Cisco Hyperflex Whiteboard - Winnie Kaspar

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hi there and thanks for watching my name is Winnie cows bar and today I'm going to whiteboard cisco's new solution for the data center called hyper flux but to really understand and appreciate the value of hyper flex we first have to look at the constraints of a traditional infrastructure so if we were to map out how your data center operation team works today it would look something like this do you have one team that handles all the compute you have one team that handles all the storage components and then you have another team that handles all the networking within your data center operations but here's the challenge is that oftentimes these teams are completely siloed off from each other and the challenge that a siloed operation can create is that these core teams they're using different tools different processes different certifications and ask the Lai's that they have get somehow these siloed teams have to come together to achieve a common objective like let's just say a mission critical application so how do you do that right so this is exactly where Cisco's hyper flex solution comes into play because what we're giving you the ability to do with hyper flex is remove those barriers within your core teams and enabling this architecture to function as a single unit so let me show you what I mean by that now with hyper flex we can start with as few as three nodes within your environment now each one of these nodes is going to be run using the Cisco's hyper flex data platform and what this data platform enables those nodes to do is to pull in share resources across the cluster now this is a huge benefit because what it enables your your system to do is to increase its performance because you're going to maximize the utilization rates of those nodes and you're going to be optimizing storage capacity at the same time because our data platform is continuously deduping and compressing that data so right now this looks a lot like a converged infrastructure this is where Cisco's differentiator comes into play is with Cisco we're including our fabric interconnects which means we are able to incorporate the network so unlike other companies we can provide you with a complete solution that includes to compute the storage and the network but what does this really mean for your company so if we go back to our earlier example of how we set up our data center operations T with the barriers removed what it means is that now our operations are drastically simplified because you can manage the compute the storage and the network through a single pane of glass now this single pane of glass also happens to be Cisco's TCS manager this is a tool that your teams already know and are using every single day so setup is extremely easy for them they already know how to use it even better is these hyper flex nodes generate an IP address which means there is easy to discover on your network as a wireless printer so this leads me into probably the best part about hyper flex and that's scalability scaling is extremely simple with hyper bugs because it's built to scale hi cisco began to ask why is it that you as a business owner why you need to purchase an entirely separate node when all you need is more compute right so if hyper flex we're getting you the ability to do is go out an independently scale based on needs of the business so if for example all you need is more compute you simply slide in a UCS blade configured through the UCS manager if you need more storage you can go out and independently add storage as you need it but let's just say you did have a large remote branch office and you needed to scale out and add some additional nodes hyperflex was built so that you can scale out and push these resources out horizontally as you add to the house you add to your operations so I know we covered a lot in a short amount of time so I want to leave you with just three key takeaways so what with hyper flex we're going to help you reduce the total cost of ownership again because you're maximizing the performance of your system because you're increasing the utilization rate so you're not just server heavy on one and you're optimizing storage on a continual basis to we're helping you scale we're helping you scale faster because you're meeting the needs of the business and building it as you go so you're not investing time money and resources and infrastructure you might not need today and three we're bringing simplicity to your operations because now you can manage the compute the storage and the network all through a single pane of glass and that in turn keep IT and the business happy that's cisco hyper flex thank you so much for watching
Channel: Whiteboarding with Winnie
Views: 34,439
Rating: 4.8988762 out of 5
Keywords: Cisco, Hyperflex, Cisco Hyperflex, Whiteboard, Whiteboarding with Winnie, Hyperconverged, datacenter, what is cisco hyperflex, hyperflex cisco, cisco hyperflex whiteboard, cisco hyperflex training
Id: RiTTyEE4-tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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