LEARN DAVINCI RESOLVE TITLES IN 1 HOUR - Complete Guide for Beginners

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hello everybody Chris here and in this video I wanted to give you guys a complete guide to making titles inside of DaVinci Resolve 16 so first we're going to talk about some of the default titles that you'll see over in the effects library and go through some of the settings you can customize by default without putting too much extra effort in and then we're going to jump over to the fusion tab which allows you to create your own 3d titles and many other special effects by using nodes linked together in order to generate the title that you may have and bind by using a combination of 3d text shapes lighting and so on so as you probably saw you can access the titles that are built in to resolve 16 in the top left hand corner the effects library is up there it'll pop open this menu where under the toolbox you go into titles and then you're going to see three sections that at the top you have titles which are more for the classic default titles below that you'll have fusion titles and then at the bottom you have subtitles for when you want to add in text that refers to whatever's being spoken in the video at that time now all of the titles except for subtitles actually go on to their own video track so you would have a title hovering over the video and you would combine the two layers for your final video output so you would usually have your base video whatever you recorded outside as your video track 1 and then above that you put the titles because the titles will be partially transparent so they let anything below it on the lower layers show through you don't want to do it the other way around because if you have a standard video that actually covers everything and there's no transparency so you wouldn't be able to see the title so for that reason titles almost always go on video track 2 or above and then subtitles are their own special case they actually go on a completely separate subtitle track which once you export the video would be able to be toggled on or off just like if you watch a video on YouTube you can actually turn on closed captions that would actually be where the subtitles end up you would upload it as a SRT subtitle file for the regular titles there's really only two categories here there are the 2d titles which you will see indicated by the letter T with the underscore under it and then you have the fusion titles so when it's a fusion it's actually a 3d effect generated by a combination of nodes over in the fusion tab so anytime you see a title and resolve that has the lightning bolt symbol for fusion then you know that that's a 3d effect that can be edited and manipulated in 3d space however there's a downside to using fusion titles which is that as 3d effects they take more computer resources in order to generate so on weaker machines you may actually want to just stick to a standard text title especially if there's no need for it to be 3d because it doesn't need to rotate or anything in 3d space then you can just use a standard text title which will be easier for your computer to render and export but if you need to be fancier then that's where a fusion titles or custom fusion titles come into play so let's start with the basic non 3d titles then move into the pre-made fusion titles and after that we'll work on generating one or two fusion titles from scratch and maybe at the end we'll add in subtitles just to make this more complete so let's drag the text title into the timeline so this is as basic as you can get you can see that when we drop it into video track 2 and our timeline cursor is hovered somewhere with that title exists it just sits in the middle of the screen using whatever font we set we can click on the title if we want to edit anything in the inspector so open the inspector window if you don't have that open right there and you can see that the settings for these titles is quite simple you have the basic rich text settings at the top drop shadow as an option stroke which is where you put a color as a border around the outside and then background if you want there to be a square box or a box with some curves hovering in the background behind the title and that's really all the settings for basic titles so with any title you'll see a editable text box where you can put in what the title should be so we can take this default title and delete everything inside of it and we name it something like our trip to the big city now you don't have to fit everything on one line if you want to manually put in a new line just find the breakpoint where you want to set such as on the after the Third Ward there and then hit enter and as you add a new line here the text on the screen will reflect also note that any spaces you add will also be flat that there as well so you can delete a space and then everything will be be centered by default so you can delete the space and that will affect the alignment of your title now you can see here that the alignment is by default left aligned so that means that everything aligns on the left anchor which you can imagine as like a vertical line that goes from top to bottom and everything will start at that vertical line and then go to the right if you change the alignment to middle alignment that's going to mean that it equally distributes the text to the left and to the right of Assad invisible line right alignment as you can imagine is going to have of the text aligned to the right side making sure that it lines up on that point not caring about the left just like with any standard word processing application like Microsoft Word or Libre or Libre Office you have access to change the text in much of the same way so font family if you want to select a custom font what you very commonly will you bring up the list and you grab any font you have installed on your computer so for instance I'm a big fan of the baby snowy font it's very good for titles because it's big and blocky and clear easy to read so I can change it to that you can increase or decrease the font size until it's as big as you need it to be font face if you want to make it normal or italic or bold italic down here towards the bottom you can see position X Y and zoom X Y so with zoom you can kind of increase or decrease the size of your title but one of the big differences is that you can see that it is key frame ago over here on the right so what I would recommend you do of with the basic title is that you set the size of the title to be where you want to add its full size and then you can use the zoom with key framing in order to increase or decrease the size at the intro or ending of your title sequence so even though it's a basic 2d title you can still animate it a little bit so for instance if I go somewhere into the title where I want the zoom in to be complete I can click on the keyframing diamond so that at that point in time it will be at its 1.0 zoom but then I can go to a lower point such as at the first frame of that title and the timeline and then change the zoom to a much lower number it can only go down to 0.25 at most between those two points that will now animate so doing that will create a simple zoom in a fact that doesn't take any time at all really for DaVinci yourself to go ahead and meander in the same way you can adjust the position so if I take the key framing of the zoom and hit right to go to the ending keyframe of that intro animation so now we're on the right frame in the timeline I can also keyframe the position so that that's that where it should be in the center of the screen by default and then I can go to the first frame again and I could say move it off-screen somewhere to the left and then down as well I'll move it on a little bit there so I can see when I'm positioning the Y and let's just move this a little bit more to the left and now what will happen is that it will zoom in and the position will change until it's in the center of the screen so let's play it back there not the most flashy effect