I Played 100 Games Of Dota and League’s HARDEST Champions To See Who’s More Difficult

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this is azir a champion who can manipulate the battlefield create zones of pressure has amazing single Target and AOE DPS and a gamechanging team fight ultimate and this is Meo you have to play five of him at once and if one of them dies they all die and I played a 100 games of both of them to see who's harder here's why both of these characters are often heralded as some of the hardest in their respective games azir being from league and Meo from DOTA they are what you would describe as high skill floor characters meaning you need to have a lot of skill to be able to play them even at just a decent level to find out why we'll need to take a deeper look at their kits and in case you already know how their kits work here are some time stamps to jump ahead to azir's gameplay revolves around his sand soldiers these soldiers can be controlled to attack any Target within their range but they cannot move on their own as azir needs to use his Q to reposition them slowing any enemy's hit on the way azir can have up to two charges of these sand soldiers but can place as many as his ability haste allows him to at any point he can also Dash to any of his soldiers granting him a shield and dealing damage to any Target he passes through colliding with an enemy Champion interrupts the dash and gives him an extra sand Soldier charge Air's ultimate is Emperor's divide an absolutely game-changing spell that not only knocks up opponents rendering them immobile but also pushes them out of position it deals great damage and can be used as a get off me tool but also as an initiation spell knocking the enemy's backline way out of position this is done through executing what is called the sharima shuffle where you dash to to a soldier then reposition that soldier with q and then Al the enemy team into your team hitting a gamechanging shuffle is one of the best feelings you can get when playing azir his passive while often overlooked is nothing to scoff at either he can summon a turret at most Fallen turret locations for a short period of time this allows him to create safe spaces for his team even deep into enemy territory a good azir is a menace creating pressure zones with his soldiers sundisk and the threat of a well executed Shuffle because of his versatility and consistency azir is a staple of highle play he has great poke damage that scales as the game goes on and an engage SL disengage tool that covers more distance than even some DOTA Heroes meepo's kit is also incredibly unique unlike other Heroes Meo gets his ultimate at level four instead of six which grants him an additional Meo every time it's leveled up these clones copy meepo's attributes meaning his strength agility and intelligence stats and boots they also all have their own individual cooldowns for their spells only the main Meo benefits from items that give damage attack speed armor and other stats and can use active items like blink diffusal blade and hex his first skill is a skill shot where he throws a net at a Target location rooting any enemies caught for 2 seconds and because each Meo has individual cooldowns for their spells you can chain your own roots to lock someone down longer than Co did his second spell allows him to teleport to any other Meo regardless of where they are on the map this spell also deals damage to enemies in an AOE at both departure and arrival location ation meepo's third skill ransac is his sustain tool upon hitting an enemy he and every other Meo is healed for a set amount so when one Meo hits a Target every other Meo is healed for 18 HP at max level this can get pretty crazy once every Meo is hitting something and suddenly even focusing a single Meo becomes impossible we also have to talk about his Shard and a upgrades With A Shard each individual Meo gets access to the Dig spell allowing them to hide underground becoming untargetable and invulnerable willover ing 25% of their HP and with Agony scepter the main Meo can summon his other meos to become Mega Meo gaining 40% of all the other Meo stats and being granted a slew of Buffs and with their kits out of the way I played 100 quickplay games of air and 100 turbo games of Meo because this video would take ages if I did full length matches here's how they went my first few games of air went surprisingly well I found out why azir is heralded as a safe laner his poking capability is incredibly free with a soldier up he has the longest attack range in the game out ranging even Caitlyn giving him a huge advantage in certain matchups but his Reliance on Sand soldiers is something I kind of despised not just because it was hard to manage Mana early on but because Riot gave him the best auto attack animation in the game and because of his soldiers I don't get to see it as much in just my third game I actually managed to pull off my first big Tre in my Shuffle securing Dragon for my team and being one heck of a highlight I ended up going 3 and0 in in my first few azir games and thought hey maybe azir isn't that hard only to go one and six in my next seven matches but in these matches I learned something really interesting about azir unlike other Mages azir's counter isn't an assassin matchup he actually destroys assassins because of insane poke in Lane peel it from his alt and really good stat growth late game instead his counter is other Mages that outrange him I had a really difficult time against mid laners like Nico and Vex who would beat me through poke and zerth cuz lore meanwhile while my Meo games were going horribly my first game as Meo was just straight up bad I went midlan and got absolutely rolled by an SF and could barely micromanage my meos and it did not help that the enemy team had three incredibly rough matchups as a hero Meo has very clear counters AOE damage and AOE control anyone with an AOE damage or control spell pretty much ruins meepo's day and the enemy had three of them I was even tempted to just leave my other meos in base because I was so overwhelmed with trying to use all of them at once and yet somehow Against All Odds we managed to clutch Victory from the jaws of defeat my team won the [ __ ] game and I am not going to lie I did nothing the whole game but drag my team down to this day I still don't understand how we won that my next