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can you help me with the printer sure what's the issue it's not printing my document let me take a look can you help me with the printer sure what's the issue it's not printing my document let me take a look did you receive my email yes I got it this morning please let me know if you have any feedback I'll review it and reply by tomorrow did you receive my email yes I got it this morning please let me know if you have any feedback I'll review it and reply by tomorrow have you updated the software not yet I was planning to do it today please make sure to back up your files first good idea I'll do that have you updated the software not yet I was planning to do it today please make sure to back up your files first good idea I'll do that did you hear about the office relocation yes when is it happening next month we're moving downtown that'll be a nice change did you hear about the office relocation yes when is it happening next month we're moving downtown that'll be a nice change where shall we go for lunch today how about the new Italian place sounds good do they have vegetarian options yes they have a variety of choices where shall we go for lunch today how about the new Italian place sounds good do they have vegetarian options yes they have a variety of choices would you like to take a coffee break sure that sounds great which coffee do you prefer just a regular black coffee thanks would you like to take a coffee break sure that sounds great which coffee do you prefer just a regular black coffee thanks do we need to order more office supplies I think we're running low on paper I'll order some anything else some new pens would be good too do we need to order more office supplies I think we're running low on paper I'll order some anything else some new pens would be good too have you seen our new product yes I have it looks promising do you think customers will like it definitely it means meets a lot of their needs have you seen our new product yes I have it looks promising do you think customers will like it definitely it meets a lot of their needs have you seen the holiday schedule yes I have looks like we have a long weekend that's great any plans probably just a short trip have you seen the holiday schedule yes yes I have looks like we have a long weekend that's great any plans probably just a short trip have you booked your travel Arrangements yes I booked the flight and hotel don't forget to arrange airport transportation I've already taken care of that have you booked your travel Arrangements yes I booked the flight and hotel don't forget to arrange airport transportation I've already taken care of that are we on track for the project deadline yes we're ahead of schedule great keep up the good work thanks I will are we on track for the project deadline yes we're ahead of schedule great keep up the good work thanks I will can we reschedule our 300 p.m. meeting I'm fine with that what time do you suggest how about 400 p.m. 400 p.m. works for me I'll update the calendar can we reschedule our 300 p.m. meeting I'm fine with that what time do you suggest how about 400 p.m. 4 p.m. works for me I'll update the calendar how is the project going we're on track with most tasks what what about the budget we are still within our budget limit how is the project going we're on track with most tasks what about the budget we are still within our budget limit have you met the new employee not yet what's their name her name is Emily she's in the marketing department I'll introduce myself later today have you met the new employee not yet what's their name her name is Emily she's in the marketing department I'll introduce myself later today shall we plan A Team lunch this Friday sounds good where should we go how about that new Mexican restaurant great choice I love Mexican food shall we plan A Team lunch this Friday sounds good where should we go how about that new Mexican restaurant great choice I love Mexican food do you have any plans for the weekend not really just relaxing at home that sounds nice what about you do you have any plans for the weekend not really just relaxing at home that sounds nice what about you are you ready for the client meeting yes all prepared do you have the presentation yes it's on my laptop are you ready for the client meeting yes all prepared do you have the presentation yes it's on my laptop can you share the project file with me sure I'll send it over now thanks let me know if it's too large to email if it is I'll use a file sharing service can you share the project file with me sure I'll send it over now thanks let me know if it's too large to email if it is I'll use a file sharing service did you sign up for the training session yes I did it yesterday what's the topic it's about effective communication did you sign up for the training session yes I did it yesterday what's the topic it's about effective communication do you have the meeting agenda yes I have it here great let's go over it together sure I'll start with the first point do you have the meeting agenda yes I have it here great let's go over it together sure I'll start with the first point can you help me with the preparation for tomorrow's meeting of course what do you need just reviewing the agenda and setting up the meeting room no problem I'll help you with that can you help me with the preparation for tomorrow's meeting of course what do you need just reviewing the agenda and setting up the meeting room no problem I'll help you with that are you attending the conference next month yes I'm planning to go have you booked your flights not yet I'm doing it this week are you attending the conference next month yes I'm planning to go have you booked your flights not yet I'm doing it this week do you understand our health insurance plan not completely it's a bit confusing shall we ask HR for a clarification session that's a good idea I'll arrange it do you understand our health insurance insurance plan not completely it's a bit confusing shall we ask HR for a clarification session that's a good idea I'll arrange it do we need any special safety equipment yes for the site visit next week what should I bring just a helmet and safety shoes do we need any special safety equipment yes for the site visit next week what should I bring just a helmet and safety shoes can we remind everyone to keep the kitchen clean that's a good idea it's been messy I'll send out an email reminder and maybe we can post a sign as well can we remind everyone to keep the kitchen clean that's a good idea it's been messy I'll send out an email reminder and maybe we can post a sign as well I recommend taking the online marketing course is it useful yes it's very informative I'll sign up for it I recommend taking the online marketing course is it useful yes it's very informative I'll sign up for it what do you think of the new marketing strategy it looks Innovative and bold do you think it will be effective yes it should attract a lot of attention what do you think of the new marketing strategy it looks Innovative and bold do you think it will be effective yes it should attract a lot of attention what are some good stress relief activities I find walking or meditating helpful any group activities we could do yoga sessions or team sports what are some good stress relief activities I find walking or meditating helpful any group activities we could do yoga sessions or team sports are you familiar with the company's social media policy somewhat but I could use a refresher let's review it together to ensure compliance that's a good idea let's do that are you familiar with the company's social media policy somewhat but I could use a refresher let's review it together to ensure compliance that's a good idea let's do that how's the office recycling initiative going pretty well everyone's participating do we have statistics on our impact not yet but they're compiling the data how's the office recycling initiative going pretty well everyone's participating do we have statistics on our impact not yet but they're compiling the data have you joined the health and wellness program yes I'm trying the nutrition track how is it going so far so good I feel more energetic have you joined the health and wellness program yes I'm trying the nutrition