Layer Mixer Nodes | EASY & FAST Tutorial | Davinci 18.1

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hello world and welcome back so last week I did a little survey about what type of notes people were most interested in knowing more about and Leia notes came out on top now that makes perfect sense to me because when I started using DaVinci result there was two things that took me back one was the enormity of the UI and how massive it was and how much you could tweak and turn and dial and how many things you just had to learn and the other thing was the concept of notes I hadn't really worked in an app that used notes before and I couldn't really get my head around how it worked and it looked kind of intimidating but it wasn't until I figured out well it's just like layers in Photoshop it's just not organized in a vertical way it's just laid out horizontally and basically then it works the same way that makes sense and I was ready to go that was until I came across layer notes or layer mixer notes as they are technically called I was taken aback once again about the concept of how a layer makes a note work what did it do how did it work I I for the life of me I couldn't figure it out it took me forever to find out a way to use it and how it worked and get my head around it so in order to save you from a lot of time learning how Leia makes the notes actually works just watch this short tutorial and after this you'll understand the concept and you'll be able to implement it in your color grading workflow and I'm going to show you three different ways you can qualify color and luminance I'm going to use the qualifier tool I'm going to use the six Vector presets and the vector luminance preset so Jump On In let me show you Leia mixer notes and get you going okay so in this simple timeline I have three clips and this first note I just added a little bit of exposure and contrast and saturation to make it pop a little bit extra like so and in order to add a Serial node you right click and you can go to add node add serial or you can use the fast and easy way and use the shortcut alt s option s and that will just apply extra notes now in serial notes notes will work in an accumulating way so the RGB output of the first node will go to the RGB input of the second node and whatever you do here will go from the second note to the third node so everything will just stack on top of each other now that can be very helpful and useful one example to show it is if I go to node number two here and if I go down to mid-tone detail you can see I can only turn it up to 100 that's maximum but that will accumulate and be as added to node number three so if I go to node number three I can do it one more time and I can do the same on Note number four one more time like so and then you completely ruined your image but that just goes to show that everything accumulates until you get to your output so let's just delete these three notes and let's just say I wanted to separate the colors in this image let's just say I wanted to really cool down the whites and the background but I wanted to keep her her skin healthy and saturated so what I could do is I could go to the offset wheel here and I could bring that down I'm going to go to my panel and cool everything down and then I'm going to add a note alt s and in the second note here I'm going to go to my gamma and bring this skin color back the thing here with with Note number three is that is working on top of the background here so you're actually affecting the background as well you can see here it may be if I dial it a little bit extra it's easier for you to see so you're you're correcting the white background that we just fixed in the previous note so we kind of like counter working on the what we wanted to achieve so sometimes that could be what you want and sometimes it Blends in nicely but other times you just really want to separate it so instead of doing that let's just delete this node nodes I'm going to add a new node and the way to add a layer mixer is right click on the Node add node and then you can add a layer that'll bring up a new node and the layer mixer itself so these are just basic notes like every other notes that the only thing different here is you split the input so that both have the exact same input but they split the output and unlike Photoshop DaVinci works from up and down so that means everything that's happening on this note takes precedence over what you do in this note so and then it makes us it together with the layer mixer and outputs to the next node so if I do something here you you won't be able to see it so if I bring the offset all the way to Blue nothing's happening because in the bottom note nothing is happening and this one takes priority so let's go back to the first note reset that so if I want to separate her separate out her skin I could in this first example I'm going to use a qualifier and I'm going to turn highlight mode on and then I'm going to qualify her skin like so and again this is not an exercise in how you qualify but let me just do a little nicer job of qualifying her skin like so soften it up a little bit and then clean the blacks Clean Skin and I like to add a little bit of denoise like so and just for for the fun of it I'm going to go out of highlight mode I'm going to track her skin so I'm just going to draw a very quick rough window around his skin I'm going to soften it up a little bit I'm going to go to the tracker and track