COMPLEXITY COMPARISON of heroes between League Of Legends and Dota 2. (=/= difficulty)

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between League of Legends and Dota 2 which MOBA is more complex a question this broad has no good answer is the measure concerned with Unique Mechanics if that was the case league would be the most complex since many of its Champions apply Mark debuffs which are treated as Unique Mechanics does complexity instead measure macro gameplay Toyota wins in that department since lanes are fluid and roles are just a suggestion is it the skill ceiling of the heroes if so how to even Define a skill ceiling will any of these questions reappear in the video probably not but while contemplating these topics and my life I had a simple idea of comparing the complexity of Heroes between League of Legends and DOTA 2. strap in because that's what we're doing today pocket there are two ways of measuring complexity the first is a measure of the complexity of the abilities one way to think about it is how many pages does their ability description take up on the wiki the other way to measure complexity is on the execution requirements sometimes a hero has a simple ability with not much to it yet it requires some sweaty try hard gaming just to play decent for this list I will fully ignore items yes even agonym stuff it's an unfair comparison since Dora's Heroes can get 10 slotted in the late game just remember these comparisons are also objective after liking my video comment below if you disagree with my rankings all right rankings here are two lines one for each game I'll Place Heroes on here as we go to show the least and the most complex of the lot starting us off we have wraith King he has three passive abilities and a point-and-click for the league viewers out there I only mean passives that you spend skill points on DOTA doesn't have innate passives well technically two passives but one of his actives creates summons that you can't even control and act essentially as a passive DPS buff the ability has a passive component the active is essentially a passive toggle it's a passive okay moving on slightly up the totem pole is ogre Magi he has three points and click spells and his ultimate is a passive lore states that the ogres are literally the dumbest sentient things on the planet and this guy he's got two heads meaning he's barely smart enough to walk in a straight line his kit reflects that perfectly now when comparing the simplest DOTA Heroes to the simplest League Heroes we immediately see a major difference most champions in League have one in eight passive three to four actives and two innate Summoner skills essentially two more spells available at level one there's a total of seven abilities for each Champion so right off the bat this whole part of the line yeah nothing exists here there's a camp of league players that argue that Summoner spells shouldn't be considered in the complexity of Champions because they are not Champion specific my argument is that they act exactly like other abilities and though you're not unique effectively and without exception increase the mechanical complexity of every champion even then you still have Champions like Yumi how simple is she well her parasite mechanic means that for 90 of the time she doesn't even have to click her Mouse to move around her spells are pretty generous in their hitboxes as well if you want to see an in-depth comparison of her kit to that Avaya check out my previous video on the topic next up the list is Sona three of her skills are temporary auras including her nuke which has auto aim honestly I love how she held my hand through my first dozen league games thank you Sona when talking about the average complexity of Heroes in both games you have to remember that the distribution sort of looks like a belker so as expected most Heroes will be close to the middle DOTA you start to see Heroes with spell combos like Magnus and Legion Commander and some illusion Heroes show up that require micro like Naga siren in League you start seeing Mark mechanics show up like seen in anubia special resources start appearing like that of Gwen and abilities start having extra parameters like Haymaker from set at this point you might notice a difference emerging between the games abilities in Dota and in extension the hero kits are a lot more simple and though complex kits still exist this trend towards Simplicity skews the hero distribution very heavily to the left speaking of complex remember how I mentioned two types of complexity one for mobility and Trixie and the other from mechanical skill requirements you'll see examples of both coming up when it comes to simple abilities with high complexity nidalee is right up there she has six basic abilities with her ultimate mostly serving as a means to swap between two sets of three to choose from each of these is pretty simple on its own but to play her well all of her spells get spammed non-stop when clearing the jungle or seeing some really high ABM even out of combat with enemies her damage is also very conditional around distance and timing another example is Draven to keep up his damage he has to run around catching his weapons after every attack everyone else is playing League while this guy's playing Dance Dance Revolution as for the complex spells just take a look at azir his signature spell is to summon statues that do his ranged attack in melee and then he can hop to the statues while firing them across the screen and then just making a wall out of nowhere the number ways his abilities can combo together is way too much for me to explain so please check out this Pro gameplay instead all right alongside azir is ophelios his gameplay is among the more simple side but his abilities oh boy this guy has five guns with different properties each of them change his q and ALT and on top of that they have ammo move over dance dance traven this guy's playing Call of Duty now hopping over to the DOTA site and um we're gonna need to extend this line a bit [Music] foreign what the [ __ ] okay there we go I want to start off with invoker what kind of spells should a control Mage have the answer is all of them invoker has 13 abilities it takes three to five button presses to cast just one of his spells yes his UI comes with a cheat sheet if you forget what they all are next to him is meepo a hero with a pathetically simple kit on paper I mean look he has two passives and look there's people again and there and oh no yes these are all meepo they are all you they earn gold and gain experience separately they all share the same abilities and if any one of them die they all do they are all one hero you're looking keeping track of your lane defense meepo while you're ganking with amiibo and leaving two or three others on Jungle clear Duty oh well that might happen third on our list of complexities Chen his signature spell is to take over a couple of creeps sounds simple enough right well you have to remember that the jungle creeps of DOTA have spells too so to play a good chat you have to remember and to use the Spells acquired from controlling a small army this is Chen without any cheats dance Draven caught affilias please say hello to real-time strategy Chen and finally to round things off let's look at brewmaster I just I just I just can't why don't we take a look at the wiki did you catch all that yeah me neither so which game has the most complex Heroes I'd argue it's League that DOTA has some really wacky outliers now if you were to ask whether complexity results in a better game or not well that's a debate I'll leave for Reddit to figure out just I mean can we all agree that both games are great peace love and friendship and all that oh [ __ ] I forgot lone druid [Music]
Views: 89,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League Of Legends, LoL, League, Dota 2, Dota, Vs, Funny, Complexity, kit, design, chen, invoker, yuumi, ogre, magi, azir, akali, void sporit, tinker, sven, compilation, comparison, fantasy, 1v9, 1v5, dragon's blood, anime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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