LCS TIER LIST | CaptainFlowers

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen it's just about that time that time is June 15th and June 15th means the LCS is [Music] back oh yeah today's content is all about what you're going to expect for the LCS in summer of 2024 it's been a long time since we've actually seen LCS teams in action on the LC the riot games Arena Stage right so let's see how these teams are going to measure up today we're not going to be casting any content here on the channel instead we're going to be talking about my personal expectations for the eight teams and how they're going to stack up against one another starting with a tier list so let's rock and roll all right first up our team is Team Liquid after a disappointing start to MSI where we suffered our first ever North American team being eliminated in play-ins at as a North American fan I was definitely having a bad time then once we get into main stage it's time for Team Liquid to debut and Team Liquid accomplishes what no other North American team has ever accomplished in the history of pro League of Legends they defeat fnatic in a best of five and knock the European Titan out of the tournament I know a lot of people would cringe a little bit at me saying Titan because fanatic is not nearly the PowerHouse they used to be G2 generally considered the main character of Europe these days but still accomplishing something that no other na team has ever done is pretty incredible they followed It Up by taking a game off of T1 despite losing that series and Y and APA both had some pretty solid performances with Yan being my standout player on the roster during MSI really stepping up and getting things done impact and corejj obviously you know longtime Veterans of the scene both of which have a World Championship under their belt and I think that APA and umpy both have a lot to promise as well you knock out an EU team in a best of five you take a game off the T1 and you talk your [ __ ] while doing it I'm not putting you any lower than S tier Team Liquid s tier time for Team number two second off we got fly Quest now fly Quest has a lot more questions unfortunately like mentioned previously for the team liquid bit they were the first North American team to ever be eliminated in The playin stage of international competition when you look at major regions historically it was only the Mad lions from EU twice alongs I believe it was ahq from the LMS back when they were a major region that have ever fallen in the play-ins while trying to advance now it is worth pointing out there was the golden Guardians versus BDS qualifier for worlds just this past year but since it was a qualifier and doesn't count for worlds we're safe from that one so fly Quest unfortunately falling short of their own expectations and the expectations of many fans especially with the amount of trash getting talked by bio and inspired these boys did not measure up top the whole team had a myriad of problems there were a lot of things going wrong and I think these guys are going to be pretty hungry to prove themselves the one major change that we're seeing coming into Summers split is that Jensen has been replaced by Academy midlaner quad I have heard a lot of good stuff about him even though I haven't seen a lot of his gameplay myself so I have yet to know exactly what kind of an impact he's going to make but I'm very excited to see what it is I still think this roster will probably be reeling from their shortcomings in MSI from the fact that they weren't able to succeed in play-ins from the fact that they got knocked out when they did and I think they're going to have a lot of rebuilding to do both in confidence in themselves as well as Community faith in their performance I think that the competition is going to be pretty intense here in summer and so I'm going to go ahead and knock them a little bit lower than some other people might just because of the fact that I think that they really do need to redeem themselves fly Quest you're starting off in B tier let's go ahead and get to our next team we got dignitas now this is one of the biggest changes in the entire summer split look at the roster from spring now look at the roster from Summer there's going to be exactly one dude that's the same it's Isles down in support everybody else got changed up licorice is back in the league back in the Top Lane spika is back in the league back in the jungle zven is back on the role he originally played on ad carry and Jensen has left fly Quest and joined up with dignitas this is like the Assembly of the players who at different points throughout history have been at the top of North American competitive League of Legends right all of these guys have had really incredible moments and now they're going to be United under a banner that I don't think a lot of people would have expected dignitas is mostly known for throwing at Baron that is not exactly the brand that a lot of people expect to shoot straight to the top but with names like these all coming together on a roster there's a whole lot of potential this roster also has some of the greatest mean potential of all time as all of these players have a lot of memes associated with them for the better and for the worst licorice was the Mal fight Alti that ended the entire hopes and dreams of fly Quest back in previous playoffs Spa is the only person who has ever figured out how to put all nine other players on the rift to sleep with Lily's ultimate Jensen and zven both had their tragic scenes with Ekko and Ezreal respectively getting caught out in huge moments to ultimately fall short of their goals and now all of these successes all of these shortcomings all of this dignitas is coming together and I think it's kind of hard to not be excited to see whether or not it's a rocket to the moon or it's just a complete and utter mess I know I'm excited to see what big digs got cooking and so I'm going to put big dig in B tier all right let's go ahead and proceed now to team number four just about halfway there o now this one's going to be interesting we got inrg this is a squad that last year was sitting in a spot where