track how is it going so far so good I feel more energetic are you prepared for the interdepartmental meeting mostly just finalizing by part of the presentation do you need any help with that maybe just a quick review before we present are you prepared for the interdepartmental meeting mostly just finalizing by part of the presentation do you need any help with that maybe just a quick review before we present have you heard about the departmental changes no what's happening they're merging two departments oh which ones have you heard about the departmental changes no what's happening they're merging two departments oh which ones should we add some plants to the office that's a good idea it would be nice I can bring some next week that would be great thank you should we add some plants to the office that's a good idea it would be nice I can bring some next week that would be great thank you is it just me or is the office too noisy today it is a bit loud can we ask everyone to keep it down sure I'll send a gentle reminder is it just me or is the office too noisy today it is a bit loud can we ask everyone to keep it down sure I'll send a gentle reminder it's my birthday next week should we celebrate happy early birthday let's do lunch that sounds wonderful I'll organize something special it's my birthday next week should we celebrate happy early birthday let's do lunch that sounds wonderful I'll organize something special did you finish the client proposal yes I sent it yesterday any response yet they said they'll review it this week did you finish the client proposal yes I sent it yesterday any response yet they said they'll review it this week who is in charge of managing office supplies that would be the administration department do we contact them for specific requests yes just send them an email who is in charge of managing office supplies that would be the administration department do we contact them for specific requests yes just send them an email did you attend the office security briefing no I missed it there's a recap email did you see it not yet I'll check my box did you attend the office security briefing no I missed it there's a recap email did you see it not yet I'll check my inbox is the projector in the conference room working last time I checked it was fine can you help me set it up later of course just let me know when is the projector in the conference room working last time I checked it was was fine can you help me set it up later of course just let me know when how often are our team meetings once a week every Monday what time are they usually at 10:00 a.m. in the conference room how often are our team meetings once a week every Monday what time are they usually at 10:00 a.m. in the conference room did it update your computer yes they did it this morning any improvements it's much faster now did it update your computer yes they did it this morning any improvements it's much faster now are you joining the conference call yes I'll be there in a few minutes make sure your microphone is working I'll check it before the call are you joining the conference call yes I'll be there in a few minutes make sure your microphone is working I'll check it before the call are we doing a holiday gift exchange yes do you want to participate sure it sounds fun great I'll add you to the list are we doing a holiday gift exchange yes do you want to participate sure it sounds fun great I'll add you to the list do you need any materials for the training yes a notebook and Pen anything else just the training manual do you need any materials for the training yes a notebook and Pen anything else just the training manual are you writing an article for the company newsletter yes about our team's recent project can I help with anything maybe with proof reading before submission are you writing an article for the company newsletter yes about our team's recent project can I help with anything maybe with proof reading before submission I've lost my phone charger in the office have you checked the lost and found not yet I'll go there now now I hope you find it I've lost my phone charger in the office have you checked the lost and found not yet I'll go there now I hope you find it have you updated your contact list in the system I'm doing it today it's important for the new communication plan I understand I won't forget have you updated your contact list in the system I'm doing it today it's important for the new communication plan I understand I won't forget is it just me or is the office too warm it does feel a bit warm can you adjust the thermostat I'll see if I can find the right setting is it just me or is the office too warm it do feel a bit warm can you adjust the thermostat I'll see if I can find the setting is the emergency evacuation drill this week yes it's scheduled for Wednesday do you know what time it will start I think it's at 11:00 a.m. is the emergency evacuation drill this week yes it's scheduled for Wednesday do you know what time it will start I think it's at 11: a.m. would you like to collaborate on this project that sounds like a goodidea idea let's set up a meeting to discuss sure when is good for you would you like to collaborate on this project that sounds like a good idea let's set up a meeting to discuss sure when is good for you have you started on the annual report yes I've outlined the first section need any data from me yes the latest sales figures have you started on the annual report yes I've outlined the first section need any data from me yes the latest sales figures how did my presentation go it was really good very clear any areas for improvement maybe just a bit more I contact how did my presentation go it was really good very clear any areas for Improvement maybe just a bit more I contact are you on the new project team yes I am what's the project about it's about developing a new app are you on the new project team yes I am what's the project about it's about developing a new app should we plan A Team outing yes that would be great for morale any suggestions maybe a day at the park or a group dinner should we plan A Team outing yes that would be great for Morel any suggestions maybe a day at the park or a group dinner are we having an afterwork team gathering this week yes on Friday evening where will it be at the new Cafe down the street are we having an afterwork team gathering this week yes on Friday evening where will it be at the new Cafe down the street it's Lisa's work anniversary tomorrow oh how many years has she been here she's been here for 5 years we should definitely acknowledge that it's Lisa's work anniversary tomorrow oh how many years has she been here she's been here for 5 years we should definitely acknowledge that can we discuss the project over lunch sure that would be efficient where should we meet how about the cafeteria at noon can we discuss the project over lunch sure that would be efficient where should we meet how about the cafeteria at noon do you have any plans after work nothing planned why I thought we could try that new restaurant sounds like a good idea do you have any plans after work nothing planned why I thought we could try that new restaurant sounds like a good idea are we still doing the weekly team check-ins yes every Monday morning what time is it again it's at 9:00 a.m. in the main conference room are we still doing the weekly team check-ins yes every Monday morning what time is it again it's at 9:00 a.m. in the main conference room do you recommend any language courses yes the online Spanish course is good is it suitable for beginners absolutely it starts from the basics do you recommend any language courses yes the online Spanish course is good is it suitable for beginners absolutely it starts from the basics have you seen the upcoming holiday schedule not yet any changes we have an extra day off for the new year that's great to hear have you seen the upcoming holiday schedule not yet any changes we have an extra day off for the new year that's great to hear how do I submit travel expenses for reimbursement use the online form on the HR portal is the process quick yes usually it's processed within a week how do I submit travel expenses for reimbursement use the online form on the HR portal is the process quick yes usually it's processed within a week can you