Layering Textures in Blender 2 8

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okay so the purpose of this video is to hopefully explain one way there's probably multiple ways but this is one way to apply multiple texture maps to layer multiple texture maps on an object all's I have here is a basic cube with the standard UV set that is generated when you create the queue and then I have material applied to this just generic material and I have four texture maps that I pulled down off the internet this is the base brick jpg image that i'll uses the basis and then i have a sign here that has a PNG it's a PNG so it has an alpha channel built into it I also have another image that has a separate mask and I'll show how to apply those so first thing is apply the base texture so I'm just dragging that into the window and I'm going to initially just hook that up and plug that in color you notice I have no change and you can either you can turn on texture to see what's going on immediately but you won't be able to see layered textures so you're gonna want to go into looked at mode for most of this work and I have no regular installs I'm going to ctrl T and get myself control nodes here mapping and I'm gonna increase the Mouse mapping on there to get some tiling and also to show that the tiling on one texture can be separate from other textures so pull this off to the side now the next thing I want to put on here is I'm gonna add in this garage sign so I'll grab it drag it into the window and I'm going to need to add a mix RGB print up here and this is one of these this is one place where blender is kind of non-intuitive is that your base needs to plug into color one and color is done plugging their number two I'm bringing this down I'm gonna see that what I'm getting here is actually just a mix it's just like a fifty-fifty fade and that's not what I want I want this to be a hundred percent so I'm going to take the Alcala that's included in the PNG and plug it into the factor and then what that does is it pretty much takes over the whole thing because it's using the base UV set it's using this base UV set and if I drag over look at the garage sign this is basically what's happening it's what we're taking the whole thing and I don't want that I only wanted with the garage sign I'm gonna put on two faces okay so what I need to do is create another projection another UV projection so I go to my vertex group page here and I hit plus and I create a new UV map then in here you have a couple of different choices and I'm just going to do this kind of an easy way and select everything and then you and I'm gonna click cube projection and what that does is it basically lays out each face one right on top of the other one in the UV set and if I grab all these and drag them off to the side you'll notice nothing changed and the reason is because over here I haven't told this map what UV set to pay attention to so I'm going to add an input UV map input gonna drag the input to the vector and pick the map and then you look at you say well that doesn't work because it's showing up on all okay well what you need to do in that case is go to the repeat here and turn to cliff and then it doesn't show up at all and that's because it's only it's only here it's only showing up in there so if I want to for example put it on this face in this space I can just grab those and drag them over and of course if you have multiple maps multiple texture maps or I'm sorry multiple polygons that you want to project over you would pick those create a projection and drag them out to what you wanted and again these are independents so if I want to scale that down that's above in 2.8 or rotate it or position it you can take that map and put it in multiple places okay so now that textures a little bit okay so that's pretty easy you got one map laid on top of another one and you can go ahead and apply the same map in multiple places on a model you just have to have a specific UV set for it and tell it tell the system where to put it now if I want to add another map that's gonna be a little bit more unusual per se so if I grab if I want to project the manhole cover and put it on the corner here I can do that by again it won't work in any of the give you a map sets that I have so I'm gonna create another one so UV map 0 - I'm gonna pick these three Hollies and I'm gonna say you and project from view and what that does is that gives me this kind of funky corner projection I'm gonna scale that up and because basically this this next UV just replicates this one and drops it down if I pick the other if I go ahead and pick all the polygons you'll see that they're kind of scattered around but what I'm gonna do yes go ahead and pull these off to the side it's weird clipping thing going on there alright so my main projection again is gonna be on this corner so we do the same thing over here essentially you're gonna need these nodes again all three of these so I'm just gonna grab them shift D drag them up and it's controlling work okay your basis again becomes this set of maps so that again goes into control one or color one sorry and this map is the wrong map so I'm going to drag in the manual cover and delete this map and I'm gonna drag in the manhole cover mask drag that up here and both of these will use that new UV projection so I'll need to plug that in and tell it which ones to use okay and color goes to color - it's the new layer on top and color in this case because the Alpha channel is basically color becomes factor it's going hey doesn't happen yeah mr. Captain Obvious your head and plug that in there yet and again you see how this is projecting everywhere and you don't want that so what you're going to do is turn come over here and make sure that clip is set and there you go now you have multiple maps projected onto the same object using different UV sets I do not think this is going to work in a game engine what you'd want to do if you pull this out put it on a game engine that you'd want to bake these two individual maps and if you were going to if you wanted the bricks to be you know you want to put a normal map on this and give it more texture more more of a realistic feel instead of mixing just RTV know that you'd want to go ahead and use my shaders but you go ahead and use the same basic idea so whereas here you have textures you would have other texture knows there's arch material nodes and you would just mix those shaders together plug it in and actually that's incorrect it's you'd be mixing shader no it's not material notes but anyway you get the idea if you want these to look different you're gonna have to make new materials and then you would use the alphas to clip just like you did with the textures anyway I hope that's helpful
Channel: chillinator
Views: 7,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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