Lawnmower Blade Sharpener for under 25.00

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what's up youtube family gerald greenlee here with cleanit green lawn service in south georgia um man look at the weather it's like it may turn off bad see my little sprinkler back there in the background right there i've been running my little tractor across the yard um the yard uh it is very dry here i'm gonna spin around and show you real quick i don't know if you can tell my yard this is all church property and if the winds mess you up i'm sorry but you can see my yard and i cut out to the pole and i usually fertilize and water all of this and you can kind of see what it looks like on the cross there very very uh very dead but anyway let me get you back into this uh my junky little shop uh i used to do woodworking in here and you can see like uh those headboards those farmhouse headboards that have built back there um you know i got a lot of equipment set up but and and i may do some more woodworking uh come to fall the winter when the mowing slows down i've actually got some people asking me about some stuff that i haven't got to but anyway that's not what i want to talk to you about today i want to show you something real quick [Music] so in lawn care one of the uh obviously you know one of the key elements to maintenance on our equipment is uh keeping our blades sharp and so there's a couple of different options uh i'll tell you what i've tried i've tried this bad boy here i did get away from that hard wheel to a 40 grit flat disc um which looks like this right here and this may actually be a i'm not sure this is a 60 or not at one time i think i accidentally bought a 60 um but anyway i'm not sure what this one is it's hard to read the writing on it and so i went from that to holding my blades and running the angle grinder across them um and then let me show you one other little setup and then i picked up this little bench grinder here from harbor freight central machinery you can hear the thunder in the background and you know it did okay i probably could have got one with a larger motor on it uh this one's only a um i don't even know what size it is but it doesn't have a lot of power um and those rocks if you do a lot of it they seem to wear down pretty quick but anyway i wanted one of these for my shop so it wasn't a total loss uh but i came up with something else now there's a lot of uh do-it-yourself uh sharpening videos out there where people take uh one of these angle grinders a four and a half inch grinder and they mount them and then they put an angle on a board or something in front of them and they drag the blades across uh there are a lot of videos if you want an alternative but i'm gonna tell you what i and let me say this up front this is not uh i am not taking a shot at all american sharpener all american sharpener i've never used one it looks like an awesome piece of equipment as a matter of fact i looked at one just a couple of weeks ago and i believe you know to get the one where you could do some adjustments and stuff on it it was a little over 200 bucks and i believe when you pay 25 to 30 dollars for a set of blades i believe that the all-american sharpener is worth every penny of that 200 something dollars but now they say butt negates everything that you say before it my problem is i'm one of those kind of people that sometimes i'll go out and pay 500 for something that's pretty simple and then at other times i don't want to pay 200 dollars for something that's a little more complicated and i looked at the all-american sharpener and i thought man the simplicity of that a man with just a two a few tools in his garage uh could make a piece of equipment like that that would work and so uh probably about six months ago i went to my local tractor supply and i bought a couple of pieces of metal a few bolts uh this that and the other and i decided that i would put one together and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you uh what i made i would say the cost of this thing is you know i don't think it could have cost over 25 dollars now i picked up a couple of bolts here a couple of bolts there something different that i needed and i'll explain all that in a minute but i'm gonna show you what i got and i know that there's no way it'd be over 30 dollars to build what i have here and i'm going to show it to you and i'm going to demonstrate it for you and then you can make your own decision again i am not taking a kick at a company i believe in capitalism i admire people uh who uh particularly for the lawn care industry are innovative and have come up with uh ideas uh to you know make us more efficient at doing the job that we try to do which is to care for customers lawn so anyway with that disclaimer let me show you what i've done all right so what i found a blade needs to be on a 32 degree angle now i know there's some variation in that i know there's some stuff with mulching blades all i'm talking about is a straight edge blade like i got here this is a set off of my hustler x1 uh these are i guess 20 and 8 inches uh it's a 60 inch cut okay so what i did because again i have a wood shop i took an old 4x4 that i had and i'm going to set this up here and hopefully you can see it um i took let me i tell you what let me now you know this isn't the simplest thing to use uh it's not it doesn't have a little i can add brackets and stuff but what i've got going through there right now is just a screw and i know that's going to wear out run it in and out but what i did is took a 4x4 i cut it let me get my craftsman tools out of the way i cut it on a 32 degree angle here and a 32 degree angle at the bottom just so when i'm working the workstation kind of leaned back and i just got it screwed to a pallet i haven't even mounted it to my work table over here which is full of junk by the way and i took on this side and just simply screwed me a little block