your skin there's not much movement here and I know we're picking him up a little bit in the background here but that's okay so turn the power window off now in the top note whatever we do here will go through except for what we have selected in this note so now in the top note I'm going to cool down the background I'm using the offset wheel down here to cool everything down a little bit and that makes your skin pop a little bit more so we can bring it down maybe de-set it just a little bit like so so now if I disable this skin you see we have this really pale boring looking blue skin and if I enable it again will bring her color back and that's all connected in the layer mixer note and then you can keep adding notes so that's one way of doing it another way if we jump to this second clip again I did a balancing of the image this had a green tint to it so I just balanced it out and made it look a little bit better so I'm going to all this and you can also press alt l and that will bring up the layer mixer for you and two notes as a layer mixer notes if you want to add extra notes you can right click again add note add a layer and I will add a third node but let's apart from that and this time instead of using the qualifier let's go and do the same let's separate out his skin but instead of using qualifying we're going to go to Color presets sometimes yellow works best for skin and I tried this one and for this one red works better so I'm going to go to highlight mode again going to qualify and just tweak it a little bit like so clean the blacks around him clean the white and I'm going to denoise it up to something like 10. so once again I'm going to go out of highlight mode we have separated his skin and now we can go and work on the the rest of the image and I think this is a bit warm and for a funeral service it looks kind of too happy so I'm going to bring it down quite a bit I'm not looking at his skin right now I'm going to take out a little bit of the Blues in his jacket like so unneutralize it and then offset it a little bit and then maybe cool everything down a little bit like so and maybe desaturate it a little bit like so now his skin really pops out too much so we're going to go from the top note to the bottom note where we have his skin selected and I'm going to oops going to go to his skin and bring it down a little bit decided just a little bit but still make it pop like so and there you have it so again look what the top note did to his skin and you bring it back by qualifying his skin and bringing that back out so it looks it's a lot easier to separate things this way okay let's go to the third and last example here so in this note I just did a little bit of exposure compensation and let's say we really really wanted to bring in a lot of teal or blue or dark in the in the road here in the cars but we wanted to keep the highlights and the snow we wanted to keep that white so again I'm going to press alt s to make a extra note and then alt l to create a layer mixer and in the bottom note instead of qualifying the snow I'm going to go to another very powerful way of separating colors and luminance and this is under color presets and you select chroma light now if I go to highlight mode you can see it does an excellent job and the good thing about this is it's very organic and fluid and you won't if you have a 10 or 12 bit image you won't see anything breaking it even does a great job on 8-bit images there you just have to tweak it and look and look at it really carefully but on an image like this you have no issues whatsoever I'm just going to give it a little bit of denoise but that's it you qualified all your highlights and now you can work on the asphalt and then again I'm going to go to the offset wheel down here and I'm going to bring that down to a teal orange and actually I'm going to bring down everything also and add more teal greenish steel blue is here so turn that off and on and you can see on the snow here if you look at the vector all right the Scopes down here it's perfectly clean and white everything is white here on the Scopes and if you think the effect is too strong you can also go to the key tab here and you can go to your gain output this is just a opacity slider so at one everything is shown through but if you go down to for example point five something like this then it's only half of your adjustment that is showing through on your image and then turn that off and on off and on so if you can't a figure that you settle in on the right look but you just want to tone it down or up a bit a little bit you can use the gain here in the key output so that's layout makes this for you it's not that difficult to understand you just need to wrap your head around how it works and I hope this helped out if you do appreciate the challenge please consider subscribing and show us some love and hit that like button and we'll be happy to do a lot other tutorials maybe if you have something special just leave a comment and I'll be happy to make another video about that so hope you enjoyed this have a great day
Channel: Airflix | RESOLVE THIS!
Views: 8,553
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Keywords: DaVinci resolve, blackmagic, colorgrading, davinci nodes tutorial, drone, dronevideo, layer mixer nodes | easy fast tutorial |, mixer nodes | easy fast tutorial | davinci
Id: RXFUn67eqhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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