How to Make Incredible Meat Ravioli From Scratch

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[Music] there's making homemade pasta and then there's making homemade filled pasta like ravioli that's a whole nother level you gotta roll out the dough you fill it you cook it only to find all that filling just explodes out of the pasta and into your pasta water well you need a foolproof recipe and dan's here to provide i am your foolproof guy i know you are so i think making handmade ravioli is one of the most satisfying projects out there but like you said if it doesn't work out in the end it's not very satisfying you get soup you get soup and it all starts with a dough that is really malleable and easy to work okay so that's what we're going to do here we've got two cups of all-purpose flour in here we're starting with two whole eggs now i'm adding six egg yolks yolks are great because they add a lot of fat in the liquid so they're going to make it softer and easier to work with pliable but because of all the protein in there as it sets in the water you're getting something with a beautiful delicate bite to it nice now i'm adding two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil all right so when i'm using my food processor is the fastest way to actually make the dough okay it's only gonna take about 45 seconds to bring this together okay great you'll see that it hasn't formed a dough and it's not rolling around right that's okay we do a test by picking up some of it here and giving it a little pinch egg sizes vary so if it holds together nice and smooth like that nice just perfect okay so i'm just going to bring this together here and give it a little bit of counter kneading and then i'm just going to roll it out here a little bit we want roughly a six inch cylinder a lot of gluten formation we want to let that relax as we do with any kind of bread dough so i'm going to wrap this in plastic okay we're gonna let it sit for at least an hour or up to four hours at room temperature and the really nice thing about that is that gluten is gonna relax it's not gonna be cold coming out of the fridge so it's really easy to work with i think you'll be surprised at how easy i can roll this out now you could fill this pasta with anything and it's going to be delicious you know nice cheese ravioli i love but today we're going to make a meat ravioli that's rich in pork and tons of spices so we're going to have some ingredients here that mimic a panad this is two slices of white bread that i just kind of tore into rough pieces i've also got an ounce of parmesan cheese for flavor we're going to add some liquid so we have a quarter cup of chicken broth that plus our egg and the bread that's the heart of the panag right so we have an egg here as well and then for more seasoning we're going to have two tablespoons of parsley which is minced i have two garlic cloves minced a teaspoon of table salt a teaspoon of ground fennel three quarters of a teaspoon of lemon zest i've also got a half teaspoon of pepper and finally a half teaspoon of dry mustard all right so now i'm going to pop this lid on and process this until it is smooth which takes about 15 seconds [Music] okay that is nice and smooth so now it is time for our pork so we've got a pound of ground pork here i'm just going to pulse this about five pulses until it's combined you don't want to overdo this but you can see when it's done right okay all right that looks great so i'm going to cover this with plastic and we'll pop it in the fridge while we let our dough rest all right okay so this is a four hour rested dough we're gonna break this down now into six pieces just kind of mark my lines first so we've got half there one there and one there it's nice to work with pretty equal pieces that way when you're rolling it out you can look at dimensions and have a good idea of where you are all right so i'm going to work with one piece at a time and it's important to keep the rest wrapped up so it doesn't dry out i have some bench flour here we're going to use it only as we need to to prevent sticking this wooden board is really nice if you have a nice wooden cutting board it won't grab as much okay so i got a little flour i'm going to dust both sides of this with it i'm going to pat this out into a three inch square looks good so now that i have a rough square here about three by three i'm going to use my rolling pin and now i'm going to take it out to a six by six inch square okay so we're at six inches there so now i'm going to do another flowering get my board a little bit and the top i'm going to rub that in so i'm going to start rolling i like to start in the middle and roll out and then start in the middle and roll down now if you've ever tried to roll out just regular pasta dough before you know that you can't talk while you're also doing it because you're bearing down so hard on it this is easy yeah it's so soft yeah it basically wants to roll itself out it's a very very soft dough so i'm just lifting this up occasionally as it starts to cling a little bit more i don't need a new flower yet but if i do i can absolutely add it okay so now we're at about 12 inches and i'm gonna keep going until i get to about 20 inches long oh wow about six inches wide so it's really what would come out of a pasta machine okay beautiful that looks awesome i'm gonna transfer it over to a parchment lined baking sheet you can always do a little fold on that there or cover it with plastic this will keep it from drying out i'll do the rest of these and then it'll be time to fill and cook