but something that's really easy to work with and render is pretty much instantly so with drop shadow you can see that it is enabled by default but you cannot see it because the offset is set right on top of the text so in order for your drop shadow to show up you have to give it some offset so I could push it like 10 pixels to the right and then you have a right-leaning drop shadow you can give it a negative Y value which will aim it down as well so then you have JEP shadow that goes to the right and down which is probably the most common direction you'd go for drop shadow you can reverse that if you want to if it makes more sense these values can also be animated over time so if we go back to the ending keyframe there for the zoom in the position animation I can keeping the offset of the drop shadow there go to the first frame and then maybe there I can set the drop shadow to 0-0 and see how that looks so now that drop shadow value will be animating over time so as it gets bigger into the screen the drop shadow becomes more apparent going to the left we could also push it way to the left as it's coming in so a negative 36 pixel a drop shadow could look something a little weird like that well set it back to 0 for now the idea is that anything with a key framing diamond you can animate over time which allows you to create a lot of interesting effects without even relying on 3d fusion notes so a stroke is kind of the same way even though it's enabled by default it has no size so you can't see it so if you start to add sighs that actually allows you to see the stroke because now has a four pixel stroke around the border of every single letter there you can also change the color if you want so we could change that to something like red if we wanted though I would say black is usually going to look a little bit better so likewise with the background it has a default height of zero which means it's not going to show up at all so if you want any kind of background you're gonna need to increase the height so we can expand that to appear there just like with anything else that can be keyframed we can set a keyframe for the height there go back to the first frame and maybe initially as a height of zero but it increases to that zero point seven one three height over the couple seconds that the title is fading in so now it could look like this which looks a bit weird so what I'd probably do is remove the keyframe at the start and instead I will animate it more or less when it has already came ends so sort of a Lu keyframe here for the height just a couple frames before it's actually came in so now it'll look more like this where the background very quickly fades in but that looks a little too quick for me so I'll actually have it finish a few frames after the title makes it to the center of the screen so I'll set that keyframe there I'll hit back to go to the original finished keyframe and I'll click on the keyframe there to remove it and now there's only two keyframes spread to go beat by the way if you ever want to see these keyframes on a timeline then with your clip or your title you can click on the little keyframe button in the bottom right in the timeline and you can actually see where those keyframes are positioned relative to their time so that's very useful especially if you keep frame a lot of different properties for animations so let's play it back one more time here so it reaches the center and then the background fades then maybe we lower the opacity on the background a little bit so it's less intrusive you can also see that you can outline the background as well with this outline width setting and give a color to both background or the outline width if you desire and over on the video tab of a standard text title you have access to the same properties that you can animate for any normal video clip in DaVinci Resolve so if you wanted to do something like lower the opacity of the entire title or set a color composite mode then those kind of settings are available to you but usually I find that for things like zoom in position it gets less messy if you actually edit those properties on the text title rather than relying on the video properties for them but for other properties like doing a 2d rotation without a 3d fusion title you wouldn't need to come over here for the video setting and set some key framing for rotation there okay so I'm gonna move that out of the way for right now and let's quickly just go through these default titles and then start talking about fusion titles so a scroll title will automatically animate over time showing all of the lines that you put in the text box I believe that the speed automatically adjusts so that it can show all of the texts titles on screen in the time for the entire scroll animation so if I go here and add in some lines clearly it would take a few seconds to go through all of that so now if we go back to the first frame of that section and hit space you can see that it speeds up a little bit to make sure that it can show everything in the time allotted so that would be useful if you were doing a very simple end credits sequence for your video not too much else to say about that you can also see that there is a lower third in lower third and our lower third titles when you put these onto the track they're basically the same thing you can see that they have two sections for them a top title and a bottom title which you can customize individually for things like the size of those elements and then the left lower third and the right lower third are exactly the same just that well obviously the left lower third is going to be on the left and the right lower third is going to be on the right so next let's take a different video clip and start talking about the default fusion titles that exist and resolve 16 so the basic one is text Plus this is a fusion title that actually has nothing on it so we dragged it into the timeline you can see that it just has a basic title showing on screen the advantage over using this to a regular text title is that there are a bunch of extra tabs here that have settings that you can use to manipulate this title so as a fusion title some things are going to work a little differently for instance if you want to add drop shadow to this title or you want to stroke the outline you actually need to go over to the fourth tab in the fusion template here where it says shading so in straighting they have some default elements which you can enable such as element 3 for doing a black shadow or a drop shadow so if we enable that you'll see that we get a bunch more settings for the drop shadow and I would also add that it has considerably more customizability than the old basic titles but just at a basic level we could go down to the bottom where we have softness if we want to remove some of the blurriness here and we can lower the XY softness if we want and when we do that you'll see that the shadow becomes more recognizable as the same shape as the letters of the base title you can also do things like rotate the shadow letters as well and now note that because we're working in a 3d title that we have the x axis the y axis and the z axis so we're able to manipulate things in 3d space the final output image is 2d but trust me it is a 3d title and you'll see that more when we're actually working on the fusion tab so if you want to add a little bit of rotation to the drop shadow you could increase the rotation there on any access you want so you can see that as we increase the Y rotation away from zero degrees the drop shadow text stops facing the camera as much and if we add it at 90 degrees we basically wouldn't be able to see it at all because it would be perpendicular to the camera we can also do X rotation if we want to flip it across like this horizontal line that you can imagine there making it flip upside down if we so desire and then Z rotation if we want to rotate it in a way where it's still facing the camera but can be flipped upside down as well and you can combine those rotations you can also animate