Learn French for Kids - Numbers, Colors & More - Rock 'N Learn

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[Music] rock and learn [Music] hello bonjour [Music] the door [Music] la porte [Music] the chair laches [Music] [Music] the couch the canopy the stairs escalated [Music] go up the stairs [Music] escalate [Music] that couch the canape [Music] the window [Music] the chair laches [Music] the house [Music] the stairs [Music] the table la table [Music] the door la porte the bed [Music] the blanket the pillow [Music] turn on the lamp [Music] alum lalump turn off the lamp [Music] the light switch [Music] turn on the light hello the pillow look at [Music] the lamp lamp [Music] the blanket [Music] the light switch [Music] the bed the closet the drawer [Music] [Applause] the pen [Music] the crayons the crayola the paper the puppy the pencil the crayon the puppy wow the fan le vanciletta turn on the fan alum le vanciletta turn off the fan it tell a fancy letter [Music] wow [Music] the paper the puppy [Music] the drawer la [Music] the pencil le crayon de papier [Music] the fan the letter [Music] the pen [Music] the closet [Music] the crayons le crayon [Music] one uh [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] five suck sank [Music] [Applause] [Music] the colors [Music] le cooler [Music] yellow june blue blue [Music] red rouge yellow [Music] blue blue [Applause] orange [Music] green ver [Music] purple [Music] orange orange [Music] green ver purple [Music] [Applause] the colors le cooler [Music] white black gray green [Music] black noir [Music] white black [Music] gray green [Applause] pink [Music] rose brown [Music] pink rose [Music] brown [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] wow what color are these brown what color are these [Music] what color are these [Music] purple violets [Music] what color are these [Music] gray gree what color are these yellow jeans what color are these [Music] red rouge what color are these black noir what color are these pink rose what color are these white blue what color are these orange what color are these blue blue the colors [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a green shoe [Music] a gray chair and shares a grease a yellow shoe an orange couch a [Music] blue [Music] a [Music] rose [Music] the white drawers let's see [Music] a black shoe noir [Music] rouge [Music] the shoe [Music] the shoes [Music] [Applause] leshosu [Music] the socks [Music] the pants le fontalo the shirt the shimmies the shorts [Music] the hat le chapel [Music] the shirt les the pants the socks le chapo the shorts the dress la robe the skirt [Music] la joop the sandals [Music] the boots [Music] le bot [Music] the coat the motto the umbrella the paraplegic [Music] the sandals the umbrella the skirt le motto the boots the dress la robert [Music] zero zero [Music] [Music] one [Music] two [Music] three four [Music] five suck [Music] six sis [Music] seven [Music] set [Music] eight [Music] feet [Music] nine nerf [Music] ten this [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine this [Music] the toys [Music] let's play [Applause] jewel [Music] the ball [Music] the truck the cameo [Music] [Applause] the car [Music] the train [Music] the truck [Music] the cameo [Music] the ball [Music] la ball [Music] the train [Music] [Music] the toys [Music] le jouer [Music] the car [Music] [Applause] [Music] the puzzle the puzzle [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the books [Music] the blocks le cubed the airplane [Music] love you [Music] whoa huh [Music] the blocks [Music] le cubed [Music] the puzzle [Music] the puzzle [Music] the balloon [Music] [Music] the airplane [Music] love you [Music] the doll [Music] [Music] leave [Applause] [Music] the box [Music] one brown box in what marrow [Music] two orange blocks [Applause] [Music] green books set liver there um three yellow cars john [Music] nine red balloons [Music] five blue puzzles sack puzzle blue [Music] six purple balls sis val violet [Music] eight pink dolls [Music] a [Music] [Music] ten white trucks this cameo [Applause] zero white trucks a grey airplane a yellow shirt in shimmies jean the red shoes the blue pants le pantalon blue a pink dress rolls [Music] the orange socks le chaucette orange a green hat a chapel [Music] a purple coat a motto violet [Music] the brown boots le bot mero [Music] a black umbrella noir [Music] a white skirt [Music] blanche [Music] the yellow shorts le short jean the gray sandals [Music] hmm [Music] ah [Music] the blanket [Music] that's hello lorraine [Music] [Music] the pencil the crayon the puppy [Music] the crayons the paper the puppy [Music] a pink chair rolls [Music] the bed lily a blue door [Music] an orange couch and can be orange [Music] [Music] [Applause] goodbye au revoir [Music]
Channel: Rock 'N Learn
Views: 8,748,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn French for kids, kids songs, French colors, count to 10 in French, ESL, ELL, bilingual kindergarten, bilingual preschool, learn English for French speakers, let's play inside, Apprendre l'anglais pour les enfants, Apprendre l'anglais pour les débutants, learn french for beginners
Id: uyHIcOX4FaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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