Leadership Talk with Shri Ajit Doval, NSA, Govt. of India [MHRD Innovation Cell- IIC]

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[Music] [Music] good morning my dear friends welcome to the third edition of India first leadership talk series today we are very excited because we have a very very special guest some people call him James Bond of India or some people call him real-life Guam kesh Bakshi so today we have our National Security Advisor she added to algae with us and today we will discuss with him about art of decision making and it's a welcome to our show so when we announced that you will be joining us for India first leadership talk series there was huge enthusiasm within students and within 2 or 3 days we got about 600 to 700 questions then subsequently we had to cancel the show because some unfortunate incidents happened and then we are now until now we have received about 950 questions from students when we scan those questions lot of those questions were dealing with India's very sensitive security kind of inquiries or they were keen on knowing about it so we couldn't take many of those questions but still we have tried to compile some of them and you can answer based on your ease of dealing with some of these things so the first question sir is a very very interesting question and it actually is about the air strikes or surgical strikes which very done before so the students are very very keen on knowing that you might be there in the war room by monitoring the entire situation minute by minute maybe so what was going in your mind and whether at any point of time you had the fear of actually or have a feeling I had a feeling that the decision may go wrong you know of you have taken the wrong decision so so what was well I can't go into the specifics of many operations or this particular operation but I'll tell you one thing we are all human beings and human brain human psyche human this thing operates almost similarly the difference is how do you respond to it it is just like the rain fall it falls on all of us evenly but that some people can catch cold some people are better glad some people have with the raincoat some people have a this thing so the important thing is whenever you take major decisions whenever you take vital decisions there is always the sense of anxiety uncertainty because you are not a crystal gazer you cannot tell the future and you get to know whether decision was right or wrong only after the event is over so the die has been cast but more important thing is how do you cope with that how do you plan for that now the way I can tell you is this that is if I take a decision I work out a verse Cassady do I don't see if everything goes wrong what will happen and then you find that okay if everything goes wrong what can happen is affordable they may get a really bad press if I got some bad media but Mitchell won't suffer maybe sometimes we may lose some lives doesn't matter but we can manage with that the country can bear that shock after having worked out the worst case scenario you try to improve on that that is how do I see that is if you know if I buy a lottery ticket or I find if I if I say that if I'm going to do a job it's going to cost me 500 if it is wrong but I say how can I eat reduce the cost so you start making preparations to make it more affordable till you bring it to the point where you think that the risk is worth taking which requires time which requires preparation which at times an hour job requires technology superior intelligence and all these things so you the point I was trying to make is that to deal with fear articulate their fear in specific words and you'll find the fear is not very big it is not as big as you are really worried about it is much less than that not only that you can further reduce it by through preparations through a better knowledge to a better understanding and through hard work then the another important thing is that for vital decisions you must have a contingency plan that is the fallback position if things you know whatever you do a situation gets changed now that situation is a new situation that you have to cope with and if you have got to cope in that situation that is what we say is the new contingency it can be favorable it confirmed unfavorable say you are talking about this operation of Bonaparte now they're after the media's of the stage what is a new situation it's a favorable situation but still a new situation so you planted it that how do you do the perception management or how will or then there will be an international so you will work out that is what will be your contingency plans after the news the old one is over favorable or unfavorable a new situation will emerge and then you have got to deal with that so I think there after the fair level becomes very low you know that when you have cattle for it you know that you are prepared for it you know that you have got the requisite talent knowledge resources and everything has been lined up come come what may and we will deal with it so the fear can be handled as you rightly said - right kind of mental preparation and training but sometimes while decision-making you hardly have few choices and then you have to really take tough decisions how and when it comes to national security and if you have to take a tough decision then it has a long-term repercussions it may have law generations may get affected so when you are taking a tough decision what considerations you actually give it is bit different than fear for fear of taking decision well first let us understand that we all take hundreds of decisions every day whether what to dress or what to eat or where to say - you buy this thing what exactly makes a decision tough what are the tough decisions tough decisions are there the consequences are going to affect a large number of people for a long period of time the risks are high because some of those wrong decisions may change the course of history like say when India got its independence and the merger of the states was going and decision was taken that is let us go to the United Nations because the from the Pakistani side the emasculator comes