on as you can see there uh all of the blades that i run are roughly supposed to be two and five eight so i put a stop here and then that's got a little lip up here so what happens is when i set my blade in there it's pretty snug right and i mean i could hold this with my hand like this and i could grind it with my other hand i choose to take and to put a screw in it actually you can see that's an end i've already sharpened right there i'm going to take this and flip it around though because i'm going to give you a demonstration of this here in a few minutes but i want to talk about how i built it to begin with and uh and just kind of give you some tips if you decide you want to do that some things that i had to figure out um so the first thing i did is i went to this right here is i believe about a half inch all it is is some metal tubing that's hollow in the middle so i took it i cut these right here these are about this this is 12 inches and this right here is like 12 inches now i might be able to play with these arms uh i might be able to do it a way that's more ergonomic uh this is just what i started with and again you'll see this is rusted i started on this about six months ago and i'll explain to you in a minute when i quit on on doing this project so forgive me for getting the camera all over the place i don't have my gopro here with me and i didn't want to go to the office and get it um so what happens is when i set this blade on this it's at 32 degrees and then i mounted this to the side and all that is uh through there is i've got like a four inch um lag screw in there and that screws right in i got washers on both sides and i leave it loose enough you know i put double washers on both sides and it doesn't really have a lot of tension i mean it moves really well i'm doing that with great ease and then down here i used a quarter inch bolt and i put washers on it same thing and i put a nyloc nut on the end now that nylo nylock nut is important because uh it won't come back off because the first time i did it i used some regular nuts and i double nutted them together like i got this right here there was a lot of vibration and it come apart then when you get up here um you just want to mount your angle grinder and so the reason i quit on this about six months ago is because this is a metric bolt okay i'm going to save you some time because what i had to do was go to harbor freight and i had to go in harbor freight and run back to the bolt section and grab bolts and run up to where these grinders were not harbor freight tractor supply i'm sorry i went to tractor supply found these bolts run up to where these grinders were now this did come from harbor freight this is only like a 10 grinder and figure out which one would fit in there well i'm going to tell you what'll fit in them it fit in a dewalt it fits in this it fit in another little cheap one that i've got um i got they're the m8 bolts now i got the uh m8 by 125 by 60 that's 60 centimeters long i believe so m8-125 and then i got the m8-125 nuts here and so i put this through here i put a washer on both sides you can see that's loose and then i jam these nuts together uh but and then i screwed this all the way in the reason you need this bolt is because this is metric and that's the size bolt that will probably fit 90 of these i'm guessing and so i run this bolt in there till it bottomed out and then i tighten this up as a jam nut to keep it from coming loose okay and again now i get my 32 degree angle from this block that the blade sits on and so when i start this up i'm simply just oh let me get my camera i keep getting it all i'm simply just running up this now let me show you this right here if i can get a good shot for you you can see that that really fits the angle of my blades and of course i i checked that on this part right here you know this part here never cuts grass anyway it's all out there on the tip i mean but i'm not saying it doesn't cut but it never gets worn down it's got that's got a great edge on it again when you're sharpening blades you're not looking for a razor edge you're want to get a good edge and uh and keep that angle so uh like i said this is about a 30 uh thing i did buy this probably isn't the best thing but i bought this little balancer right here off of amazon you can get on there and look that up yourself i you know i do check my blades with it it's very simple uh you just set the blade up on it like that and then if you if you were to look at this one that's pretty well balanced but this side's a little bit higher than that side so that means a little bit more material needs to come off this end now these haven't been sharpened these are just some i have laying around in my shop but i must have 20 sets of blades all right so i'm going to throw my face shield on uh again this is a 40 grit flap disc right here i'm gonna put my face shield on i'm gonna try to hold my phone and make a few runs now remember on mine i put the screw in it just to hold it down you could do something different there you could get uh one of those wood shop latches that would would latch it down on here uh there's a lot of different things that you could do but you secure it however you want to hallelujah there comes the rain and we are in desperate need of the rain i'll probably be crying about it by the end of the week but all the more reason you can hear it i don't know if you can see it but all the more reason for me to get my blade sharpened all right let me get set up here get my face mask on safety first and then i'll make a couple of runs across this blade uh for you all right mashed up here we go [Music] let me just take a second here and just show you if you notice that first path made this shiny from here to here which means it's maintaining that factory edge now obviously it gets off down here because that's been in but what we want to do is sharpen uh until we get this part as consistent with