two games weren't that much better I was finally starting to get used to micro and being comfortable doing my poof combos but yeah I lost those games hard then in my fourth game due to some miscommunications from the enemy the opposing invoker was seriously underleveled and I absolutely feasted on him with my level Advantage I ended up snowballing and then we won my first decent meepo game with that first real win I ended up going five and five in my first 10 matches and riding that momentum into the rest of the challenge I wish my azir games went as well though in my next 20 azir games I won just four of them and while I could blame my team for a lot of these losses the truth is I could have played better in them as well but a defeat is only loss if you learned nothing from it and believe me I did my damnest to learn from these matches besides typing jungle diff as the enemy hit my Nexus here's what I learned Landing a sharima shuffle isn't a guaranteed one fight in fact it can be detrimental to the team to use azir's Al so early in a clash that's because as fun as it is to see two or three enemies completely yeed into the air it's more fun to actually be able to live the team fight and be able to deal damage with your soldiers while azir is deceptively tanky he's still a Mage and dashing into the enemy team to shuffle them usually costs his life in the process and you can't deal damage when you're dead except for his passive which I started to realize is a really important part of Air's kit despite it often being overlooked being able to generate a turret seemingly at will means creating a Zone on the map that just says to the enemy you're not allowed to play here it's a very strong time- wasting Zone denial tool that just exert so much pressure on the enemy to either wait it out or play around it and at least in my ELO they can't meanwhile after learning how to execute the Combos and gaining more confidence with my micro skills I was Balling on Meo by comparison at least I ended up winning nine out of my next 20 matches which isn't too bad considering I wasn't super comfortable with a hero yet I was starting to identify and play around meepo's power spikes Meo gets significantly stronger every time he levels his Al but particularly at levels 4 and 11 he also has key power spikes in diffusal Blade blink diger and Agony allowing him to play even more aggressive and build a lead which is very important on Meo and to hit these power spikes even faster I learned how to generate passive income by using doa's order queuing system you can issue back-to-back orders to units in a row this allowed me to generate more passive income than this YouTube channel you can change that though like And subscribe it was around game 40 that I realized that Meo is not a hard carry while he does scale well into the late game other Heroes just scale better he does nothing against bkb targets and can't really build bkb himself even with mega Meo and once the enemy team has all the tools needed to deal with like bkbs hex's and just more damage he falls off a cliff this is in stark contrast to azir who despite having a really good laning phase scales well into the late game his nashers power spike is really good but he really starts to come into his own once he starts building things like Shadow flame rabadons and zonas with items azir can really start to hurt becoming an AP carry with amazing disengage and a self peel to tool I even tried air Top Lane to get better results but not by much I really enjoyed bullying top laners as a range Champion with great disengage and because of Air's versatility my team wasn't sacrificing a front line saw because tank zir with LeAndre and tank items is an actually viable play style with the main difference being that I don't get one shot after doing a shuffle Meo on the other hand would suffer when he's not played in mid Meo is a Tempo carry and any sort of delays in his game plan would ruin him I could really feel the fact that I wasn't in a Solo Lane because I was leveling slower meaning that I would hit my power spikes later it was also around this time that I started utilizing megao not only as a save but also as a combat tool I would enter into fights as this massive 6,000 HP tank and then just be unkillable trying to draw the enemy's fire but really there were only two ways to approach fight as Meo counter initiate or follow up by blinking into the enemy backline after the fight is started or utilize Mega meos to become a problem azir on the other hand has all kinds of options sometimes he wants to dash away sometimes he wants to dash into Shuffle sometimes he wants to hold a sand Soldier charge or expend it for the extra DPS there's like a million different ways you can approach a situation as azir and if you choose the wrong one it will cost you your life and that's what I found to be so difficult when playing this Champion through about 50 games on both characters I would say I was comfortable with both Hero's Unique Mechanics now that I learned the hero hero I could focus on the matchups speaking of Meo matches up horribly versus 80% of the doter roster that's because they all have some way of countering this rat face the bane of his existence is AOE control stopping the meos from playing the game meepo's wind condition is that he gets ahead early and snowballs a wind before the enemy team even has a chance to counter him so he matches up well against Heroes like Arc Warden invoker anti-age and other Heroes with Lake power spikes remember you kill one Meo you kill them all so he also gets countered by isolation and big single Target damage like pudge's hook kung's x mark and Chaos Knight's entire kit but there were five Heroes that just made my life a living hell during this entire challenge Magnus is all about AOE damage being able to damage and stun every single Meo and then push all of my guys into his team as if he's playing azir a special shout out to those Magnus who would just preserve RP for me and only me Jesus that was annoying to fight again queen of pain would be an okay matchup Meo at least would be able to lock her down with chain Nets and blow her up before she could blink away but the cops I faced would always rush Agony which I feel was built specifically to counter Meo and it prevented me from playing the game which doctor was my permaban when I realized that nobody picks winter wyvern