Lauren Reacts! Dead Zone-A DBZ Abridged Movie *They got me again* by TeamFourStar

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[Music] hello and welcome to Chicago reacts my name is Lauren and today I am going to be looking at the Dragon Ball Abridged movie Dead Zone um I'm looking forward to this I've so far been enjoying uh all of the Dragon Ball Z movies that I have been watching um most of them are available on uh patreon and or the YouTube membership um just because I've been having a lot of issues with uh actually getting them not blocked on YouTube um but like I said i' I've got them they're they're available in places um this one last time I was able to post it so hopefully I'll be able to do that again hopefully this one will work and I'll be able to get it up it will still be going up on membership on members only videos first but fingers crossed I can get it out there on the actual Channel as well pretty quick quickly so before I go speaking of those members thank you very much to nonv Rex thank you to Puff sniffy who gave me an alert to the last time there was a couple of mismatched thumbnails so I appreciate you giving me a a heads up on that um and a new channel member also to Mooney so thank you to y'all uh we really do appreciate you um and if there's something specific you want us to look at go ahead and let us know in the comments below um without any further Ado let us watch the Dragon Ball Z bridged movie Dead Zone and then I think this is the last movie we got to do before I can get back to the regular show so this is the last special the following is a nonprofit band based parody Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT are all by fation toy animation Fuji TV and AR Tama please support the official release and a support team forer hey Piccolo perfect now I have a place to put my castle once I rule the world and it'll have all the things a castle requires like walls and subjects maybe tribut show huh wait are they running on air that's ridiculous they're flying why would they ever even need to come on not oh you better just kill me [ __ ] H you okay in that kamie Mr Popo I believe oh that Piccolo may have been slain I think you'd know if he were right wouldn't he die too but Piccolo dies a lot I feel like still there yes and he ain't dead is he drama queen but you don't understand drama queen I think garc Jun may have drama [Music] queen garc jun's back garlic Jr okay I don't know who garlic Jr is but this one was the last movie that was listed on the ones I should watch before I watch season 3 so I'm hoping that I'm not super super ahead of where I need to be [Music] creepy Miss Watson she kept teching at me and it got tiresome and Lonesome by and by they fetch the [ __ ] oh that's not a word I've ever heard before oh well they fetch the Nick Gohan Lunch is ready come help me set the table Oh yay and that's gum fishing which means I'll get seconds Grandpa a Oh Daddy what are you doing here I wanted to drop by and see my grandson oh so money for you guys to live thank you Daddy I also brought you a gift Gohan a puppy books yay it's always books oh I'm sure he'll love them won't you go Daddy Grandpa Grandpa mom mom mom mommy Grandpa's having a stroke hi Gohan go inside immediately oh yeah come on in son of a [ __ ] just ate my pears you know we don't have a car right that's like a 10m nimbus ride to the near Earth City for pears you have 10 seconds to tell me what you want before I strangle you with that cowl I want the Dragon Ball give me the kid what you can't have my son you just want a dragon ball right don't my M it I'm taking your dad he's a fad ass forget it I'm going to take your kid yo Jinger all right Dragon Ball too please if you wouldn't mind I do too bad enough of this she tried she gave it her best so he got his clothes back on somehow I guess Chi-Chi I heard lunch what happened Goku they took our lunch no they took our son oh hey your Dad's here hi Focus they took Gohan a man I can't have't missed lunch it's the fourth most important meal of the day right after brunch but right before ler me some ler though agreed so I'm going go get I almost always go for liner just based on the virtue of when I I'm free to eat usually Gohan back we'll be back in time for ler Chicken and Waffles chicken and waffles oh and some for your dad all about the food so let me get this straight I sent you ship tis off to find me a dragon ball and you bring back a toddler well we did bring back the dragon ball and a toddler did you try I don't know taking off the hat well we thought about it on the way back but it really brings the whole Chinese Prince look together and he's your size you can rock that [ __ ] fair enough my daddy is not going to let you get away with this we beat Piccolo and that guy's strong as [ __ ] yeah so did my dad by himself yeah oh God you father Goku oh