one in the masculine someone says ladoo commercial a table the document is on the table you respond Jenelle Acosta I can't find it or I don't find it look before 12 refers to the DoCoMo dinner on the other hand are usually only for people not things words that usually and love use the preposition ah the most common example is probably polish for example soup vasu Vanessa I speak often with my sister becomes Julie palsu vu here V which would be similar to the English with her we felt to masa which would be my sister if you're talking about more than one person you would use love I am talking to my brothers would be super Lanisha with the pronoun it will become Jacques Paula Nene I am talking to them in the current form you put the pronoun after the verb with a hyphen that applies to both forms of pronounce so tell them the truth would be relevant ish another example in the current form is the door is open closet lopata to that Sameera did you get it not so bad right if you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I try to answer them Adnan so listen so welcome back to French weekly words and this week is going to be ten lines you need for introducing yourself here we go come on apple juice what's your name Bob Roca Mota belches hello what's your name it's you desire Leon Hall have you been to France so yeah people will be like you desire a house and then you can enter no it's my first time so no same apamea for commodity how are you are you doing come over to when you meet someone in the morning like yeah hi are you doing hey Sergio Kamala - or cassava usually when speaking with friends it's come on Sava so a komova Tatiana something like that and true like using horses do you like French food come on everyone next French food is the best in the world so tell me in the comment if you like French food in what favorite range food because we got plenty of it my favorite French food is pasta you can have them for breakfast we are buttery and young in college in everything Seco vitani versa when is your birthday this one is quite polite and if you want to use a less formal version it would be the component either fair my birthday is on anniversary dating do believe ooh where are you from I'll compare so do believe ooh where are you from but obviously I'm from Prince why are you from what's your Creed of Jose where did you learn French I'm French but 101 gone that's what you're here so if you are really good and speak French to people pretty easily they'd be like ah watch your pitiful say where'd you learn French tell them you're watching this video ooh a beautiful where do you live where do you guys me so yes you are traveling to France this should also be a question you will commonly be asked so what do I need in America we call it well it where is the bathroom this is an important sentence to know when you're going to restaurant or wherever in the metro don't go to the toilet in the metro because first you have to pay for it then it's super dirty toilet in French it's a plural noun because you have to look for many toilets before finding one that skin that's what we say in French so yeah don't edit it to ask about maybe you will be surprised with all it well it would have a level where do you work or motivate you for the more casual version should have I auto car designer I work as a designer this is fancy to say so just go is it yeah so that's it for this week don't forget to subscribe wherever it is and go to the website to learn more French see you next time but noise nice nice baby hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher when I answer your most common French questions the question this listen is what does it mean and how do you use it she has two main meanings the first meaning is if and the second one is yes but only to negative questions let's go over it first if you want to say if you come to the party Mad Men will come to you use cc2 Jean effete Madalena gnosis a common expression using C is situating if you want for example city zoo or even tumblr if you want we'll go there together not that if you use C with ill or it plural you abbreviate it to seal and feel to avoid repeating the same letter so we'll ill the expression is syllable you touch easily if he wants I can cook the other meaning of C is a little trickier but I'm sure you'll get it in no time you know questions that have negative phrasing like won't you be cold or aren't you coming in English if your answer is yes you'd say something like yes I'm coming or actually yes I will be cold in French yes in response to a negative question is different from a yes to a positive question are you coming or Trisha is a positive question if you answer yes you would answer with on the other hand if someone asks you aren't you coming and your answer is still yes then you will say C chin there's no passion you I want you coming over to our place is a negative question so you'd respond seizures now yes I'm coming in a way she puts yes and no into one word it's kind of like saying no what'd you just say it but yes I'm a green here are a couple more examples in the vapor nitrogen oxygen isn't she going to clean the kitchen and see if Ellen it Reggie yes he'll clean it or this one chanita milada aren't you sick and see mr. Thapa Tea Room yes but it's a small code how was it did I help clear things up if you have any more questions please leave them in the comment below and I try to answer them and also hi everybody Candice here welcome to architecture well I am sure your most common French questions the question for this lesson is when and how do you use Oh Oh is a pronoun that you used to replace a noun this is to make your sentences shorter and easier to say it's used in three ways first or can be used as a pronoun in place of uncountable nouns or indefinite plural nouns let's dive into some examples so you can learn how to use all correctly let's look at this short conversation one person says to a shed upon meaning are you buying apples the