review this docu doent for me sure I can look at it now let me know if there are any changes we'll do I'll get back to you soon can you review this document for me sure I can look at it now let me know if there are any changes we'll do I'll get back to you soon we should plan a team building activity I agree any ideas how about a team lunch or a picnic a picnic sounds fun let's do that we should plan a team building activity I agree any ideas how about a team lunch or a picnic a picnic sounds fun let's do that are you attending the annual general meeting yes it's important to stay informed what topics will be covered company performance and future plans are you attend attending the annual general meeting yes it's important to stay informed what topics will be covered company performance and future plans are you participating in any office Health initiatives yes I joined the weekly yoga class how is it it's great for relaxation and fitness are you participating in any office Health initiatives yes I joined the weekly yoga class how is it it's great for relaxation and fitness can we remind everyone to keep the office clean good idea it's been a bit messy maybe send an email or put up a sign I'll draft an email reminder can we remind everyone to keep the office clean good idea it's been a bit messy maybe send an email or put up a sign I'll draft an email reminder it's so sunny today isn't it yes it's a beautiful day perfect weather for a walk at lunch definitely I might join you it's so sunny today isn't it yes it's a beautiful day perfect weather for a walk at lunch definitely I might join you did you attend the session on updating emergency procedures yes it was very very informative can you brief me on the main points sure let's go over them tomorrow did you attend the session on updating emergency procedures yes it was very informative can you brief me on the main points sure let's go over them tomorrow how was your weekend it was good I went hiking sounds fun I love hiking it was great very refreshing how was your weekend it was good I went hiking sounds fun I love hiking it was great very refreshing are you working from home tomorrow yes I have some deep work planned make sure to set up your outof office reply good point I'll do that are you working from home tomorrow yes I have some deep work planned make sure to set up your outof office reply good point I'll do that is the internet slow for you too yes it's been intermittent should we call it I'll check with them and see what's going on is the internet slow for you too yes it's been intermittent should we call it I'll check with them and see what's going on have you listened to the company podcast no what's it about different teams discuss their projects sounds interesting I'll check it out Have you listened to the company podcast no what's it about different teams discuss their projects sounds interesting I'll check it out are you attending the team building workshop yes I think it'll be a good experience what time does it start it starts at 10:00 a.m. on Friday are you attending the team building workshop yes I think it'll be a good experience what time does it start it starts at 10:00 a.m. on Friday is it just me or is the office too hot it's a bit warm I'll ask if we can adjust the AC thanks it would make working more comfortable sure I'll ask about the AC is it just me or is the office too hot it's a bit warm I'll ask if we can adjust the AC thanks it would make working more comfortable sure I'll ask about the AC are you joining the volunteer event yes what's the plan we're helping at the local food bank Count Me In sounds rewarding are you joining the volunteer event yes what's the plan we're helping at the local food bank Count Me In sounds rewarding is cyber security training mandatory yes for all employees when is the next session next Thursday afternoon is cyber security training mandatory yes for all employees when is the next session next Thursday afternoon do you want to join the lunchtime Sports Group what sports do they play mostly soccer and basketball sounds fun I'll give it a try do you want to join the lunchtime Sports Group what sports do they play mostly soccer and basketball sounds fun I'll give it a try how was the conference you attended it was very informative did you learn anything knew yes especially about digital marketing how was the conference you attended it was very informative did you learn anything new yes especially about digital marketing how was the team meeting for you it was productive we finalized our project plan any follow-up actions yes I need to update the timeline how was the team meeting for you it was productive we finalized our project plan any follow-up actions yes I need to update the timeline I'm having trouble with my email have you contacted technical support not yet I thought I'd ask you first let me see if I can fix it otherwise we'll call them I'm having trouble with my email have you contacted technical support not yet I thought I'd ask you first let me see if I can fix it otherwise we'll call them can I practice my presentation with you of course I'd be glad to help let's meet after lunch sounds good I'll be there can I practice my presentation with you of course I'd be glad to help let's meet after lunch sounds good I'll be there can you help help me with document formatting sure what do you need the margins and spacing are off I'll take a look and fix it can you help me with document formatting sure what do you need the margins and spacing are off I'll take a look and fix it have there been any improvements in the parking lot safety yes they added more lights and security cameras that's re assuring definitely it feels much safer now have there been any improvements in the parking lot safety yes they added more lights and security cameras that's reassuring definitely it feels much safer now can we extend the project deadline how much more time do you need another week would help I'll check and let you know can we extend the project check deadline how much more time do you need another week would help I'll check and let you know are you participating in the company volunteer day yes I'm excited about giving back to the community what activities are planned we're helping at a local food bank and cleaning up a park are you participating in the company volunteer day yes I'm excited about giving back to the community what activities are planned we're helping at a local food bank and cleaning up a park I heard we're collaborating on a project yes I'm looking forward to it me too when do we start let's meet next week to discuss I heard we're collaborating on a project yes I'm looking forward to it me too when do we start let's meet next week to discuss are you contributing to the monthly newsletter yes I'm writing about our team's project what's the deadline for submission by the end of this week are you contributing to the monthly newsletter yes I'm writing about our team's project what's the deadline for submission by the end of this week it's my work anniversary today congratulations how many years 5 years now that's impressive well done it's my work anniversary today congratulations how many years 5 years now that's impressive well done can we reschedule today's meeting I'm flexible what time works for you how about 300 p.m. that works I'll update the calendar can we reschedule today's meeting I'm flexible what time works for you how about 300 p.m. that works I'll update the calendar when do you need the report by end of the day would be great I'll have it ready thanks I appreciate it when do you need the report by end of the day would be great I'll have it ready thanks I appreciate it did you know we're setting up an office Library no that's a great idea what kind of books should we include a mix of professional development and Leisure reading did you know we're setting up an office Library no that's a great idea what kind of books should we include a mix of professional development and Leisure reading can you send me the meeting notes sure I'll email them to you thanks I appreciate it no problem expect them soon can you send me the meeting notes sure I'll email them to you thanks I appreciate it no problem expect them soon is the meeting room available this afternoon let me check yes it's free after 2: p.m. great I need