my God you [ __ ] stole Goku's kid how how did you steal Goku's kid well he wasn't there he was fishing naked first we beat up his wife oh my [ __ ] okay look get the last two dragon balls now oh yeah we'll just go off scour the globe and be back before ler you know it's not like the make a radar for this [ __ ] oh yeah someone is collecting the dragon balls why' they take Gohan I don't know maybe they just want a good fashion Goku Fanny weapon Fanny chii doesn't like us to swear but isn't a swear but here what you talking about combat hair got little Shin no you smell like Hairspray and shade butter swear to God I don't know how I got put in charge of baby I just just reminds me of that bit from Bob's Burgers where it's like you smello mint and pee did they steal that from this they might have stolen it I need something to take the edge off it I will slap fire from you I swear to God oh good there you are now be a good little crotch spawn and let's go back to your room I'm hungry ah well maybe I can make you a peanut butter jelly and ether sandwich and where did you did you get that apple in the tree don't eat that Apple I eat the apple don't eat that Apple why why can't you eat the apple Nots eat eat it oh balls well I hope you packed your bags kid because you're about to go on a [Music] TR what [Music] [Music] I'm suitably horrified mothering balls got to say I'm sort of impressed how do you find them so fast priz at a high stage poker game wow never thought you had a poker face never said a F once again fair [Music] enough I am so like confused about the actual like timeline of stuff because the Dragon Balls can only be used like what it's like once a year or something of that nature but people keep collecting all of them doing stuff and nobody ever rages I am the Eternal Dragon make your wish and I shall make me Immortal oh really wow I can't remember the last time someone actually nutted up and asked for that congrats can't wait to hear how you this up wait the hell's that mean it means your wish has been granted all right we actually got it yes yes I can feel it with this eternal why does everyone want to be immortal anyway it feels like I mean I guess a lot of them can breathe in space I'm just like imagining like you know the death of the universe or whatever you're still alive I suppose also I was just like you know everybody you love will die I guess a lot of the people who are wanting the immortality thing don't actually love anybody but still party I shall in the world and fool it with great Prejudice and Terror Hil GC junor Hil me H garlic Jun garli Jun hey garlic Jun hey gar Jun I am Son Goku and your name sounds yummy I have been told so uh did you guys steal my kid yep an amber alert up in here yeah oh don't worry about him he's just high in the throne room jokes on you I can fly I think he's [Laughter] [Applause] good welcome back Piccolo and then there's this [ __ ] oh hello Goku what are you doing here he still a kid I'm quite surprised you're still alive kie I believe the last time we talked was oh when was that all right when you banished my father to another I mention oh garlic Junior how awful to see you again you're looking grotesque as always oh hi there Kettle name's P have we met listen Goku just go after your son I'll handle garlic junor thank God you're welcome you're welcome I like that good joke very well props props to that bch your yo wait for me I'm bigger than y'all man left in such a hurry I accidentally skipped lunch maybe this place is a cafeteria no it's a castle is he going to Meer you want some food you up I want some mothering Ginger or maybe some I got some pepper for you you like pepper hey those aren't Foods those are things you put on Foods black gingerbread or c i I got nothing hey oh good they can all get giant okay now you're just making me hungry and you wouldn't like me when I'm Jesus hungry so KY you're mad that I tried to have you killed more confused why you target Piccolo instead of me not that it matters I'm going to put you down for good not unlike I did your father you miserable little and I will enjoy watching you fail because you see before you arrived I used the Dragon Balls to Grant myself immortality wait so you try to have me killed then use the Dragon Balls what yeah what oh [ __ ] wow I dodged a bullet on that one thank God my minions are so incompetent now tell me where the metery is and then the throne room please tell me the meter is in the Throne Room always singing with a stomach here I come to save the day hey Goku looks like you could use some help not really he's fine is that a second power beam Su oh hey Piccolo you alive well of course he's alive comm's alive I mean you guys have used the dragon balls right oh wow yeah thank God we call it not even going to lie this is exactly what I'm looking for in a castle walls ceiling metery