Learn *EVERY* Piano Chord Quickly in 2 Steps (FREE PDF!)

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knowing chords on the piano is the key to everything speed related knowing chords helps you read music faster it helps you learn difficult pieces faster and it also helps you memorize way faster are you noticing a theme here in today's tutorial I'm going to show you two things that you can do to learn every piano chord quickly make sure you stay tuned to the end of the video because it's going to be way easier for you to memorize all of the chords if you follow everything I tell you in today's tutorial so the first thing that you're going to do if you want to memorize every piano chord quickly is use Easy formulas to build each chord now I love using formulas to build chords because it works for anyone regardless of your level regardless of how much music theory knowledge you have these formulas can work in two different ways first of all you could look at like a lead sheet or something like that and you can see a chord symbol and using a formula you could build any of the chords that you're going to encounter when you see a chord symbol the formula can help you figure out how to build any chord you can figure out the exact notes that you need to play the symbol that you're seeing but it can also work in the opposite way where let's say you're encountering a piece of music and you have some notes and you're trying to figure out if those notes in the piece of music make a chord you could also Clump the notes together and use this formula to see which kind of cord it is in today's tutorial I'm going to give you the formulas to build major minor augmented diminished and seventh chords so by the time you're finished watching this video you're going to know how to build all of those kinds of cords very quickly and very easily now these formulas that I'm going to share with you this is one way that you can build chords but as I said I like this way because it's fast and anyone can do it but one thing that's important to note is that cords Exist by themselves out here on their own and this formula is going to help you figure out how to spell any chord but it's not connecting the knowledge of chords to other music theory Concepts and the other important thing to know is that chords also exist in relation to a key signature and in relation to each other and in order to understand chords on that level you need to study music theory a little bit so we're going to stay over here in this fast and easy way to build every single chord but I just like to point that out that if you're getting confused because you're seeing information about chords being presented in a different way that's because there are several different ways to think about chords we're going to focus on The Fast and Easy Way in order to use the formula you're going to need to know what a half step is so a half step is from one key to the very next key on the piano with no keys in between so this is a half step this is also a half step sometimes half steps are from Black Keys to white keys sometimes they are from white keys to Black Keys but also in the case of B to C or E to F they are white keys to white keys so in order to build a major chord we are going to pick a starting note and the formula for a major chord is very easy because we're going to go up four half steps and three more half steps now you can do this anywhere on the piano you pick your starting note and you count up 1 2 3 four half steps and then 1 2 3 half steps this is going to get you a root position major chord anywhere on the piano for a minor chord you're going to pick your starting note let's pick a different starting note we're going to start on B and we're going to do exactly the opposite we're going to go up 1 2 three half steps 1 2 3 four half steps that's a minor chord so your starting note three half steps four half steps any minor chord now a diminished chord we're going to pick our starting note let's pick a different one just for fun and we're going to do three half steps 1 2 3 plus three half steps 1 2 3 that's a diminished chord now a diminished chord is kind of like an extra minor chord because it's made up of the starting note plus three half steps plus three half steps an augmented chord is exactly the opposite of a diminished chord it's almost like a a doubly major chord so we're going to pick our starting note and we're going to go up 1 2 3 4 half steps plus 1 2 3 4 half steps that's going to get you any augmented chord now the cool thing about chords is that they are very unique in that let's say I build a C major chord c e and G if I see c e and G come up in a piece of music it's always a C major chord as long as it's c e and G it doesn't matter if the notes are out of order it doesn't matter if it's e g and C or g c and e it doesn't matter what order the notes are in it doesn't matter if let's say I have two G's and one C and one e or two C's and one G and one e all of those are iterations of the same chord A major chord so you can see how you can use these formulas to not only build the chords but also to work backwards where in a piece of music if you see a c and e you can put that into the position of a root position chord and say okay here's my starting Note 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 I went up four half steps and three half steps and that makes it a major chord so you can use it backwards to figure out what chord you're dealing with in a piece of music if it's not labeled okay let's go on to step chords so for a dominant seventh chord the way that we're going to think about it is we are going to start with a major chord okay a dominant seventh chord starts with a major