them with keyframe properties if you want to get a little bit complicated there and so you can get quite fun with that so another default shading element you may want to use and manipulate a little bit could be a vet outline so if you go to shading element 2 there and you check it to enable it note that you can have multiple shading elements at the same time you can see that outlines the text in red we can come down select a color for that if we wanted it to be a black outline like before and then we can manipulate the other settings as desired you can also go to 5 and Beyond where they have blank elements enable them and then customize them to your likings so you could have something like a shading element of a border fill which would be a box in the background that kind of that goes along with the title round corners of that and you can see that it's creating the box for each character so you could change the level to do line or text instead which would mean one box for the entire text block or one line for one box for each line or one box for each word or character whatever whatever level you want to set that up for select a color select a color like before and then alpha and opacity are basically the same thing so you could lower the opacity down if you want that box to only partially hide the background so likewise with these settings you can also manipulate the base title as well of course so if you go over to the 3rd tab here transform you can manipulate the characters transform the wards transform and the lines transform individually so if you want to have a spin effect where you rotate the characters individually then you would set this to characters you would go down to rotation and you would start adjusting the rotation which you can keyframe of course if you want to animate it over time however you can also do an entire word by changing it to transform words and then when you rotate that you can see that it's doing it on a word by word basis and to prove that let's actually add in a couple words here so let's call this city tour here go back to the transform forwards and rotate it and you see that it's rotating as a ward by Ward basis there and if we change the transform that we reading two lines then it's going to rotate each line individually and you can't have multiple lines as well so if i duplicate city tour and i put it there and we add it in something like sumsy rotation you can see that each line is rotating around its own anchor point so let's add some rotation in for the line I think I'll rotate it on the z-axis so can look a little bit cool so let's keep the rotation with some rotation on the z-axis here so that it slanted a little bit I think that could be fun so to the left of the transform tab you have the Layout tab so here you can organize how you want the text of your title to be organized so by default all of the text is positioning itself anchored to a certain point on your screen so this would by default be right in the middle and you can adjust where that point is by changing its position and you can change where that center point should be wherever thing else rotates and reference to by adjusting the center values so I could make that go up into the left by changing the center X&Y positions you can also of course since it's 3d you can also push the center Z value back so that it's further away from the camera or decrease it to make it closer to the camera but usually you can set that as its default values now this would be for a point layout which means that everything is positioned referenced to a single point in addition to point layout you also have frame layout which instead of having a single point in your title where everything's anchored around you would actually have a frame box which the title will kind of try to fit inside and we can see this much easier if we go over to the fusion tab because here will actually draw onto the screen for us and when we're working in the fusion tab we'll often get these gizmos that we can actually manipulate the settings such as increasing the height by dragging on the top border or changing the position of our anchoring frame now you'll notice that as I change the position that the title doesn't perfectly follow the frame or the point if we did this with point mode and that's because there's a setting down here called perspective so you can kind of think of it as the frame or the point is like a camera looking at the title and based on how the frame is positioned relative to the title it'll manipulate the appearance of the title on the background a little bit now if you want the title to follow the frame of the point perfectly rather than having that perspective applied to it then you can take the perspective value and you can drop it down to zero and now you can see that it will just follow the frame around perfectly rather than having any perspective applied to it so the main purpose of these settings here controlling the height and width and center position of the frame or likewise the similar settings for the point is controlling the anchoring of your text so if I was to go over to the text tab you can see that there is vertical anchoring and horizontal anchoring so those anchor positions are going to be based relative to the boundaries of your box or the position of your point if you're in point mode so if I incur left it's going to take the title and anchor it to the left now because this perspective added to our text currently it's not going to actually appear right on the laughs that's part of the perspective effects so if we actually wanted it to be right on the left we could disable the perspective drop that down to zero and now you can see that it's right over there on the left we could also likewise right anchor it but as we adjust the width and height of the box you can see how that will dramatically change where the title goes so likewise with the vertical anchoring we can position it at the bottom position the text at the top or a have it centered always then in point mode it's kind of the same thing except that everything is referencing this single point so if we want the title to be on top of this point always then we could go to the text mode and position it on top with the bottom vertical anchor which means that the title is going to be anchored above the bottom there but keep in mind that with the rotation we added and earlier that due to the rotation parts of it may actually appear below that anchor but the base anchor point is still set to be at the bottom of the title okay now the other two layout modes are considerably different so in circle layout you actually have the text going around the center point in a circle fashion so you can see that the text now is curving around this center point we could lower the size down dramatically if we want to bring it in closer you can imagine that there's like an invisible circle here and that all the text is writing on the outside of that now you can see that if you add too much text for the circle that it will actually spiral in order to fit all the text under the screen so we could increase the width of the circle in order to make it look more like a circle again there's also these other ways of making everything fit on the screen such as just horizontal size to fit or just size to fit which will look a little different but may give you the results that you're looking for I'll just leave it as adjust spacing to fit for right now so I got rid of some of the extra texts and I think for this to look right you're actually going to want to change the vertical and go back to Center there so I'm gonna keep that Center for vertical anchor and horizontal anchor there and you can play around with this a lot more if you do want to do that kind of circle text effect but I'm going to move on for now two paths so with path you're actually having the text right on top a path and you do want to be in fusion mode in order to edit this you can see that you're given a cursor in order to create Bezier curve paths for your text to appear on so I