other responds with Jonah a kilo me yes I'm buying one kilogram of them here all refers to the thumb or Apple's its Imperial dam saying we assured our children yes I'm buying one kilogram of apples we also use a countable nouns like water do loop or milk delay for example if someone asks you to riddle me do you want some water you can reply which of the directions yes yes I would like some thank you the second news of all is as a pronoun for verse that's use the preposition do for example I was I need to feel like conceivable to advise and Sicily order to make us off so if a friend asks you to very fond of you do you want to go see a film but you're not really in the mood you can respond tsunami penalties I don't feel like it the third way you can use all is as a preposition to describe something for example investing here is the leather jackets literally this is invest a jacket or career in leather here o is used to describe what the noun in this case jacket is made of another example would be if you ask a shop clerk at a clothing store the question is given service addressed on blue which means do you have this jacket in blue in this example all is used to describe the color of the jacket that's it for now I hope that makes more sense now if you have any more questions please leave them in the comment below and I try to answer them a gentle welcome back Watchers this week we are going to talk about 10 reasons to learn French I don't know them either so let's discover them together go sit alone magnifique it's a beautiful language ah hold hostage in Longman chic it sounds so poetic and arty doesn't it shadow upon holy long to some primo I just love learning languages that's true and French can be quite a challenge so yeah try it shadow like using the jockey partner along I love the culture and the people who speak the language French Quarter is really rich and old and French people are quite unique so let's discover them together with the French language the American colonies also fill a mission to television playfully I want to understand my favorite songs movies and TV shows yeah fresh daily vision can be quite funny and a lot of the jokes are made of pants so should understand the French language you can really enjoy them more than just be subtitles so in the evening we have a lot of French TV series or French news with newscaster that are really satirical and are quite funny to watch so maybe try those my family have UN done on what will not power along my family comes from a place where the language is spoken somehow you move to some position you want to learn the region of your language it's nice to be speaking two languages now long be two children with Hawaii the language is useful for my job there long it to chill from apartheid the language is useful from a job today again if you're planning to working friends a lot of people don't speak English or in the workplace you really need to speak French similar Pascal it's my hobby it's a nice hobby to learn languages and yeah again if you are looking for challenge French maybe right place to start because you can still read it but speaking it is quite difficult enjoy your French hobby we and they're not the French we French by 21 so last we passed you do miss it to university it's part of my university studies so if you are studying don't forget to watch lot of series without the subtitles and a lot of books or newspapers magazines and watch a lot of TV to get the pronunciation right job Hall along the profession nickel can I'm learning the language to impress someone Jacques all along Papa so nickel can I'm learning the language to impress someone well I want to impress you my speaking French why not I would be really impressed if someone not native French could speak French properly because it's really hard you really want to impress his French and you could go to a boy buskers around with you because I like the food buskers M lanugage of horses because I love French food and you want to read them on the menu properly and order them in French by yourself and enjoy all the with friends has to offer that would be a nice reason this is a reason to learn French status it home hmm that's ceremony and the door is super good to which Frenchie have a little bite of French yum yum yum yum yum so that's all for this week we'll see you next time and don't forget to subscribe for more videos and check the website for more French see you hi everybody Candice fear welcome to architecture where answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is what are the main differences between written and spoken French written French and spoken French can sing completely different a lot of grammar is relaxed in spoken French for sometimes you might have trouble recognizing afraid even if you already know it for instance abbreviations are extremely common in spoken French it goes beyond dropping the Jew in front of Royals such as J which is I have a Lenny which is the year among the most common spoken abbreviation is teh 48 which means you are so instead of Treasury for your cute you hear difference similarly Chua you have is often shortened to stop another common omission is the nurse in negative sentences in writing the correct way to say I have no money is jenipa Dasha in casual spoken French you can just say zip Adagio here's another example Sunita jihad means no problem or it's not a big deal spoken we usually say typical when people talk quickly it can even sound like sipping Java so you might not even here to see one more example is Sunita meaning account can become sutapa but we can make it shorter and more casual by dropping the spewpa some grammatical structures are more common in spoken French - for instance questions are usually shorter and more direct instead of saying the fool tisket USA for what did you do you're probably here tafiq WA which literally translates to you did what another comment sentenced Richter is adding a pronoun at the beginning for emphasis for example