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he's holler hey how are you good hey I'm wearing a being hey born good nice to meet you I'm so excited to be on-site here today at GW enterprises well we're certainly glad to have you thank you I understand he had a really good conversation with my is a last week he told me some good things about your environment what you're going through and what you're hoping to accomplish and I hope so that's continue that conversation with you today excellent thanks for being here what a 50 minute discussion be alright with you yeah that's fine it's about as much time as that okay hurry up that step that being said let's begin again I'm Lauren and welcome to the availability discovery workshop my goal for this meeting is to fully understand your business's needs and challenges and to explore the IT requirements best fit to meet those business needs and challenges now we're seeing today that organizations are modernizing their data centers in order to meet three very important business requirements they include strengthening security provisioning IT services and lowering operational costs would you agree those three are very very important yeah they're absolutely critical to the success of our business okay so businesses are building out their modern data centers by investing and virtualizing their servers modern storage as well as cloud-based services so let's try out a modern datacenter and would you agree those three components are pretty characteristic of a modern data center Yamini virtualization storage and cloud that's where everythings is or is that it at least exactly virtualization storage and cloud so we're seeing the goal here is that to build out an agile IT staff right that'll be more efficient that'll be more competitive that'll help you reduce your cause by enabling a no non-business approach would you agree right now your business model today you need to always be on ready to go yeah you nailed it good deal well you know businesses today are facing n user demands like never before including access to data 24/7 no patience at all and data loss and they're seeing increased data crazy numbers like 30 to 50 percent year-over-year so CIOs and CTOs like yourself are now increasing their demands to meet these requirements are you currently facing some similar challenges yeah that's definitely relevant to what we're experiencing now okay what would you say are some the major challenges you're facing today with your modern data center well of course data constraints would have to be high up there okay currently there's just a lack of visibility into you know our virtual environment and lack of infrastructure and I guess you know as we continue to virtualize it becomes a more important part of our strategy we're experiencing issues migrating from virtual or from physical to virtual all right anything else yeah of course always starting to meet our SL A's ok a little bit all right so here are your current challenges with your modern data center and no fears here most of the customers we speak today are actually facing the exact same challenges as you so that being said let's look into more traditional method of backup legacy tools no legacy tools have traditionally met Erin she's an RTO or RPO within hours if not days now would you agree that just does not match up with today's always on business model approach nor our approach I can't afford to be down for hours or days okay let's just cross this out then and totally agree so we're seeing here there's a significant gap rate that's created between the requirements of the owing on business model as well as I t's ability to deliver availability the vast majority of its users so the significant gap that's created is what we call the availability gap are you seeing a similar gap within your organization today yeah based on those those challenges I I guess you could say we would you have that gap all right well you're not alone actually reported 82 percent of CIOs today are reporting the same back here so this gap is significantly the amount of downtime that you're currently experiencing right you ever measured the cost of downtime within your organization what we're we're mid-sized organization about 750 employees but now I'm embarrassed to say I actually haven't really dove into how much the cost when our downtime would be in I'm sure after this meeting here all I'll have one of my people look into it okay actually yeah the Aberdeen Group we've heard of them but they have informed us that the average cost of a midsize organization like yourself for downtime for hours $74,000 for cover critical data well a good chunk of change right yeah almost as much as they pay me here here that all right well guys they didn't for me that you're using a legacy backup tool in-house is that right that's true it's Symantec Backup Exec okay alright so the reason that I'm here today is to discuss your environment today and there so I'm going to ask you a few questions that's all right how many physical servers you have this time currently we have 20 physical servers alright and what was that virtualized would you say you are as we stand today around 60% 60% ok and on that what percent would you guess are mission critical applications well better than none right prob about 40% 140 percent ok is it well kind of tying in to what we were discussing earlier and how to adopt the always-on approach and avoiding this availability gap let's deep dive a little bit further and discuss your backup and recovery processes so just a few more one more in depth questions for you how often or sorry how long would you say it takes you to do a restore or to recover well unfortunately last time we had to it took us about five hours five hours okay so you was saying your RTO is then five hours agreed okay um and how I how sorry how often are you performing backups today not as often as we'd like but we do run a nightly backups oh just one every day okay so your rpoS done 24 hours agreed yes okay and how often are you testing in fact what we'd like to test some more of course but currently it's you know a very manual tedious process so we do it on a quarterly basis every pretty much three months okay so what percent of your total data is being tested what you say gosh well we have plenty of the ends and also they run five percent okay next question be hard for some what was that failure rate would you say you have well in our in our tents I have to say that about every five 20 percent seems scary when you say that loud right yeah all right what about yousa backup data no really we're not getting much inside at the backup data and I know you mentioned a challenge we're currently facing with lack of visibility so you would agree that it's hard for you to detect issues before they occur yes no no visibility to speak up really all right moving on here back to your legacy backup solution that you have in-house if you had to pick two major challenges that you're currently facing with your legacy solution what would they be approach take meaning our SLA is of course mean that's always okay and just start our Bo and RTOS in general good deal yeah I know earlier we're talking about cost of downtime and measuring the cost of downtime and you have time for that just yet so let's do more of a deep dive there you mentioned in my I stated last week I believe your average cost of downtime length was eleven point nine hours is that correct yeah you got a great memory exactly how much thank you all right eleven point nine hours okay so earlier we discussed how the admin Aberdeen Group estimates it cost about seventy four thousand dollars an hour for medium-sized organization like your stuff so to calculate the