can left-click here and you see that apparently there was only one point so it creates another point down here and the direction of the text is going to follow that so I'm going to take this point and make it appear to the right so that the text is actually upright with any of these points that you create along a path you'll be given these Bezier curve handles so if you want it to have a curve rather than be a straight line you can drag these up and manipulate how your text is going to appear on the screen you give it a bunch of tools up at the top so if you want to add in extra points you can do click append so by doing that we create another point there which we can manipulate change the position of adjust the Bezier curve handle if we want it to curve when whenever you have two points to the sides of a point that middle point is going to have two curves now so you can manipulate the curves on either side of a line and you can use tools like this smooth button up here if your curves ever look really wonky there you can have it smooth out by clicking on the smooth button which will kind of automatically make your curves a little bit nicer then you can continue adjusting them you kind of get the idea your text is going to follow the path one important setting for this is going to be position on path so you can see that right now it's kind of centered there because the position on path is set to zero point five but if you wanted to start at the start of your path then take the position on path and shift that over to the left so that could be something like zero as your value now note that it's not actually starting at the point but that it's now centered at that first point if we want it to start at the point then we would want to go up to the title and take the anchor for a horizontal anchor and left align that so now it's going to start at that left point vertically it's still centered though so we could make that vertical align bottom and then by doing that it's going to make the vertical anchor at the bottom point there now note that it's not following the path perfectly still because we do have that wrote in from before over on the transform tab so if we're you go take that rotation and we set it to zero it'll actually follow the path now so that's probably what you're going to be looking for if you're using the path layout main thing to note here is that if you animate too many settings that make it kind of hard to keep track of how everything is affecting everything else so generally start with your big changes first and then make your micro changes like adding a slight rotation to things later on so that you don't lose track of everything you're doing with your effect so I think is it's still a little small here I'm I increase the size of this path I might also change the vertical positioning here so I'll do it using the handles here it's kind of a more visual way to see it rather than just changing numbers in the inspector and we could kind of leave it there maybe we add a little bit more text to the title so that we can see that curve and its effect and if we go over to the Edit tab we'd be able to see how that title appears on the screen with that path tool effect so that covers most of the differences between what you can do with the text plus element and the classic texts titles now these text boss tools are also going to assist on any of the fusion titles that you see default in DaVinci Resolve what the pre-made fusion titles do is combine these text plus settings with other 3d nodes such as adding shapes to the background shadows lighting pre generated animations such as rotations around the screen or fade in and they already have a default set up for use so that you can basically just change the title of your text maybe the font and the size of the elements and just go with that without actually having to put too much more effort and so if you're looking for a quick solution then using one of the titles from fusion titles is going to be really handy of course you can also take any of these fusion titles use it as a base go over to the fusion tab and then edit it some more so let's show some of the fusion title default examples and then we'll actually create one from scratch so let's take the default fusion titles demonstrate a few and then maybe I can show you guys how you can add in an extra note to one of them for a little bit of customization and then later we'll create one or two titles from scratch so I'm just going to take this text post title and move that over to the side once again and take one of the fusion titles and drag it onto the screen by default I would recommend that you just kind of try all of these out and see which ones you like the most so you should just drag some of these onto the timeline and see how it might look for your video so you can see with this title we have a background a bunch of text elements and when we have these 3d titles put into the timeline we actually get different controls for each of the elements that belong to that title so now everything is going to be a text plus element in the setup for the fusion notes but if you want to see exactly what's going on behind the scenes to just take your title and go over to the fusion tab and everything will generally be grouped together in a node group for the 3d title so you can double click that you can see everything that goes into it and that it can get quite complicated so that's kind of why I would recommend that as someone new to DaVinci Resolve you probably say a little bit away from customizing your own 3d titles by know that's what you guys want to learn in the video so we're going to try to be covering that so for this particular title which everything is inside of the group you can see that there's five 3d text elements which have the same settings that we were just talking about and those standard text pluses that you can drop onto the timeline so an immense amount of stuff to customize those all merge together with this merge 3d element and that's just to group things together so that if you need to apply something to everything in a group then you merge it first we have a spotlight to add some lighting to the title and elements in their 3d camera which provides us the viewing angle of the titles animation also a second light in the form of a point light a 3d vender er to take all these 3d elements and actually make them into a 2d image and then after all of those titles are rendered you have a combination of color gradient a background and a fast noise and I believe those three are for generating this kind of cloudy effect you have in the background which is animated a bit over time so a pretty complicated effect but you could come in here and edit any of the settings you want you could also remove the parts you don't like go any way any time you want to see one of those default titles and you want to kind of get an idea of what's going on behind the scene manipulate it you can come into the group remove the elements you don't like and add in extra nodes if you want to add something new to the effect usually you don't need to worry about all of these nodes in the background when you're using a default effect because on the Edit tab you can see that most of the controls that the effect creator decided should be editable have already been exposed here so if you wanted to put something into the first text such as a title you can expand the first text in the inspector and edit that change the color change the size the font the text in the title whatever you need to you can see that they've also exposed light controls so if you need to change the light color or to raise or lower the intensity or basically how powerful the lighting effect is you can do that here background atmospheric controls if you wanted to say take the clouds in the background and make them a little bit more visible less blurry you can increase the noise detail there and you can kind of see it adds a little bit of clarity you can kind of see where the noise is taking effect there or you could