Law vs Zoro | One Piece VS Battle

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[Music] [Applause] live at on gashima I'm Anthony and I'm Jimmy and today we finally have another versus Battle as you can see in the title we're going big law versus Zoro and the reason we picked this one is if you saw our top 30 video we both had them pretty close to each other I won't spoil where we had it maybe you'll get an idea towards the end of the video I think I think I think we both had right next to them yeah I think most people have had this particular matchup in mind especially recently we just saw um in the anime Blackbeard versus law just got animated which is sick so everybody's talking about all honesty I haven't seen the episode yet but I obviously know what happens in the manga so yeah same same no I've seen like clips of it but I didn't want to I didn't want to have that influence the way that I thought about this because you know in the anime they flesh everything out but I think I I I have a pretty good idea of where I put law regardless of you know how cool it's animated or whatever I will say the girl girl noi from the clips that I saw looks pretty crazy and uh well it's a good thing law doesn't have to fight that in this battle so I think some of the things we should point out right away is one they're a Powers which obviously zor doesn't have powers he just has swords two they're hockey I think those are the two big factors when we're looking at it mhm and at least for law he has good hockey but the Armament hockey I think just doesn't match up to Zoro from what we've seen that's my thing is that like so for me if Zoro hits law it's [ __ ] over like I don't see law surviving like almost any of zoro's attacks now there is something to be said about law being able to outsmart Zoro and like get around you know not to say that Zoro doesn't have battle smarts either like he does but if law comes in with like a plan like if it's prepped law you know I could see it going the new Batman law with prep time yeah so you know if if it's that then sure but I I think it's fair to to say that like maybe they're enemies on onigashima or something like one one of these like random encounter things to make it more fair cuz I think I don't think law with prep time is fair I just think he's too smart of a character and like most of the time unless the character is like vastly above law law probably comes out on top in those scenarios and honestly we've kind of seen it even when characters are vastly above law like clear example Big M it's not like he can't take a beating either the difference is mainly the types of attack Zoro uses versus big mom big mom is a lot more blunt force while Zoro is cutting which can be a lot more lethal but I could argue that law can kind of bypass some of that if he has his room up because getting cut might be able he might be like buggy in his room basically he can get cut and just put himself back together but might be I I want to see that [ __ ] like he didn't do that against doof Flamingo he got his arm cut off and then he did put it back on but it took him a while it wasn't really like you know the the this crazy like buggy just warp himself back together feet he was you know he was down like he was going to die against a flamingo until sa yeah it seems like it would be hard to get that off mid fight so I think we both kind of agree then Zoro in terms of raw AP output probably beats law but law is craftier so we're really coming at this from the angle of how can law out smart Zoro and I actually think he has a lot of tools for that some of the simple ones off rip are just shambles you can just teleport wherever he wants to that's kind of broken especially if there's a lot of just objects and as they fight more and more dust and rocks and Things Are going to get like launched in the air and we see La can teleport to these tiny things he teleports to raindrops like no problem yeah no he he he can't he can he he he'll be able to like get around Zoro pretty easily and like the thing is with Zoro I don't think he's somebody that wouldn't be able to kind of like dissect like I I I think he'd be able to dissect Law's ability cuz like he really had to do that with King in the moment quickly and we know that Zoro is one of these like very fast very hard-hitting characters so when Hees does figure it out it's like Wham you're done you know so so then I think that comes down to Zoro then has to figure out Law's pattern in when he's changing and where he's going to be and that might involve a little bit of intuition and use of observation hcky seeing where he's going where he's going to not necessarily getting to like future set where he can see the future cuz obviously we know Zoro can't do that yet but we do like he could just be so fast at rea that right when law teleports if he has some idea where he's going to teleport he might be able to change his Direction and hit law also I think that's kind of you know I I don't think that's like a bad thing to give Zoro like I don't know if law has the crazy like the teleporting is obviously teleporting and that's like a big speed feet but like you know Zoro has been consistently shown to see see that kind of stuff and like block like he did that against kaido and big mom's attack when they like spam attacked him you know like he did that um I will say in that scenario though those big attacks that Zoro has blocked and it's super impressive that he's even living through some of these things but it just kind of shows that he can do it when he sees these big things coming but I think law is a little bit craftier than that what do you think sorry to interrupt but what do you think like the comparison within their observation hockey is though cuz like you know I think that law is craftier for sure but I don't know if he has the like like what what what comes first like the craftiness or the observation hockey well I don't think we've seen a lot of observation hockey from either of them we saw Zoro in Fishman Island dodging like fod with it but like I don't think that's saying that much honestly yeah but his reaction time is a testament to that law doesn't really have like crazy I mean he has like some reaction that's what I think law loses in is just raw speed like I think strength and speed Zoro is just winning outright he and speed is one of those big factors but I do think law