How to memorize every augmented and diminished chord (like a PRO)

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hey panel people in today's tutorial I'm going to show you how to memorize every augmented and diminished chord forever there are 24 of these chords which sounds like a lot but stay tuned because in just two simple steps you will learn how to memorize them forever welcome to Ashley on music studio I'm Ashley you are about to learn how to practice smarter not harder let's Dive In Step One is to memorize how to make augmented and diminished chords okay okay so we're going to split the major chords into four groups of three chords each and as we do that I'm going to show you how to take these major chords and make them augmented chords and make them diminished chords and drawing this information back to the major chords is really going to help you solidify it in your memory and remember it forever so the first group is all white keys so we have C major chord F major chord and G major chord now these chords are all white keys there's no Black Keys in them and that is why they are grouped together so C major has no Black Keys F major has no Black Keys G major has no Black Keys now I want you to try to remember these three major chords as a part of one group and once you start to remember them as a part of one group we can talk about how to make them augmented and diminished now this part is super simple all you have to do to make a major chord augmented is raise the fifth or that top note a half step now a half step is the distance from one key to the next key with nothing in between so for C major this G becomes a G sharp so this is a c augmented chord c e g sharp the same thing is true for the F major chord so I have my F major chord I take the fifth or that top note and I raise it a half step so it becomes f a c sharp and that is an F augmented chord and then for the G major chord I take that fifth or the top note and raise it a half step so it's G B D sharp that is an augmented chord so now I can practice these three chords C augmented F augmented G augmented together sounds a little bit funky and I can commit those to memory as well now to make these chords diminished it's the opposite of how we made them augmented so we're going to take our major chord come back to that base format again we're going to lower the middle note a half step now if you've watched my other video about how to memorize major and minor chords then you recognize that this is a minor chord right so we lower that middle note a half step then we lower the fifth a half step as well that is a c diminished chord so the major chord was here we have the third is lower to an E flat the fifth is lower to a g flat that is C diminished the same is true for the next chord we lower the middle note we know where the top note half step that is f diminished same is true for G major we lower the middle note we lower the top note that is g diminished so now I can practiced all of those diminished chords to get together as one group so C diminished F diminished G diminished we're going to go through the other three groups but make sure you stick around for step two because I'm going to show you more ways that you can really solidify those and get those chords into your memory group two is going to include chords that follow the pattern of a white key a black key a white key so we have D major you can see white key black key white key we have e major white key black key white key then we have a major white key black key white key so D major E major a major now we are going to do the same exact thing to make these chords augmented so take them in their major form and raise the fifth a half step so the A on the D major chord becomes an a sharp the B on the E major chord becomes a B sharp and on the a major chord the E becomes an e sharp so I can play all three of those together now so I have a d augmented chord an e augmented chord and an a augmented chord now let's make them diminished so we lower that middle note a half step and then lower the fifth a half step there's D diminished for E we lower the middle note lower the top note a half step e diminished here's a we lower the middle note a half step lower the fifth a half step so here's D diminished e diminished a diminished now notice as I'm following that pattern of lowering to make diminished and raising to make augmented they're still grouped together right these chords still feel the same so when they're major they're white black white when they're augmented they're white black black and when they're diminish they're white white black so they still feel the same when I change them into augmented or diminished chords group three is going to follow a pattern of a black key a white key a black key and these ones are going to be d flat major E flat major and a flat major now let's make them augmented so we're taking that top note and we're raising in a half step so d flat F A flat becomes d flat F a natural E flat major becomes E flat G B flat becomes E flat g b natural a flat major a flat c e flat becomes a flat c e natural those are all of the augmented chords notice that the augmented ones for this group are black key white key white key now let's make them diminished so d flat major becomes d flat F flat a double flat now that sounds complicated but remember all I'm doing is I'm lowering that middle note a half step I'm lowering that top note a half step so here is d flat diminished for E