this as we can okay and i know some people say hey only sharpen into your blades listen i don't care what you do that's mostly what you're going to use regardless of what you do just make sure that you balance them all right so i'm going to show you making a few passes [Music] all right and those blades uh these blades have been run a little longer than what i typically run them um and you can see uh it's gonna be hard for you to see we got a really good edge here and this will be hot now and we got a pretty good edge on the end but right in here we still we need to take it down some more and so what i'll do is i'll i'll take that down and then like i said i will take and put them on this balancer uh i may spend some money on a little bit better balancer um but you know again i'm not saying that this is uh the ultimate tool i'm not telling you to build your own i'm not a professional machinist or anything like that if you do it be careful you know there's probably some risk involved in building it some risk involved in using it uh i'm not responsible for any of that okay you you i mean you're in business for a reason you understand what i'm saying uh i am saying though for thirty dollars it is a lot better than using an angle grinder and just run them across it because it does maintain uh pretty well in my opinion it maintains that edge that 30 that uh that 33 degrees now i think you can look online and find what degree your blades were supposed to be because for my understanding uh my buddy drew hadwin up in south carolina new beginnings landscaping uh if you haven't check out his channel he's got a channel on youtube great guy he just bought an all-american sharpener about a month ago he did a great review on it and so you know you can look at that but one of the things i think drew learned is that the standard 32 degree angle is not true of all blades and i want to say that he said his fell around 29 degrees or somewhere around in there so i think you probably find out from the manufacturer what you're uh missing the lighting up what what what your blade degree should be and then you can take and cut you a block of wood um all you need is you know a miter saw where my a miter saw like this you know you can cut one uh and look if you don't have a miter saw if you'll take a block of wood a piece of 4x4 to any wood shop any craftsman cabinet shop anything like that i'm sure you could get somebody to cut you the angle that you need on it and then i simply took it and i used some uh some screws and i just secured it down and i'll secure that to my table ultimately uh but again for about thirty dollars uh you got something that will at least give you something consistent something that you can replicate and if you can sharpen these blades i mean the more uses you can get out of a blade and get a good quad cut quality uh the more money you put in your pocket as a business owner and so anyway i just want to take and share that with y'all uh maybe it'll help somebody uh maybe it won't but you know if you've watched this much of the video you probably at least uh have an interest in what's going on so hey i appreciate all of my subscribers appreciate y'all dropping me a comment hit that like button if you haven't uh you know 70 something percent 80 something percent of the people that watch most of uh my content or not subscribers to the channel and you know i'm not in this to build some big booming channel uh i do youtube for fun i'm a full-time pastor i cut grass on the side and i use a little bit of my spare time to make youtube videos that i hope will some of them are just fun having some fun some of them are content like this to try to help somebody some of them are just mowing footage you know but uh you know i'm not against getting subscribers and and getting views and getting all that kind of stuff so i would love for you to subscribe to the channel hit that little bell up there get notifications when new content comes out and uh go check out my boy drew hadwin new beginnings lawn landscape uh our new beginnings landscaping always get him mixed up with josh over at josh's line in landscaping and uh minnesota line and landscaping great guys uh sheepdog lawn services llc down in mississippi another great guy that you can check out as far as you know what i would consider smaller channels now there's a lot of great big channels out there you know i like the spencers i obviously love cody and courtney at pro-cut line 10. they do uh do a you know a tremendous job there uh as far as large channels go uh but you know uh and i don't mean that in the derogatory way i mean they just they have good content anyway i try to give shout outs to the small guys the guys like me that's you know just doing it and trying it out trying to get their feet wet seeing if it's even worth it if the people want the content you know i mean honestly uh if i didn't have you know if i didn't have people watching that i wouldn't put the content out of me nobody's watching it nobody's commenting on it then what i have is not adding value to people into the industry and it's really you know it's not any point in me doing it so you know anyway uh i appreciate y'all watching though uh my prayer for you is always the same that the lord might richly bless you and that you might see all of your blessings as from him have a great great day
Channel: Clean & Green Lawn Service LLC
Views: 174,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawn Care, Mowing, Landscape, Mulch, Pine Straw, Lawn Care Near Me, Screven Georgia, South Georgia, Clean & Green, Clean & Green Lawn Service, Lawn Service, Grass, Trim Edge Mow Blow, Echo, Hustler, Hustler X-One, Hustler Raptor SD, blades, blade sharpening, lawn mower blade sharpener, budget lawnmower blade sharpener, lawnmower blade sharpener under 25.00
Id: 3GV5FzQY6v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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