with arms and others rather than taking them hand along strongly we thought that let us go to the United Nations and thereafter we got into a situation where it became internationalized and we could not the occupied richmond liberated so that was the decision that has got a long-term consequences even did today all the problems are cast me out because that other 535 states had been merged with india so it was also one of the other princely state reside merge with india but since we had taken the decision to go to the united nations and thereby we found it difficult that the UN position was not something which was in consonance with our national interests so how do you take the lead of decisions the first thing is that you must have clarity of objectives take out all adjectives or adverbs it should be only the nouns and the verbs make it as small and as simple as possible don't say we are going to fight terrorism that is not the objective in this particular case say that we are going to neutralize on such a such date such and such person or such and such module or such as this thing like that that is a specific course of action about Viji of what a clarity and when that happens this the next thing that i have got to do so your objectives must be very well defined we normally particularly the indian mind gets bogged down with lot of philosophies thinking's thoughts various anxieties and others but on the focused it is not very clear about its objectives after that you must do an objective analysis of pure instance of your circumstances of your limitations of the resources available of the possibilities that can happen now when I say objective it is very very important and that makes say my case I never take a decision I ask myself some questions am i angry if I'm angry I never take a decision because Norman you are not taking an objective decision your objectivity suffers when you are angry am I afraid if I am afraid my decisions are not objective the security of my life becomes more important for me so my decision will be affected that after this whether I become alive or I'll be dead so I was okay I'll wait for another day I'll take condition tomorrow when I have some limited myself that nope doesn't matter if I die I die I'm prepared for that I've made arrangements for anything that I care for or anything that I'm there's my responsibility whether you are upset whether you feel that your personal interests are at stake that you may lose the job or you may lose the you know there's a lot of anxieties that the people can have don't take a decision let establish you must take a decision to be objective in a completely calm state of mind in a completely composed state of mind in a completely neutral state of mind then after you have got the objectives defined see what are the different options by which you can achieve those objectives tough decisions do not leave many options but still there are options and your experience your knowledge makes those options great the operations are those options so you say that okay I have to go from here to cannot place how do you select the best option each option has got a cost each option has got a time each option has got the opportunities in which it can be done what suits you best that is the best option which is most cost effective and sure to get your objective now who are the people normally do not take wrong decisions they adopt the wrong option which they say that our decision it was not the decision that was wrong it was the option that you were drafted for that is wrong and why did you adopt the wrong option because you had not resulted your knowledge your database your experience your communication with the people that didn't to see you had not done that well and therefore you select an option that is I decide to go to cannot place why am i shocked and then I say well it is taken me two hours it is not that going to contrast those bad it is that you decided to go the wrong way how do you connect the wrong way again you see the map when you know the every street and every turning to the map and then you will reach the fastest possible way using the minimum amount of patrol and the time so work out your options and prepare for it after you have selected the option then start preparing for it and that is the most important thing and I want to emphasize on this that this is very very important that you have to give your best your decisions are not right or wrong what happens is this that is you take a decision but then you don't work towards it to fructify it with a total commitment with Dhokla give your best in every way you know in life it is important to make right decisions but there's something which is still more important that is to make the decisions right once you have taken the decision you know it's a right you know one you are all young people and tomorrow you may like to select a spouse for you a life partner for yourself you are already thinking that probably the secret lies in selecting the right partner probably yes but more of it lies whether you can make that marriage right but it's so taking the right decision is less important than making the decision right after you have taken a decision then it is your bravery it is your commitment it is your foresight it does it is a sense of tolerance your ability to take it this thing that you make that decision right since you have taken it and you have got a responsibility television ocurro being here for a second - being in spite of that you try to make it right and so concentrate more and act more on action than to keep on changing your decisions you are taken to this game go ahead with it so we have received another very interesting question and it's more about your style of functioning you must have done hundreds of operations in India or in abroad and many people call you as a mode of a soloflyer so sir what makes I did the world different from others well it is true that is I have had a large enough operations because I was posted all my life in that actually very young and my carrier I was enough for what reasons the thought that well I can go for the operations and thereafter I got remained in