has a lot of attacks to help nullify against Zoro one like even though Zoro is super durable we've seen Lo do it before he could attack people from the inside and that does a lot more damage like we saw it affect kaido and kaido is probably a bigger tank than Zoro well here's what I'm going to say about that is that like the the the countershock it is you're right it's big and it did affect you know big mom and kaido and like do Flamingo and all these people but like I I think that Zoro has the durability Feats to kind of be able to come out on top in that like it might it'll hurt him for sure but I don't think it's going to take him down I think the only thing of laws that like realistically would take him down is there's two things one is if you know somehow he cuts out zoro's hard and just able to like torture him with it I think that's a big win condition for or like cut him up somehow you know blind him with the [ __ ] blind him and then shambles his eyeballs or whatever but um you know that that's never really done uh to like top it's hard it's hard for me to he hasn't done it to any top tiers it's hard to give it like we see him cut the heads off and play around with fod Marines and stuff but he's never done like if he could have he would have done it to like kaido and he said he said that he couldn't because our hockey was too strong and so you know I I don't think that law is at a point yet where I think his I don't think his hockey stronger than Zoro [ __ ] no I think that you know the only realistic win condition so that aside right I think the only realistic win condition is the puncture Willie like the big one he did against big mom that might hurt Zoro enough to to get him down I okay I think that hurts Zoro a lot if big mom was getting cooked by it like I'm sorry but big mom has better durability than so he just has to find a way to be able to get that off because the reason he was able to get it off last time is with the help of kid and if he's not going to have kid in this fight it's like where can he hold Zoro down to get this the one nice thing about that law though well so this is the thing though it that move actually does give law a huge advantage against Zoro because right now we've been talking how it's been melee to melee fighting Zoro with sword and you know law basically doing the same but that attack lets law extend his sword really far we saw him do it against like Blackbeard just stab him in the sky but he he would he wouldn't get that opportunity to do it against Zoro without some he could if he teleports behind him right like he could if he hits him after he teleports behind him but the reaction time like of Zoro I think I think that Zoro even if L did that like he would need a another thing to to get around Zoro like he would have to really trick Zoro like I don't know if you're giving Zoro enough credit with the reaction speed that he has like he is able to do some crazy crazy stuff like I I I I can see him you know going back and forth with law but and and maybe if law gets like really serious and like that's what he saves to the very end cuz he does do that you know against big mom then maybe law can pull it out but like I don't know I think nine times out of 10 like my reaction is that Zoro would just go for an instakill move cuz he's done it a lot like he always goes for like one big move and then just like you know does it whereas like law is more methodical and would probably save the puncture really till past the point of no so my point with that is you said Zoro does this all the time where he starts at with these big moves and he's usually this if I land it I win type of character he will but law like again we know he's crafty he's been with Zoro a while now he knows that this can happen he's going to see that coming and he's going to be ready for it like I think he'll know that it's coming I don't know if he'll be ready for it I don't know if he'll be able to react I don't think he's that slow as you're giving it either where even if Zoro like blitzes him like I think he can at least react to it like he wasn't like he was keeping up with all of the yonko and the other like Supernova on the rooftop also it's not like he was falling behind in speed necessarily I guess that's true yeah yeah you're right like I don't think Zoro is so vastly above him in speed that it's just like nope law can't react to it at all no you're right you're right I think I think you know he he does I think law has good reaction time too and I think his ability just like lets it be over the top a little bit but yeah I think and that's the thing I think his reaction time mixed with the ability cuz he could do things like start that puncture Willie attack shambles to something right behind Zoro and then extend it like fast without Zoro being able to realize and I'm not saying that would necessarily take out Zoro but it's crafty things like this that Z that law has in his Arsenal versus Zoro who I feel like is very like standard fighter yeah I mean I guess so he's standard fighter but like I I I trust in Zoro to pick apart law enough to be able to beat him I don't know like I I just feel it and I and I I agree like this is kind of a back and forth like we're never I I don't I don't know where to scale this cuz it's like okay how do you think law does against somebody like King like I think lob beat's King but I I think Zoro beats King too so this is a moot point but I mean it's like there's no there's no comparison as like like law hasn't had an opponent that Zoro I think could beat yet you know what I mean like Law's last opponents were Blackbeard and big mom big which I don't think Zoro is beating either of them right where whereas like law is definitely [ __ ] up Luchi and King you know so it's implied that l stronger for sure I think they're pretty equal and I think both of us have kind of showed where we kind of stand a little bit more seems like you're a little bit more on the Zoro side I'm a little bit more on the law side but overall I think it could kind of go either way and until we get a few more like I don't know we just need a few more Feats from each of them interacting with similar characters cuz I think you're right neither of them have really had any overlay in who they fight like not even close but one thing I can give to Zoro Over Law is like I don't think law can go up against like characters like Pika