sounds great okay so now the really fun part is forming the raviolis we've got everything set up here and it really helps to have a nice orderly process we've got our form sheets we've got our filling here with a nice one tablespoon measure that's how much we're going to want in each one and i've got my nice dough here so i'm trimming the ends of this pasta sheet so that they're nice and square and we have 18 inches of pasta to work with just makes the process a lot easier all right the next step is to get some egg white on here so the egg white is going to help it stick together after you put the filling in it's actually going to bind the pasta together really nicely okay great so i'm going to work with a tablespoon of filling one of the easy mistakes to make with ravioli is you just want to fill them up with all that awesome filling don't do that you need enough space to really crimp around the sides so you want to be an inch from the bottom and about one and a half inches between them so you get five to six depending on the size of your sheet so the next step here is cut first and then fold over so we've got everything spaced out nicely and then i go right between them and cut right through okay great so i'm going to fold this over and we want it to touch here so we get a nice border around not go right up to the filling gotcha and the goal here is to get rid of as much air as possible so i'm kind of pressing as i go around the sides funnel all that air to the front stretch that pasta and then once we get to the end there and then we're sealing it up nice size ravioli too so it's super important to kind of squeeze out that last little bit of air when that goes into boiling water and the air expands yes that's when you get those burst raviolis which is so upsetting okay perfect so i'll set that aside keep going with these so the next step here is to put a beautiful border on the sides you can use your knife to do it and it'll look really nice nice and straight if you've got a fluted pastry wheel it's also really nice that's what we're going to do here looking for about a quarter inch around the edge also helps kind of finish that seal off so pretty so pretty i'm going to turn this way and repeat on these sides and because there's only two of us we're going to cook off half of these today we're also going to freeze half of them and that's what's really nice about this recipe when you make them you can freeze as many as you want so what we're going to do is lay them out on a parchment-lined baking sheet freeze them in a single layer and then you can transfer them to a zipper lock bag and store them for up to a month all right look at these gorgeous ravioli stunning stunning right yeah so i've got a pot of boiling water over here i'm gonna add one and a half teaspoons of table salt to this and then i'm gonna put some raviolis in there i'm thinking maybe eight each sure all right so just drop these in nice and gently beautiful all right so we don't want to boil these that's another thing that can kind of cause them to rupture so we're going to simmer them for 13 minutes so another reason you don't want to pre-cook that meat is these are going to be in here for 13 minutes so it's the perfect cook time to get them just cooked through all right great well that goes i also have some sauce over here which we're going to serve them with this is our quick tomato sauce perfect and you can get the tomato sauce recipe on our website 13 minutes and time to eat okay perfect these look awesome no blowouts not a single one so that's been 13 minutes i'm going to shut the heat off so i'm going to take my pasta out here with ravioli you want to be really really delicate just going to take them out like this and then transfer them over how beautiful all right and now we have our beautiful quick tomato sauce standing ready okay let's do a little parmesan let's see what they taste like huh nice and tender that looks gorgeous that interior is so tender when you bite into it it just melts garlic parsley i'm telling you the mustard is what seals it that feels beautiful what i love is the pasta is just cooked through and tender it seems like a lot of time in the water there but you have a nice bite nice resiliency to it you did it fool proof ravioli thank you and i said it could be done and you proved me wrong that's the best i love proven you wrong and making great ravioli at the same time mission accomplished well if you want to make these great meat-filled raviolis it starts with a food processor pasta dough make a panod with bread parmesan broth and seasonings then poulson ground pork roll out pieces of dough trim and then top with mounds of the filling fold the pasta over press to seal and cut with a fluted pastry wheel cook them until tender drain and top with a beautiful sauce so from america's test kitchen to your kitchen a great recipe for meat ravioli thanks dan you're welcome thanks for watching america's test kitchen what'd you think well leave a comment and let us know which recipes you're excited to make or you can just say hello you can find links to today's recipes and reviews in the video description and don't forget to subscribe to our channel see you later i'll see you later
Channel: America's Test Kitchen
Views: 183,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meat ravioli, homemade ravioli, pasta dough, americas test kitchen, cooks illustrated, cooks country, homemade pasta, how to make ravioli
Id: qsXReqvmqdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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