Lava Storm - Full Movie | Disaster Movies | Great! Action Movies

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you do like them well why else would I be here a day with your big bro you think I would trudge through this to spend quality time with you no actually I don't but I guess I'm privileged today [Music] okay thanks for setting this up bro yeah well I think Bob really likes you too I mean I don't know why sweet about Bob huh jerk I mean your attitude yeah well you're the pain in the butt and I get to play chaperone so you're leaving after an hour you promised yeah well you know dick have you ever been in here without Mom and Dad no but who wants to be around them anyway mom's become a pain in the butt dad's often goes where I mean does he even talk to you it doesn't to me I mean all you do is argue with them anyways and you don't Emma they have problems yeah like you're an expert foreign [Music] gee like that's not obvious right when you turn 16 you'll see everything changes your friends actually mean something to you yeah well maybe but I still agree with Mom we moved here for Dad and we should move back to New York for her and dad doesn't pull his weight around here anyway that's not made for the city yeah well mom needs more of a challenge rescuing Chipmunks or drunk frat rats not her idea of being head of Emergency Response my divorce I don't think so Dad won't let that happen he may be somewhere else right now but he's way too smart for that it's not like Mom doesn't care and how do you know my mom does care no I mean about diving too smart true he didn't move us here and that wasn't really no Emma I'm serious how do you know they're not going to get a divorce head with that [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm not even sure if I can or want to no send the separation papers off sit on them for a few more days cat um I'm sorry I've got to go just send them okay thank you [Music] hey hey slow down you know what Mom and Dad are always saying about rushing hey it's not my fault you're that slow trust me Bob we'll wait yeah what about Chrissy I think the two of them might those two together please they're probably fighting right now I mean Christy's my girl okay Bob wouldn't and Christy especially are you that trusty hey I hope you brought some breath mints for your boyfriend oh funny you want to go huh you want to go hey you still want to go huh I hate this part oh do you want me to hold you here little baby oh funny I seem to remember you screamed like a girl first time we came here come on get stuck don't touch me again thank you that's the water boy kind of like you [Music] Bob Christy where are you guys clearly yeah right we're like dearly it's warmer than usual what's that smell I thought that was you huh funny oh glow sticks all right Bob Christy oh isn't that so you Ian Bob did Ian put you after this ah I think I lost my cigarettes not that cool again okay fine you two play along Bob and Christy are doing each other and I'm so freaking jealous you happy Bob this is my brother's thing he's the idiot I'm not gonna stay here if you're gonna pretend to be like him so please stop guys [Music] wow my God they're dead come on guys even I don't think this is funny don't like that cigarette what the hell are you doing the gas we have to get out of here why'd you take me down that hurt cause I thought the gas might explode yeah can you smell it it smells like sulfur there's always been a little smell on the cake not that strong if it wasn't gas then what why killed them we did [Music] [Music] what the hell it's good [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come check this out I can't make heads or tails of this I think we have another control campfire are you listening John what are you looking at oh not New York again oh not even close when did you start smoking I didn't they're not mine no your son my son my son know our son when did Ian start smoking I found these in the living room they must have fallen out of his jacket how can you be so sure they belong to my son and not your daughter she's the Rebel Without a clue Emma Miss vegan in the meantime enjoy your lunch Emma told me today that she'll never allow sushi in the house again cams are kicking in what looks like we have three small fires on three different ledges cam on the Eastern Ridge campfires right no no it's too big for campfires this was a few minutes ago lightning arson the wind it happened simultaneously I better get out there oh and I get to stay here there's some vacation it's my decision well then make it hello mom you gotta come and get us Mommy we were in the mining we found Bob and Chris they're dead Mom they're really dead we need you I think it was some kind of gas coming up from the pool in the mine John check the landline it's dead okay um I'll grab the rescue gear while you lock up and I'll meet you at the car John get Derek here now he's gonna have to deal with those fires he's on his honeymoon remember Miami and plus no phones take the kids to my dad's house okay it's close she'll be back in no time don't tell me what to do okay fine you're the boss but there are kids what would you like me to do you find a way to call Sheriff Buckley close the