for instance these gigantic characters I mean I know he cut the mountain but that wouldn't really have killed P cuz he could just reassimilate for sure yeah I mean that's kind of what we saw against Blackbeard right now is that the AOE of the gurag gura like was too much for law essentially um so you know I agree with that is a more methodical fighter like we've been saying but like you said right it's it's yeah sorry I didn't mean to cut you off say he doesn't have good ways of dealing with these big scale attacks like maybe he can dodge him if he teleports far enough away but then he needs a big enough room to be able to do that so if you could just make attacks that are covering his whole room it's kind of hard for him to do anything for sure I just don't know that Zoro could do that I mean like people would say that his attacks are like explosive but I think it's more of like you know what we're saying with the slashy one shot kind of thing personally like that's what I think we've seen I mean the king battle was pretty epic and there's a lot of explosions going around and like but you know I I don't know like I don't know if law would be able to dodge some of the things that Zoro can dish out like when Zoro did that like um the first attack that big mom was like oh Dodge kaido you got to dodge and he cut off The Horn of Oni asima like that would if that h so and yeah attacks like that are definitely big enough and strong enough to kill L and it and it's like they can probably get him I don't know like it's if I don't think Zoro can necessarily get him with it because the only reason Zoro kind of almost hit kaido with it is cuz kaido's fighting like four other people and he had the chance to like jump up there and he wasn't being looked at but if law is watching Zoro do this the entire time I don't think he just like is going to let himself get hit by any means so I guess yeah I don't know this is this is definitely like a difficult one I could realistically like I I need to see Zoro do something I don't know like I I could see people I could see Zoro beating some of Law's opponents in the future right like I could see Zoro potentially beating if big mom's alive I don't think that's going to happen in the story but if we had to P big mom against Zoro like a potential future Zoro I could see Zoro winning right like later on in the story I agree with that sorry sorry you know me but like you know law has these hacks that just are going to permeate over a matchup like this so I don't know if it's ever going to be fair for Zoro in this scenario but well that's what I was going to say is like even though we're going to see Zoro at a point where he's going to be stronger than big mom I don't think it's fair to say that right now I think we have to take it from the perspective of we at currently cuz by the end of the series yeah I definitely think zor is going to be above law but for right now at least for me I stand a little bit in the law Camp I'm like 55 45 on you really but do you really think that like eventually like like what if law gets stronger you think zoro's going to be able to get around all this [ __ ] eventually like what is it going to take for Zoro to be above law I mean he's going to be stronger and faster he also needs he needs to develop those long range attacks and he's starting to like those slashes he's starting to get but if he can be more accurate and faster with those man and maybe even if he gets future sight cuz I could potentially somehow see him getting that like that could be it maybe him unlocking the advanced conqueror hocky like fully cuz I mean we saw him kind of use it but I don't know we need to see him mus it consistently for me to believe he can like whip it out in place okay but like let's Okay but he did it so like even if okay so if that's a wi condition I would say like the the future site is more of a win condition but like the if if you're saying that events conqueror hockey could be a win condition like bro he did it like I don't know you know we're still talking about if law would get hit with the advanced cockers is since it's like protruding out from zoro's body like law might not necessarily be able to react the same way as he does now like dodging physical attacks is different than dodging these invisible force field hockey attacks that they're dishing out and he can do that well he hasn't shown the protruding one he just showed it like applying to like around his swords but I'm talking about like how like Luffy does it where he can literally like shoot his like hockey out from his fist like blastp yeah I mean yeah but it's pretty close well yeah he's getting there he's getting there I think he'll get theeng I I think that Zoro can do that now like I think if we see in this Zoro versus Luchi fight Zoro he probably won't he probably won't need to he'll probably just like Lon strike the guy and it'll be over like he did to a poo but you know we'll see about that like I I I think both of them we need uh more we're we're more like to get more [ __ ] from Zoro than we are from law anytime soon cooked yeah law Law's law is done for but you know I think I think we both made our points um I I'll say this like I'm still on the fence about this 50/50 like I would I I put Zoro ahead by just a little little little tiny bit you know like I'm going to give it to Zoro but I could if if you know like if we saw it in the anime like tomorrow you know L for some [ __ ] reason shows up on Egghead and then beats Zoro for whatever goddamn reason I'll be like oh okay I guess L strong like I would totally accept it but then if you see it the other way and log gets like exactly like it can go either way so let us know what you guys think in the comments like I said I'm pretty law skewed but barely law skewed honestly and I think Zoro is going to pass but yeah all right y'all let us know uh this is it for us uh uh fight Us in the comments and like comment subscribe like com sub peace
Channel: LIVE @ Onigashima
Views: 1,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, luffy, pirates, top 10, battles, fights, one piece fight, one piece theory, theory, live, onigashima, live@onigashima, zoro vs law, law vs zoro, zoro, law, zoro one piece, law one piece, one piece versus battle, one piece vs
Id: 5FKHEKkqedY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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