this again still I became the chief but actually I have never given it a thought that in any way whether I am different I feel that every human being is different gods each creation is unique you have two fingerprints cannot be same how can be the two individuals or the personalities be identical they have got to be different I may be different but may be the product of my own upbringing education experiences of life might a blue bird brought might have certain anxieties of certain not invited certain type of peculiarities might have cropped in and as I get the feedback you are right that is generally that people think that I may follow these things and I try to do this well it just sometimes said in a negative way sometimes people tell it in a positive way but there is one thing why I have been more of a solo operator I think that will I can probably know my circumstances what I can risk why should I make others risk their circumstances may be that they will do it by their orders or by the this thing like that but when I do it it is my belief let them do the things that they believe so for me a very strong belief or a commitment and what I am going to do I know that I have moved it he may be doubtful and his good relationship when I said if you are in doubt you will never succeed but you could lead an operator so whatever I do I am never in a doubt I know I have decided to take this path I have done my due diligence I have done the research I have done that the thing I prepared myself and you cooked myself and thereafter I will do that so that may be there are some people that will be fine that well they were take it as an order but their commitment and their belief level is not same secondly I would not like others to take the risks for which totally my creation the - you know I can a lot of things that talked about this thing that some books have been written mr. Mara has also written about it that is when we had a lot of distance in in Golden Temple and about 300 terrorists with this thing had gone inside and then they were committing with these things others and going inside and then we had to take a distance the Operation Black Thunder at that point of triangles somebody I do go inside with whatever cover with whatever identity and well I was the head of operations I don't have to be this myself I could have good I know that chances of a survival ability particularly we need to go for a long in it and come and go again and again so they told me that well sir will accompany you is it nobody will accompany me I will become more vulnerable if somebody's really there is another thing intelligence operation you are the safest if you are wrong because nobody can contradict you even if you have caught it is your lies that will pass off and if you are too smart and intelligent you will be able to take them around until you do not know the other man is it not that he is wrong but he is different so they can find the reproach but anyway being so low point this one the other thing that has been this sea which has been talked about me is that that is not a surprise and the operations that I take there is one another thing in which I had been working yes I never repeat the same thing boys I have never I think I started this black it when I was in my 20s and now I'm certified I have never done anything places I always liked doing everything differently as if I was the first thing that I'd be every operation how big or small is the first of my life so I do it with that spirit of a new child as he started because then you do not depend and you do not have any assumptions if I was lucky lastly what do you guarantee Ariat lucky this thing there are very date your assumptions again this that asked small if I have to just because I made the biryani very good yesterday there's no guarantee I will do it today as well I will have to see the today the chicken will be more tender and it a bit more softened the rice may be better it not be this thing everything in life every second different life is the first second of the rest of your life every day in your life is the first day of the life that is left start it at that so I guess there is a just thing then the speak and they say that well even if I walk I walk could you fast my speeches be very fast I think that if you can even if you are there has been an intelligence leak and your adversary has come to know about it by the time he analyzes it by the time he understands it if you have got a speech you have got to defeat him by days or by hours or by minutes or seconds he will get you but he's there only couple of minutes later you're out from there so beef be fast to hit and to quit speech very wrong but that don't get into too much of a procrastination and and the thing like that it's a speech and secrecy's of course is a part of this profession but I always believe that you must have the ability that is you cannot do creative it makes you can't talk but you will always be able to the whitest secret must be kept testing so ultimate security which becomes a life threat over a period of time that is you remain a secretive person so I think that the sense that in which mine the operational work that I have done and which I feel that the others feel that there have been a certain amount of for the college and as for that that is a surprise that's the speed there is a secrecy and then there is a solo so say that so you said something very very interesting about speed secrecy so it actually evolves from psyche also you know what kind of psycho person has developed over a period of time so would you like to share with us few events in your life which has actually helped you developed the psyche well there is no event which I manufactured or which I planned that it will affect my psyche the things that you plan they do not affect our psyche because your plan for it things that affect your psyche is something that happened and we are not planned for it and then leave the mark if I recall I think Olivier I had little trouble childhood my father was an argument I was born as a son after after his after his death the whole family house the son after he got preferred say 14 years