could do without the spice rack though very nice right it's like my guys you that really is a dumb move to try and kill Kami and Piccolo before using the dragon balls like idiots dumb asses but also it's like yeah Piccolo's fine obviously [Music] who well I mean like he's Immortal right so just put him in a tiny little baby pocket dimension for all eternity that would suck you can't even die in there now so Ki why don't you pray for your life and then like every person who's ever PID to you I'll ignore it o Zing of course you know This Means War I mean sounds like that was inevitable I take back what I said get my son woohoo I'm helping sure Krillin I'mma break your [Music] butt oh thank God he's just kind of I was aiming for the short bald one but you'll do you mean not so tough without your two backup dancers are you ugly now why you got to be throwing out mean words like that you know that's fair how about I grab a couple of friends and try to murder you instead well personally I think that would be uncalled for you're right because unlike you I don't need help nice I love Piccolo so much oh my God I adore him oh come on you guys that's not fair I can't pull swords out of my body stand still and you will no no no no no no no wow good job hey danger that chick gets longer oh yeah it does go me me you ain't got [ __ ] fraking hell last time I take on a guy with a pole that big incoming oh my God bye definitely the last time you're going to do that I think that was the last time you're going to do anything bucko cinnamon or whatever your name was dou bag like my men my dudes y'all stole his kid he can do what he wants to you did you never see taken I don't remember what year taken came out but like come on dad's gonna come and get their kid in any way they can when we went when I watched Taken I watched it with my parents I was like hey Dad would you do any of this stuff to get me back if I was stolen he'd be like he was like yeah I mean I would try I would definitely not have gotten this far though so well the thought they count I suppose what's wrong fallen and can't get up do I need to push that big red button for you okay you're making this weird Cy we'll see how that immortality works out for you when I've blown us both into bits oh really you want to stress test this sure go ahead and while my men are scraping little green chunks Off the Wall I'll be part of in my throne room with a Herm of sexy demon skates oh [ __ ] or what if it's like he's Immortal but like they can he can still be like ripped apart like the like Egyptian gods like Osiris was like ripped into a million different pieces but he was still alive technically oo yuck that would suck or didn't they do that American Horror Story too like uh La Lowry or whatever like was just ahead seriously what part of immortality don't you understand actually I'm with him I'm going to have to ask you not to blow yourself up right now well well it seems you've eluted my men yeah sure let's go with that yeah I eluded them yeah definitely eluded them but like I that would be a way to you know it's like immortality does not mean safe from harm like it just means that you won't die so they could just you know behead him and he's just continue to be alive oh God They're All Dead Aren't They yep thank goodness they were soing continent looks like if you want someone killed right you kill them yourself ooh I might use that holy [ __ ] huh for second there I swore he was going to yell at spaghetti or [Music] something wow commi stay here and don't move I swear if I didn't know you I'd call you a smartass mean been bulking up since I installed the meeries where is it where is it where is it where is it where is it where is it where is it I'm sure you can find one in hell oh oh my God poor cin woof that's no good Goku Gohan oh my wrist it doesn't hurt a lot but it's definitely uncomfortable maybe I should get a wrist bracers coming hey Piccolo hi Piccolo next stop Rock botom I like that one too that's it taking up the clothes wait why would you even bring your weighted gay why would you because I don't have a house to leave them in why don't you just buy a house with the Alx King's money what world do you live in well a house and a the house and Son my dude Gohan is at least as much of Piccolo's son as he is yours at this point my friend I really don't care for you right now give me your [Music] [Applause] [Music] B and that's the way the garlic crumbles you do realize he's Immortal pretty sure you Cho garlic seriously he wished for immortality before you showed up either way I call this another win for Goku excuse me that was my kill he's going to get up at any moment he's got this technique to and it's Niccolo it's not a competition I already won you can still sense him he's not I am going to wear your entrails as sweatbands I can literally see the debris shaking I