annual cost you must apply the two so costly per year downtime $880,000 what do you think about that Wow I mean that's that's just simply unacceptable and to put the virtualization factor in there you said 60% virtualize right yeah so 60% of that you're at $528,000 can't believe it no fun all right but you know that might seem like a scary number to you but we're seeing a lot of business owners saying the same thing is reporting the same numbers and so we're seeing a lot of companies migrate towards virtualization so much so that we highly anticipate this number to heavily increase over the next couple of years so this is your environment Meno what do you anticipate your environment being in a couple years based on the three categories we just described welcome physical servers we like to cut that number in half so then and for the percentage virtualized we're investing very heavily as a organization to expand our virtual infrastructures so we'd like to spend number ninety five percent or so ninety-five okay and I know that mission-critical yeah mission-critical is 75% okay yeah so before I go any further I just one step away I know we've discussed a lot here we've gone over your current environments and the challenges you're facing within the modern data center what you expect your business to be in two years is there anything you have questions on anything you want me to explain further before we continue on here no we've covered a lot and from everything up there it looks was accurate and relevant okay good um so what a lot of people tell me when I present them with this they say you know this is great information and all that but I'm different and I run my company differently in might be thinking the same thing totally understandable besides you want to give you an example of a customer that I recently worked with their name was Griffin pipe product and they were out of Iowa over a hundred years old so they're kind of stuff in their waves a little bit I worked with the IT manager for a long time and we discussed and they weren't meeting their SLA is of 12 hours with their legacy solution at the time that they had they were 70% virtualized with 45% of which being mission-critical applications does that kind of hit home for you a little bit yeah we'll take close down got it all right then over here in the corner so 70% virtualized not moving there SLA of 12 hours all right so moving on here let's talk about some what-if questions for you so you mentioned earlier that you're achieving an RTO of five hours and RPO 24 hours what if I told you you could achieve both within less than 15 minutes I would think you were Genii because that sounds great you'd be a happy CTO right yes extremely happy okay and what if I told you and now we talked about that twenty percent failure rate if you had a zero percent failure rate I would probably get more sleep at night all right well I'm happy to report with a beam and availability you can achieve an RTO RPO within fifteen minutes for all mission-critical applications well yeah great right yeah it's fantastic perfect so let's hypothetically get rid of this guy over here but I'm being availability right here so the SG are you familiar with the SG is sort of a curve right yeah so you recently did an interview with them and they are reporting some numbers it's gonna write them on the board and want to see if they mean anything to you my backups accessory it's okay it could be anything right well actually ESG reported these numbers so this is all done and they're in beam has high speed recovery of up to 96 percent and then data box avoidance of up to 96 percent verified protection of 71 percent leveraging data from 26 percent every believe it six hours every month and last but not least complete visibility about to 71 percent which I we mentioned you when should lock the visibility of Sun of your challenges thank you thanks for reminding me so these are what we've identified us beams five key enablers so well that's being fed with beam you know this is a good give sophistic to have right but don't you want to kind of see a little bit more about beam stuff practices and how we achieve it summers yeah I'd be interested to see that okay happy to show you being the best practices and like I mentioned before so we can but to use an RTO and RPO within 15 minutes we can also get to the zero percent failure rate how would you like to have an isolated testing environment where it would not affect your production environment at all for what would be used for for testing your backups in an isolated environment when in fact your production beans at all that'd be great yeah much better than every three months so you are sure that your backups are tested every single time we talked about lack of visibility already a few times here today VM also has built-in monitoring reporting so you can detect those issues before they occur okay so let's go back to this crazy cops that we've identified here you mentioned in my is a your average like the downtime was eleven point nine hours something that would be about three point four events right so the average length of time for event would be about three point four hours is that correct yeah right on there all right so let's look at downtime of three point four hours getting it to 15 minutes with beam you're looking at a ninety three percent reduction rate not that bad right that's pretty significant all right so even better let's identify what your potential savings would be if you were to implement being so you mentioned earlier and we talked about earlier cost for down time for the year would be five hundred twenty eight K so just taking out I have a hundred it's a seven percent of that would be thirty eight thousand subtract the both and your potential savings are four hundred and ninety thousand dollars would you say this would heavily impact your business yeah and keep my chime I'm sure awesome so let's agree here that beam does bridge the availability gap sounds fair and to revisit my version pipe guy over here proud report I did get an email recently I see director over there so very pleased with the decision that they made they are more than exceeding their SLA s they previously had 12 hours they are have no lack of visibility through the Billiton and monitoring reporting piece no more issues while they're migrating to be 100% virtualized and no longer experiencing issues with data constraints success so I just want to give you some background on beam you don't mind we were founded in 2006 we've over a hundred thousand customers worldwide actually ninety-four percent of the fortune 500 today uses VM in some way and we have a partner community of over 25,000 partners actively selling these products as well as won many awards so wrapping up for today Tyler I strongly believe that being would be very beneficial to your business and I'd like to propose the next step we do have three options being an assessment a POC or if you like to speak with a customer as well how would you like to proceed well I think I followed this with a deeper assessment when I can spend a little more time to discuss our strategy and not what we're looking to accomplish and then of course we would need to perform a proof-of-concept to see how it works in our environment all right and I will get you with my finest engineer and we will go from there and I look forward to working with you more all right thank you for having me thank you thank you
Channel: Lauren Taylor
Views: 10,172
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Id: kq9zU-T2ekE
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Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 17 2014
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