nobody really expected a whole lot out of them remember that this is the rebranded like they bought CLG they acquired their spot in the LCS they come in they don't really have an immediate huge impact and then they surge they have this massive coaching staff that leads them to this incredible run throughout summer of 202 three they go on to win the split in spite of nobody thinking they're going to do it they go to Worlds they punch G2 so hard in the mouth Carlos is still looking for some of his teeth I hear I hear and now they come into spring of 2024 and where did they go what happened to energy right we saw underwhelming performances across the board from a squad that compared to their 2023 version had retained four out of five players and I think that for a lot of these guys they didn't live up to their own expectations we've heard from so many of these players because a lot of the guys on this squad have been around for a long time not just in the LCS but in the development leagues too right fighting their way through Academy trying to get back up to the LCS to earn their way and in 2023 summer and 2023 worlds they did earn their way and now in 2024 spring was a struggle they didn't meet their expectations and as somebody who loves so many of these guys stories right contracts Dola palifox just grinding for so long trying to get the to where they are FBI and whoi being Main Stays in the LCS both as individuals and as like teammates and Duos in the past I want to see these guys succeed and I hope so badly that we're going to see more of Summer 2023 energ than we do the spring 2024 version I think that it might have been more of a problem that they were the they weren't the underdog anymore in spring right now you're the rigning Champs now everybody expects you to kick some ass and as soon as you don't well you know oh man all of a sudden they're not living up to expectations what's going on here what's this what's that in 2023 all they had to do is prove you wrong and I think here in 2024 summer they might be able to do the same thing again I'm going to put energy in B tier all right team number five we got Immortals now I know a lot of people immediately they see Immortals and they're thinking all right these guys are just fighting to not be in last place Immortals have struggled a lot but one of the biggest Acquisitions I think this team could have made is the one that they made Nick anero Smith being brought on as head coach in a world where the lower rated teams are The Unwanted step teams of the cruel stepparents that are the league in the community themselves Nick andero Smith is the baldheaded Fairy Godmother that makes miracles happen we have seen this man do it for Echo Fox we have seen him do it for Golden Guardians we have seen him be brought on for disguised in their introduction to the tier 2 in ACL league and then have amazing success right there this man is incredibly good at bringing together players and teams and support staff that nobody has faith in that has not been having a lot of success and figuring out how to unlock and unleash them and enable them to be a lot stronger than a lot of people might expect them to be that being said these sorts of systems I think take time I don't think it's something where it's just like oh yeah we got that guy we're in we win it's not exactly how competition works but I think that this is a great move to build development for this team get them moving along and if they can stick with whatever they build on right now they could have a much more promising 2025 so Immortals I can't rate you super high but I'm not going to stick you in D tier either it's a c for me oh boy this one might cause a little bit of controversy we got hunted thieves now hun thieves were pretty universally low ranked on most people's Power Rankings tier lists however they wanted to play the game going into spring of this past year then they sort of kicked everybody's ass and showed hey maybe you guys undervalued us a little bit when you're looking at quidd the reigning MVP their midlaner he was really just not impressive back in 2023 but spring 2024 the dude leveled up by an insane margin and with River next next to him in the jungle they were able to constantly make plays constantly make exciting moves and really just get this team going early General sniper in the Top Lane also the dude's young North American talent who likes to talk smack and go in in the Top Lane like it's just a fun team to root for unfortunately this 100 thieves power surge fell apart in the playoffs and it was evident that the successes they had in the regular season didn't exactly translate to the higher intensity higher Stakes of playoffs or maybe even just the fact that they're now in series play compared to a best of one so for 100 thieves I am going to go into this optimistic but cautiously so I think that they're going to be hungry to prove themselves they're going to be hungry to say hey the regular split was the real deal we fumbled it in playoffs we're going to show you what were made of this time but at the same time clearly there's stuff to work on sniper was insane in the lanes dude led the league in Solo kills isolated kills but then also had a lot of goofball moments just getting caught split pushing when he shouldn't have been on the map right quidd and River top level competitors again quidd MVP and spring weren't able to get it done once they got to the playoffs so for 100 thieves I'm going to especially be watching how they adapt the fact that we're in best of Threes now you won't just be able to push a crazy advantage that you get early on into a fast win and just immediately be done for the day you're going to have to win at least twice on the day you're going to have to show more consistency and so that's what I'm looking for but I'm not going to just doubt them cuz a lot of us learned our lessons back in in Spring 100 thieves B tier all right now for team number seven oh boy Shopify Rebellion now this is another one of the teams falls into a similar category as Immortals where a lot of people are not expecting that much crazy success from them because of the way that they've