Learn French for Kids – Useful Phrases for Beginners

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[Music] rock and learned [Music] good morning [Music] good morning [Music] let's go [Music] let's go [Music] don't run [Music] walk please [Music] thank you merci [Music] be careful [Music] [Music] don't touch [Music] close the door [Music] thank you merci [Music] wash your hands love them [Music] wash your hands [Music] good job [Music] what do you want to drink [Music] no thank you [Music] no mercy i want water please [Music] thank you merci you're welcome what do you want to drink [Music] do you want water [Music] no thank you [Music] no mercy i want orange juice please [Music] je vous de reduction [Music] thank you merci you're welcome [Music] what do you want to drink do you want orange juice [Music] no thank you merci i want milk please [Music] thank you merci welcome i like water gem lou i like orange juice [Music] i like milk [Music] [Music] all gone [Music] do you want more water [Music] yes please we [Music] thank you merci you're welcome [Music] [Music] foreign do you want more orange juice [Music] yes please [Music] thank you merci [Music] you're welcome all gone [Music] do you want more milk [Music] yes please [Music] we seal the bleep [Music] thank you merci you're welcome [Music] can you dance [Music] can you dance to see don't see [Music] good job [Music] mia [Music] fantastic junior [Music] yes you can dance we just don't see [Music] i can dance jesse don't see yes you can [Music] juicy dancing is fun [Music] yes it is we say [Music] i am proud of you [Music] dancing is fun [Music] i agree [Music] just [Music] don't run no [Music] walk please [Music] okay [Music] thank you [Music] merci [Music] where is the bear whoever [Music] that's not the bear so nepalus [Music] that's not the bear [Music] su nepalus [Music] there it is [Music] look at the bear [Music] regardless [Music] the bear sets [Music] lurcheth [Music] where is the cat [Music] willow [Music] that's not the category [Music] that's not the category [Music] there it is [Music] inela [Music] look at the cat [Music] regardless [Music] the cat sits [Music] lucha da si [Music] where is the dolla poop [Music] that's not the doll [Music] so nepala [Music] that's not the doll [Music] nepala poopy [Music] there it is [Music] look at the doll [Music] regardless [Music] the doll sits [Music] is [Music] where are the blocks [Music] usually look [Music] that's not the blocks [Music] so no block [Music] that's not the blocks [Music] so no [Music] there they are [Music] ilsunla [Music] look at the blocks [Music] regardless [Music] where is the dog [Music] that's not the dog [Music] that's not the dog [Music] there it is [Music] look at the dog [Music] [Music] the dog sits [Music] where is the ball [Music] that's not the ball [Music] that's not the ball [Music] there it is [Music] look at the ball [Music] [Music] the ball can roll [Music] where is the bathroom [Music] here is the bathroom [Music] the bathtub [Music] get into the bathtub muts [Music] bubbles [Music] i like bubbles [Music] bubbles are fun [Music] brush your teeth [Music] good job time for bed [Music] sailor daley i see the bed je voila i see the pillow [Music] i see the lamp [Music] where is my toy spider here it is [Music] see my nose [Music] to me [Music] see my eyes [Music] see my ears [Music] to remi [Music] see my hair [Music] turn off the light [Music] it's look the stars regardless look the moon [Music] i see clouds [Music] it is raining [Music] i like rain jam labrie me too mousy rain is good [Music] time to go to sleep [Music] i love you [Music] good night [Music] you
Channel: Rock 'N Learn
Views: 2,279,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn French, Learn French for kids, Learn French for beginners, French for beginners, French for kids, practice beginning French, build French vocabulary, French vocabulary booster, language delay, language delayed learners, ESL, ELL, bilingual kindergarten, bilingual preschool, bilingual babies, Aprender ingles para niños, Aprende ingles para principiantes, kids songs, learn English for French speakers, aprender inglés para hispanohablantes
Id: d7ms1n3sT78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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