League of Legends Sentinels of Light Full Story (all cinematics)

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[Music] order power cold heat life and death many ideals and essences coexist in this magical planet runeterra many many years ago in the easternmost region of umterra there was a powerful kingdom called kamivor in that kingdom due to his older brother's unexpected death a young prince suddenly found himself as king and his name was fiego [Music] one day a peasant seam dress called his eye taken by her beauty he fell in love instantly and the young king buried his oldie uninterested in governance he was inseparable in their enchanting romance however a questionable rulership resulted in an opportunity for his enemies a poison dagger then meant to assassinate diego instead graced his old day villegos spent every single coin in the treasury but death was inevitable for his old day despite the loss viego's obsession to recover his lover slowly became a craze later he discovered a place that of magical healing water shrouded by the hollowed mist a place called the blessed isles it is possible to heal but impossible to revive said the nobles of the blessed isles fiego did not listen and led his army slaughtering anyone who stood in his way as fiego reached the inner sanctum he let his wife drift beneath the water but something had gone wrong as all they rose has a wraith stuck between life and death in her pain and confusion from being ripped from death she took the king's blade and pierced viego's heart [Music] the magic of the water is trying to heal viego and the dark magic seeping out of his heart as all of this blended with the hallowed mist of the isles a mist darker than black started pouring out of viego's heart this was the beginning of the ruination black mist engulfed the isles in seconds and every living thing had been converted to horrifying undead race the isles full of blessings had been turned into a domain of black mist the shadow isles [Music] time has passed since the urination the name viego was lost in history and the secrets of the isles had vanished in the mist [Music] however the black mess still remained and spread to other regions of runeterra the myth took away souls of the innocent and claimed it its own this was called the heroin and people only feared the constant threat that came every year prepare yourselves friends the harrowing is here but there were those who fought to defend a secret ancient order sworn to fight back the black mist a hunter's organization originating from the blessed isles the sentinels of light conventional weaponry was useless against the undead so they used relic stones from the blessed isles to forge their weapons by channeling their souls into light into their unique weapons they fought the shadows for many years later the sentinels found their hq near demacia and built sentinel strongholds across the key regions even today they are secretly scattered in each region to protect runeterra and its people from the undying spirits but the catastrophes of the ruination was far from over as his old soul was forcefully ripped from death her soul was broken into fragments and the pieces rested in her belongings the relics that contained the fragments were scattered across regions of roon terra but one fragment that flew along the black mist one day found this resting place inside a girl it found on a shipwreck and the girl's name was senna as his old soul entered her body this cursed her in the blackness pursued her endlessly at the time she did not know why she was marked but each time she was able to escape thanks to a voice inside her head during her endless struggle senna was rescued by a veteran sentinel and joined the order to grow up as a deadly enemy of darkness later a man named lucian also joined the two became partners and they continued their fight against the undead being on the same boat it did not take a century for love to blossom but very soon lucian was urged to find a cure for santa's curse obsessed by it lucian traveled all across from tara and met a living nightmare from the shadow isles thrashed the chain warden the two sentinels fought an enemy like never before but was illusion's obsessed anxiety to find a cure against his arch enemy he went off guard sarah threw herself to protect lucian and thresh took her soul away as her soul was imprisoned in this eldritch lantern lucian survived because of santa's sacrifice but now he turned into a different man like the ancient ruined king consumed with obsession who sought to get his lover back lucy taking santa's relic pistol also devoted solely to the purpose of liberating senna an endless cycle of failure and pain five years have passed lucian faced thresh one last time determined to throw away his life if necessary [Music] oh [Music] uh food [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hmm and so the two were reunited but something had changed by senna her soul was held captive within the lantern for five years but for some reason the mist within the lantern could not take her down this was because of his holy soul fragment within senna zena learned about the force of life within her and she started harnessing the black mist taking the darkness to her home she traveled the lantern prison to liberate the innocent souls imprisoned there the souls told her about the ruination's origins and their darkest secrets of the shadowhouse she also collected weapons of fallen sentinels to forge a new weapon a rolex stone cannon so santa was prepared and she waited and all she needed was a little opening which lucian made she took that opportunity to defeat the warden but it still wasn't time to rejoice because cena knew that the real fight was yet to begin the prison souls in the lantern they weren't there again and again something the voice insider feared the most the return of the ruined king [Music] the housing's loose again what did you do to this thing you'll have it fixed by mudtown with currents and wind conditions we can be there in three days [Music] the mist should be leagues from here well it saved us a trip cinnamon hey we don't run from darkness we light the way [Music] wow you don't belong here i have crossed through death and ruination to get back to her return my queen you will destroy this world ugh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh huh [Music] hmm we have to go back for her sinner we can't defeat him alone [Music] viego the ruined king was back in 1 000 years he had one sole purpose recollecting his lovers fragmented souls fiego set foot to find the feathers scattered throughout the continent because he was able to be wherever the black mist was the black mist began spreading all across frontera meanwhile although unsure of where zoldi's voice went zena and lucian hurriedly returned to the sentinel hq only to find the headquarters destroyed into a wreck and one newly recruited rookie in this not quite optimal situation the three found a girl hunting brakes with a pair of giant scissors [Music] gwen a doll personally made by the seamstress is aldi herself after the ruination one of the souls rested within her and after a long time gwen opened her eyes as a living girl she took life with joy taking nothing for granted using his all these scissors needles and thread she fought off the race with determination without a doubt the queen's edition will be of great help the group returned to the hq the world stone in the headquarters was capable of letting the user teleport to wherever the sentinel bases were using a weapon named wayfinder the group was easily able to find themselves back home the surprising thing was that the wayfinder chose the rookie as its wielder and so