and I had heard of wars and then I'd her I had sisters so I was remembered my grandfather and my mother and everybody felt that so I became a very pampered child to some extent this project as it happens so my father sent me to boarding school so I went to military school I was about eight yesterday so I left my home at the age of eight and I went to at that time to snow that King George's run into in Ventura College later became King George's School and now he's not a beauty school that is when eyes this things in my life from the coziness of the house to the loneliness of a boarding house I developed a saying I used to beep for long hours after it is bad because you're sleeping wrong but soon I learnt in this life you have to be wrong and you have to find your your your pains your pressures your comforts it's all in you so you have got so I became a loner which I remained at the suited my profession but it also made me the thing that I am responsible for whatever I do if I get bitten up by the other students it is because I have not been able to to manage them well and if I've got that this ignite so that is the first event in my life which when I see in the retrospect that is gave me a this thing that if I have to do a thing I have to do it alone if I have got I have got to be self dependent and everything that I do I am responsible for everything that happens to nobody else is responsible for that exactly good or bad I have got to bear the consequences the second was that school had a very strange about which still is they have not changed the very very old school the military school it has got us to play the game they used to think that well is more important that the you know the students were brought there in very young age did they must learn to play the game and inculcate certain qualities which come to the sake of game and every child was allotted some game so I was in the chat Roadhouse in that jesting and then when the selection started for this thing some people were taken for football and so for hockey and at this I was this thing for boxing it's a very interesting story anyway school level everybody plays so I was also there I was a reasonably good school time boxer I never disliked but my he was also ever my house teacher and all Sudha he told me one day story he said you know why is selected you for the boxing this he said you have got a very unique quality I was of course at that when you are really young age age nobody knows who you're tall you be short so all our shouting this thing only by small inches or half inch and something like that so you don't have a this thing he said that is you never accepted a defeat you when they're written up and you are beaten up you will never come out of the ring even when you are bleeding even when you are this thing you will continue not that you were the best hider but you had great resilience I will win the war not because of the strongest but I will not quit I can wait prepare myself and wait for years and years and he said that is what I thought that psychologically the box's quality that is you would stay in the ring up to the last round even when you have lost the roads even when you have been beaten up even when you are breeding he said there were much better boys who could be this thing but moment they've got one or two of the jabs or something like that etcetera thereafter they just wanted to quit or the thing like that you kept on getting beaten up and things like that but you stayed there over the period of time you learned a trick so probably you started winning also it doesn't break this thing and he said that will it's a quality not good or bad but remember that this is what strength if you can hold in the face of adversity for a long time that's why my tendrils have been very long I went to North East with there for seven years I haven't a Pakistan that was there for seven years I can hold on you can torture me for acoustic like that I cannot bear it I can bear injustice for a long time without losing my this thing and others so I think as as a person of this thing my becoming independent at young age and they're after getting beaten up to understand that well you can give now you can get beaten up but you can still win so you took the right decision of actually there were circumstances as I said if you take a decision it cannot affect to say yet you know if I decide to do something I prepared myself my mind reasoning faculty has been involved so if you're not the same what happens in life that changes your life so so when I didn't go to this boarding school to change my psyche but I suddenly realized that mothers comfort is not there and there are all boys who are all you know particularly the boys when they see a new person the only reason is till the shatterdome to begin with you have to beat each other and the one who comes a new one he's the one who is written to by everyone so we have a pillow but everybody was bounced on you right search all right that is a process of growing because after some time your begins in here so but you did you do not know that yeah how it is going to affect you but that this thing that in this entire world it is my it's my strength it is my resilience it is my patience it is my distance you have got the choice we can go to the corner and cry you can run around and go to the hausky housemaster and say that I have been beaten up and you will tell you not do that but the next day when you are going somebody will put your little elbow like that the somebody else will this thing then we keep on happening you can't prevent the things that were happening to you it is not it is important in life what happens to you what is more important is how do you respond have basically I think the nature or circumstances you are preparing me not for what happens to me that is in the hands of others of the God but it is preparing me for what how will you respond when something happens to you like that so you want to say so the decisions rather than being right needs to be circumstantial no I don't think that that is also much the saying it is not a binary thing it is not a decision is right or decision is circumstantial