center down until one of us gets back we need to get Communications back up there's three fires burning Lori without Communications I need to be on the field what about our children fine you're the boss okay but without communication I need to be out there and there's nothing I can do here I'll talk about this when we get home fine here take this you might need it be careful do some investigating on my own Sheriff Buckley this is John can you hear me sure if you need to send the squad car up to Old Rocky Lori's there with the kids seems like Emma and Ian found some of their friends there dead [Music] thanks you better stay put yep some date some of your friends are dead and you're joking around hey remember when you used to call me squawker tease me yeah you'd add into anybody's conversation well that was bubbles right we were burnt toast I don't remember that you remember how we'd wrestle with that and Mom would get all worried because she'd be afraid we get hurt yeah and a dad will pin you down screaming French for help I'd come to the rescue [Music] can you say it once again selfie in [Music] friends that did [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we're over here thank God mom you have no idea how horrible it was the most important thing is that you're safe Bob and Chris to your dead mom I asked your dad to call the sheriff okay now right okay where's Dad we have three small forest fires time of year yes I'm gonna have to go see what happened down there I can't go in there Mom it's part of my job foreign [Music] Bob and Christy are dead I'm taking you both to your grandfather's now but Mom we need to get out of here all right no Mom I'm telling you you need to check out that mine something really weird is going on down there you need to figure out why Bob and Christy died I'll do that later honey for now follow me to the car but Mom I'm telling you into the car [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 's friends were killed last night in the mine okay no it has something to do with the gas and these fires I hope that God they're not connected they're gonna be connected John why aren't here oh guys we got a really big problem yeah but we didn't have anything to do with it right it has nothing to do with you dad Ian just lost two friends today actually this is about all of us when are you gonna learn that I'm not a guy hey come on sis okay you two are with Grandpa great just what we need when I get back we're gonna talk about that I'm glad you're okay you too baby somebody needs to check out the mind there's something really weird going on down there I'm telling you okay look in the meantime don't forget who's in charge of Grandpa's yeah so much for your kids truck we can save some time getting back to the center by going on Old 95 20 minutes you know what I want to stop by the line there's something I want you to see by the bridge we need to do our jobs hot chocolate like Crystal five feet hey look at this flat just like your chest I'm gonna ask your dad something seems to be dead how could the phone be dead maybe the fire knocked at a power line or something that wouldn't affect the phone oh they finally did it finally did they did did what you finally did it you finally did it Grandpa a bomb what a nuclear bomb what else could it be there's a forest fire it's a power outage it's EMP so where's the explosion because EMP would affect everything electronic Grandpa like do you have a watch with a battery or shaver that's idiot you're right I'll check my shaver I'm in hell I've done nothing to deserve this final thoughts about Bob Maybe what's EMP Electric magnetic pulse Grandpa's alone yeah well he's a vet I guess he's on the right to be alone see there's no bomb yay whoopee oh yeah that's right we knew that already so what is going on I don't know but I want to get out of here are you sure EMP affects everything electronic everything okay I'm positive unless the electronics are heavily shielded wind is from the East we caused this from the East what are you talking about I know it could be a forest fire you know I used to be a smoke jumper oh this asphalt's too heavy for any forest fire I'm in dad are out in that looks like ash it is what the cabin ET volcano wow in the town this is the part of something bigger do you mean something bigger John John or there hasn't been a volcanic event around here in millions of years it's getting me really scared it's time to be scared [Music] thank you we're going to do the show shelter you want to go out in that to get to town no no I'm not going to town where are we going my car wouldn't last 10 minutes in this stuff great so we're stuck here well where's the shelter are we walking listen young lady you don't know what's going on it's my job to keep you safe just asking a question only because by the volcano Mount St Helens is a thousand miles away actually it's it's two whatever Mr geography and Linda's to the east pounds this to the West no then what came up that again you have another explanation all I know is there are no volcanoes that are close enough to dump Ash on us one is doing it right now so where's the shelter follow me and don't worry I've seen worse [Music] let me guess you have a secret bomb