lower the noise detail and it becomes much blurrier also at the bottom you can see that there's a toggle here for motion blur so if you play back your title without motion blur you can see that while it's moving it's always very clear but if you toggle on motion blur then as a object in this case the 3d text moves across the screen it's going to blur itself out a little bit making it blurrier by intent so you have access to all of these controls for each of these fusion titles that the Vinci resolve provides out of the box so honestly you can get a lot done really easily and really fast if you just stick to the default fusion titles let's go through a few other examples here before we actually talk about customizing our own ok so let's go ahead and add another default fusion title onto the timeline so here we have a much simpler one title horizontal line reveal obviously the titles are going to try to flecked what actually the effect does in this case you have a line across the middle of the screen and then the titles appear above in below so you can see there's an upper text control and a lower text control because as you can see here the background is very bright and that makes it hard to read the text we can actually add in a generated color of black in between the title layer and the main video layer in order to make the title a little bit more visible of course you could also add it in as a fusion node so we'll actually do it both ways because it's so if you want to generate a color outside of fusion nodes then we can take the title move it to video track 3 go into the effects library of generators solid color drop it down here and that's going to by default make a black box that fits the entire screen now by doing that it's going to completely block the lower layers the main video so we want to reduce the opacity of the solid color layer so the opacity setting here and the inspector can be dropped down as low as you want it so if you set it to 50% opacity that means 50% transparency and what this will do when you have a partially transparent black box is just darken the lower layers which makes it much easier to see your title and with this solid generated black box you can quickly animate it with a fade in and fade out by clicking on these little own notches in the top right in top left hand corner which exists for all video clips in DaVinci Resolve so I'll drag this over to the left here to create a fade out and I'll drag it in on the left to create a fade in and now if we play this back from frame 0 you can see that the black box fades in and then fades out as the title completes because your 3d fusion titles need to be rendered you may actually have to hit play on it a few times to see it play back properly in real time but if you get any slowdown with the effect don't worry you don't have to have it perfectly prevented when you do deliver your project it will play back at the proper speed this is just how effects tend to have a slow pre-rendering in video editing programs that's how you can do it with the solid color generator so let's show you guys how to do it with the fusion notes which is one of the main things about this video so let's do it with fusion nodes now so with the title selected I'm gonna go into the fusion tab here and we could open up this title group if we desired but because this is kind of like a outside effect I think what we might actually want to do is have this be separate from this title here for now so I'll close the group and we'll merge a black background with this title group in order to generate the final title effect so I'm going to right click here and do ab tool and we'll go down to generator and background so this should look very similar to just doing the solid color generator in the Edit tab and then I'll right click do add tool and under composite we'll add in a merge element so when you use a merge node it's important to note the ordering so whatever goes into this orange spot here is going to be the background layer or whatever is on the lowest level of this node output and then whatever comes after that such as the green as the foreground element is going to show on top of that so we want the background to be the actual background when we do our merged output so the background should go into this first so with any node you can connect it to another node by clicking on these little points that you see coming out of it and drag that into another node so this background node now becomes the background of the merge node we can disconnect this connection for the title group to the media out by clicking on the right end of it and then we can feed the group into the merge now and now that these two emerge together we feed this to the media output and you can see the media output previewing in the box up here you know which one is previewing because below the node you'll have these little boxes showing the left output or the right view so we could also have it appear on the left view over here you can have two preview windows at one time or we can reverse it down to one if you are concerned about space but in any case our background is now going into the final output as you see based on our node setup and the nice thing about having the group is that we don't actually need to care about any of the complexity that exists inside of this group we just need to be concerned with the final output of that group and that makes the rest of this node setup pretty simple so in very complicated node setups grouping things will make your life easier and more manageable so just like before we probably don't want 100% al or no transparency at all because otherwise we can't see anything underneath it so we can take the Alpha which is the same as opacity and set that to 0.5 for 50% and once you have that you can see the checkered background which is a representation of how much alpha you have if you have alpha or transparency you should be a bit at least partially see the checkered background now if we go over to the Edit tab we can see that the title is updated with that black background so once you've made some changes to a Fusion title or created one for yourself you may want to export it so there's really two ways you can go about doing it one way is to create a macro and a macro allows you to customize which settings are going to be editable and you can take that macro settings file and give it to someone who can install it on their computer so they can just drag and drop the new fusion title into their timeline in the same way that we did before so if you install to the right titles folder they'll show up here in the list the second way is to export a node group as a settings file as far as I've been able to figure out with setting files you can't actually expose settings over here so it's settings files they would pretty much load in the node group and everything would be editable what you may prefer but I haven't been able to find a way yet when you can manually expose the nodes to appear here as controls where you can edit and the edit mode inspector so anyway if you want to create a macro where you can actually push some of these controls to be editable in the inspector but then the person using the macro won't be able to edit these nodes directly you can do that by selecting all of your nodes right-clicking going to macro create macro and then you'll get this box for the macro editor where you give it a name so you could call it like custom title one or something like that and then you simply expand the different nodes that you see down here below so for instance you can go to the background effect and then you check any box for export where you want that setting to be editable in the future so for instance you could come down here and check everything in color if you want to make sure that the background color should be editable and all the settings inside of that part of note so you just repeat that for all the settings you want to allow someone in the future to be able to edit and once you've done that you hit close you hit yes to