number one nobody takes a wrong decision whether it is right or wrong is known only after the event is over so when you take it you take it aright because you think it is right otherwise you won't take it will you take a poison thinking that it's abortion you think it's a sweet somebody has given you a candy and you are having it turns out to be poison at that time the decision was right because that knowledge is dissipated so it is wrong to say secondly all decisions with the right to rob has to take into consideration many factors circumstances is baraja now if I be are in this room and somebody comes inside to say one ak-47 or something like that that thing like that this is a particular setting in this setting you have got to take it we're taking out over this thing is the best thing or that is you're trying to see the break the door and getting out of that and seeing that somebody can do whatever is that these are the circumstances it cannot be the same if it is in the world but there are eight persons who are armed it would not be the same you put it on the road same way where you have got all that this is to take this thing and take out pull out your gun so circumstances in all decisions a right or wrong is not the point circumstances or the setting is important but then you concepting is not the only factor there are many other factors which I said what I said objective whyever taking this mission why are you undergoing this is there are important what is that you want to achieve what are your resources what are your this but this question that whether it should be right or your children circumstantial means that if it is circumstantial it will not be right and if it is right then it will not be circumstantial in this case the right you are talking about more about the morality or the value patience if you mean that the value reasons then if there's a conflict between what you want to do and what you should do we'll have to do know not what you should do have to do the different thing what you want to do and what you should do what you should do is your duty but you want to do is your pressure up for the second if the choice is between what you have to do and but you you are forced to do these no choice it is not a decision it is not a decision it is somebody else's if you take out a gun and fire at me if your decision and so I can at best say that okay I drop it off or I will start crying that's all that's already generated decision is only where there are options when there are compulsions it is not it is interesting big another sir questions or a set of questions which we have received from large number of students because basically because these are engineering student technology students and about the future of war or future of terrorism because now information has become a key cybersecurity has become a key so how students are very keen on knowing actually you're very right after the Second World War and the development of instruments of mass destruction where there is a guaranteed extinction of the human decision from this planet if the wars are the great Wars really take place we have we have gone into an inner of the clouds of Asian type war through other means conventional wars are not only that they are not affordable because the losses will be so much if any major country is going to have a war or if there are countries or the major countries who are going to involve with the nuclear weapons and others the total extinction it is not the Hiroshima Nagasaki anymore they were hardly the weapons of any these things of the of the potentia that we have got today that is one factor that the wars have become unaffordable in terms of losses but there's another more important factor that they have they are increasingly becoming in effective instruments of achieving your political and military objectives there is no guarantee that a country with the bigger our be bigger sources more of a technology bigger soft power international linkages will be able to win the war the great power like Soviet Union got defeated from the Mujahideen in Afghanistan or the Americans could not cope with the better you know in the asymmetrical warfare I built up my army so that if your army is morale you will I'll be able to beam over you now in today's conflict in case the conventional wars are not going to achieve your military and political objectives then you don't fight what want you to kill people they want achieve something they are being replaced by war two other needs what did United States or what did the first one or the dude the world do when the Soviet forces moved into Afghanistan that many options they would have gone to war against Soviet Union they would have done the economic blockade and the sting of the economy they would have taken the diplomatic the things and in the in the United Nations they would have the sanctions acoustic particular itself as a member of the Security Council so that could not have been done the people from from the Slavic world and asked them to start a jihad against in the Soviet troops and in that jihad finally they were bled in fatigue to that extent the Soviet troops had to move and Afghanistan came under the control of the Taliban government success of that distance is that now we are getting into a fourth generation of you a fourth generation warfare will be a warfare against the invisible enemy and in the war against the invisible enemy man who will win will be that who can see the invisible inning first that is why the intelligence has become the prime factor if out of 130 crore people you are able to find the terrorists who just look like you dressed like you move like you then probably you will if you can't you lose that the thing is that the court warfare is increasingly becoming the policy now in that the whole thing goes I don't want a second is the technology the mobility of the this thing has become while people operated within the limited jogger difficulties you know but in seconds probably you know people can find it this thing and the communications and they can maintain the secrecy of the communication because they can devise new and new methods of