Laura Hackett Park - 818 The Sign Gathering 2021

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stay in that place stay engaged what i want to ask lord hector parker come up so we've hit on cleanse yourself just dealing with our heart issues dealing with our idolatry but you also have to take responsibility for your anointing that's your oil [Music] couldn't think of a better person to help us understand the importance of that aspect and lord or take like 10 minutes to share into this we can just let's have let's just take one moment let's just wait just one minute with the holy spirit just in quietness i just feel like he wants to do a little bit of a reset for us thank you god thank you guys thank you for the increase thank you for another wave thank you god come pour the oil come make a mess come and break through all the disappointments [Music] come pour the oil make a mess come and wash off all the disappointments make a mess come and break through all the disappointments come pour the oil make a mess come and wash off all the disappointments oh thank you i thank you father that your oil makes me slick so the bitterness can't stick i thank you father that your oil makes me slick so the bitterness can't stick come pour the oil make a come and break through all the disappointments pour the oil make a mess come and wash off all the disappointments i thank you father that your oil makes me sleep the bitterness can't stick your mercy makes me slack the bitterness can't stay and nobody's gonna stand when the oil comes every one of us on the floor nobody's gonna be able to stand when the oil comes every one of us on the floor let them coat you let them coat you you need it you need it you need it you need the oil the oil is essential for the waiting for the delay the oil is essential for the delay you know we've all read matthew 25 the the foolish and the wise versions and this is the church you know the foolish the foolish virgins are not it's not the world it's the church they all are they're going out to meet the bridegroom so they bring their lamps and their oil but the foolish didn't bring extra oil because they didn't prepare for the delay for the waiting the oil is essential for the delay and we're all in that tension of the delay we all know it you know you know it that heaviness that wake up oh trying to press through the voice of the accuser where the sleepiness of the spirit of the age is upon us all but god is going to wake up his church there is going to be an awakening like marcella's dream wake up i'm so glad you're awake you know there is going to be an awakening but those that don't have the oil in the waiting jesus says this is so painful just stare at it with me if you have your bible in matthew 25 this is so painful he says they they didn't have enough oil they look to the wise virgins give us some of your oil i'm sorry i only have enough for me oil doesn't work like that and so they have to go go buy some for yourself try to go get some quickly you know i don't know what else to say to you get it do it as quick as you can and so they go to buy it while they're buying it the bridegroom comes behold the bridegroom's coming you know like oh my gosh he's coming y'all that's the cry that's about to be released across the earth and they go to go to the wedding lord lord let us in let us in and he says go away do i know you do i know you i don't know you what like this is the church this is the church these are the people that were like we're waiting for the second coming of jesus i'm waiting for the second coming jesus are you but they didn't get the oil for the delay so there's a couple things i want to say it's like my heart is so full in this but first i want to say you know how we like to name drop you know in our culture it's like oh i know this person you know i do it too you know it's like i know them you know and but when they walk in the room the true nature of your relationship is revealed you know like you can tell all your friends oh i know them yeah we're friends we're friends but when they walk in the room the true nature is like wait i thought you i thought you knew that guy i was like well we said hi once you know all right i met i met him at the meeting or whatever you know i and but i'm asking jesus personally right now do you know me do you know me i don't want to name that i'm alive if i'm dead on the inside and the lord's been walking us through the laodicean church you know about he wants us to be useful but he wants to walk us through the church in sardis as well where he says you have a name you're one of the virgins you're pure and undefiled from the world you're waiting for my second coming you have a name that you're alive but you're dying you're dying and i don't want you to die i don't want you to die so the other thing i want to say is oil is for anybody you don't have to be special you don't have to have a stage you don't have to have a platform you don't have to have influence those things are wonderful but they don't give you oil anyone can get oil the great tragedy in the church is that at the end of the age when the first will be last and the last will be first it's all going to be revealed you know those that really knew him you know and all the names and the lights and the likes and everything is just gonna be like what like who freaking cares does he know you does he know your name has he given you a new name like but oil is for anyone and you don't have to do anything special you really don't these events are wonderful they inspire our faith but this isn't even where you get the oil it's not it's nothing crazy special it's just talking to jesus around his word taking the time and one of the keys that i feel like god has shown me is just to yoke myself to him in serving yoke myself to him you know come to me all you who are weary i'm like god i'm weary i'm a part of this of the generation that's under the sleepiness of the spirit of the age i'm a part of it i'm i'm in this generation you know the sleepiness of the church fathers and i'm just trying to wake up i'm trying to get up on time to show up at the prayer meeting but i'm just going to yoke myself to you in serving and serving like we talk a lot of you know martha gets such a bad rap jesus didn't rebuke her for serving he rebuked her for worrying you know he rebuked her for worrying being worried about many things not