the rookie also joined the pursuit for fiego to stop the black mist the four were headed out to demacia the region closes from the base in demacia they found vain fighting off the rates in this unprecedented crisis they formed an alliance but viego had already obtained a relic containing his oldies soul at that moment a shocking truth was revealed they thought his old a soul within there was already taken but a small piece of his oldie still remained inside zenna viego did not hesitate to take that piece from zenna but using the hollowed mist gwen hit her from diego a part of his objective already met diego escaped with the magic relic of course he didn't forget to leave a ruined gift for the troublesome sentinels [Music] ah is she dead no worse you cannot stop the [Music] darkness what is this what's happening steady [Music] [Music] then shoot her twice [Applause] how do we stop her we pin it down and hit it with everything we got on it wait lucid [Music] [Music] no she's still in there she's a monster viego's the real monster and there aren't enough arrows in the world to stop him we need to work together or he will destroy everything what is this place this is where you make a choice stand with us in the light [Music] or fall alone to the darkness she's reckless in her and we'll need more just like her to stop what's coming are you two just going to stand there or are we going to find something to kill with a new outfit that grin designed herself faint stood as a sentinel of life the sentinels continuously pursued the ruined king fiego but the quest was not easy in broward a sad depressed yordle helping viego vex has snatched the relic the sentinels found it noxus a master of ceremonies of the ruined crowd ruined draven blocked and hindered their pursuit and they lost viego again who retrieved another feather later in ionia in regret of her indifference that prevented her from intervening when i onions died ruined karma stood in the central's way and piltover graves thought he could sell the magic relic for a decent price he threw the game upside down and this ultimately resulted in vex taking the feather once again in pursuit of viego the sentinels climb bound targon as viego defeated arterius protecting targon the former bloodthirsty aspect of war pantheon was reawakened and the sentinels lost again in bilgewater as misfortune had trouble with their power struggle handed viego the feder in exchange for power siding with the ruined misfortune opposed to sentinels [Music] despite the repeated encounters with viego the sentinels were unsuccessful in recovering relics but their long journey was not in vain at all they met olaf the berserker and freljord looking forward to his glorious death in battle he swore in as a sentinel riven the exile who escaped the noxian prison with the sentinels also joined the cause to repent for her sins and held their broken blade to play her part to save the land of ionia corrupted by the black best irelia the blade dancer joined them as well graves realized that he wouldn't have anyone to rob in the broken world and the allah hoped to restore the world and swore in so that he may peacefully rob people again [Music] on top of that diana the aspect of the moon rose to protect the lunaris and enchanted the sentinels with divinity the hunter who hunted down anyone on his list pike the blood harbor ripper also joined the sentinel side to hunt down viego who had been on his list for his vicious past and so with help from new recruits from each region the sentinels of light took down the ruins one by one [Music] cena spent their days busy in trading the new recruits pollution grew anxious day by day as long as a part of his old day remained inside senna lucian knew that viego would not stop pursuing her a few days later as the rookie and lucian was searching the ishtal jungle thresh appeared he told them if they handed the feather to him he would tell them the key to defeating the ruined king normally lujan would draw his pistol without hesitation but as he was afraid that he might lose his lover again he accepted the deal with the help of rengar the pride stalker he gave the fetter to the chain warden greatly satisfied thresh told him what he promised within the sentinel base in shirima there was a weapon capable of avenging the fallen and reviving the dead later in the shadow wilds thresh offered fiego the last letter he retrieved and swore his loyalty to the ruined king however the warden had plans of his own and as he collected more souls his appearance was slowly becoming more human meanwhile in shrima [Music] searching for that powerful weapon lucian and rookie snuck out to reach the shurima base there they made another sentinel the weapon he held called the absolver was a weapon of revenge and redemption with the absolver if the murderer is killed with it the victims were revived a double-edged wonder to revive his murdered mentor he searched relentlessly for the one responsible but as he watched the sentinels in their perilous quest against the heroine he had a change of heart and decided to join the cause as his mentor would have thus lotion was able to come home with a new ally now everything was ready to go since vehicle collected all of the feathers the sentinels had no time to waste there was no coexistence between the two sides united with solid resolve they arrive in the aisle stripped from light the shadow miles as if he was looking forward to the arrival viego gladly took the challenge and so the last battle where the fatal room terra depended on began to recover a lost lover to protect the reunited lover those who swore into light those who gave into darkness an ensuing fight broke out between the two while some sentinels bought time senna with other sentinels face the one responsible for all this [Music] [Music] all this in the name of love all the sacrifices that were made all the lives forever tainted you have driven good men mad and mad men could no atrocity is beyond your rich she belongs to me so predictable when now no love is not easily dissuaded at long last [Music] [Music] show them no pity don't nobody here own a shirt well i didn't mean you [Music] um [Music] your black and broken heart has destroyed everything you turned our season of love into an eternity of bitterness and madness all this death all this ruination and for what this obsession i loved you until my final breath why wasn't that enough our tragedy should have died with me now let me rest [Music] now [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] ruined king ruined the heroes who were corrupted by viego had returned to normal and the sentinels of light saviors of roon terra were able to return to their lives as well however the sentinels weren't the only ones grinning with joy while viego was distracted someone had been siphoning the midst of the isles the mist had a new master the unbound thresh as everything went according to his plan thresh smiled and waited for the day that he would come to harvest the sentinel's souls [Music] you
Channel: GCL - Game Storyteller
Views: 1,455,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends cinematic, league of legends music, league of legends gameplay, league of legends wild rift, league of legends song, league of legends akshan, league of legends lore, sentinels of light theme, sentinels of light cinematic, sentinels of light league of legends, sentinels of light event, league of legends viego, league of legends vex, league of legends light and shadow, league of legends sentinel of light, league of legends story, league of legends gwen
Id: orZhNA6_KHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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