shelter never in a million years would I believe that you you could call it that it's a bomb shelter you could use this when a 12th grader was going to kick my butt last year Grandpa you actually have a bomb shelter [Music] hey food how old is this stuff it's old like me I haven't been down here I haven't restocked it since your grandmother died I can't believe you stopped here we need to get back or in 15 minutes I want to see if there's a connection between the mine and the bridge come on [Applause] laughs remember when we used to come up here how pretty it was it still is pretty Lori when did this stop being pretty for you I think there's about a lot more than just our town come on do we have to stay here then until your parents get back listen Emma I I know you think I'm crazy with the bomb and volcano theories and as far as I know it could be that's not true but what I do know is that as long as we're here you're safe we're safe now let's hope that I'm wrong but what if I'm right so this is our only choice thank you Grandpa Grandpa [Music] do you remember what a Basalt eruption is that's when lava or outside of the ground for thousands of square miles at a time yeah cause for me an extinction of the Dinosaurs you think that's what's going on and you want to get closer information saves lives they're like yes yeah sulfur you think it could have poison the kids kind of gases can kill off an entire city or more you think this could head towards the town do you have any upstairs I think so I'll go oh we'll both go a little later we're all gonna be dead a little later I am not trying to be positive this isn't an old maid deck isn't it no no it's just a regular deck um anybody up for a game of spades poker anybody need a break I could play some spades how about you Ian uh yeah that would be great but we need another player Grandpa this can't be happening you want to play cards and our friends are dead [Music] we'll be all right we'll be safe [Music] oh God the air is so hot wait my lead your lead [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] I win oh getting pretty tired you know what's weird me too yeah you know I want to show you two something what oh it's a scrubber CO2 scrubber to decontaminate the air I want to make sure that if you fall asleep we wake up again you know when that door is shut it's almost an airtight seal could we run out of air CO2 filter we do have power those batteries that get plugged in and topped up that doesn't look that old well we used to have these chemical scrubbers this is much safer it's like what we used when I was in the service I do know a thing or two about this stuff so now it's safe to take a nap I will keep you safe wow it's ready [Music] [Music] volcanic glass 2 000 miles above sea level Madison City superheated water how are we supposed to survive something that killed out 90 of Life on this planet by using our head come on [Music] thank you [Music] the hair's not so bad here I'm stuck again oh yeah not as thin as when we met funny John John hurry my legs are beginning to burn Sean hurry hurry [Music] [Music] you know one of your parents they're probably just lost or in a pickle somewhere and we're gonna have to get them out of it so I want my rest I still take a nap something else to do [Music] thank you [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] yeah get down [Music] [Music] and Emma [Music] Grandpa Grandpa foreign [Music] [Music] yeah oh my God wake up oh we've got to get out of here [Music] it doesn't protect you wake up I need your help in someone [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign he's not breathing it starts with yarning and I've got Emma [Music] [Music] take a deep breath [Music] I got you chicken oh come on come on okay I got you try to bring it we need to get them to hospital or to hyperbaric chamber his Ox is in an emergency center hospital is closer he's got a position in the welding case come on come on dad you're gonna be fine look there's plenty in here I rigged up the fish tank tubing from your fish tank just keep breathing that in I still think we should go to the hospital treatment for CO2 poisoning is oxygen we have it here I want a doctor to look at them and pressure with oxygen is preferable there is no hospital it's us there must be some medical facility we can take them to I'm like what if there's something wrong with them you don't know about what about your dad you want the CO2 poisoning there maybe check check the outside world see how widespread this lava storm is [Applause] now took long enough let's go guys let's go let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 10 minutes out of town and it's a lot clearer around here so how much longer soon why aren't there any cars in the world where is everybody I don't know how you feeling Ian good I in fact I think I'm pretty much back to uh abnormal good maybe you should continue smoking cigarettes then they're funny though dad about cigarettes later I'm not a small girl okay yeah just so you know I plan on giving you hell so be prepared I guess it's easier when you both yell at me at the same time I don't plan on yelling I'm gonna use Guild shame and humiliation to crush your will I plan on screaming