Philippines Says China Coast Guard Punctured Boats, Seized Guns

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[CC may contain inaccuracies] What are we hearing from Manila? What happened this time? What's what's what's their version of events? Yeah. Hi. So, according to the Philippine military, the Chinese Coast Guard obstructed again one of its routine resupply mission to the second commercial early this week. But this time, according to the Philippine military, the China Coast Guard personnel seized Philippine weapons, punctured inflatable boats, and Philippine Navy personnel lost a finger when the Chinese rammed one of the Philippine boats. So according to the China China Foreign Ministry, however, the actions that were taken by the China Coast Guard were part of law enforcement measures and that they were conducted professionally. Well, can you tell us what else to watch out for next after this? Yeah. So, yeah, we'll be watching the developments. Philippine and the US officials have discussed this latest incident. Washington has reaffirmed that its mutual defense treaty with Manila extends to any armed attacks on Philippine public vessels anywhere, including in the in the South China Sea. President Marcos has yet to publicly comment on this latest encounter, but he has previously said that a fatality may trigger the mutual defense treaty with the US. Yeah. And, you know, we were looking and we were browsing all the Chinese media this morning. The Global Times also had a reaction there from the Chinese side on. And I think we're going to show that to our viewers as well. What has been the reaction from other countries to this latest confrontation? Well, yeah. Several countries have expressed and expressed grave concern over this this latest incident, which I think one of the one of the most serious encounters so far between Philippines and Chinese ships in the disputed waters. Japan, for instance, said that the ambassador of Japan to the Philippines said that Tokyo was standing with the Philippines and it will cooperate with like minded nations to maintain an open and free international order. Australia has said The Australian Foreign Ministry has said the Chinese actions endangers peace and security in the region and creates a risk of miscalculation and escalation.
Channel: Bloomberg Television
Views: 33,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Government, China, Chinese Government, Cliff Venzon, Coast Guard, Japan, Japanese Government, Philippine government, Philippines, South China Sea, boats, government, military, weapons
Id: 4WAnV9R5bIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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