adjusting their mobile phones probably fifty years back when I joined this email there was no mobile phones or there is nothing like that on the Internet connectivity or the cyberspace you talked about sa the whole domain cyber is a front airless domain you can destroy the country's entire infrastructure you can completely cease its economic activity is banking activity its power sector driven innovation sector it's a communication sector everything with ceases and put it toward even on an addition to that now we are in the war in this stage of electronic warfare in the electronic warfare if the plane takes place I can diverge the direction if I know the core confidence in me that I mean the pilot would have no control over it so in case I can have a self a penetration into its enter the code and this is like that because it's all being electronically managed there is not so much of the tactical even the injection of the bobbin systems the communication that this things are we even the signals it is getting is from the radars even that is the if we can disturb you change it modulated Rahman amended probably you can have a distinctly so this is going to have an increasing role in the coming type of the countries and that is why it becomes increasingly important that we are able to cope with these type of challenges so when we are talking about technology emerging technology I think the youngsters those students are at the forefront of technology actually trying to do large number of things and now with India's impetus for innovation which we are also championing in big way so whether anytime in your operations whether you have used any products which were developed or conceptualized by students or actually they were the people driving that something like in movie URI they had shown that some drone was used [Music] by the NSA in that movie movies are movies commit on that but I'll tell you one thing basically in the intelligence domain they have got their own technology this is the hunt for technologies they try to find out what is available or who are the people they try to get it through those sources but do not make them as an integral part of the organization so even when that technology is acquired the people who are parting with the technology or with those equipment may not be knowing who is the actual user and why they're using it why they want it but they are going to use it as it is that they'll modify it or they prove a part of some major component and others and that is necessary for the secrecy of the organization but I then NSA my job is not actually I am NOT a intelligence operator anymore I gave up the profession long back I have found I have been deeply impressed by the knowledge by the vision by the commitment and the interest of our younger generation the belief and faith in themselves there was one group there was an endoscope which came to me some time back and they said well they want to change their own satellite some some guys I think the Google they have started the competition international competition you know about that the thing like that and they said that then they qualified and then the qualified and thereafter that was shortlisted and there are only ten left and they continued with that and they said with the we can help them a bit I tried to this thing but there are certain complications and they also develop some complications of the road but still they did very well similarly with the iejima truss I think we had this thing and then I drew the D idea because when we find that they were making some very good machine which has drones in the drafting history areas we find it very useful so I do feel that there is a promise I do not know in what way the intelligence agencies can make use of them but in the security field in the other their defense and that they are due in the other areas I think we are making substantial use of them and we should continue to do so just we were talking about Orion have you seen that movie sir and whether you break cellphones that's what it has always shown in the movie more important thing is I have not seen OD but I've never wanted this thing after I joined the IB when I joined the in terms of scarier that is long back but I have never gone to a theatre or to a movie theatre or to any DC sometimes maybe that with my wife on the television I might have said Cynthia some of the movies but then I don't I never I would never been to mom so and naturally I don't have any real lives because I'm that I'm not supposed to be too visible and by the time I got into your life which was open life it was too late for everything but I have not and I don't bring the same but more important point is that in today's security domain communications are the easiest to infiltrate and penetrate to compromise you and communications are the one which is the biggest asset which can give you the speed and others I can really tell me one small secret I don't use my eyes I don't have anymore I manage without that really people made this thing that well how do I manage without there but then I know it doesn't say just that I don't use computer I means computer for Internet I use computers as a typewriter I use computer as I just think I did but I have got I don't maintain any distance with the I don't corresponding with anyone computers so sorry you said you don't use cell phones you don't use computers for ambiguous in that communities have for communication but there are large number of your profiles on social media and on Twitter so some what's your take and large number of ideas are propagated as your ideas on many of these platforms I have got no social media account I'd never had one till today all of them are the well-wishers of a fake or anything but I think I can I would like to tell my audience that is please don't mistake everything that goes by a g-dubs Facebook account or Twitter account and others I have none and maybe that someday I may have it after I I'm not doing anything in the comment or something but I don't have any and I have got no this so but so you write articles you write blogs or you don't write so how many students would like to know how they