been playing recently the big change coming into this split for the team is the fact that Academy or should I say NL jungler Tomo is going to be joining the squad this is a guy who I remember back when Champs keq was still active a lot of players had a lot of things to say about playing with him and not in the way that you would expect I'm not saying that he was talking trash or anything like that he was very vocal he bantered with everybody he was a really good player and I know that a lot of other players in the scene know how good this guy is and they just like bantering with him I'm excited to see what he brings to the team what he brings to the environment and what he brings to their gameplay because Shopify did not hit the levels that I think they would have wanted to hit in the previous split and now they're going to have to find a way to level up with only this one player change being the difference between now and then Shopify is my pick for the team that's going to have the hardest Journey there again I talked about them and Immortals probably being the ones that people have the least amount of faith in but I talked about how Immortals and the changes that they made I think were going to be more impactful so for Shopify Rebellion unfortunately boys you're going to have to prove me wrong D tier all right all right so let's get on to our last team obviously we know who it's going to be because we've already done the other seven here it is cloud n now coming into spring everybody was talking about how man these guys are going to run the league we heard from all the other teams oh yeah Cloud9 is dominating in scrims everybody else just playing for silver medals it's Cloud9 Cloud9 Cloud9 and then everybody else and what happened not that Cloud9 had a really strong start and an equally weak followup this super team that was put together was not able to meet standards and expectations for anybody I don't think and I would hope deep down in my heart of hearts that there is a blazing fire lit under their ass after the failure of spring split when you have JoJo in midlane blabber in the jungle Berserker at ad carry Vulcan at support fudge on top you look at that roster you're like oh yeah first place and they weren't they didn't even play in the finals that sucks so what are the changes they made they bring in Thanos a young Korean Prodigy that I can only hear nothing but Praises for from people that have watched a lot of his games over in Korea I know chronicler shout out to ma good friend of mine excellent analyst dude who loves thanatos's gameplay and was so distraught to see that he wasn't going to stay in Korea for longer and hopefully find a starting lck spot Thanos is coming over to play for C9 in the Top Lane but just as big of a change I think we're bringing back Reaper for those of you guys who don't know the only time that North America has made a semi-final at International competition was back in 2018 worlds but at not just International competition at World's competition I should say because there are still other exceptions like CG going to MSI finals 2016 things like that but the only time that na has made a world semi-final going all the way back to the season one Championship which was not world's right China and Korea weren't playing yet but it was the championship the only time in modern worlds that we've made it the semi-finals was a C9 roster coached by Reaper this guy has found a lot of success with this team and I know that people meme a lot about Cloud9 and their systems their approaches the way that they handle not just playing on the rift but the way that they handle playing as a team and working together and clearly Reaper meshes really well with that way of thinking that way of operating and I'm really excited to see him back with this team back with this org and what they might be able to accomplish can they make up for the shortcomings that what on paper should have been an amazing roster and what on paper should now be an even more amazing roster here in summer I think again the expectation for Cloud9 is going to be first place or it's a failure but it was already that in Spring and they didn't get it so Cloud9 you still got some proven to do even if you look s tier on paper the doubts from Spring split still linger but the strength of the coaching and the players still has me hoping for some really impressive stuff C9 a tier all right that's pretty much all we've got here today this was the power rankings this was the tier list you guys are going to have to let me know what you think down in the comments please obviously I'm definitely looking for who's disagreeing with me on those middle four I think that part is going to be spicy I think there's going to be some energy and fly Quest fans that are telling me some not so nice things and you know what as long as you're funny about it that's cool but just make sure that jok's got a good punchline now one more thing I wanted to let you guys know here at the end of this video as we're about to get back into Summers split properly and all the regional leagues are starting back up we are also going to be doing some different content on this channel around the Eastern leagues the lck and the LPL I can't really watch these leagues live because they're on at the middle of the night here in California time zones are unlucky sometimes but what I'm planning on doing is you guys let me know down in the comments which series you're looking forward to most coming up in the upcoming week for the lck or the LPL and we'll watch the VOD live on stream cast it as if it is live and then have the highlights here on the YouTube channel so we can continue to make stuff for audiences all around the world that's all I got thank you so much for watching the show here today remember my name is Captain flowers but you probably know that because it says it on the channel like And subscribe we'll be back here real soon more [ __ ] hell yeah
Channel: CaptainFlowers
Views: 29,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7dRPeUq69rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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