flat major I'm lowering the middle note a half step the top note a half step E flat diminished and for A flat major lowering the middle note a half step step lowering the top note a half step we have one more group the fourth group is the random shape group or the leftover chords we have g flat major or this is also in harmonically called F major we have B flat major and we have B major okay so g flat major or F major has all Black Keys B flat major is a black key a white key a white key and B major is exactly the opposite a white key a black key a black key so these are the leftover ones the random shapes and they go together now let's make them augmented so G flat major we have G flat B flat d flat is going to become g flat B flat D natural so we raise that fifth a half step that's augmented B flat major we raise the fifth a half step augmented B major we raise the fifth a half step augmented now let's make them diminished g flat major we lower the middle note a half step lower the top note a half step there's g flat diminished B flat diminished we lower the middle note a half step lower the top note of half step B major lower the middle note of half step lower the top note of half step so now you have all of the major augmented and diminished chords in four different groups and this sets you up perfectly for step two which is to practice memorizing them if you like this video give it a thumbs up copy the link and share it with a friends so that they can memorize all of their augmented and diminished chords and make sure that you subscribe to the channel because I release helpful videos every single week back to step two step two is to get these augmented and diminished chords into the deeper layers of your memory so that you truly can remember them forever so in order to really get these chords into your memory you're going to focus on one group of chords for an entire practice session now you might even do this for a few practice sessions over the course of a few days or even a few weeks because the more you can get the note names the feel the sound into your memory the better chance you have of truly remembering these chords Forever so let's demonstrate with group one for starters so I'm going to play C augmented F augmented and G augmented now I'm going to play each chord focusing on how it feels focusing on how it sounds and then I'm going to jump around and arpeggiate these chords say the notes out loud play them in all of the different registers of the piano to do whatever it takes to wrap my brain around these chords completely so C augmented c e g sharp and I might do that in other areas of the piano C augmented c e g Shar C augmented c e g Shar I might do it with my other hand C augmented c e g Shar C augmented c e g Shar I might do it in both hands C augmented c e g sharp and now I might just jump around finding all of the those C augmented chords to really get them into my fingers to get my ear familiar with the sound and to help me remember c e g sharp is always going to be a c augmented chord let's try F augmented F augmented is f a csharp so I can do the same thing do it with both hands do it with one hand do it with the other hand Jump Around say the note names out loud f a c f a c a f a c a f and now I might take those two chords and Alternate between the two so here C augmented F augmented C augmented F augmented C augmented F augmented c f c f c f c f and I will add my last chord of the group The Third chord which is G augmented GB D sh GB D jump around this helps your eyes really get to know the geography of the keyboard as well as your muscle memory and now I have all three chords C augmented F augmented G augmented now I might do them in a different order G augmented F augmented C augmented G augmented C augmented F augmented G augmented C augmented and you can see as I'm doing this I'm just trying to get my brain to really get to know them in every way possible now you can go a lot slower than this and you're going to spend a lot more time on this in your practice so you might be doing C augmented for an entire practice session or you might be playing these jumps significantly slower and that's okay the speed doesn't matter what matters is that you give yourself the time and the space to truly commit them to Memory before you add another cord or before you go on and add another group and once you do feel comfortable with an entire group then you can move on to the next group so take these steps and go forward to memorize your augmented and diminished chords I will put the link on the end screen another video that you can watch to memorize all of your seventh chords you can grab the link to that next video right here on the end screen happy practicing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ashlee Young Piano Studio
Views: 919
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Keywords: How to Memorize Every Augmented and Diminished Chord, how to memorize every augmented and diminished chord, How to memorize every augmented and diminished chord, How to Memorize every augmented and diminished chord, HOW TO MEMORIZE EVERY AUGMENTED AND DIMINISHED CHORD, How to Memorize Every Augmented And Diminished Chord, how to memorize every augmented and diminished Chord, How to memorize Every Augmented and Diminished Chord, How To Memorize Every Augmented and Diminished Chord
Id: rbiQqeOcCFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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