Save Changes to macro tool and then you can save that on your computer so it will give you this default folder and your app data but if you want to export this as a title that will show up in the effects library then you're actually going to want to save the settings file into the DaVinci Resolve install folder go into fusion templates edit and then titles and you'll see all of the titles that are installed to the bench itself here so we can select the path here copy it and in the save box I'm going to paste that in so we just need to give it the name here for the macro so custom title 1 dot setting so if we would have hit saved there you may run into this issue of not having administrative permission so you might need to restart DaVinci Resolve ran as an administrator or you can save this to the desktop and move it later on anyway once you're able to move it into that folder then your new macro titles should show up in the edit mode effects library so if we go over here I already did that in advance so for instance I can take this test title drag it into the timeline so if I click on it we can see the in the inspector the the fusion macro settings are actually enabled here so we can customize the type of color the color the red green blue values and the Alpha so obviously if you want to allow people to customize things like the top text or the bottom text then you'll need to expose those settings and the macro and that can be a little bit of a pain so the other option is to export it as a settings file directly rather than a macro so if we click on the horizontal line reveal title that we were working with go back to the fusion tab and then we select all the nodes we can export it at a standard settings file by right-clicking going to settings save as and then you would just save that somewhere on the computer so you could call this title horizontal line reveal modified and then just like before if you want to be able to use it as a title you put that into the fuse templates edit titles folder and save that in here so likewise I created the custom setting title in advance as well so we can drag that onto the timeline if we click on it you can see that the same controls that were exposed in the original title still exist there and if we take this and go over to the fusion tab you'll be able to see that the nodes are exactly how they were in the original set up now when I was exporting this I made a mistake which is that the title horizontal line reveal shouldn't be going to media out it should actually be the merge so I probably want to re export that setting and override it if I was going to actually use it but the advantage of doing it this way is that the nodes will be completely editable like it was in your original project now there's also a secondary way to use a settings file which is to drag it straight into any node editor so you could create a blank fusion composition if you wanted by going over to delete its effects and then fusion composition drop that on to the timeline so a fusion composition is a blank canvas for you to be able to work from so if we go over to the fusion tab with fusion composition selected you'll see that only the media out exists here so I can actually drag any settings file in here to add the nodes from the settings file straight into this fusion composition you could also drag in a settings file to a already default 3d title template so anything that is a setup inside of the fusion tab you can add any settings file to that would also work with macros except that you can't go into the macro and edit it except for any setting that has already been exposed so I could give it a dis extra media out and drag this merge to the media out there and that would just be another way of using a settings file so let's go ahead and create a completely from scratch title using a fusion composition as the base and then we'll add a bunch of nodes to make everything come together and show a couple ways you can customize it after you have that created when we want to create a completely custom title from scratch we could use a fusion composition which is just going to have a media out and then start building nodes into that for creating the title but instead what I'm going to do is we're going to take our original base clip and then go over to the fusion tab with the base clip here if we start making changes and merge everything together then we're going to have the media in here as a background node by default so what we can do is build the title inside of this fusion tab and then later export everything except for the media end as a settings file which can be pulled into anyone's DaVinci Resolve editor about having the media end to work with on this tab so we can see it basically previewing it before we go back to the edit tab is going to help our workflow a little bit so when we're ready to get started on making our custom title we can either add in a text plus element or a 3d text so the 3d text is going to have to be rendered so it's going to need a 3d renderer before you merge it with other nodes such as the media n before you beat into the media out text plus is going to have more or less the same settings except I don't think it can actually be a 3d object but the advantage may be that a textplus element would render faster not needing to exist in 3d space before being rendered out to a 2d n so you can select whichever one you want we'll go ahead and do some 3d text here will also include 3d shapes later on to make things a little interesting so with this text 3d element I'm going to add a merge 3d node note that I have the text 3d selected so click on merge and then it will automatically link the two nodes and then we can add a 3d renderer after the merge to convert everything that comes before into a 2d image and with that we can right click and do your add tool and then go to composite and merge to create a merge node for the media N and the 3d renderer so I'm going to take the media in and put it to the merge node as the background that is the yellow connection here and then anything we want to show on top of that like the 3d text title will go as the foreground which is the green connector so once we have all of this merge together we feed it to the media out and then that will generate the final image of this video clip so next I'm going to add some text to the 3d text node so if we go in here and we say title then you should see something appear on the screen you can also preview the 3d text note by clicking on the circle boxes that will appear below any node so if I click on the left circle toggle then you'll see the title appear in 3d space here so now this left preview window is previewing specifically the text 3d node and the right preview window is previewing media out which is the final result so you can have to preview windows at once which allows you to see how things look at different stages along this node process so I might decide that this title is too big so I can lower the size down to something a little bit more manageable like 0.5 and leave it alone so next we might decide that we want an additional text 3d for a subtitle so I think if we have the merge 3d node selected and we click on text 3d it'll automatically link the new text 3d to the merge node so now we have two titles feeding into one merge 3d node which goes to the renderer which goes to the final 2d merge and the media out so with this I can say subtitle which is clearly way too big and we'll need to decrease the size using the controls in the inspector so lowering it down to something like 0.33 year 0.36 is going to be just fine you may want to adjust the position of these titles and we could see both of them at once if we showed the merge 3d as the preview so I'll add that to the left view and now you can see both of the titles in 3d space there so you can left-click on either of the titles to select them note that when you do the node selection will reflect that so you could also select it in the notes first as well I was taking the subtitle and I'll lower that