to schedule a meeting I'll book it for you is the meeting room available this afternoon let me check yes it's free after 2: p.m. great I need to schedule a meeting I'll book it for you how can we improve teamwork regular team building exercises might help any activities in mind maybe a problem solving Workshop how can we improve teamwork regular team building exercises might help any activities in mind maybe a problem solving Workshop have you completed your expense reports not yet I'll do them today let me know if you need help thanks I think I'm okay have you completed your expense reports not yet I'll do them today let me know if you need help thanks I think I'm okay have you completed the updated staff training not yet when is the deadline end of this month I'll make sure to complete it by then have you completed the updated staff training not yet when is the deadline end of this month I'll make sure to complete it by then is the office considering ergonomics yes they're ordering ergonomic chairs that's great when will they arrive in the next couple of weeks is the office considering ergonomics yes they're ordering ergonomic chairs that's great when will they arrive in the next couple of weeks I can't find the file I need what's the file name it's called sales report. xlsx I'll help you look for it I can't find the file I need what's the file name it's called sales report. xlsx I'll help you look for it do you have all the documentation for the client meeting I think so but I'll double check make sure everything is in order we'll do thanks for the reminder do you have all the documentation for the client meeting I think so but I'll double check make sure everything is in order we'll do thanks for the reminder how's the new team leader doing really well very organized have they made any changes yes more regular team checks how's the new team leader doing really well very organized have they made any changes yes more regular team check-ins did did you update your emergency contact not yet is it urgent they want it updated by Friday I'll do it today then did you update your emergency contact not yet is it urgent they want it updated by Friday I'll do it today then work has been stressful lately have you tried any relaxation techniques not yet any suggestions deep breathing exercises are helpful work has been stressful lately have you tried any relaxation techniques not yet any suggestions deep breathing exercises are helpful are you involved in the client appreciation event yes I'm helping organize it what's the plan for the event a dinner and networking session are you inv involved in the client appreciation event yes I'm helping organize it what's the plan for the event a dinner and networking session have you used the office gym yes it's quite good what equipment do they have treadmills weights and more have you used the office gym yes it's quite good what equipment do they have treadmills weights and more did you get the notification to update our software yes I saw it this morning have you done it yet not yet I'll do it after lunch did you get the notification to update our software yes I saw it this morning have you done it yet not yet I'll do it after lunch what are our team goals this month to improve efficiency and client satisfaction how can we track our progress we can review weekly reports what are our team goals this month to improve efficiency and client satisfaction how can we track our progress we can review weekly reports is the meeting room booked for our team yes I reserved it for 2 p.m. perfect thanks for handling that no problem see you then is the meeting room booked for our team yes I reserved it for 2: p.m. perfect thanks for handling that no problem see you then is the department meeting today yes it's at 2 p.m. do you know the agenda mainly discussing quarterly goals is the department meeting today yes it's at 2:00 p.m. do you know the agenda mainly discussing quarterly goals I have an urgent task can you help of course what do you need could you prepare the report yes I'll start on it right away I have an urgent task can you help of course what do you need could you prepare the report yes I'll start on it right away just a reminder the report rep is due tomorrow I'm almost done with it great I'm looking forward to seeing it I'll have it to you by end of the day just a reminder the report is due tomorrow I'm almost done with it great I'm looking forward to seeing it I'll have it to you by end of the day are we doing a staff rotation this month yes to cross Trin the team who will I be working with you'll be with the marketing team are we doing a staff rotation this month yes to cross Trin the team who will I be working with you'll be with the marketing team are you attending the staff training tomorrow yes what time does it start it's at 9:00 a.m. I'll be there on time are you attending the staff training tomorrow yes what time does it start it's at 9:00 a.m. I'll be there on time is the meeting room booking system easy to use yes it's quite userfriendly how do I access it it's on the company internet under resources is the meeting room booking system easy to use yes it's quite userfriendly how do I access it it's on the company internet under resources did you submit your business trip report I'm working on it now need any help with it no I've got it thanks did you submit your business trip report I'm working on it now need any help with it no I've got it thanks should we add some art to the office that would brighten the space any particular style or artist Maybe something modern and inspiring should we add some art to the office that would brighten the space any particular style or artist maybe something modern and inspiring is the office expanding the parking lot yes due to increased staff when will it be completed in about 2 months I believe is the office expanding the parking lot yes due to increased staff when will it be completed in about 2 months I believe how's the new it equipment working out really well it's much faster and more reliable any issues so far none at all it's been smooth how's the new it equipment working out really well it's much faster and more reliable any issues so far none at all it's been smooth are we implementing any new sustainability practices yes like reducing paper usage and improving recycling any specific goals to reduce our carbon footprint by 10% this year are we implementing any new sustainability practices yes like reducing paper usage and improving recycling any specific goals to reduce our carbon footprint by 10% this year are we still doing the office Green initiative yes it starts next month what can we do to contribute Recycling and reducing paper use are we still doing the office Green initiative yes it starts next month what can we do to contribute Recycling and reducing paper use how did you you find the team building event it was fun and engaging what was your favorite part the group activities how did you find the team building event it was fun and engaging what was your favorite part the group activities how did you find the training session it was quite informative and engaging which part did you find most useful the section on effective communication how did you find the training session it was quite informative and engaging which part did you find most useful the section on effective communication are we getting an office equipment upgrade yes new computers are coming next month will there be training on how to use them I believe so along with it support are we getting an office equipment upgrade yes new computers are coming next month will there be training on how to use them I believe so along with it support do you know the emergency procedures not all of them why there's a refresher course next week I'll attend thanks for letting me know do you know the emergency procedures not all of them why there's a fresher course next week I'll attend thanks for letting me know what team collaboration tools are we using now we're mainly using Microsoft teams and Trello are they effective yes they've really streamlined our communication what team collaboration tools are we using now we're mainly using Microsoft teams in Trello are they effective yes they've really streamlined LED our communication are you on the office decoration committee yes I just joined