bloody murder so be prepared foreign here earlier I need to see what's left What About Us not this time I've been trained for that kind of thing you gotta give us the one under my room speech because we probably don't have a roof left Dad yeah much less a house hey John they're just giving you what you gave me I'll stand with him go [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] look like same as here what's the password and Ampersand Emma all caps okay it's loading oh great great it's telling us we're exactly where we are please Ash is falling from Calgary to Germany food chain is going to collapse if this continues look well I was surfacing just a few miles from here no earthquake one volcano massive volcanic upwelling this is a Basalt eruption that he has gotten angry thank God the center of it is miles from us we're gonna get out of here yeah and go where Lori we need to find survivors as we evacuate there's no communication pull up the satellite image of the event Zone we need to find someplace safe to hide or where lava's gonna melt everything what about the cavern it's on the Mountaintop lava's running underneath it and if it continues to flow without Rising it's through the mine but it actually is bubble Rocky as is enclosed sorry John sorry I haven't treated you right lately I love you the good with the not so good you've lost you no you're not gonna get rid of me that easy you know what I'm zooming in we're directly in this path picking up speed how long have you been standing there long enough to know that we're in deep everything the pumice Cloud touches it's going to Pummel to dust you know how to use that program we need to run and hide wouldn't it be better to go towards water yeah yeah she's right in in Hawaii the lava runs to the ocean and people are killed what about bringing water to the lava the dam I'll go with you am I gonna take out the dam we have an avalanche Cannon the so-called Avalanche Cannon is kind of small for a dam don't you have more than one shell one would have to get pretty close to the dam to take it out the person's probably not going to survive either so no you're not going to go probably flood the mine too but how's Cameron okay okay I'm gonna do that you've got to get to the cabin as soon as you can oh no way not on your life we're going to get to the mine and we're going to wait it out we'll take all the equipment we can between you and I we have a lot of survival training we can't save the world no baby but maybe we can buy it sometime I'll write that knock it off hey Mom you're ruining the whole happy family thing again you know what Emma why don't you guys go wait in the truck okay come on come on please now getting tired of them bossing us around what is wrong with you there is no way you're sacrificing yourself I only said that for Ian's I don't want them to go with me but I'll be fine you don't worry about me no baby facing extinction here there's no way I'm gonna let any of us die I gotta do something are you all right it's not us it's Grandpa [Music] I have a hurricane what are you doing I'm in here can't take him with me I need the truck you got the kids okay Ian Emma you're with me so where's Dad going why is he leaving us I thought everything was okay with you guys why are you pushing him away again don't you dare say that I am not pushing him away well you're not making him stay I can't believe you what if he never comes back huh look I gotta talk to you you got to stay here with your mom take care of the family no I'm going with you no no way you're going with me Dad I can help I know my way around the woods meantime you're gonna stay here with your mom all right pushing me away hey sheep don't do that to me I'm a man I know you're a boy okay you're not gonna manipulate your way into coming with me I'm your father you're gonna listen to me real good now you're my father now we're some big happy family great timing just the whole world's Crashing Down and what do you want me to do and what you know this is no longer about just us because I don't like it your father's right Emma you're gonna need to be stronger no what I need is for my father to be alive God you know I was hoping to drive dad crazy with boys and you know never mind I guess we're all gonna die before any of that happens under these circumstances I don't want to leave with you and I on these terms okay I don't plan on committing suicide your evacuation is going to be too safe either and I need you to grow up and grow up fast piss off wow I see you did as well as I did what the hell just happened I don't know but I think I'll stick to yelling it's like they're punishing us or something and we don't have the time for that right now there's a control here so you think we punish them enough let's go back I mean the whole world's falling apart I'm just starting to get scared so we're going to change the world or what come on Mom what's the plan of action we do need a plan okay John Ian go get the Avalanche Cannon and the ammunition out of the storage Hangar Emma you're with me we're going to check on Grandpa and grab the sapling computer it's a real joy to enter the new era with this family move it come on so uh you have used one of these before right