down by clicking on the position gizmo and I'll take the top title and I'll increase the position of that by clicking on the green Y position gizmo so now we can just kind of position that where it makes sense for our video clip so next we could add in a 3d shape to be rendered as part of this title sequence so if I click on merge 3d and I click on shape 3d that will create a new shape that we can use now a plane is going to be pretty terrible so I might want to change that to something more like a tourist which is actually a doughnut shape if you zoom out in the merge 3d you can kind of see that it's a very thick doughnut at this point in time so I might want to rotate that so that the middle hole part is actually facing the camera if I go over to the transform settings of the shape 3d can rotate the torus and I think we want the x-axis here making that something like 90 degrees there and now over on the controls tab we can make it a lot smaller so if we take the radius and shrink that it'll make it a smaller horse and then we can drop this section value to make it look a lot more like a hollowed out circle so if you set that to something like 0.039 now we get something that resembles a circle shape for our title and then next we can go over to the material tab if we want to set a color for the shape so we can make it anything we want something like a darker color like a deep blue or deep red would help keep the focus on the title and the subtitle itself so we could leave that there so one fun effect we could use on the title and subtitle for it to appear onto the screen would be right on and right off so if you have one of these 3d text titles selected you'll notice that there's a setting in the first tab for right on and you can keyframe it so what happened is if I pull the end of the right on backwards it will start making letters disappear in the ratio of the end so if it's at 0.2 that means that the other 80% of that title beyond the end point for this write is going to hide so you can animate this setting over time in order to make the letters appear so below the preview windows you can see the timeline for the clip that we are working on which could also be a fusion composition and we can go to a frame where we want to keyframe if I select in the timeline 50 frames you'll see that appear here and we can check the keyframe diamond for right on in order to have it be fully faded and for the right on effect at that point in time and then we go back to frame 0 and we decrease the right on at the end value to zero and now between those two frames the right on effect is going to be peirong so if I go to frame zero now and hit the play button for the fusion title the text characters will appear so now if we go to frame zero and hit the play button those text characters will appear over fifty frames now that might be too fast for you might be too slow as long as you later export this custom title as a settings file or you export it as a macro where the write on values would be able to be customized then other people will be able to change it so that they can get the values they want for their project in the future so as long as we get the base how we like it that should be good enough for right now now we might also want to do that with the top title so for instance I can type in frame 50 here and the frame counter and so this time maybe we take the top and we have it right on in the reverse direction so at 50 frames I'm going to keyframe it and then at the beginning instead of moving the end to the start I'm going to move the start to the end which will automatically create a keyframe there so when we hit play it seems like the right on effect for the top is going a little bit slower and I think that's just based on how the Viton effect determines at what point a ladder should appear or when it shouldn't we may need to play around with those settings a little bit if we want to make them if you're at the screen at the same time one easy fix we could do would just be to move the keyframes of the bottom so that it appears a little bit later so we could take the keyframe value at frame 50 and move that to frame 60 so I'll go here frame 60 I'll keyframe I'll hit the back button to jump to frame 50 and unki frame it and then I'll also move the zero keyframe of zero zero right on values to frame ten and I'll make that zero there as well I'll hit the back button and remove it at frame 0 so now the keyframes are 10 and 60 you can see the little indicator below the preview window for where a setting is keyframe and now if we hit play it should match up a little bit closer so that's pretty close we could just take a second and make it go five frames more so why not and remove the old keyframes and then hit play one more time so with that it seems to be a little bit more synchronized we could always spend a little more time on if we want I think what I'll also do here is lower the subtitle a little bit so that the title and the subtitle are more equally distanced from the center of the screen there next we could take the tour shape and have it rotate over time I'm going to assume that when you pull end this template you always want the tours to be rotating so I'm actually going to just set the keyframes at 0 and something like 300 so that depending if someone stretches the title to be 150 frames the 300 it's still going to animate over that time and I'm just going to have the toys have it rotations so on the transform tab at frame 0 for the torus we can keyframe the Z rotation which is going to be the rotation facing the camera and then at 300 we can go put a value for that Z rotation so this can be increments of 360 degrees if we want it to be a full span or multiple full spins so I might do something like 720 we could also take that 720 and do times 2 right inside of the input box for the rotation to double it to 1440 degrees which means 4 rotations over 300 frames so you can do math in these input boxes which is kind of nice so now if we go back to the start here and we hit play the tour should animate a little bit over time now it's kind of janky there probably because the tourist doesn't really have as many segments as we would like or maybe we actually want to decrease the amount of segments if we hit stop we can go over to the control section and set the number of divisions so I might drop that to something like 8 if I want to make the rotation a little more obvious so now if we play it back again from frame 0 it's got a little bit more of an interesting shape so now if we go to frame 0 and we let it play back we're going to have that rotation occur over the 300 frames and it's a lot more obvious when it looks less like a circle and more like a octagon note that when it does get to frame 300 it's going to stop by default there so we can have almost any property animate during this title so if I want this shape to start out fade it out I can go to frame 0 and set the Alpha to zero to make it completely transparent which should be invisible and then go to something like frame fifteen or so and then set the alpha to one which means over those 15 frames we're going to go from completely transparent to visible so if we at play here we'll see it fading in the reason why you can still see it there even though the diffuse color is set to zero there's that there's also the specular color so we can take almost any property that exists within these nodes and animate it for our title so for instance if we want this octagon to appear invisible at the start then we want to set the opacity at frame zero to something like zero so keyframe it and then drag the opacity to zero and then just type in the frame over here in the frame selector where you want the opacity of be fade it in so I can make that 1.0 opacity now which will be fully visible and now we go to frame zero and hit play and now the octagon is gonna fade in during those first 15 frames okay so another good thing to know about in DaVinci Resolve for any of these 3d objects you can actually turn on lighting for them so if you want