am 110% [Music] done oh God I guess this is his f fcy technique good Lord I do adore the relationship that go go Goku and Piccolo have where they they just constantly at each other's throats except for most of the time it seems like Goku is doing it by accident like he just just Bly just insulting Piccolo until Piccolo loses it but this time he was definitely doing it on purpose for some reason I think it's because he knows that Gohan likes Piccolo better than better than you [Music] men created a black hole this is the dead zone the same Dimension you banished my dear father to come so is that how your father receives conjugal visits eat a dick you Regal Green dusin Oh my castle hey Piccolo he's not dead yeah how about that yeah how about that this victory is mine you want I should take a turn shove it Goku oh God no everyone is getting sucked today demons humans and gods alike it's even sucking up your children leave my daddy Al there he is welcome back you had one good job oh how cute and what is the four-year-old going to do to stop me wow impressive what the hell happened how did he do that huh Daddy hey son what happened I don't know I think I won you're the best daddy uh-huh now let's Gohan go home it's almost time for dick list he got hit in the head didn't he I'm going to steal that kid yeah pick the brave yeah he is he's GNA steal him because Gohan would actually go with him willingly I think Goku and his son defeated the evil garlic junor with the help of Piccolo Kami and the greatest Ally known to mankind the sex master and Kung Fu Legend Krillin yeah okay so I'm going to have to stop you right there first question why would he summon the dead zone the only thing that could defeat him okay you know I wrote myself into a corner with that whole immortality thing pretty much regretted it immediately after second question and I mean no offense why exactly were you there I do bring a certain humanistic Edge to the setting and why did you write yourself getting peed on the better question is how much would you pay me to get peed on E You're Gonna Go Far in this business oh my God Sky Gina okay all right sure I like that this is the second one in a row that's been like a a story that was told by somebody like after the fact but it's all made up like it's the second time and they fell for it again 7 billion zeni in its first week due to krillin's lack of foresight however as well as a conf contractor received no money from the film and was stricken from the credits he now lives broke as the day he was born at Comic house of course all right yep he's stuck in the dead zone good for him that's unfortunate for that dude all right I feel like there used to be a song here but uh it seems like it got struck or something cuz this is oddly silent um I'm just waiting to see if there's anything else that might happen it doesn't look like it all right oh see there's the song it's back 100,000 subscribers all right I knew that there used to be a song there tell all right again I can't believe they got me again they got me again with a fake story which at least you know does prove that that uh at least that did does um calm me down a little bit that I don't have to worry about it apparently this was the first one I should have watched except for like it was the movie It's it looks like uh on the playlist it's movie one but on the list I was looking at like what order should I watch these in it was the last one so I guess this is extra extra prequel um but again just a a fake story okay well I think this is this was the last of the the big movies so I'm done with them now great I do hope you have all enjoyed the these the series I really have been too so I'm really excited to get back into the meat of the story itself and not the supplemental things but hopefully this will help me with various uh um and I and now have now realizing that this is set prior to a lot of what I've seen um before that makes a lot more sense like Piccolo uh because Piccolo is not yet Gohan's fave it will happen eventually but it is not yet Gohan's fave um I know I noticed that his like outfit was the same as it was early on but I feel like he got some of that back by the end of by by the end of like season two like he got his tail back and stuff so it's like I just kind of assumed that it could be later but again because it's not real it could be anytime at all I enjoyed it hope you did too I will see you all in the next one [Music] [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Chicago Reacts
Views: 7,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, reacts, reaction, reacted, chicago, youtube, experience, reaction time, reaction video, react to, reacts to, real estate, insurance, money, tech, gaming, software
Id: mctGiaJsio8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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