how to fix loose coping stones

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I'm sure many of you have had this happen where you got a coping Stone laid on the wall and it's loose so all these coping stones on this wall have come loose so what I'm going to show you today is the best way to put them back on and stick them down and it should never come off ever again so let's go on with the video so first thing you need to do is get yourself cement mixer set up like our Bell in there and the mix you want to be using you need to be using Builder side sand and it's four buckets to one four buckets of sand to one bucket full of cement with a little bit of Feb mix mix it up to this consistency like a brick layers mix next job and this is a top tip for you and this is the bit that's going to get this copin Stone to really stick because they do come off very very easily so what we're going to use we're going to use some Paving slurry excuse the brush cuz that's all we can find on the van so some Paving slurry or you can use some spr follow the instructions if you want to get pav slurry any Builders Merchants now sell it you just paint that on there and what this stuff actually does is it works as a bonding agent so when my C on the cement goes on top of this bonding agent now it'll stick to it and it'll stick to it so hard that it should never come off again so I just put this on and don't be shy putting it on that's the paving slurry on the wall next process is you premix sand and cement the freeze is kindly done for me play that to the wall did you put that stone in down on purpose right I might have I think you did didn't you so play your s the cement lump free sandon cement there we go so that now is on top of the paving sler so that Paving sler is making this sand of cement glue to the actual wall so got that on there now what we're going to do we're going to put the paving slurry on the end the side of the copin for the same purpose it's going to act as a bonding agent so what you're doing is your Paving SL is acting like a sandwich you've got it on your on your block work or brick work then you got your salon cement on top and then you got more pav slurry on top of that have left it on the edges cuz obviously there's an overlap on this so on you get to this stage simply add that I'm just looking looking down now looking for my overlap to be the same on both sides so next you need the spirit level and a mallet I just laid that as you can see look for for show the level it's just rising up a little bit towards me so I just need to get that seated level so to do that just give that give it a couple of TAPS make sure it's all squidged in back the other way a little bit now there we are so that's level Co so all you want to do just take these bits off keeping your keeping your block workor clean now what we'll do now we'll set another one up down that end down the opposite end the phase are showing you now and we will get a string line between this one and the one we've set up down that end we'll slurry all this up on the p on the uh on the co and on the the block work and we'll run all that in so you've got this end set up now look and if you show them that down there for that set up but what I do and I do this on a brick on edge as well if you're come in close what I do is I've got a string line set up on this side and I got a string line set up on that side so this has already been primed up okay so if you got the string line set up both sides what you're doing is quite simply you lay into the string line both sides so what that avoids is it avoids any tipping if you L to the string line just this side and there's no string line that side you could your coping could be tipping a little bit and when you come down to high level you can see that in it so I tend to use the both lines bit Overkill just to lay coins but I can quite easily lay them now to both sides of the line and avoid any tipping and it'll look like a a really nice job we managed to get all these on now to the line so the Line is now finished so you can take them off wind them in and then the next process is how to Joint these per joints up and underneath here now what you need to do you cannot joint this up as soon as you've laid it the weather conditions here today about 15° um it's a little bit overcast so it's perfect condition so this s is going to take a little bit to set before it's workable enough for me to Joint it so we leave it set for a little bit at the moment the way you tell when you put your finger in it that I can feel with experience so that's too wet when it's right come back to you and show you more so we left this down for about half an hour and as you can see that's firmed up now so that's pretty much perfect and it is looking like it might rain so that's another reason for getting it pointed so what you do is put your joining bar in there yeah when you brush it it'll take all the little discrepancies out of it so pause her brush just give it a a quick brush on the top I got to do this right now because I'm being watched by a fellow professional and not here I'm just walking past be working a couple of doors down yeah working a couple of doors down so thought pop over and say hi well here we go hi I crack on yeah crack on yeah might as well isn't you I'm not I'm not doing a very good job so you might as well improve on what I'm doing mate I making use is here carry on I grab it back now so there we are you get the gist so we've established that to do them the perss the bed joints are exactly the same so if you just angle your jointing bar Come Close R so you just angle your jointing bar ever so slightly like that right and just get it in there if you do it like that you can't seem to get the joint the bar in there tidy so if you just angle it to one side and run your joing bar along it when you you're happy that the joint's full brush gentle motion there we go so what this is now these cins have been double glued with a slurry sand and cement hopefully they'll be on you for our customer for many many years to come so hopefully it's helped you please like subscribe and we'll see you on the next one cheers
Channel: Brickright building & landscaping
Views: 10,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how fix loose copings to a wall, how to re cement copings to a wall., cement copings to my wall, cement caps to a wall, fixing copings to a wall, concrete copings coming off how to fix, stick pillar caps back on, brickright, building, site work, caps on a wall, how to fix wall copings, laying wall copings, how to fix wall caping, how to lay concrete copings
Id: AekFasEwF1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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