objects to have to be lit by a light rather than always being fully visible what you can do is you can go to the 3d renderer here and then toggle lighting and actually shadows as well if you had something like a plane in 3d down below you can have your 3d objects cast a shadow on to those other objects but for now we're just going to enable lighting here which will turn the colors of everything black because it has no lighting so in order to bring back the color we're going to need to add in some lights so you can see a spotlight as a default option on the toolbar you can also right click add tool go to 3d and light and there's three other options ambient lights which are going to basically light up the entire scene directional light which is kind of like a Sun where it will push light in a direction but equally across everything in the entire scene point lights which will have light emitting from a point in 3d space and then spotlight which has a point where the light exists in and then that light is angled towards some area in your 3d scene much like a flashlight so a point light would end up being more like a lamp that just happens to exist in your 3d scene so we'll start with a ambient right here and we'll add it to the merge 3d so when we do that you should see a little bit of color come back to all of your 3d objects if you want the ambient light to bring back more of it then just increase the intensity and then that can end up being the base level for the lighting in your scene so next you could add in something like a spotlights so let's click on the toolbar option for that and add it to the merge 3d so with all these objects that exist in the merge CD if your merge 3d is still the preview window you should be able to see them over here and that merge 3d preview if you want to rotate around hold alt down while holding the middle mouse wheel and you can drag that to see everything inside of your scene and that can give you a different perspective on what's actually occurring there so you can see that the spotlight is at the 0 X 0 y 0 Z origin but we actually need it to aim towards these objects if we want to light up the front of it which will be seen in the video so in order for the spotlight to light up our object we're going to need to move it on the z axis until it can light up everything inside of our scene so you see it this distance it's actually lighting up the objects there and you can see a different type of lighting the specular lighting on that 3d torse so you have the diffuse color which is the base color of the object more or less and then the specular color will show up at the areas where the light rays are hitting it directly so in this case the lines here that you're actually seeing is the specular lighting the white lines there which are the most outward sticking point of the 3d object think of a donut so it would be the closest to the spotlight and then those other outer areas the ones that are kind of blue that's showing mostly diffuse lighting right there so one cool easy effect we could do here is to make the spotlights position anim over say the first 20 30 frames so I'm gonna hit control Z to reset the position to the zero zero zero initially I'm going to go to the transform for the spot light and I'm going to keyframe the Z translation which is the position so next I'm going to click on frame 30 or so and then I'm going to take the spotlight once again and pull out to the position I want it to move to at the end which is going to we have the light hit all areas of our 3d scene including the outer torus you can actually see a red line now for the path that it's going to travel this light for those 30 frames and if I go to frame zero and hit play we can see the spotlight moving its position during those frames for the 3d scene so once again going back to frame 0 it's at position 0 0 and then over 30 seconds then the Z translation moves 2 units and the 3d space and it goes from not lighting up this scene at all to lighting up everything now one more thing you may actually want to change the specular lighting of the 3d course as well so we can click on the 3d shape there click on specular color and then change that to a different value so whatever color we want it to show at those areas where the light rays hit it directly we can customize that so we may want it to be something like a light of blue so given that the text 3ds are actually 3d objects as well we can take these 3d text and extrude them outwards to make them a 3d object kind of like a building block so if you click on one of the text 3d elements and you go to the text control on the Left extrusion will be an option there and you can take the extrusion depth and increase that which you'll see that the text now it becomes a 3d representation of those text characters we can also do that for the subtitle as well if we want so I'm going to go over to the text tab extrusion give it an extrusion depth can also see in the final media out that that blockiness is going to show a little bit it would show a lot more if you actually angle the texts so if I was to say go to the transform tab and add some rotation you would be able to see the 3d effect a lot more there and just like with the 3d tours you can actually set a base color and also a specular color so the base color here is going to be the diffuse color that's the main one and then the specular color will be the color that shows where the light rays are hitting it more or less directly so in this case once we're past frame 30 you can kind of imagine that the light ray is going straight in the center here and that's why you get more specular color in those areas of the subtitle that are actually closer to that Center alternatively you can just leave both as a basic white and keep it simple I think that's plenty fine for most cases if you keep playing around with 3d titles and DaVinci Resolve you may also find in the ad Tools menu other useful notes so you can come in here and play around with the other 3d nodes if you need to add in a material to a 3d object make your titles look metallic in nature which can change how light will reflect off of them you can apply a gradient texture node if you want to apply a gradient as the color input for a node and you also have access to all of the resolve effects that you can apply to base video clips so if you added another merge node in here you could add in something like a Gaussian blur which depending on of what step you do the merge to could apply to the base original clip or it could apply to the effect that you generate from your 3d render the main thing I'm trying to illustrate here is the using nodes on the fusion tab there's a lot you can actually create and inside of the Vinci resolve 16 that includes but isn't limited to just simple title effects but hopefully this example of creating a title and davinci yourself gives you some ideas about what you can create in your own 3d titles I'll include the settings file exactly as it shows in this video if you want to use this as a template or to look at it to learn from so once again if you want to install a title and you want it to show up whenever you restart DaVinci Resolve make sure you put it in your Program Files Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve fusion templates at it titles directory or the equivalent on Mac or Linux
Channel: Chris' Tutorials
Views: 14,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, How-to, Tutorial for Beginners, video titles, video editing, best free video editor, best video editor for windows, best video editor for mac, best video editor for linux, DaVinci Resolve 16, Resolve 16, Resolve titles, fusion, resolve fusion, fusion 3d, fusion 3d titles, make a title, video intro, video editing intro, introduction, guide for beginners, complete guide, making videos, how to make youtube videos, free video editor
Id: lIO9kLRUFfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 51sec (3711 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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