what's the plan for decorations we're thinking of seasonal themes are you on the office decoration committee yes I just joined what's the plan for decorations we're thinking of seasonal themes are you ready for the client presentation almost just finalized the slides do you need any help with that could you review it once I'm done are you ready for the client presentation almost just finalizing the slides do you need any help with that could you review it once I'm done how do you manage work life balance I try to leave work at work any specific strategies regular breaks and no work emails at home home how do you manage work life balance I try to leave work at work any specific strategies regular breaks and no work emails at home did the client give any feedback yes they were very pleased that's great to hear any suggestions just to continue our good work did the client give any feedback yes they were very pleased that's great to hear any suggestions just to continue our good work did you hear about the office renovation yes what are they changing new furniture and a Fresh coat of paint it'll be nice to have a new look did you hear about the office renovation yes what are they changing new furniture and a Fresh coat of paint it'll be nice to have a new look is the office water cooler working now yes it was fixed yesterday great I've been missing the cold water it's all set now enjoy is the office water cooler working now yes it was fixed yesterday great I've been missing the cold water it's all set now andjoy the printer isn't working can you check it sure I'll take a look let me know if it needs new ink I'll check the cartridges the printer isn't working can you check it sure I'll take a look let me know if it needs new ink I'll check the cartridges I need feedback on my team's performance they're doing well overall any specific areas of improvement just need more focus on deadlines I need feedback on my team's performance they're doing well overall any specific areas of improvement just need more focus on deadlines we're out of sticky notes can you order more sure I'll order them now could you also get some highlighters of course I'll add them to the list we're out of sticky notes can you order more sure I'll order the now could you also get some highlighters of course I'll add them to the list is there a problem with parking space availability sometimes it's full by 9:00 a.m. any solutions they're considering a carpool program is there a problem with parking space availability sometimes it's full by 9:00 a.m. any solutions they're considering a carpol program what do you think about the new company policies they seem beneficial especially for work life balance any concerns not really they seem well thought out what do you think about the new company policies they seem beneficial especially for work life balance any concerns not really they seem well thought out did you know we hit our company Milestone yes it's a big achievement how are we celebrating with a companywide dinner next week did you know we hit our company Milestone yes it's a big achievement how are we celebrating with a companywide dinner next week are you joining the lunchtime Fitness class I'm thinking about it what's it like it's a mix of cardio and strength training sounds intense but fun are you joining the lunchtime Fitness class I'm thinking about it what's it like it's a mix of cardio and strength training sounds intense but fun who's taking care of the office plants a few of us rotate the responsibility do they need any special care just regular watering and some sunlight who's taking care of the office plants a few of us rotate the responsibility do they need any special care just regular watering and some sunlight good morning how are you today morning I'm good thanks did you have a good weekend yes it was quite relaxing good morning how are you today morning I'm good thanks did you have a good weekend yes it was quite relaxing there's a yoga class at lunch want to join I've never tried yoga before it's beginner friendly all right I'll give it a shot there's a yoga class at lunch want to join I've never tried yoga before it's beginner friendly all right I'll give it a shot is there a dress code for tomorrow's event yes it's business casual so no jeans right no jeans is there a dress code for tomorrow's event yes it's business casual so no jeans right no jeans how often are our staff meetings held once a month usually on the first Monday are they mandatory yes they're important for team updates how often are our staff meetings held once a month usually on the first Monday are they mandatory yes they're important for team updates what tools do you use for remote work mostly zoom and slack for communication do they work well yes they're pretty efficient and userfriendly what tools do you use for remote work most zoom and slack for communication do they work well yes they're pretty efficient and userfriendly would you be interested in car pooling to work that's a great idea it would save time let's start next week agreed let's finalize the details would you be interested in car pooling to work that's a great idea it would save time let's start next week week agreed let's finalize the details what's our policy on remote work it's flexible up to two days a week do I need to inform someone just coordinate with your team leader what's our policy on remote work it's flexible up to 2 days a week do I need to inform someone just coordinate with your team leader can we contribute to the company newsletter yes they're always looking for new content how do I submit an article email it to the newsletter editor can we contribute to the company newsletter yes they're always looking for new content how do I submit an article email it to the newsletter editor remember there's a safety drill tomorrow what time is it happening it's scheduled for 2: p.m. thanks I'll make sure to be ready remember there's a safety drill tomorrow what time is it happening it's scheduled for 2:00 p.m. thanks I'll make sure to be ready are you coming to the office party yes when is it next Friday evening I'll be there sounds fun are you coming to the office party yes when is it next Friday evening I'll be there sounds fun did they change the parking space allocation yes they sent an email with the new layout I must have missed it I'll check again let me know if you can't find it did they change the parking space allocation yes they sent an email with the new layout I must have missed it I'll check again let me know if you can can't find it have you backed up your files recently I did it last week why just a reminder it's important thanks I'll do it again today have you backed up your files recently I did it last week why just a reminder it's important thanks I'll do it again today can you update your contact information in the system sure sure I'll do it today it's important for our records understood I won't forget can you update your contact information in the system sure I'll do it today it's important for our records understood I won't forget there's a workshop next week are you interested what's the topic it's about leadership skills sounds interesting I'll join there's a workshop next week are you interested what's the topic it's about leadership skills sounds interesting I'll join are you leading the new employee orientation yes I am when is it scheduled next Thursday at 9:00 a.m. are you leading the new employee orientation yes I am when is it scheduled next Thursday at 9:00 a.m. what do you think about the new policies they seem effective and necessary any concerns or suggestions not at the moment they look good what do you think about the new policies they seem effective and necessary any concerns or suggestions not at the moment they look good are we reorganizing the office space yes to improve workflow where will my desk be you'll be closer to the window are we reorganizing the office space yes to improve workflow where will my desk be you'll be closer to the window can you help choose a gift for our top client sure what's the occasion their company's anniversary let's pick something thoughtful and and business appropriate can you help choose a gift for our top client sure what's the occasion their company's anniversary let's pick something thoughtful and business appropriate what's