if you want to emphasize your personal opinion you could say wash it off literally that means me I think in English it's something like has for me here's another example if you're talking about your family's plans for the weekend you can add new for emphasis no use annual applies earth or as for Earth we're going to the beach there we go I hope that clears things up in another lesson we'll go over a yellow which is a form of French spoken flank if you have other questions please leave them in the comments and I try to offer them audiences hi Watchers today we are going to learn to respond to the Christian how are you so if anyone is asking you how you're doing or how are you here are some answers you can give them let's start first one is civilian I'm fine how are you in French is komova to come over to civilian so how are you oh I'm fine this is su Mei I'm sleepy come over to her today so how are you today hi sipping she would have a yeaa emotional su Mei I work too hard yesterday and now I'm sleepy trés fatiguée I am tired journey pas beaucoup de Mille fois omotenashi fatigue ich I didn't sleep well last night and now I'm tired Jupiter foam I'm great just a claw farmer this is a little eNOS I break the shape race when you are super great and super strong shape and feeling amazing whoo yeah come on Sarah have a seat bear so how are you doing I'm great I'm doing awesome normal formal I'm feeling bad so for example when you ate something bad and you say I ate something weird and know I'm feeling bad demonically shows the Moe's a mess Nacirema so Mel when you are feeling dizzy it also works Sababa Mel I'm not bad each one you are doing so so so how are you enough survivable mean I'm not doing well but I'm not going to bad so no roof and you so if you want to be more casual with someone you can ask it well and you so oh c'mon Sava said I've done it what are you doing I'm trying you mess it about the money thank you for asking so come over I saw a family message about the dish how are you doing ours not bad thank you for asking well it's a polite way to end the conversation maybe instead of going on how are you doing fine and you fine and you firing any cumali booster dona tom how have you been doing recently this is also quite formal you can hear of all people asking this way so Oh kamalii would sit down at all how have you been recently ah just released I'm feeling sad massagin the movie aphasia result reached Mike Mike had just died and I'm feeling sad and then you get a good pat on the back and you can ask for cake that would be nice I like asking for cake when instead chocolate what hi dr. kit so that's it for this week Watchers so tell me how are you feeling in the comments and don't forget to take French for 101 Somali and with you next time bye-bye so everyone does it it's not our house I just cannot do it so how are you taking it cake so welcome back Watchers so this time we're going to talk about ten phrases you never want to hear last time we did the one you wanted to hear and this time let's be negative SUNY patois simois it's not you it's me silly patois simois it's not you it's me usually I'm the one saying that and I think it's not me it's you and yes I mean it this way this relationally sorry I forgot this it is a bit we wish sorry I forgot like a nice when you are phoning someone yeah how are you a dissertation will be oh sorry I forgot okay it will compile we need to talk it's for compound we need to talk this one is scary you really don't want to hear that I think I do again don't worry about it too much there was this famous French commercial because you focal pal we need to talk my body is growing like mocha a table and questions twelve not realizing for water for Sharon because need to read more water and the kids were like you up our journey but issues on trees I don't have your money today so me parties who Jordan I don't have your money today good if I lend you money I expect it back Sutra village I told you so little every dish I told you so this is a sentence I like saying but I don't like hearing it if it for me I told you so angry VG k CP over CV soup on all the post eighty polish thank you for your resume however the position has been filled merciful mattress TV support on the post eighty polish thank you for your resume however the position has been filled so yeah sorry you've been rejected happens you do for your daughter Catherine we should see other people you do the water person we should see other people come on you got eyes you see other people all around you we don't need that do we can we see does it need closer to your quiz you polish on off as you gain weight recently - you're quitting professional have you gained weight recently mean I work out every day but if I hear this I work out more - ah should we blow you have a grey hair - a sugar blonde you have a grey hair gray is green sugar is actually white hair it hurts the same yeah I'm getting older nice here gray hair like a like no one would ever time it is so sad put that homilies you're fired without Hawaii you are fired yeah I guess if you don't have another job or other ideas to work on this can be a bummer and then you go back to the sentence and sorry the position has been filled so in the end for this week don't forget to subscribe and tell us in the comments what you wouldn't through you want to hear see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Learn French with FrenchPod101.com
Views: 103,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, french, how to, learn, French culture, French traditions, Frenchpod, Frenchpod101, English, French Language (Interest), learn french, vocabulary, survival phrases, important, Word (Literature Subject), words, top, compilation, ask, teacher, made easy, beginner, french lesson, best of, 2016, write, read, speak, continuous play, long play, auto play, autoplay
Id: Z63-JzmnJvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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