can listen to your views on a particular time you know there was a period I retired as the chief of IB in 2005 and then I established a think tank which is known as the vehicle International Foundation until 2014 I got to the single adepts I started it from scratch and then it was this thing in China Capri now during that period I wrote something and during that period I also gave some interviews and I also delivered some talks that was this interregnum that at that except that there is no authentic this things about what I have said probably your general as an NSC I could remember maybe one so tight in LA is this the only one that I am coming in public again I do not know maybe sometime else maybe small event but there has not been no that's it and therefore all the social media and other tips it is not the same now at this point of time I don't think my talking and knowing my views are relevant at all it is the gamma different eos views and when the government of India's views I am part of it so it's I contribute my bit and the many like me who contributed and there is a decision is taken by the government and what is communicated to the country is the decision of the government and this is the decision of the Prime Minister Modi in most of the cases since I'm his adviser so as a country's national security adviser and as a there is assuming that I may advise him but the decisions and this thing is of the Prime Minister and it is the premises ideas which I come before the public and should come before the public and that is the official position my own views don't really matter so succumbing to the last question what you will advise our youngsters out there who will be watching this interaction with lot of enthusiasm about how to handle their future and how to actually make India more safe and a secure place to live you know I think that our youth is so well-informed and our youth is so highly motivated that is I do not have to give them too much tips about the knowledge inputs probably they browse through this thing that they all know where are the opportunities what are the suitable this is what are the openings but I tell them something about their attitudes that can make life very happy you have got we all have an identity smaller the identity smaller as a man grow in your identity I am going to add gently I'm Ajit Doval and if I live for Ajit Doval I have to sing with what I eat for take food or whatever my pleasures and others that's all when I do it for the family my identity because they become one when I live for my village it's just still not a very interesting that I belong to such a such relation or some people get to the cosmic unity and then you say that you are Acosta six you have growing but not going big enough identify your identity with your nation you become the part of a much larger family today my identity is an Indian I don't have my caste identity I don't have my linguistic identity or my ethnic identity it's an Indian identity that's why I feel that is as big as India each Indian must feel that way that is it attitude logistic then when you are looking at something dirty happening to your country or somebody is cutting the this thing of your railways seat or you find that some dirtiest filthiest thing you feel bad you think somebody's dirtying your country if somebody speaks against it you know I don't have time otherwise I would have told you the incidents that once in a shift from in the ecology was going from Japan to the US and he observed one thing that is one Indian who had taken the ship ticket but not of the of the of the food or something and therefore he was only given some snacks and not the proper food then he started sort of being abusive or listen to the Japanese telling that well this is discrimination it is this thing because probably he didn't understand their language so he didn't have with this thing when Japanese got up and saying this is the food till the ship reaches I will keep on I will not eat and give it to you but one word against Japan from you and I will throw you out of the ship he could give away his food but he could not hear anything adverse or anything negative or scandalous about his own country now that is the spirit develop that spirit of this day I didn't have a big a bigger man bigger heart bigger mind can here are the small things small insert small gains for comfort small disease become a bigger disease you become still bigger you become the whole you know the whole humanity belongs to you like Buddha or Gandhiji well you know you become you become still bigger identity that I am a human being our Vedas give us and this is still bigger identity that I made living me so I identify myself with everything that is what a life some people can be on that but it gave me the miracle Brahma that is everything whether it has got a light foot without life is part of me and I am part of it that is a hemisphere Brahma or Shu Shu yeah so that is how you increase in these things materialism modern values are making you from a bigger man to a smaller man pace model man to a smaller man you are you're shrinking to you then maybe to your wife and your children even your parents don't matter much even religious don't matter much your society doesn't matter much nation doesn't know it is for me and that is what I'll say that protein drink about an attitude in the change do you proud Indian and live for India and whatever you can do you will have lot of happiness even if you die in the process you'll be proud of a dying in any case is inevitable for all of us but you'll be proud to have a this thing and live their life well and ahead to death desert so let's close this on this very positive note sir so it was really pleasure thank you thank you very much thank you very much for your time and patience [Music]
Channel: Jai Anusandhaan (MoE Innovation Cell)
Views: 316,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #IndiaFirstLeadershipTalkSeries #NSA #AjitDoval #NSADovalSpeaking #IIC #MIC, #MIC, #IIC, #NSADovalSpeaking, #AjitDoval, #NSA
Id: FxQN98gy1Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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