no you know I didn't know you were smoking cigarettes for all I know you could have fired one of these are just coming to get you did you know that there's a promise Cloud barreling down on us as opposed to an ash clap yes Dad we know how are you feeling well strong enough to know that I've got to get you all the hell out of here mom's formulating a plan grandpa I have to get you and the kids to safety while John blows up a dam dad dad strong enough to go check out the garage see if there's a vehicle we could use I'm on it captain here Mike made this [Music] John I don't want you to go we're gonna stick to the plan it's the best thing to do it's not gonna be a picnic around here anymore it never was enough out of you I may need you baby you got me we gotta concentrate on saving everybody else now I'm going with you Dad no you're not I'd rather die with the man I respect most learn from something I can't even control it's not the right thing to do yeah yeah it is if I send my son off to die Mom it's not in your decision it's not dads either it's mine lost her everybody else okay yeah we're all okay here come on we gotta move can you stand yeah I got one of the emergency trucks started dad I guess I'm driving dad that's not a good drive I guess we don't have a choice all right well there's oxygen and he shoots in the car the good news is you're not gonna die for me come on we gotta go I gotta tell you something about the dam what about it oh you should blow the dam the bottom of the mine is gonna flood you got to give us a couple of hours before you blow it up and you may or may not be able to get into mine I know see your bubbles hey I'm holding you to that care burnt toast I will we'll be announced Kevin show up oh you know look you just get there as quick as you can dad you take care of my girls come here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign that experience may come in handy [Music] [Music] you don't want to go in the sauna [Applause] we wouldn't survive the Heat this one will lead us directly into house Cavern the only way they asked Kevin is through this internal so we've got can we just stay here in the mine shaft no Emma we're above and the lava travels below we have no other choice I just wish everything would just be back to normal This Is The New Normal prom's gone graduation's gone it's all gone you have to help me know Emma to think Beyond yourself trust the tunnel gets a little wider actually Mike it gets it gets [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go in and see if it's safe I'll be back to blaster you have one I have one if you need me press [Music] we're gonna have to wait here for a while give your mom grabs and Emma time to get into the cavern [Music] [Music] foreign awesome [Music] you okay Grandpa [Music] no not again oh um Emma Emma you know your mom loves you it's taking a really long time [Music] Grandpa Grandpa mom's in trouble what if you get stuck I've been in the worst no but what if you get stuck here and now you'll have to figure something out I'll tell you I'm I'm older I've got more experience and I'm pulling rank so I'm telling you now I'm I'm going into this too the hell oh boy we may have a little problem what's that how to use the Avalanche can't do you damn we'll find out got four shells right don't you ever do Avalanche control no I don't okay it's not part of my job description dad what no I didn't need more time we don't have more time [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you give me a shot [Music] [Music] nothing we need to get a lot closer got a shelter [Music] all right can you hear me oh Mike hold on I'm stuck can I pull you all right okay ready if I push you yes all right yeah you go forward yeah oh you should hung up on a rock let me get out of here are you dry I can't zip it out enough oh cut it off and maybe there's a rock what's up sharp up there is there anything in hand you can use [Music] huh [Music] it was panicking [Music] no body Grandpa Mom I'm coming after you [Music] oh no right all right all right yeah mom mom [Music] say something [Music] so hot foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] we're out of time foreign give me a crack at it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I have the knife [Music] foreign [Music] thank you Emma I'm not a little girl anymore [Music] [Music] Come On Son OS I know you can do it there foreign [Music] [Music] thank you hahaha [Laughter] there's not too bad in here hold up here we have to get out of here they just blew the dam but not through there follow me grab the grab the packs foreign [Music] sure they took out the dam [Music] and done foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: GREAT! Free Movies & Shows
Views: 75,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, movies, free movies, full movies, hollywood movies, free youtube movies, full length movies, best movies, drama movies, action movies, thriller movies, disaster movies, lava storm, lava storm full movie, Ian Ziering, Valerie Valois, Vlasta Vrana
Id: eMMy9UcKjxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 7sec (5167 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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