the process for handling client feedback it should be logged and then discussed in the team meeting do we respond to the client directly yes after discussing it with the team what's the problem process for handling client feedback it should be logged and then discussed in the team meeting do we respond to the client directly yes after discussing it with the team do you want to join the office book club what are they reading this month it's a mystery novel I love mysteries Count Me In do you want to join the office book club what are they reading this month it's a Myst novel I love mysteries Count Me In are there any incentives for car pooling yes the company offers reserved parking spots that's a great initiative it encourages us to be eco-friendly are there any incentives for car pooling yes the company offers reserved parking spots that's a great initiative it encourages us to be eco-friendly I'll be out of the office tomorrow do you need any work covered could you handle my emails sure no problem I'll be out of the office tomorrow do you need any work covered could you handle my emails sure no problem I need a new mouse mine is broken have you filled out the it request form not yet where can I find it it's it's on the company internet I need a new mouse mine is broken have you filled out the it request form not yet where can I find it it's on the company internet do you need help installing the new software yes I'm not sure how to do it I can show you it's easy that would be great thanks do you need help installing the new software yes I'm not sure how to do it I can show you it's easy that would be great thanks have you completed the health and safety training yes I finished it yesterday was it informative very much so I learned a lot have you completed the health and safety training yes I finished it yesterday was it informative very much so I learned a lot are you participating in the office fitness challenge yes have you signed up I'm thinking about it what does it involve just tracking our steps daily are you participating in the office fitness challenge yes have you signed up I'm thinking about it what does it involve just tracking our steps daily where should we go for our business lunch how about the new sushi Place sounds good I heard it's great I'll make a reservation where should we go for our business lunch how about the new sushi place sounds good I heard it's great I'll make a reservation do we have enough budget for our team this quarter it's tight but we can manage should we cut any costs maybe reduce travel expenses do we have enough budget for our team this quarter it's tight but we can manage should we cut any costs maybe reduce travel expenses are you interested in a carpol Arrangement yes it would save time and is eco-friendly I'll put together a schedule count me in for that are you interested in a carpool Arrangement yes it would save time and is eco-friendly I'll put together a schedule count me in for that are you helping with planning the business trip yes I'm coordinating the travel Arrangements anything I can assist with could you help with the hotel bookings are you helping with planning the business trip yes I'm coordinating the travel Arrangements anything I can assist with could you help with the hotel bookings what's the dress code for the upcoming event it's formal business attire so I should wear a suit yes a suit would be appropriate what's the dress code for the upcoming event it's formal business attire so I should wear a suit yes a suit would be appropriate have you noticed the office internet being slow yes it's been a bit sluggish should we report it to it I think that would be a good idea have you noticed the office internet being slow yes it's been a bit sluggish should we report it to it I think that would be a good idea how are we handling office birthday celebrations now we're doing a monthly group celebration when is the next one next Friday during lunchtime how are we handling office birthday celebrations now we're doing a monthly group celebration when is the next one next Friday during lunchtime have you tried the new software not yet is it good it's very user friendly I'll give it a try have you tried the new software not yet is it good it's very user friendly I'll give it a try do you prefer coffee or tea I'm a coffee person what type of coffee just a plain black coffee do you prefer coffee or tea I'm a coffee person what type of coffee just a plain black coffee are you ready for the conference yes I've prepared my presentation do you need any help no I'm all set thanks are you ready for the conference yes I've prepared my presentation do you need any help no I'm all set thanks what should I wear for the client meeting business casual is usually fine so no need for a suit right a dress shirt and trousers will do what should I wear for the client meeting is this casual is usually fine so no need for a suit right a dress shirt and trousers will do are you participating in the company charity event yes I'm volunteering what will you be doing helping to organize the activities are you participating in the company charity event yes I'm volunteering what will you be doing helping to organize the activities have you read the latest company policy update yes I skim through it this morning anything important we should know just some changes in the leave policy have you read the latest company policy update yes I skim through it this morning anything important we should know just some changes in the leave policy do we need more Office Space I think we're managing Well for now should we reorganize to create more room that might be a good idea do we need more office space I think we're managing Well for now should we reorganize to create more room that might be a good idea are you attending the office ergonomics session yes I think it's important for our health when is it next Wednesday in the conference room are you attending the office ergonomics session yes I think it's important for our health when is it next Wednesday in the conference room are you joining the company sports day yes I'm playing in the soccer team sounds fun I'll be cheering for you thanks I'm looking forward to it are you joining the company sports day yes I'm playing in the soccer te team sounds fun I'll be cheering for you thanks I'm looking forward to it is the client visiting our office next week yes they'll be here on Tuesday do we need to prepare a presentation yes let's work on it together is the client visiting our office next week yes they'll be here on Tuesday do we need to prepare a presentation yes let's work on it together my computer is really slow today have you tried restarting it yes but it didn't help let me see if I can fix it my computer is really slow today have you tried restarting it yes but it didn't help let me see if I can fix it do you want to grab a coffee before work that would be great what time how about 8:00 a.m. perfect see you then do you want to grab a coffee before work that would be great what time how about 8:00 a.m. perfect see you then I lost my phone in the office have you checked the lost and found no I'll go there now I hope you find it I lost my phone in the office have you check the lost and found no I'll go there now I hope you find it are you involved in any of the company's Community projects yes I'm part of the environmental campaign what does it involve organizing cleanup drives and awareness programs are you involved in any of the companies Community projects yes I'm part of the environmental campaign what does it involve organizing cleanup drives and awareness programs how fast is it support responding lately usually within a few hours I have an issue with my laptop you should contact them they're quite helpful how fast is it support responding lately usually within a few hours I have an issue with my laptop you should contact them they're quite helpful can we do a debrief after the client meeting sure that would be helpful when is a good time for you how about right after the meeting can we do a debrief after the client meeting sure that would be helpful when is a good time for you how about right after the meeting my computer keeps crashing have you reported it to it not yet I'll do it now let me know if they need to replace it my computer keeps crashing have