Laying Bluestone wall Caps

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so guys this is a process I was talking about you got Matt here he's painting with the slurry the substrate which would be your block work your foundation so to speak and if we were doing a patio and we had a sub slap Port I would do this same process that with a pool deck all this will get painted with the slurry and the back side of your stones so we got like I said everything's cut painting the substrate with our slower mixture let me just put water straight Portland type one to Portland cement whip it up with a trowel or if you get a mixer a little mixer a little hand uh the drill mixer what we use to do the Ardex for the stones it's fine give it a good whipping add water to it add a little Portland as the day goes on if it starts getting hard but this prevents everything from the laminating and it will let everything Bond basically like over in Europe they use a priming slurry and all as it is is cement mixed with water they might have some other goodies in it but this is a bag of Portland you can just keep making your slowery mixture throughout the day if you're doing a big patio if this was all poured concrete we'd do on the patio where we go through a lot of it in the day I'm getting ahead of myself man I was flipping it over and wanting to paint this the back like like a good person and just keep it away it's like a Picasso over there trying man well Matt's gonna put a shovel of mud down and then we'll uh get the old trowel give her a good spreading mugs a little on the wet side but we're gonna make her work you can put another couple of we'll put a couple of shovel pulls out and get it all going foreign don't have GoPro anymore oh man got that anymore I'll paint it paint that and we'll put mud there that's our uh that's gonna be our corner piece foreign drop counts and Matt asks if this really works I wouldn't do it if it didn't do anything I'm not putting on a show oh for a homeowner or anything yeah this is uh this is how I prevent having to come back and uh loose stones that didn't stick Beauty two white guys on the whole crew we're talking uh por favor steel tape the process yeah there we go you guys can see something foreign [Music] steal some from where you need it get it when it's wet like this it tends to want to sink on you if we were doing bigger threads the architect here called for two foot pieces which is a little small you want a bigger I'm going for half inch joints what they called for in the plan you get you you get your mud fairly close and you know where you're going put your level on it now you can move to your four foot level that was right here right here oh there it is get them Level side to side front to back um I don't really need a pitch on any of this because um pitch it off a little bit mud on my On My Level that I could feel so you get them perfectly level you could put a little pitch on it front to back kind of do and then after I get mine set we'll get all three of these set we'll put a straight edge on it usually just take your four footer and we'll line up all the edges so that they're flush you can do it on the back side these tend to be sometimes a little bit different you might have one that's 11 and 7 8 11 and 15 16 so I usually pick a side and always keep to that side that you're straightening the thermaling might be inconsistent from the factory but we'll put these other two pieces on and then we'll straighten it out with our our forefoot level or our six footer and go from there they set a neck another one here I got enough mud out here I'll just put some over here get it all close you weighed your last one you can see where your mud bed needs to be you get it nice and close get it spread out I like to pop my edges away from the last one I just laid so that you're not just having that come up in your joint and make it a mess and then you can always adjust your joints after a little bit make sure you get a nice half inch joint or whatever they call for in the plans is called out for half inch joints you need a butt of that oh there's Malik all over it doing The Talented stuff over there he's got the fun job and that's why you got you you work with people that you know you remind you of what you do because we all forget I would have you know you just you forget but foreign foreign work but at the end of the day we always joint and clean all that stuff up anyway so it's not a huge deal a little water and a sponge and a brush it's all clean it's just mud until it dries it's you can clean it stuff to tap the stone down into perfect I think this middle one sunk a little bit Matt yep wet mud for you so this is what we go through in real time because a little wet in there and if you muds too wet like this we're using pre-mixed stuff all I have to do is just open another bag uh you're not messing up a mix where you're using sand in your type ass messing up the ratio but let's put a little more dry stuff in it and that's probably what I'm gonna end up doing because I put a little too much water in the mix fighting with it all day long [Music] better now check these again little tits in the front a lot said I'm not really going for whoa arrange these and we need to put a little more on yeah one-handed Bandit over there with the uh oh yeah about Duty we can get this down to where it needs to be right goopy all right I'll check back with you in a little bit caught
Channel: K G Shea Masonry
Views: 5,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j7XBwjty0AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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