serving she could she could have had him there too but i feel like this generation has missed out on being yoked to jesus a yoke is what oxen would wear to pull you know a plow so that god can plan a harvest you know and it's not special work it's not the glamorous but that's where god wants to meet you is like not in the special moments it's in the like moments where all you feel is your pain your bitterness you know your husband makes you angry everyone at the church is so freaking annoying you know i'm sorry maybe it's just me but you know like the church just like you're just like why is everybody so annoying you know and you know whatever you wake up you wake up to your own barrenness you're laid bare of like god you and i both know all i want is fame money and glory sorry you know it's true you know it's like we're just laid bare before him but then you start talking to him you know you start talking to him around his word and then af as time goes by a couple weeks later you're like wow those things that used to really annoy me they aren't i'm okay your oil makes me slick i bitterness can't stick i'm okay you know that leader didn't recognize me oh it wounded me had to spend months and months and months praying for giving sit in the pain forgive forgive forgive but and god's in he's he's all about that i'm all about counseling and i'm so i'm i'm there like that's how i've lived like half my life but at the same time just talk to jesus in his word and you're like i'm okay i'm okay because i get you and i just want to say that's why you want to yoke yourself in servanthood because that's what he does he's a servant and he will never stop being a servant in eternity he's going to serve it's who he is and if you want him and him to say i know you then you get yoked in servanthood serve the body serve the people that he loves serve the leader that won't recognize you serve the one that's jealous of you okay yoke to jesus so last thing i want to say sorry is you have to if you want him to know you you have to know him and there's a book called the apocalypse of jesus the revelation of jesus and it's kind of cryptic and weird and if you really sit and think about it it's kind of like from a horror film the seven-eyed lamb as though it had been slain walks in with all the creatures with eyes all over them crying holy i mean like what is happening and it's really there's a part of me and all of us in the sleepiness of the spirit of the age because he's prowling about like a lion he's trying to destroy you the devil is looking for any open door to destroy you we don't have to fear because greater is he who is in us but you want to make sure that you have the greater he in you you know because otherwise you are going to be lulled to sleep you know so we're all trying to wake up you know yoke yourself to jesus serve the church you know show up at the prayer meeting show up at that early morning prayer meeting you know or late night one whatever it is you know we're just trying to yoke ourselves and the devil's weighing heavy lord and jesus is like do you want to know me i have a book that kind of talks about what i want to do and i want friends with me i want friends that know me that know me don't just know some figment of who they think i am or what they want me to be or what the culture says i am oh jesus he's just so kind to everybody y'all jesus is a warrior and he's coming back to judge all sin unrighteousness i mean it's intense and i feel like so many of us treat the book of revelation like it's for the smart people yeah they'll get it they'll get it and then when they give me little tidbits you know but like it's not it's not for anyone special like this is for i mean you guys are real special this is a special group but this is for me you know this is for like little old me and you have to talk to god around here around the book of revelation i just want to say it like don't leave it for the scholars because god wants to talk to you and it's not about getting all the information and being able to be like i know what's going to happen but do you know do you know the man in red that's coming back do you know what he is going to do do you know the kind of rebukes that he's giving the church right before he comes have you received the rebuke from him have you talked to him around his rebukes to the seven churches because he wants to talk to you and there is oil to be had and this is the oil that we need in the delay this is the oil that we need in the delay so i guess that's it i mean it's like i just want to sing one more time over you pour the oil make a mess come and break through all the disappointments pour the oil make a mess come and wash off all the disappointments part of the oil make a mess come and break through all the disappointments pour the oil make a mess come and wash off all the disappointments i thank you father that your oil makes me slack the bitterness can stick he's gonna do it in this generation he's gonna do it in this generation and those of us that have oil lord countess worthy are going to actually anoint jesus for his second coming we're gonna be his midwives he's gonna cry out like a woman in labor and bring forth a new heaven and a new earth and we're going to anoint him with our worship lord count us worthy thank you so much lord so powerful i heard a preacher say once talking about mary pouring out of oil but then jesus turns around and says everywhere that this woman is what this woman is going to be talked about all around the world and so her reputation basically gets totally changed she was once known as a prostitute but now she's known as a propagator prominent of the gospel of jesus christ then he says this we always want to memorialize the people who are anointed but jesus he memorializes the people who are the anointers in his graciousness he pours out on us so we can pour out on him yeah so here's what we're going to do this time period for the next 20 minutes pull out your bible or turn on your bible spend time with the word we're going to worship and we're going to get slick you can open up the revelation or wherever else the lord tells you but let's get slick for 20 minutes receive
Channel: Arrowhead Music
Views: 2,238
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tjI5VLhdXog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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