you reported it to it not yet I'll do it now let me know if they need to replace it I need feedback on my presentation I can review it after lunch please focus on the clarity and flow sure I'll give you detailed feedback I need feedback on my presentation I can review it after lunch please focus on the clarity and flow sure I'll give you detailed feedback have you set up your workspace ergonomically yes it's made a big difference any tips on how to do it adjust your chair and monitor height to be comfortable have you set up your workspace ergonomically yes it's it's made a big difference any tips on how to do it adjust your chair and monitor height to be comfortable I heard our company is expanding yes we're opening a new Branch where is the new branch in the next city over I heard our company is expanding yes we're opening a new Branch where is the new branch in the next city over what facilities are available in the break room there's a microwave fridge and coffee machine is there a vending machine yes it was installed last week what facilities are available in the breakroom there's a microwave fridge and coffee machine is there a vending machine yes it was installed last week are you going to the company event next month I haven't decided yet it's a good networking opportunity true I'll think about it are you going to the company event next month I haven't decided yet it's a good networking opportunity true I'll think about it did you sign up for the office first aid training not yet is it mandatory it's not mandatory but it's highly recommended I'll sign up today then did you sign up for the office first aid training not yet is it mandatory it's not mandatory but it's highly recommended I'll sign up today then how's the collaboration with the other department going it's going well we're making good progress any challenges just aligning schedules but it's manageable how's the collaboration with the other department going it's going well we're making good progress any challenges just aligning schedules but it's manageable what do you think about the new office layout it's more open and collaborative do you find it better for productivity yes communication seems more fluid what do you think about the new office layout it's more open and collaborative do you find it better for productivity yes communication seems more fluid can we discuss email etiquette in the office sure what's on your mind just how to keep emails professional and concise I think a short session on this would be helpful can we discuss email etiquette in the office sure what's on your mind just how to keep emails professional and concise I think a short session on this would be helpful are we running low on any office supplies we could use more printer paper I'll order some today and maybe check on the ink cartridges too are we running low on any office supplies we could use more printer paper I'll order some today and maybe check on the ink cartridges too are you coming to the office party yes I heard about it what time does it start it starts at 6:00 p.m. on Friday great I'll be there are you coming to the office party yes I heard about it what time does it start it starts at 6:00 p.m. on Friday great I'll be there have you filled out the company survey not yet is it urgent it's due by the end of the week I'll do it today have you filled out the company survey not yet is it urgent it's due by the end of the week I'll do it today is the elevator still out of service yes but it should be fixed by tomorrow I'll take the stairs then it's good exercise anyway is the elevator still out of service yes but it should be fixed by tomorrow I'll take the stairs then it's good exercise anyway do we get new business cards yes with the updated company logo how do we order them fill out the form on the internet do we get new business cards yes with the updated company logo how do we order them fill out the form on the internet are you attending the up coming Workshop which one is that the one on project management skills oh yes I'm definitely attending are you attending the upcoming Workshop which one is that the one on project management skills oh yes I'm definitely attending do you think we should improve the office air quality yes maybe with some air purifiers should we suggest this toand management definitely it's a good idea for our health do you think we should improve the office air quality yes maybe with some air purifiers should we suggest this to management definitely it's a good idea for our health can we access the office after hours yes but you need to inform security how do I do that just send them an email with the date and time can we access the office after hours yes but you need to inform security how do I do that just send them an email with the date and time how do you find the new office space it's great much brighter and more spacious anything we could improve maybe add some more plants for a fresh atmosphere how do you find the new office space it's great much brighter and more spacious anything we could improve maybe add some more plants for a fresh atmosphere have we received any customer feedback lately yes mostly positive any areas we need to improve timeliness of our responses have we received any customer feedback lately yes mostly positive any areas we need to improve timeliness of our our responses did you do the monthly check of the office equipment yes everything's working fine did you include the printer on the third floor I'll check it right after our meeting did you do the monthly check of the office equipment yes everything's working fine did you include the printer on the third floor I'll check it right after our meeting did you hear about the new office pet policy no what is it we can bring pets on Fridays that's awesome I'll bring my dog did you hear about the new office pet policy no what is it we can bring pets on Fridays that's awesome I'll bring my dog I need to request some time off sure when do you need it next month for a week just submit it through the HR System I need to request some time off sure when do you need it next month for a week just submit it through the HR System did you see the new snacks in the break room no what did they add some healthy options like fruits and nuts great I'll have a look did you see the new snacks in the breakroom no what did they add some healthy options like fruits and nuts great I'll have a look when is our team performance review it's scheduled for next quarter how should we prepare for it by ensuring all our projects are on track when is our team performance review it's scheduled for next quarter how should we prepare for it by ensuring all our projects are on track are we starting an office recycling program yes it launches next week what can we recycle paper plastic and electronics are we starting an office recycling program yes it launches next week what can we recycle paper plastic and electronics what are your goals for this week I'm focusing on finishing the quarterly report that's important need any help I might thanks for offering what are your goals for this week I'm focusing on finishing the quarterly report that's important need any help I might thanks for offering have you seen the latest news no what happened there's a big sports event this weekend Oh I'll have to check it out have you seen the latest news no what happened there's a big sports event this weekend Oh I'll have to check it out are you helping with the new employee orientation yes I'm giving a tour of the office what else is included in the orientation an overview of company policies and team introductions are you helping with the new employee orientation yes I'm giving it of the office what else is included in the orientation an overview of company policies and team introductions have you finished your weekly report almost I just need to add the summary can you send it to me when you're done of course I'll email it to you have you finished your weekly report almost I just need to add the summary can you send it to me when you're done of course I'll email it to you can we adjust the office temperature it's quite chilly sure I'll see if I can change it let's try to make it comfortable for everyone I'll find a moderate setting can we adjust the office temperature it's quite chilly sure I'll see if I can change it