chord so I built a G major chord and then I am going to add three half steps to the top 1 2 3 that is a dominant seventh chord A major chord plus three half steps added on to the top for a minor 7th chord I'm going to start with a minor chord and I'm going to add 1 2 3 three half steps to the top for a major 7eventh chord I'm going to start with a major chord again just like our dominant 7th but I'm going to add 1 2 3 four half steps to the [Music] top for a fully diminished seventh chord I'm going to start with a diminished chord and I'm going to add 1 2 3 three half steps to the top for a half diminished chord I'm going to start with a diminished chord plus 1 2 3 4 half steps that gives me a half diminished chord once you get comfortable using the formulas to figure out any chord the second thing that you can do to memorize all of the piano chords quickly is to memorize for retention I don't want you to keep using that formula forever because as long as you're using the formula you're going to have to take those extra steps every time you see a chord to figure out what the chord is and this is great in the beginning when you're just starting to familiarize yourself with chords and when you want to be able to unlock any piano chord but eventually you're going to want to move Beyond using the formula every single time chords are patterns and they're one of the biggest building blocks of the musical language I kind of like to compare it to when you're learning how to read in the English language you have your letters that's kind of like your note names and then you have your intervals and that's kind of like your really simple words like and or the and then when we Branch out into chords we're getting into words that are a little bit more complex but that we should still be able to recognize by sight so words like he or she and you'll want to study and memorize the chords until you get it to the point that you can memorize them on site now often times when I tell this to people they get really overwhelmed and they think that it's going to take a really long time or that it's going to be very very C complicated but it's not as you're working through these formulas I want you to pick one chord at a time and memorize that chord think about it even if you were to pick one chord a week after an entire year you would memorize 52 chords and when you start to memorize chords they jump out at you on the page in your pieces of music and so all of a sudden instead of thinking about individual notes when you're reading music you just start to see chord patterns and it becomes a lot easier to read music with speed to learn how to play difficult pieces with speed and also to memorize with speed so when you start to focus on memorizing a chord like I said you're going to pick one and I want you to work on memorizing not only the information in your brain but also how the chord feels and sounds on the piano so let's take for example an a major chord an a major chord is a c sh and E and so you can repeat that back to yourself over and over and over again until you remember a major a c sh e a major a c Shar e you can go look through a bunch of music books and look for all of the a major chords see if you can find all of the a major chords in a piece or in a book but then also look at the piano and start to actually play that chord on the piano you can memorize how it feels to play it in both hands a CP and E play them together play the notes separately mix up the notes you know let's find all the A's with some Cs and some e in the beginning some e in the middle [Music] it doesn't really matter how you play them the point is that you are reinforcing how an a major chord sounds how it feels when you play it and also what the notes are a little disclaimer here if you try to memorize all of the chords at once you will likely set yourself up to fail because it's going to be way too much to Remember at the same time but if you focus on one a time either one per day or one per week or a couple per week you will have success and your journey to being able to play fluidly and musically is going to be shortened you're essentially becoming way more fluent in the language of music when you start to commit these chords to memory but if you want to know more about patterns in music and how understanding and deciphering these patterns can help you learn better learn faster site read with a lot more freedom and speed and accuracy check out the link in the description I recently taught a free class on this very topic and in this free class I go even deeper into patterns in music and how they can help you specifically with site reading you can grab that free class in the description below now once you get started memorizing those chords if you want some practice techniques to help you play chords way cleaner and with way more clarity check out this video that I did that teaches you exactly how to practice chords so that they sound musical you can grab the link right here sh [Music]
Channel: Ashlee Young Piano Studio
Views: 12,699
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Keywords: Learn Every Piano Chord Quickly in 2 Steps, learn every piano chord quickly in 2 steps, Learn every piano chord quickly in 2 steps, Learn Every Piano Chord Quickly in 2 steps, Learn Every Piano Chord Quickly in two steps, learn every piano chord quickly in two steps, Learn Every Piano Chord Quickly in Two Steps, Learn every piano chord quickly in Two Steps, Learn Every Piano Chord Quickly in Two Steps., LEARN EVERY PIANO CHORD QUICKLY IN 2 STEPS, learn EVERY PIANO CHORD, Piano Chord
Id: WcUflyhiFeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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