anymore because she's garbage Cask just [ __ ] me over and that Agony scepter upgrade just means that I have to play incredibly patiently ice frog why does this support deal bajillion damage Dr Ranger would silence all of my meos forcing me to build an early disperser to dispel it and mega Meo and then delete one of them with her Shard remember Meo can't build armor so his tankiness comes from his base armor which Dr can completely ignore and finally disruptor who would ruin me completely static storm turns all of your meos into melee creeps while glimps would isolate a Meo for easy pickings meanwhile with air I had a huge problem facing up against ranged sustained damage dealers azir's early poke is great but his DPS is dog water until first back and I had the most trouble against Champions who played around this fact I'm talking about zigs zerth akan copia and someone who actually tore me a new one Lucian that's right I played against a Lucian mid in 2024 and he absolutely rolled me as air I could barely play the lane against these Champs so I had no option but to play Under Tower in scale and because of that my team would lose objective since I'm playing not to die instead of on even footing however most of the time I find myself winning lane or at the very least drawing even because his laning stage is just that safe and even if I did lose Lane azir still brings value to the team as a suicide initiator with sharima Shuffle ironically I think that the biggest counter to air is my own play style I like starting fights and engagements but for the most part I was playing a DPS Mage who was fairly squishy I was trying to play his ear like a primary initiator but I was also itemizing like a damage dealer as air you have to be able to resist the urge to dash into five people and shuffle them into your team because this usually comes at the cost of your life it just so happens that I'm not very good at that and funnily enough I had the same problem on Meo Meo does not function as a primary initiator because he's very easy to isolate and focus down once you can counter him instead you want to play him as a secondary initiator when the fight has already started jumping into the backline and blowing up the enemy supports so with this knowledge I tried to fix as much as I could for my last 10 games and they went pretty well I ended up going six and four in my last 10 matches on a year with my last match actually supposed to be a mirror match until my aalii decided to troll Me by following me the whole game stealing Cs and we FF at 15 Meanwhile my last few Meo games were a mixed bag I went five and five while AOE lock down and damage can be hard for me to deal with meepo's real counter is teammates that don't realize that he's playing the game on a timer despite his complex kit his win condition is fairly simple get fat as soon as possible and end the game before the enemy can even hit their first Power Spike instead I had teammates who didn't realize this and chose to farm instead of pushing advantages with me eventually leading to us losing our lead and the game with it and for my 100th game I got absolutely carried by my team I did nothing so after one 100 games how did I do well for air I actually ended up winning 41 out of 100 games not a great number but it does show how hard this Champion can be he's really not a champion that you can pick up and expect to do well with and even now I think that there's still small micro improvements that I can make like delaying my queue during the shuffle to extend the range of my Dash just a bit further or improving my Soldier placement in Lane to push faster this just shows that even after 100 games and achieving Mastery 7 on him there's still so much more to this Champion I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what air is capable of and I have yet to unlock the ability to single-handedly win games like chovi as for Meo I actually ended up with a 5050 win rate on him after 100 games I learned that Meo isn't very difficult at all his skill ceiling is surprisingly low for how high his skill floor is once you know how to Blink poof chain Nets and autofarm mocana just plays himself the real difficulty in Meo lies in getting your team to end theing game before you lose your power Spike so to answer the question who is harder between two of the hardest characters for my specific play style and current skill level I would have to say azir azir is what you would call a jack of all trades pick he's a great blind pick and will get you consistent reliable results as long as he's piloted well that's why he's a pro playay staple because he has so many options on combat optimization Rune choices and place style you're going to have to adapt to every situation and every game Meo on the other hand has a single game plan get fat and fast there's really only one way to play Meo and despite his mechanics being harder that simplifies his overall gameplay Loop you can get away with building the fusal blank ax Shard every game just like I did I will acknowledge that playing in turbo mode definitely changes things while it's supposed to simulate faster DOTA matches it definitely feels different from regular DOTA but at the same time meepo's Windows to win the game are much smaller and if I'm not ending by 15 minutes I already know that the game's going to be a hard one but honestly even with my verdict this really doesn't prove much I'm just one player in a sea of millions who play and enjoy these games with a very specific play style as fun as I found azir I also found him incredibly difficult which may not be the same experience for everyone in the same way some people may find Meo incredibly easy all I know is that both of these characters are incredibly fun and unique designed that I'm glad to have finally got the balls to pick them and try them out glad to add them both to my champion pool do you agree with my verdict or feel that I should have played a different character instead let me know in the comments and if you like my content don't forget to like the video and subscribe for more I'm always trying to improve so any feedback is appreciated asce out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Acex2ron
Views: 14,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 79pRhK7-9cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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