let's try to make it comfortable for everyone I'll find a moderate setting have you visited the new office location not yet have you yes it's really modern and spacious I'm excited to see it have you visited the new office location not yet have you yes it's really modern and spacious I'm excited to see it when is our performance review next week are you prepared I think so so any tips just be honest about your achievements when is our performance review next week are you prepared I think so any tips just be honest about your achievements what's our budget for the team outing it's $50 per person any ideas on where to go maybe a nice dinner or a group activity what's our budget for the team outing it's $50 per person any ideas on where to go maybe a nice dinner or a group activity is tomorrow Casual Friday yes it is can we wear sneakers sure sneakers are fine is tomorrow Casual Friday yes it is can we wear sneakers sure sneakers are fine are we getting computer upgrades yes next month will it include new software yes the latest versions are we getting computer upgrades yes next month will it include new software yes the latest versions don't forget we have a team meeting at 10:00 a.m. thanks for the reminder I'll be there please bring your project updates got it I have them ready don't forget we have a team meeting at 10:00 a.m. thanks for the reminder I'll be there please bring your project updates got it I have them ready can you help me prepare for the big meeting sure what do you need just a review of the main points let's schedule a time to go over it can you help me prepare for the big meeting sure what do you need just a review of the main points let's schedule a time to go over it are we ordering lunch for the meeting yes what would you like to eat I'm thinking of a salad good choice I'll add it to the order are we ordering lunch for the meeting yes what would you like to eat I'm thinking of a salad good choice I'll add it to the order is it just me or is the office really cold today it does seem colder than usual could you adjust the thermostat I'll check it right now is it just me or is the office really cold today it does seem colder than usual could you adjust the thermostat I'll check it right now did you hear about the office parking update no what's the update they're expanding the parking lot that's good news it's been needed did you hear about the office parking update no what's the update they're expanding the parking lot that's good news it's been needed I need to leave early today is everything okay yes just a family appointment no problem take care I need to leave early today is everything okay yes just a family appointment no problem take care have you contributed to the office sustainability efforts yes I've been recycling more diligently any other suggestions reducing paper usage could be another step have you contributed to the office sustainability efforts yes I've been recycling more diligently any other suggestions reducing paper usage could be another step did you get the office security update yes they changed the door codes when does it take effect starting next Monday did you get the office security update yes they changed the door codes when does it take effect starting next Monday can you call it support my computer is acting up sure I'll call them now thank you I hope it's nothing serious let's hope so can you call it support my computer is acting up sure I'll call them now thank you I hope it's nothing serious let's hope so are you participating in the company fitness challenge yes I've joined the running group how often do they meet every Tuesday and Thursday after work are you participating in the company fitness challenge yes I've joined the running group how often do they meet every Tuesday and Thursday after work have you enrolled in any professional development courses yes a course on digital marketing how has it been so far really insight and practical have you enrolled in any professional development courses yes a course on digital marketing how has it been so far really insightful and practical are we doing Casual Friday this week yes we are great I'll wear my new jeans sounds good see you then are we doing Casual Friday this week yes we we are great I'll wear my new jeans sounds good see you then it's John's work anniversary tomorrow oh how many years 10 years with the company we should celebrate it it's John's work anniversary tomorrow oh how many years 10 years with the company we should celebrate it are they office quiet zones being respected mostly but sometimes reminders are needed how should we remind people maybe a sign or a gentle verbal reminder are the office quiet zones being respected mostly but sometimes reminders are needed how should we remind people maybe a sign or a gentle verbal reminder are you planning the holiday party yes any ideas for the theme how about a winter wonderland sounds magical I like it are you planning the holiday party yes any ideas for the theme how about a winter wonderland sounds magical I like it are we getting a new office seating arrangement yes it's being planned do we have any input on it yes you can submit your preferences are we get a new office seating arrangement yes it's being planned do we have any input on it yes you can submit your preferences are you participating in the office Book Exchange yes I've already chosen a book which book did you pick a mystery novel by Agatha Christie are you participating in the office Book Exchange yes I've already chosen a book which book did you pick a mystery novel by Agatha Christie are you going to the office networking event yes I think it's a great opportunity what's the agenda it's mostly meet and greet with some presentations are you going to the office networking event yes I think it's a great opportunity what's the agenda it's mostly meet and greet with some presentation should we start an office recycling program that's a great idea can you help me set it up sure happy to help should we start an office recycling program that's a great idea can you help me set it up sure happy to help should we explore new productivity tools for our team that sounds like a great idea and any tools in mind maybe something for project management should we explore new productivity tools for our team that sounds like a great idea any tools in mind maybe something for project management what do you think about the new office artwork it's very vibrant and adds character do you know who chose it I think it was the office decoration committee what do you think about the new office artwork it's very vibrant and adds character do you know who chose it I think it was the office decoration committee what's the latest on the work from home policy we can now work from home two days a week that's great do we need to inform anyone on those days just coordinate with your team leader what's the latest on the work from home policy we can now work from home two days a week that's great do we need to inform anyone on those days just coordinate with your team leader have you updated your personal information in the HR System not yet is it urgent they asked us to do it by next week okay I'll make sure to do it have you updated your personal information in the HR System not yet is it urgent they asked us to do it by next week okay I'll make sure to do it should we review the office safety protocols yes it's always good to be updated when can we do this how about during our next team meeting should we review the office safety protocols yes it's always good to be updated when can we do this how about during our next team meeting what's the dress code for the client meeting tomorrow business casual should be fine so no need for a suit and tie right a smart shirt and trousers will do what's the dress code for the client meeting tomorrow business casual should be fine so no need for a suit and tie right a smart shirt and trousers will do
Channel: Practice Makes Fluent - Lifelong Learning
Views: 329,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conversation, beginner, basic, words, vocabulary, learn, phrases, grammar, ESL, EFL, listening, practice
Id: N-b1LDlJinI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 26sec (5966 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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